Danny and Tarquin

December 17, 2005 8:39 AM

Christmas surprises by Danny and Tarquin

After some... interesting help from one of the smaller members of staff, Danny had finally found his way to the library, all his fingers still in tact.

His reaction to the library wasn't wide eyed for the same reason as Tarquin's initial one had been. Sure, he noted there were a lot of books, because he knew how much that would mean Tarq liked working there. What he mainly noted was the amount of dust coating the windows. He knew there had been problems with the weather lately, which probably accounted for it, but he couldn't help feeling that Tarquin probably liked it better this way, with absolutely no natural light. He was hopeless.

Danny sauntered to the front desk, slipping behind it to peer around the open door of the librarian's office. He smiled to himself as he caught Tarquin in the very act.

"Out of sweetners?" he asked, causing Tarquin to jump and attempt to hide the sugar spoon he was holding. "You should have told me," Danny continued, pushing the door to behind him. "I could have sent you some more." He watched Tarquin stammar and struggle for an excuse for a moment before breaking into a grin. "I know you don't use them." From the top of the filing cabinet, Oscar simply glared.

"Then why do you keep giving me them?" Tarquin burst out, far too loudly for the library.

"It's just kind of amusing."

Tarquin tried to glare, but it turned to a sort of embarrassed staring out of the window.

"I'm sorry," said Danny, just about sounding it, and pulling Tarquin into a hug from behind. "But aren't you at least going to say that you're pleased to see me? Even if I am terribly mean to you."

"Of course I am," he said, turning around to hug Danny in return. "I really missed you. You know that So, what did you bring me?" he joked.

"Sweetners, of course," Danny returned, fishing some out of his bag and throwing them at Tarquin's head. "And wedding pictures."

"Leena's? How are they getting on."

"Still sickenly newly weddish and happy, of course. I'm surprised that after the fairy tale wedding they didn't actually move into Barbie's dream house."

"Miaow!" Tarquin laughed, opening the sweetners and using them for the only thing they were any good for; ammunition.

"Oh come on, you know I love her really. She's just been planning her wedding since she was five. But it was beautiful. Made me go all misty eyed and broody." There was a slight pause before Tarquin replied

"I never thought you were the marrying type."

"I guess I didn't used to be. Sure, I used to prefer being the wild child and partying and pulling." He dropped down in the chair next to Tarquin, leaning his head on the back of it and staring at him. "You can't live like that forever though. Well, some people try, but it's just sad, and I don't want to become one of them. After a while, you want the nice things, and you want them to stay. Someone who cares about you, someone who doesn't actually mind how you look before you've brushed your hair. Someone like-"

Before he could finish, there was a knock on the ajar door. Tarquin jumped up quickly, only half looking back at his guest as he went to see who it was.
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Kiva Kijewski

December 17, 2005 9:12 AM

Christmas Embarressments by Kiva Kijewski

Kiva had finished with her chores for the day. Sprucing up her commons, the Aladren commons, as well as going through each dorm room to make sure all is well and tidy with those, but now she was finished.

She had already gone and checked in on the owls (though a bit concerned for the continuous snow that seemed to be coming down in steady amounts) so she was free to do as she wished.

She wasn't exactly sure where Tarquin had gone off to. She hadn't seen much of him and figured he had probably just been busy with cleaning up the library or whatever else he had been assigned too. She didn't want to disturb him, but perhaps he might like some help or company.

As she neared his office door, she could hear muffled voices from within. Perhaps this wasn't the best time? Well, she was here already and perhaps he was chatting with a Prairie elf about certain jobs to do.

Couldn't hurt to find out.

Kiva lifted her fist and gave a knock on the door, silencing those on the other side. As the door opened, Kiva gave an embarrassed smile at the interuption, "Hello Tarquin, I just-" She paused when she noticed the other man behind him, her eyes widened slightly and a small blush rose to her cheeks, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be a bother."\n\n
6 Kiva Kijewski Christmas Embarressments 5 Kiva Kijewski 0 5


December 30, 2005 2:25 PM

But on whose part? by Tarquin

"No, not at all," said Tarquin, standing up very straight, as if under inspection. "Why would you be being a bother? What exactly- I mean, you're not interrupting anything," he stammered.

Smooth. Very smooth. That didn't sound at all suspicious, or like he had anything to hide. Not that he did. It wasn't like Danny was an embarrassment. Merlin, if anything, it was clearly the other way around. It was just... He ran a hand through his hair.

"This is Danny," he added, indicating the man behind him, who was still reclining in his chair, completely unflustered. "Danny, this is Kiva. She teaches Care of Magical Creatures. Danny's from back home," he added, by way of explaining, or possibly avoiding, Danny's function in life.

Oscar, disgusted with Danny because he simply was, and disgusted with Tarquin for behaving with such a complete lack of dignity and self respect (though he himself would have been flustered to be found in the company of something as irksome and uncouth as Danny, but Tarquin chose his company, so had no excuse) wound his way around Kiva's legs lightly; enough to get her attention, as was his due, but not enough to look needy and like he was begging. \n\n
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