Lena Westley

August 31, 2014 3:57 AM
Lena had technically met five people in her first week of being a library assistant, not including Keme who she, although hadn't spoken to since, had met in Labyrinth gardens last year. She wasn't good at initiating conversation, so when Tuesday and Wednesday's assistants and monitors simply introduced themselves, made the appropriate chit chat- which always made her uncomfortable- and went about their own duties she let them go and engaged no further in the social opportunities the job presented.

Today was different- Clark was working, and although Lena didn't know him well he was the closest thing to a friend she had. Which was just a little bit discouraging. If you're able to count on one hand the number of conversations you've had with a person and they still come up as the most friendly acquaintance you have one has to wonder if they're doing something wrong. Lena definitely was but wasn't aware of the fact. Olivier recently having made his concerns regarding her social life clear, the thought should have occurred to her but it still escaped her. Although not explicitly thinking Clark being on duty was a good thing, she was a little bit happier than usual. She didn't recognize her slight change of mood and so the reason was left buried in her subconscious.

OOC: Sorry this is a day late, school came up; To Clark, who seems to be fairly active, I tagged you for that very reason and Lena really needs friends. Hope you don't mind :]
7 Lena Westley Friday Shift (Tag Clark) 279 Lena Westley 1 5

OOC Lena Westley

August 31, 2014 4:02 AM
It is Saturday still for me but I forgot the time difference will make this seem even later than I originally thought. I'll write another post later for the actual "Sunday" shift later today. Apologies in advance for the confusion that might follow
7 OOC Lena Westley Time Zone Difference 279 OOC Lena Westley 0 5

Clark Dill

September 02, 2014 1:11 PM
OOC: No problem. Due to fuzzy time, the Real Life day of the week doesn't matter at all. We're in whatever day/time you set in your narrative. So welcome to Friday! BIC:

Clark's first week as a library assistant was exhausting. Not so much from the work required as the late hours. On his days off on Tuesday and Wednesday, he'd gone to bed at 8pm to make up for his lost sleep on Monday and the anticipation of lost sleep the following four nights. He hoped on Saturday and Sunday the monitors would take pity on him and let him serve the first half of the second shift and go to bed at a decent hour, but today was still Friday. Fortunately, the next day did not involve any classes, so he could sleep in as long as Quidditch practice allowed.

Of course, getting up was never a problem for him. Clark was the very definition of a morning person. He just had a tendency to start crashing around 8:30 at night and staying up until 9:45 was nigh on near to impossible for him. He'd fallen asleep outright on Monday's shift and, yesterday, he'd been all but a zombie when he trudged up to bed after begging off early. It was downright fortuitous that the Aladren dorms were so close to the library else he probably would have collapsed in a hallway someplace last night and slept on the floor until morning.

However, crashing time was still an hour or so away, so he was still bright-eyed and bushy tailed as the shift started and he greeted the other assistants and monitors cheerfully.

As the broke apart with their assignments for the night, Clark fell into step with Lena as he carried his stack of books to return to their shelves. "Heya, Lena," he began cheerfully, careful to keep his voice lowered because this was, above all, a library. "How has your first week back been?"
1 Clark Dill TGIF 277 Clark Dill 0 5

Lena Westley

September 06, 2014 6:45 PM
"Hi, Clark. It was good; how was yours?" Lena replied, slightly smiling. Her first week hadn't been too eventful, there was a class learning about dodos that she found interesting and had sat in on in the shadows, but other than that classes were remarkably uninteresting, especially considering the classes' materials were all fantastic in nature. But writing an essay in magical ink, although once thrilling, was rather dull now.

"I saw you're on the Quidditch team this year. How do you like it?" Genuinely interested, but still not a big talker, she hoped Clark would be brimming with conversation. He seemed lively today, too. She couldn't recall seeing him in any other state than the current, and she liked that about him. He was almost always smiling, whereas Lena rarely did, and it was so meek when she did that it didn't make an obvious difference in appearance.

When he started talking Lena looked away from him- when he spoke he seemed to smile even more, and although that wasn't unpleasant she couldn't look for too long. She started re-shelving as he talked and, still not looking at him, murmured "oh"s and "I see" at the appropriate times. When it came time for a more in depth reply, she fumbled with her remaining stack and turned her gaze back to him for a few seconds before she started.
7 Lena Westley Re: TGIF 279 Lena Westley 0 5