Talitha Cumni

December 17, 2007 1:10 AM

Forecasting a very busy future by Talitha Cumni

In the meantime, she needed Advanced Charms (well, that was okay), Advanced DADA (to know how to recognize curse illness and injuries, that was fine too), and Advanced Potions (yuck) . That was all well and good, but she also wanted to take Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes and Divination because all three subjects really fascinated her. Overall, she enjoyed school and her grades were fairly decent, but if she took on all three elective courses next year, that would mean ten, no eleven classes.

Talitha shook her head slowly. How did Mother do it being home schooled? How did Grandpa and Nana pull it off? She made a mental note to ask her in her next letter home. If Talitha took all the classes she had to and all the classes she wanted to, she would cease to have a life. Her entire time at school would be taken up by studying. So much for joining any clubs. Forget soccer and Noveling Fury. So much for having any fun at all. Still, she really wanted to try to pull it off because she really didn’t want to cross anything off her list with the exception of Potions and that wasn’t possible.

Perhaps she should just talk to Professor Powell or Medic Wolfe. They would be able to help her decide which classes would benefit her in the future the most. Talitha gave a weary chuckle. Even if she didn’t make it into Healer’s training, nobody could argue that she wouldn’t have a very well rounded education. She rested her head in the crook of her arm, already tired just thinking about her immediate future.

“Just do me a favor.” Talitha said to the person across the table from her. “Tell me I’m not crazy… at least not yet.”
0 Talitha Cumni Forecasting a very busy future 102 Talitha Cumni 1 5

Adam Brockert

December 17, 2007 4:30 AM

It's not so bad. (Wotw) by Adam Brockert

The library had to be Adam's favorite place at Sonora. He loved to read and there were plenty of places to hide. That was precisely what he was going to do today, sit in his favorite corner of the library and read.

That was when he saw his friend. Adam had felt bad about leaving so quickly the last time they talked. He really hoped Talitha wasn't mad at him for it. He hadn't necessarily wanted to stop talking to her, it was just that he really had to finish his essay. Professor Taylor was strict and Adam didn't want to face her wrath if his essay wasn't done to the highest of standards. He could just picture her trying to smite students who were not working up to their potential. (Of course Adam tended to think his own was fairly low in most things but he was pretty decent at school work.)

Adam approached Talitha nervously. He was about to ask if he could sit down when she spoke. There was something else he kind of wanted to ask her as well, but he couldn't have been more anxious about that. What if Adam screwed it up or she laughed at him?

“Tell me I’m not crazy… at least not yet.”

He looked at her startled. Adam had no idea where that was coming from. He certainly had never thought Talitha was crazy. "Of course you aren't." He smiled at her, nervously. "Hey, um, I'm sorry I ran off last time. I really needed to get that essay done. I hope you aren't mad at me." Adam looked down at the ground. He didn't want to lose one of the few friends he had.
11 Adam Brockert It's not so bad. (Wotw) 78 Adam Brockert 0 5


December 17, 2007 7:48 PM

I hope you're right! by Talitha

Talitha giggled as Adam reassured her that she remained sane for the moment. She sat up and stretched her arms high above her head luxuriously. Already feeling better, her smile widened at her newest friend, dimples deepening. When Adam mention that he was worried she was mad at him for leaving, she abruptly came to attention. The last thing she wanted was to worry him that he did something wrong. She had been truly disappointed that he left the conversation the other day, but she wasn’t angry. Actually, she was very glad to see him. An older, more experienced opinion on classes might come in handy.

“No, I wasn’t mad.” Talitha reassured him. “Why should I be when you had homework to do. Especially in charms! That new teacher is not near as fun as Professor McKindy.” She leaned forward, wanting to confide in him without being overheard.

“I get the feeling that you so do not want to make her mad!” She whispered, her large brown eyes widening.

“I was just looking over what I should be taking class-wise and what I want to take and they keep bumping into each other.” Talitha showed him the list. “I also can’t decide which electives to sign up for next year, because I want to take them all. Of course, if I sign up for everything, I can kiss anything I might want to do for fun goodbye. I could try to do it, but between schedules and studying, free time would be at an all time low. I could just try to have as much fun as I can this year to store up. I don’t know. What do you think?”
0 Talitha I hope you're right! 0 Talitha 0 5

Adam B.

December 21, 2007 11:30 AM

Me too by Adam B.

Adam couldn't help but smile when Talitha shared her opinion of the new Charms teacher.The woman seriously intimidated him. Not that Adam wanted to admit to Talitha that she did. "No," he agreed. "You certainly don't." He would personally bet that his younger sister was going to be the first to get her that way too. As for Adam, he really didn't want to make anyone mad but Professor Taylor was at the top of that list (along with Professor O'Leary, his roommate, Chelsea, Lily, Morgaine Carey and any of his friends.)

He leaned back in his seat, relaxing a bit since Talitha wasn't mad that he'd left the other day and even seemed glad to see him. That was a new experience for Adam, having someone other than Kaylie or Marshall who wanted him around. It was still a bit shocking to him. He'd never really blamed those who didn't like him, since Adam felt he was inferior in almost every way, particularily when it came to social skills. He was pretty sure that the only way he could be more socially inept was if he greeted someone with a grunt, a punch or a hex, so it never failed to surprise him when someone actually liked being around him.

"Well," Adam began, slightly worried suddenly. What if what he said wasn't helpful and Talitha didn't like him anymore? "I myself am taking everything currently. I'm even a bit of a similar situation next term, because of CATS," he confessed. "See, there are classes I really like, such as History of Magic and Ancient Runes, but they don't have much to do with making wands. There are also some I'd love to drop, such as Defense, that I may need." Adam looked thoughtful. "Also, how much you take also depends on how much you can handle. I mean, I do okay, really, but both Kaylie and our cousin, Lily, didn't handle it quite so well." There was also the fact that Adam picked up on academic stuff quickly and rather enjoyed studying and learning and reading. It made him feel competent at something, which in turn made him feel a little better in general. Kaylie, on the other hand, ended up getting quite stressed and Lily must have too, since she had seemed even scarier and more foul-tempered than usual.
11 Adam B. Me too 78 Adam B. 0 5


December 23, 2007 1:14 PM

Me Three! by Talitha

Talitha sighed. While she appreciated Adam’s advice, she wondered if she wouldn't feel better discussing it with an adult. The question was, which adult?

“I guess next year will be year to experiment and see if I can handle a totally full course load.” Talitha glared down at the long list of classes. Her imagination painted pictures of reams of parchment, lakes of ink, flocks of birds with their tail feathers missing, and towers of textbooks. “If I can’t, then I’ll drop the electives in my fourth year so I won’t have to worry about so many CATS tests in my fifth.

“Anyway, this will so be the year for fun! I’m going to do anything, join in everything, that looks the least bit interesting. I might even learn to play soccer!” She laughed. “I vow to have a life before transforming myself into a bookworm.”

Truth be told, Talitha loved studying. She loved learning new things. Each new discovery was like an adventure, sometimes a discovery would lead to a twist in the road of her old ways of thinking and make her puzzle and brood over it until her head was sore. Somehow, the things that challenged her established point of view were the most fun to ponder.

“Do you take art classes during break?” Talitha asked. There were no art classes offered at Sonora and she couldn’t imagine a wand maker who carved wood, sometimes very rare and expensive wood, wouldn’t take some sort of artistic training. Perhaps Adam didn’t need to. Maybe, he was just naturally talented.

She still wondered what prompted Chrissy to be suspicious of Adam. Sure he was older and fairly nice looking, one might even say he was cute, but he wasn’t full of himself. He seemed so shy that he wouldn’t try anything forward even if the thought should occur to him. Talitha trusted that he was just genuinely nice with no ulterior motives. Perhaps Chrissy hadn’t met anyone like Adam before. Maybe someone hurt her in the past and that colored the way she thought about all boys.\n
0 Talitha Me Three! 0 Talitha 0 5

Adam B.

December 28, 2007 2:03 PM

Me, uh, four? by Adam B.

His face fell as Talitha sighed. Had Adam done something wrong? Said the wrong thing? "I'm sorry," he told her, looking down at his lap. "I mean, if my advice wasn't good." He guessed he could add that to the list of things he was deficient at. Adam hoped she wouldn't stop liking him now. Talitha was one of the few friends he had.

"I guess that's a good idea. I mean about experimenting. Some people just like different things and have different stress levels. Or are stressed out by different things." Adam smiled at her nervously. "Either way, I hope you do have fun this year." But I hope you aren't too busy for hanging out with me , he silently added. What if Talitha got busy with her other friends and activities? Not that Adam didn't want her to have them, of course. He just didn't want to be forgotten about. He was already a little worried about Briony, because she was always hanging out with Saul and Elly. Adam had only just made friends with her too. "And if you are taking all these classes, I can always help you with stuff. Not that you're stupid," Adam quickly added. He didn't want Talitha to think he was insulting her of course. "It's just that, I've um, already taken them. I'm currently taking all the electives."

Mentally he checked over his words. Had he already mentioned that? Would she think he was dorky for being that into school? Adam wasn't sure. After all, she did say she wanted to take all those classes too so maybe she wouldn't.
Or did Talitha think there was something wrong with being a bookworm? He really hoped not. He was a total bookworm himself. It was what he honestly enjoyed.

"No, I've never taken art classes." Adam replied. The thought had never actually occurred to him. He spent a lot of his time reading about the different types of wood and its properties and the cores and theirs. "Maybe I should though. It's a good idea."

Something was still bothering Adam though. He couldn't shake the thought. He had to ask or it would be worrying him all day, possibly longer. "Talitha, do you um, mind that I'm a bookworm?" He stared down at the table, briefly wondering what kind of wood it was made from and the magical properties it contained. Butterflies started to beat in his stomach as he waited for her reply. Adam sincerely hoped she wouldn't have a problem with a guy who would rather read than play Quidditch.
11 Adam B. Me, uh, four? 78 Adam B. 0 5


December 30, 2007 1:50 PM

Five sounds fun by Talitha

Tiffany had a distinct impression that Adam was a lot like Hyana. They were both very much like an incredibly valuable antique. Precious and wonderful, but delicate and could be easily damaged with careless handling. Talitha desperately hoped that Hyana was happy in her new school. She sounded like it in her letters. Talitha was glad for her that she did not enter the school in a company of strangers. Hikaru was there and that would help with the transition. Adam was the one she was concerned with at the moment, however. When Talitha experienced her healing and rediscovered her courage, she found that she was far more empathetic to people who were fighting their own spiritual demons. Adam seemed to have a legion of them.

“No, Adam,” she exclaimed. “Your advice was perfect! I just am a bit scared of all the work! And I am so glad you want to help! Believe me, I’ll be calling on you every chance I get.”

Talitha grinned when he said he hoped he had fun and thought her idea to take art classes was a good idea. She had a feeling that deep down inside there was an artist crying to get out and not just in wand construction either. Adam seemed to have a sensitive soul and they made the best artists.

“I am determined to have fun.” Talitha said. “I want to try everything…except flying. You know what? I’m even going to the ball! Even if I have to go stag! It will be so much fun with the music and food and decorations! This summer, I’m going fishing and hiking every chance I get. I’m going to remember that life is more than school. Then next year, I’ll be able to study like crazy and not worry about what I’m missing out on and, if you still want to …” Talitha colored a little. It was still amazing to her that Adam had even talked to her like she wasn’t some little kid. “…I know I will so appreciate your help.”

His last question took Talitha by surprise. Her mouth dropped open a bit and her big brown eyes opened as wide as they could. She blinked a couple of times in disbelief. How could he even worry about that after all they talked about.

“Of course it doesn’t bother me, Adam.” Talitha said, unconsciously reaching across the table to place her hand on her friend’s hand to reassure him. “I love studying and I think its so awesome that you want to help me! If you didn’t like learning, you wouldn’t have offered. I’m really glad you like to learn! Really! And,” Her dimples deepened as she smiled shyly. She wanted to say so much more, but she didn‘t know how without it feeling hokey. “Thank you. I’m glad we’re friends.”
0 Talitha Five sounds fun 0 Talitha 0 5

Adam B.

January 03, 2008 4:45 PM

What about six? by Adam B.

"Oh, good." Adam replied, feeling a bit better. He was sure his advice had been awful, of course. What did he know about anything that wasn't one of his courses? Especially people and the way they worked. "It's okay to be scared of a lot of work though." He didn't want her to feel anxious or think there was anything wrong with being a bit intimidated. Adam personally handled the work pretty well. The rough part of going to class was being around other people and worrying that he'd make a fool of himself in front of them. "And of course, I'll be glad to help in any way I can." Adam looked down, he was repeating himself again. Merlin was he ever an awful conversationalist!

He looked up as Talitha mentioned the stuff she was going to do. "You don't like flying either!" Adam blurted out,excited. He hadn't met many people who didn't at Sonora and most that didn't were like his younger sister.

That's when she brought up the ball. There was that thing again. The ball. Adam felt his stomach drop. He had to go, his family was putting pressure on him to do so. Not just Chelsea but his grandfather and great-grandfather too. However he didn't want to go by himself of course. That would be humiliating and he was more likely to freak out if he had to be there alone.

Talitha took his hand and Adam's cheeks flooded with color. He didn't pull back of course, because it might hurt her feelings, and besides he didn't mind being touched. He gave another sigh of relief, happy Talitha didn't mind him being a bookworm. "Good," Adam went on,"Um, about that ball...W-would you go with me? Um, I um, really don't want to go alone." His heart beat faster in his chest and he thought he might pass out. If she said no, he'd just die.
11 Adam B. What about six? 78 Adam B. 0 5


January 03, 2008 11:49 PM

And now let's sing a song about Seven! by Talitha

“No, I hate flying.” Talitha said honestly. There were definite reasons that she had only shared with Elly and Hyana. Sharing with others, well, not now. Not when everything had been going so well. “It” hadn’t occurred in so long, not even when she lost her temper at the beginning of the school year. Perhaps some day she would tell Adam the whole story, but why risk losing a new friend? Besides, there were a hundred other things that made her loathe the thought of flying. Vertigo was at the top of the list.

“Do you know what?” Talitha leaned forward to whisper so that nobody else heard her more minor confession. “I totally skipped beginning flying lessons. And I was sick all over the wagon on the way home last year at midterm. Daddy brought me back himself as we were visiting family in Arizona anyway. This year Mother helped by giving me a potion.”

"Um, about that ball...W-would you go with me? Um, I um, really don't want to go alone."

Talitha drew back her hand and sat up slowly. She stared at Adam’s flushed face and searched his eyes. Did he really just say what she thought he said? She swallowed slowly and her heart skipped a beat. Fairies began a square dance in her stomach. Where was the floor and the chair? They seemed to disappear and leave her suspended on a cloud. Talitha realized she’d been holding her breath and her mouth was hanging open in a small unspoken, “Oh.” Unless she imagined it a fourth year, a fourth year had just asked her to the ball! Her mouth reformed itself into a huge smile.

She meant to say something witty and mature. What actually came out was an initial squeak. She cleared her throat and tried again. “I…Ah…Um…Yeah! I mean, yes! I mean, I’d love too! I mean, you don’t have someone in your class you’d rather go with? I mean, thank you! This is so awesome! I’ll have to ask Mother and Daddy of course, but they sure to say yes ‘cause its all chaperoned and stuff.”

Her conversation with Chrissy suddenly came to mind. You ought to be careful of him, okay? Or any boy his age. Fourteen is a far different maturity level than a boy your age. He seems nice enough and I'm sure he is. Just...be careful.

It caused Talitha to sober. Why would a boy his age ask someone so much younger? She knew full well that she was no baby, but there were a lot of girls, nice girls, that were closer in age that Adam could have asked. He’d never was anything but sweet to her and perhaps he meant it, but Talitha couldn’t help but wonder if this wasn’t a big practical joke. She desperately hoped not, but Chrissy’s words made her suspicious. She pulled arms back, her hands reached across each other to cling to her upper arms.

“Please, tell me the truth.” She pleaded softly. Her smile gone now, her eyes pleading with his. “You’re really, truly asking me, right? You’re not teasing or pranking me, are you?”

0 Talitha And now let's sing a song about Seven! 0 Talitha 0 5

Adam B.

January 04, 2008 4:36 PM

And something about eight? by Adam B.

"Oh, I'm sorry you got sick. I hate flying too." He looked down at the table. "I'm usually okay on the trips to and from in the wagon but they are a bit bumpy." It was worse on Kaylie now. Adam gave a small smile at the fact that Talitha skipped flying lessons. "I wish I'd had the nerve to skip them. I hate flying. I'm kind of afraid I'll fall. Fortunately I never got off the ground." It was the one subject Adam really hadn't tried at. As far as he was concerned, flying was unnecessary. There were other modes of transportation that were quicker and easier, such as apparation, portkeys and Floo powder.

Time stood still as Adam waited for Talitha to answer about the ball. He gripped the table tight to steady himself. It was the hardest thing he'd ever done in his life. It was even more nerve wracking than flying had been. What if she not only said no, but wanted nothing to do with him ever again? Adam knew he wouldn't be able to handle that.

“I…Ah…Um…Yeah! I mean, yes! I mean, I’d love too! I mean, you don’t have someone in your class you’d rather go with? I mean, thank you! This is so awesome! I’ll have to ask Mother and Daddy of course, but they sure to say yes ‘cause its all chaperoned and stuff.”

A look of pure shock came to Adam's face. He'd been hoping so much for a yes, but honestly expecting a no. After all, he was him. He was inferior in almost every way and the one area he could hold his own in, schoolwork, was certainly nothing that would help him get friends or especially dates. Then a big smile found its way to Adam's face. Talitha actually had said yes! He pinched himself under the table to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

“Please, tell me the truth. “You’re really, truly asking me, right? You’re not teasing or pranking me, are you?”

That was pretty much what he would have thought if someone had asked him. It never had occured to him really that someone else thought the same way as him, but Adam couldn't really blame her since he personally thought nearly everyone was nasty and had less than honest intentions. "Of course not!" Adam exclaimed. "Talitha, I would never ever hurt you. I meant it when I asked you. It's not a prank. I don't really care for them. I-I want to go with you." He blushed. "Otherwise I wouldn't have asked." His eyes dropped to the table again, as he let her in on his own confession. "It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I was so scared you'd say no." He looked back up, his own eyes pleading now. " I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't that important to me."
11 Adam B. And something about eight? 78 Adam B. 0 5


January 04, 2008 8:42 PM

Now nine..want to try for ten? by Talitha

Talitha was never a person that would be described as stoic. She always wore her heart on her sleeve and was never a good enough actress to disguise her feelings. She had always been impulsive. But lately, she found her emotions bubbling just under the surface. She hated crying, believing it was a weapon that girls used way too often to get thier way. But since she started…maturing, she found her tears always waiting to make a show. Happiness, sympathy, sadness, anger, guilt, they all provoked waterworks.

So it was no surprise, even though it was accompanied by great frustration, Talitha felt her eyes welling with those girly, unwelcome tears as she listened to Adam's response. He touched her heart so deeply, she knew he had to be telling the truth. Talitha blinked hard to prevent more than a tear or two from falling as her face broke out in a smile of relief and joy.

“I’d love to go with you!” She cried out, forgetting where she was. Several of the portraits on the wall hushed her and reminded her she was, after all, in the library.

Talitha scrunched down and giggled self-consciously at their chastisements. Then she stood, grabbed her backpack in one hand. “OHMYGOSH!” She exclaimed in an exaggerated stage whisper. “I so have to tell Lutece!”

Talitha ran half way to the door. She turned around and rushed back to the table she and Adam shared as if she’d forgotten something. With her free arm, she flung it around his neck in a fierce hug.

“Thanks, Adam,” She exclaimed. “You’re the best!”\n
0 Talitha Now nine..want to try for ten? 0 Talitha 0 5