Henny B-F-R

August 05, 2013 2:43 PM

Monitoring the library by Henny B-F-R

Henny wove between the shelves, stacking books. There were usually a lot of returns just after the holidays, so her library monitor sessions had been fairly busy. One reason she enjoyed the duty was it gave her thinking time. Not that she wasn't thinking most of the time, far from it – there was reading to be done, homework to be worked on, etc etc. But when she was working in the library, she could let her mind wonder in a way that it couldn't when she was actively working on a task. The work was enough occupation to justify her not actively pursuing any of those other areas but easy enough that she could mull over other things.

She mulled over Charlie as she worked. She thought she knew what was up, and she guessed it had been coming for a while. Charlie had been living in this sweet and innocent bubble where he thought the best of everyone, and one of those had finally burst. He'd understood, for the first time, the meaning behind their grandfather's gruff attitude. She'd tried her best to reassure him but, as he wouldn't really open up about it, she could only give general reassurance. She supposed he would come to her when he was ready. She was keeping a distant eye on him in the meantime, and he seemed to be doing better since they'd come back to school. He was such a social butterfly and had never been short of friends (even if he'd usually also had as many enemies). She was sure they'd help to pull him through.

She levitated a few books up to a high shelf, finishing the load she'd had with her. She glanced at her watch. It was only five minutes until her shift was due to end. Getting another armful would take longer than that to put back but she felt bad skipping out early.

“One more lot, then Potions homework...” she told herself, turning back to head towards the trolley, and finding that she wasn't the only one within earshot.
13 Henny B-F-R Monitoring the library 211 Henny B-F-R 1 5

Clara Abernathy

August 06, 2013 9:19 PM

Can I be of assistance? by Clara Abernathy

Clara made her way up to the Library as quickly as possible. She had checked out a couple of books weeks back for homework purposes, but thanks to her cousin Amira’s crazy practice schedule she hadn’t had the chance to return them yet. Now was as good of a time as any since they didn’t have a practice slotted for that day. Thank goodness for small favors she thought to herself as she made her way up to the library. She had been meaning to get up to the Library since she had signed up to be an assistant, but hadn’t managed to do so thanks to classes and practice. If her cousin hadn’t been making them drill soo hard and for so long she might have been able to make it sooner. As it was, she barely had time to get homework completed let alone get anything else done. With the game against Aladren starting in the morning she wasn’t likely to find time again to help out in the Library until after the game was over. Clara sighed as she thought about the game. She was not only going to be playing against her cousin Addison, but also her boyfriend Lucian. Not to mention the Carey twins she had heard a lot about. Clara shook away thoughts of the game as she focused on the work ahead. Volunteering for duty in the Library right now was exactly what she needed to take her mind off of things.

Clara made it into the Library and made her way to the front desk. Not seeing anyone readily available so she could check her books in, she carried them with her to see if she could find one of the monitors to help her. She wasn’t entirely certain if she was actually allowed to check in her own books. Maybe the monitor would know the answer to that question. She walked down a couple of the aisles and still had yet to fins anyone. She was about to call out when she spotted a book floating in the aisle next to her. She glanced down the aisle and spotted Henny putting away some of the books. I thinks she’s a monitor she said to herself as she made her way closer. She was about to ask Henny if she was allowed to check in her own books when she heard Henny say something. “One more load and then Potions homework” Henny said to herself. Clara had been close enough at that point to hear her comment and coughed slightly. She was fairly certain Henny had heard her because she appeared to be looking in Clara’s direction. Clara walked to the other side of the book cart and smiled at the Prefect.

“Sounds like you have your hands full,” Clara commented lightly, still smiling at the older girl. “I couldn’t help overhearing. Sorry about that. I’m Clara…I signed up to be one of the assistants although until now I haven’t had the chance to do it.” She laughed lightly, still holding onto her own books. “I was hoping to be able to get these checked in that I checked out a while back, but I wasn’t sure if I could do it myself. Can we actually check in our own books?” she asked. “I wouldn’t mind at all putting those away if you would like to work on your potions stuff,” Clara offered cheerfully gesturing towards the book cart. “Would actually give me the chance to do what I signed up for. That is if you don’t mind,” she added, still smiling.
0 Clara Abernathy Can I be of assistance? 232 Clara Abernathy 0 5