Briony O'Leary

March 19, 2007 5:48 PM

Hiding... by Briony O'Leary

Midterm always brought about conflicting emotions for Briony. On the one hand, it made her feel sad. She envied all the kids that went home to be with their families. She loved her dad and she knew he tried to make up for her lack of a mother. However, it wasn't just the matter of not having a mother, it was the complete lack of having any other family. Her father never talked of having any siblings or even of his own parents, and while she knew everything there was about her mother, she knew nothing of her family.

On the other hand, midterms brought about the peacefulness of the school. No one students shouting or arguing. It was nice. It also gave her a chance to do some of her favorite things, like spending time in the library with all of its glorious volumes. Finding a book that looked interesting, she grabbed it from the shelf.

Starting to flip through the pages, she was looking down and didn't see where she was going until she ran into someone, "Oof!"

Accidentally dropping her book, she smiled in apology at the other person, "I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you okay?"\n\n
0 Briony O'Leary Hiding... 75 Briony O'Leary 1 5

Gwyneth Aquillon

March 20, 2007 7:44 AM

Re: Hiding... by Gwyneth Aquillon

"Ooops! So sorry! I wasn't watching what I was doing!" Gwyneth was embarrased to have bumped into another student. "Mom always says, 'don't read and walk at the same time'."

Gwyneth reached down to pick up the book that the girl she bumped into had dropped. Returning it to her, Gwyneth introduced herself, "I'm Gwyneth Aquillon. I don't think we've actually met. Well, other than me running you over just now. Sorry about that. I'm a first year Tepp. I was justing trying to find a couple of books to borrow and read over break. What's that you are reading?"

0 Gwyneth Aquillon Re: Hiding... 0 Gwyneth Aquillon 0 5


March 22, 2007 11:51 AM

I tend to enjoy it by Briony

Taking her book back, Briony listened with slight amusement to the breathless first year. She wanted to know how it was possible that some people could fit so much into so little time.

"I'm Briony O'Leary," she answered with a smile that caused a dimple to appear in her left cheek. "Second year, also Tepp."

Showing the younger girl the cover, which read A Thousand and One Christmas Charms, "I'm hoping to find something simple that I can do for my dad."

Since being able to practice magic, she always liked to use a little at Christmastime to bring something a little fun about and admittedly, to show off to her dad alittle.

"I was thinking about maybe a light spell on the tree," she continued.

Though, it might sound strange that she was here for midterm yet would be performing a spell on their tree. Of course, it made perfect sense if you were the daughter of the DADA professor. She pondered slightly if the other girl would associate the names. If she did, would it make her think twice about befriending her? She knew her dad was very strict in his classroom. If they only knew what he was like when it was just the two of them! Between what others deemed her scary father and her shyness, she tended not to attract many people.

Changing the subject, she asked Gwyneth, "So, have you found anything interesting?"\n\n
0 Briony I tend to enjoy it 0 Briony 0 5


March 22, 2007 4:14 PM

I enjoy curling up with a good book by Gwyneth

"So that's why you looked a little familiar. We're in the same house. Sorry I didn't recognize you. Guess I tend to keep to myself and don't hang out much in the Common Room." Slightly embarrassed that she had not recognized a "housemate", Gwyneth paused before answering the girl's question. "I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for, really. I would like to bring home a book to read up on charms, since I'm in the Charms Club, but I don't know if bringing a magic book home is a good idea. And I would like to find something that is just, you know . . . fun to read for the trip home. I REALLY don't like traveling by flying stagecoach and I hope that reading will take my mind off the trip. But this library, and its books, are so different from back home."

"Your light spell for the tree sounds cool! Bet it will be pretty. So, are you going home or staying here for break?" Gwyneth wasn't sure why she asked that last question. Probably because more students than she had expected were staying at school rather than going home. And, too, Briony somehow looked like she was already home, here in the library.\n\n
0 Gwyneth I enjoy curling up with a good book 0 Gwyneth 0 5


March 24, 2007 11:10 AM

That as well by Briony

"It's all right," Briony told the other girl, twirling a piece of hair around her finger, not many people talked to her either. "Why are you worried about taking a book home? I would think they have antimuggle charms placed on them. Is Charms club fun?"

She had seen the notice and had thought about going, but then decided against it. There would be so many people she didn't know and they would all be judging her. A fact that terrified her. Her dad always told her that she allowed shyness to hold her back from participating, but she didn't know how to break from it. She was fine if she knew the person or was on a one-on-one basis, like with her dad for Christmas.

"Thanks, I hope so, too," Briony said in appreciation, a half-grin on her face. She shifted from foot to foot, might as well fess up, "I...uh...stay here all year. My dad works here."\n\n
0 Briony That as well 0 Briony 0 5


March 24, 2007 6:07 PM

Shall I serve tea with our books and comfy chairs? by Gwyneth

Gwyneth had been at Sonora long enough to know that her home situation was not typical. It seemed, from hearing other students talk, that you were pureblood, half-blood, or Muggle. But it also seemed, that with few exceptions, that most families with "wizarding students" were aware of, and even comfortable with, magic and most half-blood families were more open to the use of magic than her family was. She wasn't quite sure how to respond to Briony's question about taking the book home. Honesty would have to do, she hoped. "Well, my family . . . kinda lives in the Muggle world even though my Mom and Grams are witches. I didn't even know about I got the acceptance letter for Sonora. I'm not sure if my little sister knows yet, so I'm not sure Mom and Dad would want me to bring any 'magical' books home."

She hoped that explained the situation, at least a little. She liked Briony, from their brief conversation. The upperclassman hadn't made fun of her and seemed genuinely nice. So she impulsively said, "Please come check out Charms Club! Josiah started it so he could keep his puffskein. I'm not sure how that fits, . . . but we learn some fun charms. Like, last time we learned the 'Coresco' charm and made a glowing, colorful orb of light! When you told me about your Christmas tree light spell, it reminded me of the 'Coresco' spell. Having another older student there to help out would be great, say you will at least come and check out our next meeting?" Then she added hesitantly, "But, we don't have many members yet. And I would really like to have some other students I know there." Gwyneth really hoped Briony would come to Charms Club. She hoped that not having many members, and maybe not being a "popular" club, wouldn't be held against the club.

When Briony said that her dad worked at Sonora, Gwyneth felt like such a fool. Slapping her hand to her forehead in the classic "I shoulda had a V-8" gesture, she said apologetically, "Oh . . . My . . . Goodness. You must be Professor O'Leary's daughter. I am such an IDIOT! Sorry I didn't put the two names together!" Then she went on enthusiastically, "Your dad is SOOOO cool! The first lesson I had with him, he had us wandering around the Labyrinth Gardens on some kind of crazy treasure hunt for candy! It was the most fun and best lesson I've had here!"

Realizing that Briony said she was staying at Sonora for the holiday, she wondered, "So you are staying here for the holidays. What's it like . . . with most of the students gone?" Gwyneth could only think that it must be kinda. well . . . weird in a way. Quieter than usual around the campus. But, heck, as long as you are with family, Christmas is Christmas.\n\n
0 Gwyneth Shall I serve tea with our books and comfy chairs? 0 Gwyneth 0 5


March 25, 2007 7:46 PM

That would be lovely by Briony

Briony's mouth formed a small 'oh' in comprehension. She supposed she was lucky that she didn't have to hide her magic. Really, she was never on restriction with it. Her dad encouraged her to use it as much as possible, so that the spells became second nature. Only then could one truly defend themselves. She wondered though what the muggle world was like. It was once her mother's world.

Catching the younger girl's enthusiasm, she found herself agreeing, "Okay, I'll come to the next meeting, but only if you promise to go with me. I don't want to go without knowing anyone."

She was surprised to learn that the other girl thought her father was great. Most students seemed put off by him, because he was forceful. Though, some of the purebloods liked him, because they knew of his last name. Having done a little research, she had found out a little too. The O'Learys were old money purebloods. She also suspected that might be why her father never mentioned his family. Some of the purebloods had weird rules and regulations, a world in which her mother hadn't fit.

A thoughtful expression on her face, Briony answered Gwyneth's question, "It's really quiet, but it's nice. Very calming. The library is pretty much all mine and I can pig out in the Hall without too much embarrassment."\n\n
0 Briony That would be lovely 0 Briony 0 5


March 25, 2007 8:57 PM

Would you like scones or cookies with our tea? by Gwyneth

"Staying here over the holiday sounds great, when you talk about it. It must be kinda cool to have the run of the place, especially the library. And as long as you are with your family, Christmas is there, too." Gwyneth made a wry smile at the thought of being here over Midterm. Suddenly she was homesick and the thought of that stagecoach ride didn't seem so bad after all.

"I'm going to hold you to your promise to come to Charms Club's next meeting. I'll meet you in the Common Room and we will go over together." Gwyneth was truly pleased that Briony was willing to check out Charms Club. It would be really great to get to know another student better. 'I really shouldn't be so shy,' she thought. 'It's just that conversations seem easier one on one.'

Checking her watch, Gwyneth yelped in surprise at the time. "Yikes! I gotta get a move on, or I'll miss the 'coach. Briony, it's been great talking with you. I hope you and your dad have a terrific holiday. Sorry, but I gotta run!" She impulsively gave the upperclassman a quick hug and called out, "Merry Midterm, Happy Holiday, and . . ." Here she hesitated for a brief moment before she finished up, "I'll see you when I get back!"\n\n
0 Gwyneth Would you like scones or cookies with our tea? 0 Gwyneth 0 5