Guenther Heindrich

June 02, 2006 1:33 PM

YO! is Zack here? by Guenther Heindrich

Guenther sat at Zack's usual table, hoping he would come to the library so he could talk with him. He hadn't seen Zack in ages. He pulled a chemistry book from behind him. Maybe in this time he had to himself, he could learn something. After all, this was a library. Seeing a couple of odd drawings, he turned the book trying to figure out what it was. This was sure to be interesting. \n\n
0 Guenther Heindrich YO! is Zack here? 0 Guenther Heindrich 1 5

Zack Dill

June 02, 2006 2:06 PM

Say my name and I will appear. by Zack Dill

Zack had a lot of research to do. He'd gotten an owl from Nick. Well, technically, the owl hadn't been from Nick. Nick had mailed it using the US Postal Service, but at some point, Zack wasn't entirely sure how the systems interacted, but it got rerouted from ground mail to owl post. And he'd gotten the letter today.

The envelope contained twenty dollars and three sheets of instructions about formatting, bibliography requirements, length requirements, and the all important thesis statement. If Zack would write fifteen pages about the role of serfs during the dark ages and get it back to Nick within the next three weeks, he'd get another thirty dollars.

Fifty bucks for a term paper was a good deal, even with the fairly tight time requirement. Nick would still need to type it up even after Zack wrote it for him, too. Usually he provided typing and printing services as part of his normal fee of $40 for a term paper. Plus, fifty dollars was a huge amount for their family. Nick must be desperate. Zack was almost tempted to say no just to piss Nick off. On the other hand, if he didn't, he'd no doubt get beat up the minute he got home.

So, a fifteen page term paper on serfs coming right up.

He found the about six books in the history section of the library that looked like they had normal authors and came from normal publishing agencies before heading over to his table. Coming within view of his spot, he stopped short.

His eyes narrowed and he frowned.

His table was occupied.

It was Guenther, though, and he'd left Zack's seat at the table free, so that made it moderately okay. Forgivable, at any rate. Zack moved to claim it before anybody else decided his claim was null and void.

As he got to the table, dropping the history books in the space in front of his chair, he saw that the massively large first year was looking at a chemistry book. That went a ways toward forgiveness, too. Anybody who liked chemistry couldn't be bad. Climbing onto his chair and leaning on the table to get a better look at the open page, he said, "Oh, valence electrons. That's fun." From most people, such a statment would be taken as dry humour or even sarcasm. From Zack, it was completely a honest sentiment.\n\n
1 Zack Dill Say my name and I will appear. 40 Zack Dill 0 5

Guenther Heindrich

June 03, 2006 5:53 PM

ZACK! *POP* WOW IT'S TRUE! by Guenther Heindrich

Guenther looked up over at the source of the oh so familiar voice. "Hey man. Long time no see!"

He looked back at the book turning it right again to look at the caption. Well, that officially made him feel stupid. The caption told him exactly what he had been looking at. Of course the strain of his eyes to see it was incredible. He pulled out his wand and tapped the book, muttering a spell that made the words larger. It was one of the many things he had learned from hanging out in the library this past years. The spell didn't exactly work to it's full potential, as he was lousy with wand work and this had been the first time he had tried it. He hadn't needed it before. The words enlarged for a split second before disappearing into the tiny, almost unreadable size that they had been before.

He closed the book and placed it back on the shelf in it's place. "SOOO," he said drawing the two-letter word out to fill the silence, "How have you been doing?"\n\n
0 Guenther Heindrich ZACK! *POP* WOW IT'S TRUE! 0 Guenther Heindrich 0 5

Zack Dill

June 04, 2006 2:08 PM

yeah, sort of like 'speak of the devil' but not so evil by Zack Dill

Zack nodded vaguely in response to the greeting, more interested in the electron cloud diagrams than social niceties like saying 'hello'. Guenther apparently had bad eyesight because he breifly enlarged the text on the page as he glanced down at it as well. The effect hadn't lasted long enough to actually read anything though, so Zack guessed it was either a miscast or an implied commentary on the small type. Hard to say for sure, but since Guenther was still a first year, it was probably the former.

He would have offered to help out, but (a) he wasn't really familiar with that charm either, and (b) Guenther closed the book and put it away on the nearby shelf. That was kind of disappointing. He hadn't gotten to tutor anyone in Chemistry since he came to Sonora.

"I've been alright," he answered Guenther's question. He tapped significantly on the history books he'd gathered, "Finished the last of the readings left this year's classes a few days ago, and I'm just about to start a history term paper for my brother. Oh! And did you see? I caught the snitch!" He was still a bit shocked about that and had taken to informing everybody he saw about it, regardless of whether or not they'd already known, which, by now, pretty much the whole school should.\n\n
1 Zack Dill yeah, sort of like 'speak of the devil' but not so evil 40 Zack Dill 0 5

Guenther Heindrich

June 04, 2006 7:52 PM

LOL! Yeah by Guenther Heindrich

Guenther looked uncomfortably at Zack. "Not really. I tried going to a game of Quidditch once and I just couldn't really understand it. So I haven't been going to the house games."

It didn't help that he was a touch ADHD and one had to look at several places at once and follow everyone's movements in a game of Quidditch. Oh well, school Quidditch games gave him a chance to read and finish homework and such. He turned the conversation towards something less...uncomfortable, at least for him. "So, how come you do your brother's homework? 'He threaten you?"\n\n
0 Guenther Heindrich LOL! Yeah 0 Guenther Heindrich 0 5

Zack Dill

June 07, 2006 7:45 PM

dude, I should agree with you, but Quidditch is like aliens by Zack Dill

Zack was oddly disappointed that Guenther hadn't heard about his victory. But that wasn't the worrisome part. The worrisome part was where he wanted to stare at Guenther and ask with incredulity, 'It's Quidditch, how can you not like Quidditch?' He didn't though. The sport - the sport and sice when had he become a sports guy? - hadn't taken over his brain that much.

It wasn't like he was watching any games that he wasn't playing in. And even the ones he did play in, he wasn't watching the game; he was looking for the Snitch. That was the great thing about his position. The Seeker didn't need to have a clue about what else was going on out there. So there was really no reason why Guenther should care about the sport.

He was about the voice his concern that perhaps Quidditch was an alien plot meant to subliminally take over people's minds when Guenther brought the subject around to Nick. And while Nick was far from his favorite subject while alien plots leaded that list, he felt obligated to answer a direct question.

"Nah, well, not this time. He's paying me to do it. And do think there's any subliminal mind programming going on in Quidditch? But no, that doesn't make sense, because if there was, you wouldn't have been able to stop watching it after that one game. Unless you need repeat exposure. Or maybe it's riding the brooms. No, the Snitch. It's got to be the snitch, because you're in flying lessons and you ride a broom there and the Quidditch bug still hasn't bit you. I bet the Snitch is really an alien."

1 Zack Dill dude, I should agree with you, but Quidditch is like aliens 40 Zack Dill 0 5

Guenther Heindrich

June 08, 2006 3:17 PM

The snitch?Sounds farfetched, but maybe you're onto somethi by Guenther Heindrich

Guenther stared at Zack increduoulsly as he started talking about the snitch being an alien. And then he laughed. Zack seriously had to be the wierdest person he had ever met and in a way he could see how he came to the conclusion. It seemed that everyone in this school was Quidditch-crazy.

"Maybe," he suggested, "the snitch wants to rule the planet!"

He was surprised that they hadn't been thrown out of the library yet. They were being pretty loud.\n\n
0 Guenther Heindrich The snitch?Sounds farfetched, but maybe you're onto somethi 0 Guenther Heindrich 0 5