
December 04, 2004 2:29 PM

A place for comfort by Leann

Leann walked into the library, amazed by the shelves of books. She just loved reading. She read everyday, something her friends back home just didn't understand.

She walked over to a shelf and saw a bunch of books on jinxing. She might have to use a jinx on her sister later, but right now she didn't have any serious enemies. Hopefully.

She walked over to another shelf and saw some books on magical creatures. These looked amazing. Some books described something as simple as a fairy, but others held secrets on much more dangerous creatures, some she didn't even knew exist. She hadn't even heard of half of them.

She picked up a big book on various creatures and sat down at a table, opening up to the first page, almost immiediatly forgetting the rest of the world. The library always brought her comfort.\n\n
0 Leann A place for comfort 0 Leann 1 5