Librarian DiAnna Diaz

January 24, 2013 2:55 PM
If anyone were to ask DiAnna her opinion, the librarian would admit that she was excited about the coming term. Not only were the challenges going to start up within the next month or so, but she also had an exciting opportunity to develop the library. One of the ancient tapestries that hung in the library had been removed over the summer for cleaning and repairs, but the process had not been completed in time for the start of term, and DiAnna had returned to the school to discover a large, blank space on the wall nearest her desk. The imagery of a blank canvas had leapt instantly to mind, and, after a conversation with Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau, DiAnna decided that the students could help her to fill the space. Therefore, in addition to the usual duties of assisting her with book returns and the like, library monitors and assistant would be able to express some creativity as they constructed a miniature exhibition of sorts.

Pushing Midnight gently off the parchament she had laid out for the purpose, DiAnna set about writing the sign-up sheet to pin up as she'd done at the start of the past several years. It was written in black ink with a neat, black border, decorated by the occasional star. It read:

Students are welcome to volunteer to assist Miss Diaz in the library. There are two roles for you to consider: Library Monitors will help to check books in and out, organize the stacks, answer student queries, and complete occasional errands for the librarian. With fewer responsibilities, Library Assistants will place returned books back to their correct position in the stacks, and help the Library Monitors where necessary. In addition, volunteers are invited to offer input for a new visual display at the entrance to the library. If you would like to be considered for either of these roles, please register your interest by signing your name, year, and role preference below. If you have any questions, please see Miss Diaz.

Reading it over, she decided the notice was far too long winded,but it was too late to re-write it now. Beneath the notice, DiAnna pinned a blank piece of parchment to enable sign-ups, stuck the whole notice to the board at the entrance to the library, and then went back to her office to discover the destruction midnight had created in her short absence.
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Waverly Canterbury

January 29, 2013 5:11 AM
For the last three years, Waverly had been helping out in the library. She had always been placed as a Library Assistant, but this year she hoped Ms. Diaz would place her as a monitor. She was a fourth-year now and she could take the extra responsibility. Since the Baking Club was currently on hiatus because of all the challenges going on, she would have more time to spend here. She loved the library so much and her delight in magic was renewed when she came here. Also when she went to class, but mostly at the library.

When the sign up sheet went up, Waverly made her way there with her pen in hand. She signed her name and wondered if her younger sister would join. Wendy was less responsible, but maybe she'd like to work in the library too. She thought she should try and find her sister one of these days. She hadn't really seen much of her lately. With that thought in mind, Waverly put her orange backpack on and waltzed out of the library, a sealed letter to Brandon in her pack as well as the library book she had just checked out.

Waverly Canterbury, fourth-year, Library Monitor
19 Waverly Canterbury Here once again 218 Waverly Canterbury 0 5

Alicia Bauer

January 29, 2013 3:37 PM
She had, Alicia was prepared to admit, made some mistakes in her first three years at Sonora. She hadn’t done enough. She hadn’t been involved in enough activities, she hadn’t lead enough activities, and she had paid the price for it: other girls had gotten her awards last year. Why that should be when those girls were not in anything more than she was, she had no idea, but it had happened, and this year, she had to counter it. If she wanted to get anywhere, she was going to have to soar so high she couldn’t even see the ground.

She was ready for it. She had, after all, been born for this. She could do it. It was just a matter of seizing every opportunity that came her way to show everyone, as clearly as was possible, that she was the best.

With that in mind, she had spent the whole summer thinking ahead, with most of the time she was forced to spend at her father’s being spent bent over sheets of flimsy paper with a package of colored pencils, drawing up different potential schedules. Most of them had been rendered useless as soon as she heard about the challenges and saw her new syllabi, so now she was using the time when she was too tired to study, her downtime, entertaining herself by drawing them all up again.

The one thing which was giving her pause was the library, because that took up more time than any other activity and she had more to do than at any other time in her educational career so far. With the way classes fell out this year, so she didn’t get out until five or five fifteen, she only had four hours she could go out in on weeknights to get things done, because she had one free period a week. A lot of studying could be done in the fifteen minutes between classes, if she worked it right, but it was still going to be an interesting challenge. When the sign-up sheet appeared, she had to write down a note to talk to Thad about shifts and weekend time in the library and such to be sure she’d remember it before she went to sign herself - Alicia Bauer, 4th Year, Library Monitor - up for the year, frowning slightly at Waverly’s name appearing on the list first. She really was going to have to watch that girl.
16 Alicia Bauer Here again. 210 Alicia Bauer 0 5

Henny B-F-R

February 03, 2013 4:01 PM
Henny was well placed, being an Aladren, to notice when the sign up sheet for library monitors and assistants went up. She would have read it over anyway – she was in the habit of reading things before signing her name on them, even if she thought she knew what to expect – as it seemed longer than usual. Visual display. That was interesting and she was not entirely sure that it was her forte, as Reggie's direction of their astronomy project had proven the previous year. Still, she liked the idea of them getting to contribute something to the library, something slightly more permanent and personal than the help they offered. And if they were doing it as a group, she was sure it would be within her capabilities. She couldn't have made a display all by herself but she would be glad to contribute to one. She also thought it would be interesting to see Miss Diaz doing something more creative, as Henny suspected she would be rather good at it. The librarian was a bit of a mystery to her as, in Henny's mind, anyone who ran a library would have to be a logical person with a love of learning. That didn't really co-exist comfortably to her with specialising in Divination, and she was curious to see whether the project would fill in some of the gaps, or at least explain the librarian a little more to her.

She signed up to be a library monitor. It was usually around fourth year that people elevated to that position, depending on how many older students were involved and she had always been happy to offer to do extra jobs if they looked like they needed doing. She had also always been fond of the fiction section but had increasingly regarded it as 'her area' since founding the book club. As she headed off for breakfast, her mind was shuffling through the books on its shelves, wondering whether there was anything else she could do for it and trying to work out how it should be represented in the installation. It was difficult – after all, it could easily warrant an entire mural to itself.
13 Henny B-F-R Monitoring the situation 211 Henny B-F-R 0 5

Thaddeus Pierce

February 11, 2013 1:18 PM
That Thaddeus Pierce would sign up as a library monitor volunteer had never been in question. Firstly, he loved the library and he spent more time here than in his own dorm room. Secondly, the other volunteers were a good group of people with whom he enjoyed conversing. Thirdly, and possibly most importantly, he wanted to be Prefect next year and Head Boy two year after that, and this was an excellent opportunity to display leadership and civic responsibility. Not to mention, the two people he considered his greatest Prefect rivals, Alicia and Henny, were already on the sign up sheet before he got there, which he made him feel both pleased and frustrated. Pleased, because they were two of the people he liked best among the library volunteers. Frustrated, because he wanted his name listed earlier than theirs. He didn't even get in ahead of Waverly who wasn't even an Aladren. To be fair, though, the Pecari had somehow beat both Alicia and Henny as well.

He wasted no time in getting his name down fourth on the list. He hoped to get Monitor, but the only other names signed up all wanted it as well and they were all in the same year. At least he had Team Deputy Captain - as he had dubbed himself when David hadn't specified his precise role - for the Challenges if he didn't get it. That had to count for something, especially if their team did as well as he thought they would.

Thaddeus Pierce, Fourth Year, Monitor

Once his name was there for all to see, he read through the fine print since Miss Diaz had written more than she usually did in the introduction. The regular duties, described first, sounded unchanged, but there was somethimg new this year. He thought he would mention it to Evan since it sounded up his roommate's alley.

He wasn't sure how much input he'd be able to provide for a visual display, since he was aware that creativity was not really one of his strengths, but he figured he could at least help brainstorm and offer advice if preliminary designs looked too busy or something.
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