
January 05, 2005 8:34 PM

Bored by Jennifer

Jennifer sat at one of the various tables, seperate from everyone else. She enjoyed being alone, most of the time, but she had always had one or two good friends. She was shy, though, and she hadn't really made any here yet. THere were a few potential ones, but not many.

That was the bane of her mothers existance. Go be social, Jennifer, she mimicked. Don't sit in a corner all day. Try putting on nice clothes for once. Put on a little makeup, it can do wonders for one's complexion.

Her mother had wanted a pink, frilly, bubbly, ditzy daughter that would fit in with their Pureblood crowd. They were an important family, at least in the Pureblood circles, but she hated it all.

She was a mousy child, both in appearance and attitude. She hated conflict, and she hated the back-stabbing pureblood world. But, she was the daughtor of the american ambassador to England, and getting out of these things just wasn't an option.

Suddenly, a loud crunch was emitted from one of the rows of bookshelves behind her. She turned, not knowing whether she wanted it to be someone, or not.\n\n
0 Jennifer Bored 0 Jennifer 1 5

Jake Santoro

January 05, 2005 8:49 PM

Stupid bloody books by Jake Santoro

Jake had been walking along the many shelves of books, looking at title after title, trying to find any that catch his eye.

Because he wasn't looking anywhere else, he hadn't noticed the bookbag left behind by one of the other students and ended up tripping over it and crashing into a shelf.

Grumbling under his breath, Jake picked himself up off the ground.

"Stupid bookbag!" Jake said loudly and kicked the bookbag in retailiation for having tripped him. He started to pick up a few books that had fallen off the shelf he had knocked into when he noticed a girl looking over at him.

No doubt my fall had caught her attention Jake thought with a frown.

He smiled apologetically at her and indicated the boodbag on the ground.

"Sorry, tripped over that. Didn't mean to disturb you or anything." Jake said politely.

OOC: Just wanted to tell you that Jake is a pureblood. Also, there are character profiles where you can tell people all about your character on the homepage. You can also read about other characters who have already made one. Just thought I should let you know.\n\n
6 Jake Santoro Stupid bloody books 42 Jake Santoro 0 5


January 05, 2005 9:02 PM

You Okay? by Jennifer

OOC- I know. That was just what my character was thinking about. Thanks, though. BIC-

"Those bookbags got it out for us all," she replied, laughing. "That was a pretty hard hit, though. Are you alright?"

She thought she recognized this boy, but she couldn't be sure. He seemed nice, though. That was always an important thing.

"And you didn't really disturb me. I wasn't really doing anything. In fact, it was rather amusing. Thanks for the comic relief. My name's Jennifer Zucchero. What's yours?" she finished politely.\n\n
0 Jennifer You Okay? 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 05, 2005 11:24 PM

Yup, alright by Jake

OOC: Oh, I know. I just thought I should let you know Jake was pureblood, incase it ever came up or something...BIC:

Jake chuckled as the girl, Jennifer, laughed. He consciously rubbed his chest where he had slammed into the bookshelf.

"Yeah, bookbags sure are killers. I'm alright though, thanks for asking." Jake smiled lopsidedly to Jennifer and his dark eyes held their usual sparkle. He bent over and picked up another book and deposited back onto the shelf.

"And your welcome," He said when he turned back to face Jennifer, "I always enjoy being the butt of everyone's amusement." He said it in a joking manner and walked up to her, being careful to watch the floor as he went.

"Name's Jake Santoro. Pleasure to meet you, Jennifer Zucchero." He held out his hand to shake as he eyed her. She looked familiar, but then, a lot of people did to him these days.\n\n
6 Jake Yup, alright 42 Jake 0 5


January 06, 2005 5:22 PM

Bored by Elizabeth

Elizabeth was bored. Okay, so she was sitting and talking to Ty, but she saw Jake and a new girl who looked vaguely familiar talking across the library. She stood, excusing herself from the conversation. It wasn't the most proper and polite thing to do in the world, but that girl intrigued her. Maybe it was her distinctly confined seeming features that triggered her memory and curiosity, but something really flew up a couple flags in the back of her mind. Maybe she knew her from a party or something...

She walked as quietly as she could, her cloak billowing slightly in her wake. Elizabeth's favorite 2 inch heeled black leather boots clicked as she made her way to the area where they were talking.

Jennifer Zucchero, she heard Jake repeat the name, as she neared.

"Jennifer," she said as soon as she was next to the two students. "I'm Elizabeth Lavine. Jake, it's nice to see you again. I'm curious, where've I seen you before?"

Her straight black hair was down again, and her blue eyes sparkled delightfully as she tried to remember where she'd seen the girl before. For the life of her, Elizabeth couldn't remember if it was at a party she'd seen her, or at some other family dinner. Maybe it was the Washington DC Banquet... \n\n
0 Elizabeth Bored 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 06, 2005 5:41 PM

Re: Bored by Jennifer

"The Lavines of Lousianna?" she asked. Most people had heard of them, and their tragic deahts. It had been all that was talked about for almost a year. She had been in Italy at the time, but she still heard about it from her mother.

"It's nice to meet you, as well," she continud, and manners dictated. Then she tried to recall where else she had heard of her before. Then, she remembered one of her various cousins talking about a young girl with black hair and blue eyes who had always hung around one of his best friends. Her eyes twinkling, she asked cautiously, "Are you related to a Brett Lavine? I met him a few times, one of my cousin's good friends from school."\n\n
0 Jennifer Re: Bored 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 06, 2005 5:59 PM

Brett? by Elizabeth

She smiled her white grin, hearing her brother's name. Her eyes reflected that same feeling that was pulsing through her heart: pride mixed with love. Elizabeth loved her brother, and the rest of her family, of course. Brett was her eldest brother, and being the baby she always felt close to the oldest. It was true, both Brett and Javon babied her for a long time. That ended when she completely whipped them and their good friends (John, Jason, Michael, Frederic, and Marlon) in Quidditch.

"Yes, Brett's my eldest brother. Who's your cousin? Brett went to Sonora, in Aladren, maybe they still keep up... if you've heard from one of my brother's friends, then I'm sure I was the short little blue eyed twerp who played as a chaser with them." She smiled. ELizabeth LOVED quidditch. \n\n
0 Elizabeth Brett? 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 06, 2005 6:18 PM

The friends of siblings, sounds familiar... by Jake

Jake let his hand drop to his side. It had been ignored by Jennifer when Elizabeth joined their conversation. Jake had been surprised by Elizabeth's sudden appearance, but he smiled at her and nodded his head in hello.

He stood back and listened to them chat while rubbing his chest again.

Man, that really hurt...stupid bookbags... He thought with a frown. He was brought back into the conversation at the mention of Elizabeth's brother. He hadn't a chance to talk with his siblings, but he thought it funny that another student actually knew her brother as well.

Jake laughed loudly when Elizabeth discribed herself in her brother's friends eyes. He could never see her as the short little blue-eyed twerb, but he wasn't her brother or his friends, so he was probably a bit biased because of that.

"They were just jealous of the obvious skill and talent you possess that they can never have." Jake commented once he contained his laughter.\n\n
6 Jake The friends of siblings, sounds familiar... 42 Jake 0 5


January 06, 2005 7:01 PM

Hmm by Jennifer

Jennifer gave Jake a very interested look. Well, it seems someone seems to like Elizabeht, she thought to herself. Now, Elizabeth was what her mother had always wanted her to be. Pretty, popular, social, bubbly, and all that jazz. Elizabeth was her complete opposite. But she seemed nice, and the stories that Jennifer had heard about her had always been complimentary.

"So, how do you two know each other?" she asked. They acted like they knew each other well. If they were really good friends, Jennifer might just back out of this conversation. There was nothing so bad as feeling like a third wheel.\n\n
0 Jennifer Hmm 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 06, 2005 7:16 PM

No need to the a 3rd wheel.... by Elizabeth

Elizabeth smiled, looking over at Jake. They'd met, and became friends because of one thing really. It was a good thing that they were both so interested in it, otherwise, Elizabeth wouldn't have him to talk to. Somehow it seemed that even though they had met only a while ago, they had.. connected. Elizabeth assumed that it wasn't everyday that Jake had met a girl, a rich pureblood girl too, that loved and was good at quidditch.

"We met playing quidditch." she grinned, her eyes sparkling brighter than they had in a while. "Anyway, what are the two of you doing in library?" \n\n
0 Elizabeth No need to the a 3rd wheel.... 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 06, 2005 7:23 PM

Nonesense, everyone is welcomed by Jake

Jake smiled at the mention of Quidditch. Oh how he loved the game. It was his favorite past-time, favorite hobby, well, favorite everything really. But mainly, it was his way to escape the harshness of life he had become accustomed too. Though he didn't mind living where he had, he sometimes wished his father wasn't so eccentric and they had lived where Whitney did, away from all the violence.

"Quidditch is the best way to meet anyone." Jake commented to Jennifer. Elizabeth was cool because she did show skill in the game that Jake loved. He didn't know Jennifer, it was obvious she was a pureblood, so he probably ran into her at some party or another. And she seemed to have a sense of humor, which was a definite bonus. Two pureblood girls who actually seemed pretty decent, surprised Jake.

"Anyway, I was in the library to see if any books looked decent, but then a rudy bookbag attacked me and that's how I met up with Jennifer. She was kindly enough to laugh at my-er-attack." Jake commented with his goofy grin and a wink in Jennifer's direction.\n\n
6 Jake Nonesense, everyone is welcomed 42 Jake 0 5


January 06, 2005 7:44 PM

Blah by Jennifer

Jennifer shot him a joking glare. "Well, if you hadn't started yelling at the bookbag, and kicking it, then I probably wouldn't have laughed. So don't you go blaming me. Can you even be attacked by a bookbag?" she finished jokingly. "I thought that Bludgers were the only inorganic objects that could attack you.

"And quidditch to meet people. Well, it does usually work. I used to play with some kids I met in Egypt. I was always a seeker. One of those places were being tiny helps."

She was actually shocked that she was opening up this much to two people that she barely knew. But both Jake and Elizabeht seemed nice. Maybe things wouldn't be as bad here as they were back in England, with her mother. \n\n
0 Jennifer Blah 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 06, 2005 8:01 PM

Well well! by Elizabeth

"Playing quidditch in Egypt? Well well, the ambassador's daughter has definately been around... All I've ever really known is the quidditch pitch on my family's plantation grounds, and this place's pitch too. But Egypt? That's pretty impressive."

Elizabeth smiled again, somethign she'd been doing a lot lately. Maybe it was because she finally had some friends on her side. Before meeting Jake, TJ, and Jennifer, she had no one. I mean, Elizabeth'd made friends, but they were now what she considered mudbloods. They didn't like it much when she decided to listen to her family...

ooc: sry for the short posts... just trying to keep the convo going! ;)\n\n
0 Elizabeth Well well! 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 06, 2005 11:57 PM

Not really by Jennifer

Jennifer gave Elizabeth a strange look. "I lived there for sixth months, and it was really just some neighborhood pitch. But I was seven, and I had nothing better to do, so I started playing. Then, after that, I didn't want to stop."

Jennifer was glad that she finally met people she could be herself with. Her somewhat sarcastic, yet sometimes quiet self. Blood had never mattered to her, but it did to her family. So she was happy that her friends wouldn't give her mother another excuse to yell at her.

Suddenly realizing she had forgotten something, she asked the others, "What positions do you guys play?" That could always be important, considering since they weren't in her house, she didn't want to be the same position as them. It would just heat up too much rivalry. \n\n
0 Jennifer Not really 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 07, 2005 7:56 AM

I repeat, only the best position ever by Jake

Jake watched the girls in amusement. He had never been to Egypt himself, but he had travelled to Spain and Mexico to visit some of his relatives. Actually, he spent a good year in each to help 'better' himself culturally. Or so his mother said.

What positions do you guys play?

Jake's grin grew wider. Oh how he loved his Quidditch position. He really hoped he got on the Quidditch team when he becomes eligable next year.

"Why I'm a beater of course. Only the greater position ever created and I have the honor of being one." Jake said with pride and, of course, with humor.\n\n
6 Jake I repeat, only the best position ever 42 Jake 0 5


January 07, 2005 4:16 PM

Really? I beg to differ... by Elizabeth

Elizabeth laughed lightly at Jake's outlandish telling of his quidditch position. She was really starting to like Sonora, there were more awesome people everywhere she went. First TJ, then Jake, and now Jennifer. Of course she'd known all of them before, but only in passing. At parties, when my aunt and uncle had made sure she'd met everyone. Jennifer's father was only one of the most well known and well connected man in the American wizarding community.

Elizabeth waved a careless hand at Jake, and turned to answer Jennifer's question.

"I'm a chaser, and contrary to Mr. Santoro's belief, it is the best position. I hope you're a keeper or seeker, as that might result in a bit of... tension when our houses play against each other. That is, assuming that you'll go out for the team. I mean, we've been flying longer than any of the..." she hesitated momentarily, unsure of her word selection, "others here."
0 Elizabeth Really? I beg to differ... 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 09, 2005 3:50 PM

Both Wrong by Jennifer

Jennifer looked sharply at Elizabeth's strange word usage. It did sound like she was against muggleborns. Jennifer didn't have any problem with people like that, but she didn't see the purpose of hating someone because of something that they couldn't help.

"Yeah, I'm a seeker, which I have to say, has to be the best position." she grinned, knowing that this would be an interesting discussion. "After all, I'm the one that ends the game, and all. Plus, it's really rare for a seeker to catch teh snitch and still lose."

Then she leaned back a bit in her chair, and continued. "And of course I'm going out for hte team, whenver it starts. However, just because we've been flying longer doesn't mean that people like muggleborns can't be as good as us."\n\n
0 Jennifer Both Wrong 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 09, 2005 10:30 PM

Nope, pretty sure I was right with what I said by Jake

Jake chuckled lightly at the girls. Both of them thought their positions to be the best, but Jake knew different. He got to whack the balls into other players as well as protect his fellow players from the same balls. It was the greatest.

Jake took notice of how Elizabeth guarded her words, she had done it on the field too, and he also took notice of how Jennifer reacted to them. He was used to Elizabeth's train of thought when it came to Muggleborns, so he didn't think twice about what she implied with her words.

"I'd have to agree with Jennifer on this one, Elizabeth. You'd be surprised by what some of these Muggleborn's are capable of, even if they are still unsteady on a broom."\n\n
6 Jake Nope, pretty sure I was right with what I said 42 Jake 0 5


January 10, 2005 5:22 PM

okay- agree to disagree? by Elizabeth

Elizabeth just shrugged at Jake's comments. It seemed only logical that people who'd been flying for as long as they had to be at least initially better than one who'd just started. Unless they had insane talent, which she couldn't deny was entirely possible.

"Whatever, at least initially, we'll have a leg up on the competition. You know, you're both right. Jake, your position helps (and I guess hurts) mine, and Jeniifer, you're right, we'd all be playing SIX HOURS GAMES with out you seekers." she stared pointedly at Jake, her brilliant eyes dancing with the memory of his game replays on the pitch.

Elizabeth looked about her. Both of the people here she seemed comfortable with, at least compared to the record she had started with all her ex-muggleborn friends. It calmed her slightly, even though Elizabeth could sense that they didn't exactly like or trust her, or anything she said. It was alright, not many people did. The only ones she'd successfully won trust from was her brothers, but she was born trusting them. Then again, Elizabeth was the 'black-haired, blue eyed little twerp who played chaser', reminding her that she was always going to be the baby. \n\n
0 Elizabeth okay- agree to disagree? 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 13, 2005 6:48 PM

Why not by Jennifer

"Actually, games would never end, so..." Jennifer trailed off, grinning slightly. She loved having pointless arguments. There was only so much you could take of the seriousness and problems of the world. If you had too much of that, then you would become bitter, nad refuse to have any joy in her life. She had seen it happen, and she didn't want it to happen to her.

"Maybe you're right, but not for long." she admitted, and then sat back, staring at the two. Jake seemed very nice. Very outgoing, able to laugh at himself. That was important. Liz, well, she seemed kind enough, but a bit snobbish at times. Oh course, from what she had heard of hte Lavine family, she did have an excuse to be. And no one could help how they were raised.

"So, have you guys met anyone interesting yet?" she asked, trying to steer the conversation away from quiddithc, nad the underlying blood discussion.
0 Jennifer Why not 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 15, 2005 9:20 PM

Oh man, the people I've met by Elizabeth

Elizabeth had to stop herself from completely bursting with annoyed, and yes, snobbish laughter. The list of people she'd met was extremely long and involved about a million "x"s and black marks all over it. She sighed instead, and merely seated herself and crossed her legs as ettiquette would most certainly dictate.

"You don't even want to know about the people I've met, present company excluded, bien sur." she said the last bit in flawless French, her blue eyes taking the liberty of rolling at the mention of her aquiantances.

Elizabeth liked this Jennifer girl, she seemed nice, and from what she could tell, pretty good natured. She'd known their family, since everyone in the pureblood network knew each other, and or were related to each other. The Zucherros were well known, Jennifer's father being the Ambassador. Elizabeth's father had known Mr. Zucchero, since most political figures knew each other from their own parties and from -where else- political meetings. Elizabeth allowed her robes sleeves drape over the arms of the chair, reclining slightly. \n\n
0 Elizabeth Oh man, the people I've met 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 15, 2005 9:57 PM

Haven't met many by Jennifer

Jennifer laughed. "Oh, it can't be that bad. At least, not compared to some people I'm forced to be associated with by blood." Then, she stopped. There, by the library window, was an snowy white owl. She recognized it as her mother's. SHe walked over to the window and opened it. SHe took the letter from the waiting owl, and, as she peeled open the envelope, the owl flew off.

Dear Jennifer, it read,
I am less then pleased with how I have heard you are behaving at that school that your father insisted that we let you go to. You have barely spoken to anyone, and have only just started on trying to make alliances with other pureblood children. It is never too late to begin making connections.

Why can you not be like your cousins? They're charming, social, each has made a good pureblood match, and their loyalty to their family and blood is never questionable. You, on the other hand, will sit in a corner all day if we let you. You will converse with muggles if we don't stop you. You have never seen a difference between mudblood filth and distinguished pureblood families such as ours. You are a shame to the noble family of Noire.

So, if your behavior continues, then I will bring you straight back to England. You will be homeschooled for the rest of your education.

And, better yet, I will make sure that you never see your father again. It is he that put all of thses wrong ideals into your head. Your father will be bared from you forever, so help me God.
Your Mother,
Christine Noire

Jennifer stared at the letter in shock. Take her away from school? Keep her away from her father? It wasn't fair. But, what was worse, her mother could do that. She had connections everywhere, it was possible.

She concentrated on her mother's signature. Noire. The dreaded family name. The name that had come with William the Conqueror, that conveyed how old and pure they're family was. If you were a Noire, there was nothing you couldn't do. There was nothing that was too low for you to stoop to when you wanted something.

Jennifer tried, unsuccessfully to hold back tears. She couldn't change who she was, but she couldn't give up her father. Muttering a hurried goodbye, she grabbed her bag and left the library, not noticing when her letter slipped from her grasp and fell onto the table where she, Jake, and ELizabeth had been sitting.\n\n
0 Jennifer Haven't met many 0 Jennifer 0 5


January 15, 2005 10:06 PM

Oh Dear... by Elizabeth

When she first saw the owl pecking the window, Elizabeth knew that there was trouble. It seemed that bad news flew on the wings (or the legs, really) of family owls. She watched as Jennifer opened the letter and scanned it. Elizabeth instantly recognized the look Jennifer displayed. It was definately a family issue.

Jennifer took off, and Elizabeth looked after her fleeing figure, debating silently if it was an instance when she needed to follow, or just let her come around on her own. Her quick and sometimes rash judgement took hold, and Elizabeth too jumped from her seat. She remembered that Jake was still there, and she too, said a quick goodbye.

"I'd better go figure out what's wrong. So sorry, I guess I will see you out on the pitch, or in class somewhere. 'Til then," she said with a wink, letting her brilliant smile return, then dashing off after Jennifer. Afterall, if she was going to keep these new friends, she needed to help them when they needed it.\n\n
0 Elizabeth Oh Dear... 0 Elizabeth 0 5


January 16, 2005 4:15 AM

Um...right, I missed something... by Jake

Jake frowned after the two girls. He was surprised by both their outbursts, but he had sisters, so he figured it was something girly or something.

It was then that he noticed the letter on the table. He picked it up and scanned a few of the lines. His frown deepened when he realized what it meant...Blood, Family, Honor. Everything he had been taught. Everything he was beginning to despise.

He tucked the letter into his robes and walked silently out of the library, all books forgotten. He would give this letter back to Jennifer the next time he saw her. And, help her through any necessary comfort she was sure to need in her troubled future.\n\n
6 Jake Um...right, I missed something... 42 Jake 0 5