Tori Evans

December 23, 2004 10:12 PM

Floreacheo by Tori Evans

Tori walked into the library and sat down. She picked one of the tables near the back. She started looking at a book of hexes. 'I could have fun with these.'Tori thought. Tori was a muggleborn but found that charms and the like came easy to her. Potions was hard but she'd just have to work at it. Tori found a spell to make an object float just out of a person's reach. She aimed her wand at her quil and said "floreacheo." Her quill floated to about an inch past her hand.She tried reaching for it but it always stayed an inch out of her grasp. "Finite Incantatem." Tori said pleased with herself. She bent down over the book to look at more spells.\n\n
0 Tori Evans Floreacheo 0 Tori Evans 1 5


December 23, 2004 10:19 PM

Seeing old friends again by Mia

Mia absentmindedly strolled into the Library. She wasn't paying much attention to the other students who had settled there. Mia's bag was hanging from her shoulder. As Mia headed for the rear of the library she remembered that this was where she found the book of spells she had become so fond of.

Mia smiled and looked towards the shelves seeing if another spell book would catch her eyes. As Mia's eyes skimmed the shelves she heard a familiar voice on the other side of the bookshelf.

Mia raised an eyebrow and walked around the shelf. She saw her friend Tori Evans performing some nice spell work on her quill. Mia saw the quill fly just out of reach of her friend's hand until she said the counter spell.

Mia walked silently behind her friend who now had her head in the book. Mia slowly stalked forward until she was right behind her friend and spoke very suddenly.

"Having fun?"\n\n
0 Mia Seeing old friends again 0 Mia 0 5

Tori Evans

December 23, 2004 11:44 PM

Wow!!!!!!! You scared me by Tori Evans

"Having fun?"
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Tori as she jumped tumbling out of her chair. She looked up from her place on the floor and saw her friend Mia. "Oh wow you scared me." Tori got up and did a silly looking lavish dance. "She fell down but she recovers gracefully." Tori said in a really bad immitation of a sports announcer. "And the judges go wild. YYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY." Tori looked around to see if anybody heard her screaming. No one seemed to notice except Mia. " Sorry about that Mia. How are you? Look at this book it's amazing. How did we live with out this stuff?"\n\n
0 Tori Evans Wow!!!!!!! You scared me 0 Tori Evans 0 5


December 24, 2004 5:25 AM

Re: Wow!!!!!!! You scared me by Mia

Mia started laughing as Tori started immitating a sports announcer. Then again, she started laughing as Tori fell out of her chair screaming. Either way, the situation was funny.

"Hey Tori." Mia said with a large grin "I'm not sure how we lived with out magic. Magic totally kicks!"

Mia grabbed a chair next to Tori and took off her bag. She looked at the book her friend was looking at. It was a book on hexes.

'That's just like Tori' Mia thought to herself as she shook her head and smiled.

"I have a book out like that except it has hexes, jinxes and spells in it. I already memorized one of the spells in it and it's so cool! You want to see?" Mia asked as she brandished her wand.\n\n
0 Mia Re: Wow!!!!!!! You scared me 0 Mia 0 5

Tori Evans

December 25, 2004 7:43 PM

Of Course by Tori Evans

"You know more hexes? Of course I want to see!!!!!!!!." Tori exclaimed. She was always up to learning new spells especially with the whole prank war going on." By the way Mia, Hows the prank war coming along?" Tori lived for pranks and wasn't about to let everyone just forget about what was sure to make a very interesting year. Tori got out her wand so she was reday to learn whatever Mia was going to teach." Should we practice on a random object or find some unsuspecting person to surprise?" Tori asked with a mischiovious grin.\n\n
0 Tori Evans Of Course 0 Tori Evans 0 5


December 25, 2004 11:34 PM

Eep! by Mia

Mia was taken aback by Tori's eagerness to practice new hexes. Mia knew that Tori loved doing pranks and things. She smiled weakly to her friend. Mia hadn't gotten around to so many hexes. She only really learned some spells but you wouldn't use most of these spells for pranks. Well, there was one she thought of that could be used.

Mia brandished her wand and pointed it at Tori's cheek. Mia smirked and tapped her friend's face as she said the encantation.

"Enscribo Tori." Mia said and the spell took it's effect. The name TORI was now written across her friends cheek in a delicate cursive writing. The writing was still black but Mia forgot the spell to change its color.

"How's that? It's an enscribing spell. You can use it to label things...or people" Mia said with an evil grin and then laughed "You just say the encantation 'Enscribo' and then the word or symbol you want to enscribe on an object. You have to tap the object you want to enscribe, though or else the spell won't work right. I know some others but I've really taken a liking to this one."

"Oh, and about the prank war, well it was kind of called off. At least it was on our side. We found out that Kade enjoyed being pranked so it was pretty much pointless and really imature to keep pranking him. That was Tally's idea but we all agreed. But I did say that if he kept messing with me or any of my friends then I'd have to practice some of the spells and hexes and things I've learned on him." Mia laughed. She realized she was rambling a bit but she always rambled along with Tori when they were at school so it was okay in this case.

Mia smiled at her friend and put her wand back her pocket.\n\n
0 Mia Eep! 0 Mia 0 5

Tori Evans

January 01, 2005 2:57 AM

Wicked!!!!!!!!!! by Tori Evans

Tori felt a cool black gel on her cheek. She took out her pocket mirror and held it up to her face. She saw her name written on her face in really nice writing.'If only my hand writing was this neat' Tori thought. "Wow Mia!" Tori exclaimed "This is wicked cool. Can you make it write anything or only the name of the thing you cast the spell on?" Tori relized the fun (and mayham) that could be caused with this spell. "This is fun. It saves me the time of telling people what my name is." Tori said laughing.\n\n
0 Tori Evans Wicked!!!!!!!!!! 0 Tori Evans 0 5


January 01, 2005 9:13 AM

Glad you like it by Mia

Mia shook her head at Tori's 'innocence'. She had to admit the girl knew how to have fun. Mia always liked that about her friend.

"You can make it write anything as long as you tap what you want to enscribe. You can even make little symbols and things." Mia explained

"I did this spell on my friend Leann and she liked it too. But if you're going to use it as a prank, then you didn't learn this from me." Mia said with mock seriousness in her voice.

Mia laughed. Tori was right. No one would have to ask her what her name was as long as she kept the lettering on her face. It did look pretty and Mia always did like her own handwriting. Ugh! If only she could remember that stupid color changing spell!\n\n
0 Mia Glad you like it 0 Mia 0 5

Tori Evans

January 02, 2005 1:00 AM

Let Me Try by Tori Evans

Tori put away her mirror and took out her wand. She pointed it at the table and said "enscribo table." Her bubbly messy scrawl appeared on the table. Only instead of saying table it said Tori is the coolest girl in the whole wide world. "I think I rather like this spell." Tori said cockily. "And don't worry in the 'off chance' that I use this prank to cause (Tori used her fingers as quotient marks) 'Mischief' I wont get u in trouble." Mia was Tori's best friend so she would never get her in major touble. The only way would be if mia came along on one of Tori's night walks. Tori had insomnia and walking always seemed to clear her head. The only problem was the curfew didn't exactly agree with Tori's scheduale.\n\n
0 Tori Evans Let Me Try 0 Tori Evans 0 5


January 02, 2005 1:26 AM

Nice job! by Mia

OOC: Sorry if I didn't explain well enough how to do the spell but I'll try to explain again and you'll remember for next time lol! You say 'Enscribo' and then say the message or symbol you want to write, not the object your writing on. To pick what you want to write ON, you tap it with your wand. Hope I explained it better lol!

IC: Mia looked at the message on the table and laughed. The table now said 'Tori is the coolest girl in the whole wide world'. That is just like Tori.

"That's all well and good but you're going to get us both in trouble if we don't clear off your message from the table. I don't think the librarian is going to appreciate it." Mia said and pointed her wand at the message.

"Finite Incantantem!" Mia chanted and Tori's bubbly writing dissolved and disappeared into thin air. Mia looked back at Tori and seemed to read her friend's thoughts.

"Don't you even start with the goody goody stuff either. I know exactly what you're thinking. I know you too well." Mia mock scolded her friend and laughed again.

Mia did have a tendancy to seem a bit high strung on rules. Mia didn't mind getting in trouble as much if she had a bit of back up from her friends but she still didn't like trouble. It was mostly out of habbit along with her cheery facade. Mia always wanted to do her best and keep on people's good sides and that included the teachers. That's all Mia need was for a teacher to hate her. Mia mentally shuttered at the thought.\n\n
0 Mia Nice job! 0 Mia 0 5

Tori Evans

January 05, 2005 8:17 PM

Restricted Section by Tori Evans

"It's alright Mia. The message had to go away sometime." Tori smiled at her friend."Although it still exists in spirit." She added rather dramatically. Tori knew Mia wouldn't like it if a teacher caught her defacing school property. She always liked that about Mia. Her abilty to follow rules. Tori always had trouble in that area and if it wasn't for Mia she'd probaly be on the first carriage back home. Tori was always getting into spots of trouble and Mia was always saving her. "What else should we do?" Tori asked." That spell was great but I really wanna learn a weird crazy spell." Then Tori got a crazy look in her eye. The look that usually meant trouble was coming. "Hey wanna go sneak into the restricted section?" Asked Tori with the mischiefvious glint in her eye that was probaly becoming all to familiar to Mia.\n\n
0 Tori Evans Restricted Section 0 Tori Evans 0 5


January 05, 2005 9:04 PM

Tori Logic by Mia

Mia raised her eyebrows and looked at Tori with a mix of amusement and hesitation. She knew Tori all too well and that look was all too familiar. Everytime Tori was about to do something that could get her into a world of trouble, she got that look in her eyes. But Mia had an urge to break a few rules while here at Sonora. She didn't feel like being the stuck up rule abider at the moment. Besides, a small peek couldn't hurt, could it? Her sane side answered that question. Yes, it probably could.

"I don't know. Maybe. I mean, I'm sure it has all sorts of spells that I know you'd love to do but-" Mia thought for a moment. Something had to come to mind that could justify a reason to stay away from trouble.

"-but we're only first years, and first year muggleborns at that. Magic is still new and those spells are probably so complex we couldn't even dream to do them. That's probably why they'd be in the restricted section." Mia reasoned in a matter-of-factly voice.

'Ugh! Mia you are such a loser! Live a little! Go on with Tori to the restricted section. You know you want to.' Mia's mind taunted.

Mia did kind of want to. She let her sane side lead her life too much. Now was its time for vacation and the adventurous side was ready to take over. Now the adventurous side had to find a reason to go.

It'd be a- a mini adventure. Yeah, that's why she should go. This whole coming to Sonora is a once in a life time oppurtunity so she should just go with it! Mia mentally nodded and was relying on Tori to come up with some dumb reason to counter Mia's. An idea that only made sense to Tori and Mia. It was what the two girls had deemed:

'Tori logic'. \n\n
0 Mia Tori Logic 0 Mia 0 5

Tori Evans

January 06, 2005 8:39 PM

Tori Logic by Tori Evans

"Aww COme on Mia." Tori whined "Live a little and besides it's not only me that wants to learn the new complex spells." Tori walked to the door that marked the restricted section. She looked at it and then turned back to Mia. "I think being muggleborns gives us more of a reason to check it out. The purebloods grew up with magic while we just learned about it. Besides maybe we can look up a spell to make us invisible and then we won't need to worry about getting caught." Tori faced the door again. "It seems logical if you think about it hard enough. So are you up for it?" Tori asked with a mischivious glint in her eyes.\n\n
0 Tori Evans Tori Logic 0 Tori Evans 0 5


January 07, 2005 2:14 PM

*sigh* you win again by Mia

Mia sighed and rolled her eyes. Of course Tori always got what she wanted in the end. She's just too cute to refuse. Mia laughed a bit and gave her friend a smirk.

"Sure Tori," Mia said with a sigh "we'll go. Though I'm not sure what you'd be looking for in there. Also, if we went invisible then we wouldn't know where either of us were. But who cares? We'll just have to not get caught. You seem to do that okay most of the time." Mia laughed.

Mia stood and streched a bit. She looked around a bit to see if anyone would see them. Everyone seemed to be deep in their own conversations or reading a book. Mia then looked back at Tori and gave her one of her own mischievous grins.

"Well, you coming or what?"\n\n
0 Mia *sigh* you win again 0 Mia 0 5


January 15, 2005 4:35 PM

Hmmmmmmmmmm by Tori

"Of course I'm coming. It was my idea after all." Tori said laughing. "But you raise a good point. How will we know where the other one is? Oh I know! After we make ourselves invisable we'll grab these pieces of paper." Then Tori proceded to rip a paper in half from her notebook.

Tori muttered the charm to become invisable and then grabbed a paper and held if up like a torch. "Well come on then. We dont have all day." Tori said as she ran into the restricted section.\n\n
0 Tori Hmmmmmmmmmm 0 Tori 0 5


January 15, 2005 10:04 PM

Sucks to be short! by Mia

Mia sighed as she watched Tori (well, her piece of paper) enter the restricted section of the library. She laughed a bit and followed after Tori with out bothering to become invisible. Mia didn't remember the spell for becoming invisible so she was just as visible as ever and left the paper behind. Mia wasn't stupid however. She made sure that no one saw her enter behind Tori.

Mia had to hurry to catch up to Tori's seemingly floating paper. Once she did, she had a chance to look around her. The shelves were much closer to each other in this area and that left little room for walking through aisles. Mia walked behind Tori in single file as she looked at the many large volumes around them.

One particularly large book caught Mia's eye. She stopped and looked up at it. It was on one of the higher shelves. Mia tried reaching for it but her finger tips only just grazed the binding. Mia jumped a little trying to knock the book from the shelf but still couldn't really reach. Her hair fell into her eyes again and she hastily brushed it away and frowned.

Mia sighed in frustration. She was just too short to get that book on her own. She thought about just getting another one but this one really caught her attention completely. The binding was crimson red with shimmering gold lettering that spelled out something Mia couldn't read. She guessed it was in another language but the writing was beautiful.

"Tori, come here and help me get this book. It looks like it could have awesome stuff in it but I can't reach." Mia said in a loud whisper, hoping her friend was near by.\n\n
0 Mia Sucks to be short! 0 Mia 0 5


January 16, 2005 12:11 AM

Ha Ha by Tori

OOC: I just made the longest post and then my com shut off before i could upload it. I'm soooooooo beyond pissed so here is a shorter version of the original post because I'm to lazy to rewrite it all.

BIC: Tori turned around when she heard her friend call. "Unvisiablo" Tori muttered. She became visible again. If Mia didn't think it was that important to be invisable than it didn't matter to Tori either. After all Mia was the smart one while Tori was the rash one who spent half her life in detentin.

"What's the problem Mia?" Tori asked. Then she saw Mia looking at a crimson book with shiny gold lettering. Tori loved shiny things. Then she took another glance and saw that the letters were in a language that she had never seen before.

Tori walked over and linked her hands together so Mia could step on them and get a boost up to reach the book. "Hey ya know what we should do? After we get this book we should try to find a book on languages. Then we can try to translate it."\n\n
0 Tori Ha Ha 0 Tori 0 5


January 16, 2005 12:46 AM

shut up! you're mean! by Mia

OOC: aw, poor baby lost her big post! lol! Don't worry about it. This one works just fine. That happened to me once and I was so super pissed too so you're not alone. Oh, and congrats on using paragraphs again! lol!

BIC: Mia nodded in agreement to Tori's idea about translating the book. She was curious to know what the book was about and why she was so interested in it. It might have just been the colors but Mia pushed that thought aside as she went for the book.

Mia balanced on Tori's hands and carefully reached up and grabbed for the book. Her sudden movement threw her off balance and she fell backwards and landed on her back.

"Ow!" Mia exclaimed in an annoyed tone as she quickly sat up and rubbed her back "You are the worst spotter ever! Did you learn nothing from gym class?"

Her annoyance was side tracked when she saw that the book fell beside her and opened to one of the middle pages. It looked like the pages were gilded with gold as well as the lettering on the binding. Mia was completely intrigued by the book and reached over for it, forgetting the pain in her back.

Mia leaned back against one of the shelves of books and propped the book open on her lap. To her disappointment yet not surprising in the least, the books was written in the same language as on the binding. Mia frowned and turned back to Tori who was now uninvisible.

"You think you could find a book on languages for us? Becuse we're definitely going to need it unless you know what ever this is. It's nothing I've ever seen before..." Mia ended in a dreamy voice as she stared at the delicate lettering of the text.\n\n
0 Mia shut up! you're mean! 0 Mia 0 5