Jax Donovan and Farrah Welsh

November 30, 2016 10:01 PM

What a mess (Tag Tess) by Jax Donovan and Farrah Welsh

Jax was getting antsy. It was almost time to go home for the holidays and as much as Jax liked to act like he didn’t really care about a lot of things, the one thing he cared the most for was his mother (and his sister). He always worried about her when they were away at school. Was she remembering to eat? She wasn’t drinking too much, was she (he knew his mother thought she was being secretive about her drinking, but Jax could usually smell it on her)? Were the men at the diner bothering her without him around? Was she happy?

He didn’t like being away from her for too long, but Sonora did exactly that. His mother would be annoyed with him if she knew just how often he fretted over her being alone, but he couldn’t help it. He was the same with Gia, especially lately. She seemed so down about something but she refused to talk to him about it. Everyone really seemed down lately, if he was being honest and he didn’t understand it. Was it some sort of weird girl thing? At least Joella didn’t seem to be effected by it. Of course, when they were together, they weren’t really doing much talking anyway.

Since it was Thursday, it meant that the MARS sports room was being used by the Archery Club, so he decided to go out for a run instead and get rid of some of this extra energy. He was halfway through the library, looking down as he put his wand in his holder, Jax crashed into a cart full of books and the poor little girl holding on to it, sending the two of them and all the books crashing to the floor. He landed hard on top of the cart. After his initial moment of pain, a feeling of panic and horror flooded him as he thought he might have killed the little girl who he had run into, but as he quickly stood up and looked under the cart, he spotted her next to it looking a bit dazed but otherwise alive.

“I apologize; I was not looking where I was going.” Jax immediately began, holding out his hand for her to take so that he could help her up. “Are you alright?”

Farrah took his outstretched hand and stood up. Brushing off her robes, she looked down at herself just to verify she was indeed alright. “Yeah, I think so.” She replied, feeling embarrassed and knowing that there were a few people currently staring at them. “I just fell over; you didn’t knock into me or anything.” She had seen the guy in her common room. He was the reserved sort, like quite a few of the other Aladrens that she was becoming acquainted with. He was built like one of the football guys back home and had they been at home, he’d definitely be one of the popular sort.

She could feel the color rise to her cheeks as he looked her over to make sure that she was okay. She appreciated his concern, but she was really okay. As an ice skater, she was constantly falling down onto the ice and bruising herself up. This wasn’t much different from that. “I’m really okay, I swear.” She replied, trying not to sound nervous that the older boy was standing in front of her.

“Let me help with the cleanup.” He offered, pulling the cart back onto its wheels. That was what was most embarrassing for Farrah. Since it was exam cram time, the library was always busy with students trying to study that there were books constantly being piled up onto the tables that people couldn’t seem to put back where they found. Farrah, being a Library Assistant, wanted to help out her fellow Assistants, so when she had free time and happened to be in the library, she would often go around to empty tables and put the books onto the cart. She had been doing it that evening when this happened.

“Oh no, that’s alright.” Farrah said quickly as he went to begin picking up the books. “I work in here, so I can do this part. Please, I’ll be okay. You seemed like you were in a hurry.”

Jax hesitated for a moment. He didn’t like leaving her to pick up his mess, but she was so insistent and he really did want to go run. “Well, if you are completely sure?” He asked but she just nodded and told him to go. He was about to leave when another girl came into the picture.

“Hi.” Farrah said, looking embarrassed. Tess was one of those girls that Arianna sometimes hung out with and Farrah didn’t want to hear her roommate making fun of her should she find out about this. “We had a little spill, but I’ll clean it up, I promise, Tess.” Farrah said quickly.
6 Jax Donovan and Farrah Welsh What a mess (Tag Tess) 344 Jax Donovan and Farrah Welsh 1 5

Tess Whittaker

December 13, 2016 11:04 AM

A helping hand by Tess Whittaker

Tess found herself idly humming as she put books away on the shelf, which always brought a smile to her face. Whilst not especially musical, she often found herself with a song in her head, normally when doing a fairly mindless task, such as reshelving. Not that she minded the repetitiveness of it! Tess enjoyed her work in the library. It was a small yet important job she could do to help others in the school and, besides, she liked libraries. They were definitely the sort of place her father liked, and so Tess had learned to love them too.

She had just finished her stack of books when she heard a crash from somewhere else in the library. Feeling vaguely responsible – both for the books and for any people -, as she was on duty, she hastened to the scene. She arrived to see Farrah and a boy she recognised as Gia Donovan’s brother, surrounded by a large array of books.

Tess knew Farrah, both from classes and also a little bit from outside class, and she considered the other girl to be one of her friends, even though they weren’t particularly close. Therefore she was surprised by Farrah’s response to her arrival, which seemed to be sort of defensive.

“No worries,” she replied, trying to set Farrah at ease. She didn’t know what the younger girl had a problem with, but she was sure Farrah hadn’t been at fault, and didn’t want her to think Tess was going to go complaining to one of the Monitors. Tess wouldn’t do that even if there had been a problem, preferring to sort things out herself rather than just telling tales. “I’ll give you a hand, I’ve just finished some reshelving,” she offered, not wanting Farrah to have to sort it all out by herself, and not sure if the older boy was waiting around to help or just awkwardly standing there.

“Are you both okay?” she asked, realising that there could have been potential for injury in whatever had happened. They seemed alright, and would probably already be on their way to the hospital wing if either of them had been seriously hurt, but she felt she should check anyway.
9 Tess Whittaker A helping hand 338 Tess Whittaker 0 5

Farrah (and a bit of Jax)

December 24, 2016 3:35 PM

is always appreciated by Farrah (and a bit of Jax)

Farrah felt so embarrassed by the whole thing. If she had just moved the cart out of the way, then the older Aladren wouldn’t have accidentally run into it in the first place and made such a scene. She was so dumb sometimes and then things like this happened… it was a no wonder people made fun of her. She could never do anything right!

“It was my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going and knocked everything over.” The older Aladren said, causing Farrah to look up at him. She had thought that he had left. “I am alright though. Are you sure you don’t need me to help?” He asked Farrah, his cold blue eyes looking down at her causing her to shiver. He wasn’t looking at her in any way other than concern, but Farrah had always thought that he was kind of a mean guy because he was usually alone in the common room and seemed to glare at people. But now that they had this encountered, she had realized that she had been wrong. The intensity of his eyes was nothing more than concern and she felt guilty for thinking negatively about him. She tried to be open minded about things, but she apparently hadn’t quite stepped out of that box just yet.

“I’ll be fine, thank you.” Farrah said again. He nodded to both girls and moved off to work out. “I’m alright, I sort of fell away from the mess, so I didn’t get hurt or anything.” She said to Tessa, answering her question. Farrah lifted the cart up with a quiet moan and began to place the books back on it. “I was just trying to help since I had the time, but I ended up making more of a mess because of it.” Farrah admitted sheepishly. “Sorry about all the noise and again about the mess.”
6 Farrah (and a bit of Jax) is always appreciated 344 Farrah (and a bit of Jax) 0 5