
January 19, 2005 10:27 PM

Ho Hum by Sally

Sally randomly searched the shelves, occasionally picking out a book, and then putting it back. SHe didn't know what she wanted, but she would know when she found it. It was like something was calling to her, and she couldn't really refuse it.

Finally, after about an hour of searching, she found what she was looking for. Age Old Fights, the Hostility Between Blood. It had been something she had been unconsciously wondering about, but had decided not to search. However, she couldn't resist slipping into temptation now.

Balancing the rather heavy book agaisnt her shoe, she picked it up and walked over to a table. It was by itself, and no one was sitting there, perfect for a little research. However, things were not always what they seemed, and as soon as Sally had begun a reasonable start on her book, she heard soft footfalls behind her, and turned around to see who it could be.\n\n
0 Sally Ho Hum 0 Sally 1 5


January 19, 2005 10:38 PM

Hm by Elizabeth

Elizabeth stepped from behind the bookcase she was looking at to see Sally Porter sitting at a table, with a rather thought provoking looking book in her hands. Age Old Fights, the Hostility Between Blood, Elizabeth thought, That's very interesting.

"That's quite an ironic book you have there, Porter." Elizabeth said, focusing her ice blue eyes upon Sally.

Elizabeth's hair was fixed up in an elegant french twist that she'd learned to do from her cousin Helena. It made her look a bit severe, yet at the same time, a customary coolness radiated from her appearence. Elizabeth wore pure silver earring drops that had genuine diamond studs placed dazzlingly at their ends. Her left ear still held the single pearl earring, in addition to the matching silver one on the right. She leaned slightly onto her right leg, her hands placed upon their respective hips, awaiting an answer. \n\n
0 Elizabeth Hm 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 19, 2005 10:53 PM

Hmm by Sally

Sally groaned inwardly as she heard Elizabeth Lavine's voice. They had not parted on very good terms, but hadn't really spoken since then. Sally had hoped that some of the hostility would die down. Obviously, it hadn't.

"Ironic? I think not, really," Sally answered in a rather bland tone. She wasn't going to be provoking anythng here. "It's always good to understand the world you're in, after all, and this one does seem to be affecting me."

She ignored the other girl, and bent down to read some of the tinier print in her book. She could be civil, if she had to be. But, if Miss Elizabeth Lavine began provoking her, well, things could get nasty, very nasty indeed. \n\n
0 Sally Hmm 0 Sally 0 5


January 21, 2005 4:33 PM

Quite by Elizabeth

Elizabeth wasn't one to directly confront people, but something was bothering her. Sally had been her friend once, but that didn't matter anymore. Elizabeth tapped the toe of her right high-heeled black boot, deliberately trying to make enough annoying noise to get Sally going. After a minute or so, she stopped, obviously tired of wasting her time with the mudlbood. Then something Sally said struck her.

"It's always good to understand the world you're in, after all, and this one does seem to be affecting me."

She rolled her ice-blue eyes, not believing how absoultely ridiculous Sally was. The girl had barely grazed the point of an iceburg that occupied the entire ocean, so to speak. Elizabeth's voice lowered dangerously as she spoke, conveying the severity of the whole world's problems.

"You? Being affected? Please, don't flatter yourself." she stopped and raised her voice fractionally, "You mean nothing in the big scheme of things. People like my father meant something to the world, so who are you? You're not anything in this fight. You didn't even know it was going on until this year! I've had to live my whole life with it's effects."

She broke off and stared, point-blank at Sally. Her blue eyes flashed with such fury that had Elizabeth seen what they looked like, she would have been sure to think that they were not their normal sparkling aqua color, but an almost steely grey.

"You have no place to say that you're being affected by this." Elizabeth said, putting her hands on the table and leaning forward for more effect. She meant it.\n\n
0 Elizabeth Quite 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 21, 2005 4:51 PM

Reallly by Sally

Sally met the girl's glare with another stoic glance. I can and will be civil, she thought to herself. Even if it kills me. And if I spend much more time with this girl, it just might.

"I didn't know that you had been gifted with prophetic skills. But you must be, if you say that I mean nothing in the big scheme of things. Or you could just be guessing, based on your beliefs. I don't know you well enough anymore totake a guess as to which one it is. However, you change so often, I don't know if anyone knows you. Not even yourself." She continued the stare. The girl seemed furious. Well, if she wanted to know fury, she would get it if she continued this.

"And how am I not affected?" she asked, resolve growing into her still emotionless voice. "I'm sitting here, aren't I? I've been insulted, threatened, and left by people because of this. How would one explain all that if I am not affected.

"And just because I've only been in this world for a short time means nothing. In fact, you should be used to it by now. I've had to deal with pain and prejudice too. The minute I entered this world, it began to affect me."\n\n
0 Sally Reallly 0 Sally 0 5


January 21, 2005 5:44 PM

You still have no idea by Elizabeth

Elizabeth scoffed once again at this foolish girl's ignorance. She had no idea what she was talking about. Sally hadn't had to endure years of the life Elizabeth lived, having to watch every single step, and being forced into a life that she probably wouldn't have chosen on her own. The blood wars weren't just about people not liking other people and their bloodlines, it was about keeping your head down and following along with everyone else. Afterall, her parents had been killed because someone did not agree to follow normal flow of things, like free elections for Wizard Governor.

"I've had to deal with pain and prejudice too." she said, in a mocking sort of tone. It was incredible that this silly girl thought that simply because she'd gotten into a fight and other meaningless things, that she'd felt the effects of a war that had torn lives apart, and families, for that matter. Sally just didn't know.

"You know, for someone in a position like yourself you seem to think that you know everything." Elizabeth drawled out, leaning back from the table and putting her hands on her hips, "So tell me, how is it that you feel somehow you're affected by the blood wars? You've been insulted, threatened, and left by people? Please, tell me there's more to you little vendetta here. Afterall, you've lost what? A minute piece of dignity? Uncles, Aunts, you name it, I've lost one at one point to the wars. I've lost friends. Cousins. Parents. Both."

Elizabeth crossed her arms and shot a look at Sally, seeming to ask just why she thought she lost anything, or been affected. She knew that the parents comment would grab Sally's attention, but Elizabeth knew that her mother had just run away from it all. Elizabeth's parents both stood soundly on their ground and probably fought to the end. She didn't know, but knowing the Lavines, they probably did. \n\n
0 Elizabeth You still have no idea 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 21, 2005 6:12 PM

Neither do you by Sally

Sally was slowly losing her resolve to stay unbiased and civil. THis girl didn't know about what had affected her before now, and she didn't care.

"Maybe I haven't been as long in this as you have, and maybe I haven't lost as many things as you have, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I am a muggleborn stuck in the middle of a time that seems fairly close to eruption as far as blood difficulties go. That really is enough for me to believe myself involved.

"You seem to think that just because I haven't lost family members to death means that what I have lost is worthless. I'm stuck in a world where about half the people think that I don't belong here, and I shouldn't have been let in in the first place. I'm stuck so that, no matter what happens, I'm going to be stuck between two worlds. I lost my family through this, too.

"Being a pureblood could very easily be a blessing for you in that regard. You haven't had to give up everything, and I do mean everything, to go someplace where you're not sure you will ever belong."

Her family had been up in arms about what to do with her. Her brothers had decided she was still the same person. They respected her. One of her sisters had thought that Sally was a freak. She still wasn't speaking to anyone in the family. Her father hadn't know what to think. He seemed to know something that she didn't. But that was neither here nor now.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I have some reading to do." she said shortly. Her hands on her book were clenching the covers so tightly that her knuckles were turning her white. One more comment mind send her over hte edge. And she just might welcome that relief.\n\n
0 Sally Neither do you 0 Sally 0 5


January 23, 2005 4:11 PM

Fine by Elizabeth

Elizabeth's mouth simply dropped open. She couldn't believe that Sally was saying that being a pureblood these days was a blessing. It was, she had ot admit, extremely privileged, but it was no where near a blessing.

"You think that being awful to people like yourself was what I wanted? Do you really think I wanted all this pressure from my family, from everybody? If you do, then you must really think that being pureblood is easy."
Elizabeth stopped. She couldn't continue being angry with Sally because all they were was different. Albeit completely and totally different, but all that was making her be this way to Sally and everyone else was the result of her own decision. Elizabeth was always going to be the person she was, and Sally was always going to be her own person. There was no real hope in trying to change either of them.

"It's just not as easy as people would like to think. My life is hard, harder than a lot of eleven-year-olds." Elizabeth said, taking a deep breath, trying to cool herself down. She was not her cousin Helena, who could be as malicious and horrible as she wanted towards mudbloods without ever feeling real regret. "Look, I'm going to leave you alone, but before we cross paths again, I would seriously suggest taking great thought in it, as next time, I can't guarantee my actions."

If Sally was stupid enough to see her again, Elizabeth could not say that she would have been able to control her actions. Let her start the fight, if she wants it; It's only self defense if you retailiate. a small voice in the back of her head whispered as her calculating eyes stared into Sally's. \n\n
0 Elizabeth Fine 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 23, 2005 5:53 PM

Fine by Sally

Sally looked pityingly at the other girl. She was so lost, really. She was trying to simply do what she thought was best. However, it seemed like it was killing her.

"If you don't like your fate, change it." she responded simply. "You are your own master, there are no shackles on you."

She met Elizabeth's eyes, letting the other girl see how sorry she felt for her. She new Elizabeth would hate that, but it was true.

"I hope you're happy, now that you've chosen this. Although, although I can't make you take my advice, think all of this through one more time. Because you used to seem happy. Now, not so much."

She gathered her book in her arms, nodded curtly to Elizabeth, and left the library.\n\n
0 Sally Fine 0 Sally 0 5