Atlas Primred & Liliana Bannister

August 19, 2015 1:14 AM

Talking, not communicating by Atlas Primred & Liliana Bannister

Atlas walked past the suit of armor entryway, and was a little surprised to see a fresh blanket of snow greeting his toes. He kicked a little of the white fluff that had made its way into the doorway, and watched idly as the flakes fluttered down once more. Adjusting his plaid scarf to cover his mouth and shoving his hands into his pockets he headed into the white curtain, the chill cold biting at the remaining surfaces of his face. Truding through the snow, his thoughts complained about how the groundhog always gets it wrong. Spring apparently was not coming early to Sonora, but Atlas honestly didn't mind too much. He didnt want to have to return home- at least not for a little while. Things might get awkward since everyone had to pick sides in the break up. Luckily no matter what, he still had Steven on his side, and Liliana of course.

Liliana had been waiting in the Pecari commons when Atlas came down the stairs and walked right by her and out the door on the way to class. While she felt partially insulted that he had not stopped to say hi or even walk with her to class since she was obviously waiting for him, she also knew that more than likely he had not recognized her. Over the past few weeks, after he had confessed he had broken up with Ann Marie, her feelings towards her best friend had been on an emotional rollercoaster. First she had been elated, then as he seemed to be upset about the situation, sad. And then her twisted mind had proceeded to prompt her to change herself, see if he would notice the new and improved Liliana Bannister who didn’t wear her hair in pigtails and who acted more like the Portia Dobsons of the world. Today she’d even dared to dabble in the little make-up bag that her mother had always slipped into her trunk as though hoping one day Liliana would take interest with the girly things in life.

So she’d been hiding in the corner of the room, her long hair down and brushed, keeping her face down in her Transfiguration book slightly embarrassed with the way she was carrying on and hoping that no one saw her like that. So when she heard the familiar footsteps of her best friend walk through the commons, she’d leapt up, tossing her books into her bag unceremoniously and proceeded to run after him, stopping short as she faced the chilly air in the Gardens and wishing that she’d thought to snag a sweater. However, there was no time for that now, her school robes would have to do, because she wanted to, needed to, had to walk with him to class. Being with Atlas was like some weird sort of addiction she didn’t ever want to cure herself of.

“Hey,” she said breathlessly as she caught up to him, her words creating tiny puffs of warm air as she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to ward off the cold. “You walk fast.” Over the years the difference in height had become more apparent, and Liliana now had to tilt her head up slightly to look into Atlas’ face. While he had grown, she had not, and looking up at him looking down at her made her feel giddy. What she wouldn’t give for one of his hugs or for him to play with her hair like he had done so many times in the past.

Atlas was a little surprised by the sound of the very girl he had just been thinking of. Although he wasn't sure why he would ever be surprised to find her near. They lived in the same house and she was his best friend and confidant. However it was for that reason he didn't really want to see her this morning. Since telling her about the break up he couldn't help but wonder if the smiles and her constantly being by his side was because she was pitying him or something worse. Liliana was a pretty girl, even more so recently. She could get any guy she wanted. So the idea of being cheated on must be a completely abstract thought to her Atlas reasoned.

“Hey,” he echoed in a less than enthusiastic manner as she efficiently encroached on his alone time. Once she caught up to him, he saw the breath escaping her colored lips. Had they always been that color? Maybe it was just the white background making them stand out, he mused from beneath his warm scarf. “I don't walk fast, my legs are just longer than yours,” he replied dryly. He couldn't help but think what a careless girl his friend was, running in fresh snow like that without layers to boot. “And you are going to catch a cold if you run around like that,” he stated. Although he sighed as if annoyed, it still took him less than a second for him to remove his sweater from around his body and replace it onto hers. Making sure to wrap the sleeves around her ears and head, he gave her a pat on the head when he deemed she was sufficiently covered.

“This is what you get for rushing,” he commented secretly smiling at how silly she looked covered up that way.

Even though Atlas’ tone was less than friendly, Liliana didn’t let that discourage her. He had been in such a funk since they returned that she wasn’t taking it personally anymore--she just knew it was all the fault of that awful Muggle girl and if there was ever any reason for Liliana to dislikes Muggles, there was now. Granted, remembering that Atlas had a perfectly nice Muggle family back home also weighed in and kept her grounded, but it didn’t change the fact that she hated, hated that horrid girl for daring to hurt her best friend. She playfully pushed against him as he teased her about her height and not wearing enough, blushing deeply under the thin layer of make-up she felt weighed about a thousand pounds when he put his jumper around her shoulders.

She breathed in, appreciating that smell that really was only Atlas, and smiled in reply, not trusting her voice to say anything of remote importance. “I didn’t realize it was snowing outside,” she said, stupidly ignoring her intuition and speaking anyway. “But I wanted to walk to class with you so I didn’t have the time to go back up and change. Because your legs are too long.” She gave him a pointed look, a teasing grin on her face, glad to see that even if inside her head she couldn’t think straight she had become sufficient enough at least with pretending as though all was well. She reached up to unwrap the jumper from her shoulders and shrugged off her school robes, letting them drape over her school bag while she put the jumper on properly and then her robes back on over that. Newly dressed in the over-sized-on-her jumper, Liliana pushed her arm through Atlas’.

“Body heat,” she explained, trying to hide her blush, really just wanting an excuse to walk closely with him even though walking arm in arm was such a them thing it didn’t really warrant an explanation. “It’s cold.”

Atlas chuckled at her statement. “Yea,” he said readjusting his scarf to cover his smile, “only you could entirely forget that it’s winter.” He watched as Liliana made her way into the oversized garment. Thankful that she couldn't see his grin. He thought she looked like some kind of furry animal in winter. Maybe a bunny… something cute. Digging his hands into his denim jean pockets, he wasnt one bit surprised when Liliana locked her arm with his. It was how they had walked to class many times- except for when they were fighting over something stupid of course. He glanced down at his slender companion, noticing a faint red in her cheeks. Maybe she put on too much blush he pondered for a moment before her voice brought him back.

“Yea you are telling me,” he commented on the cold as they began to walk, “you have my sweater now.” Although Atlas was wearing a long sleeve waffle shirt, he still felt the cold penetrating his layers to his skin. As such he was happy to have Liliana clinging to him. He hadn't realized until she pointed it out how much smaller Liliana was compared to him. Although in the grand scheme of things it wasn't that much of a height difference, it was enough where if needed he could reach books from the top shelf for her. Even walking he felt he had to shorten his steps. The feeling of being taller was a new experience for him, one that he happily welcomed, since it was about time for him to really hit puberty too. In retrospect he was already way ahead of the curve, but he would be much more satisfied if he became a little more taller.

As their intertwined arms continued to brush against one another, Atlas couldn't help become aware of the image the two of them were subtly creating. Liliana wearing his sweater, sticking to him closely. It was the type of thing that was perfect fodder for the rumor mill. “Do you think it’s weird... that we still link arms?” he asked, the question being more for himself than for her. It didn't mean anything when he was with … but now that he was newly dumped, he couldn't help but wonder if people would start talking again. Idle pureblood rumors really didn't affect him, but since Liliana was looking for an arranged marriage he couldn't help but worry if their childish habits would hurt her reputation.

“Hey, you gave it to me,” she said, readjusting her grip before looking up at him kind of concerned. “Do you need it back? My French blood can take the cold but you’re from like California.” She kind of felt bad now and Liliana was not the sort of person who felt bad frequently. She moved as though to take off the jumper, half-hoping that Atlas would stop her and say that no, it was okay she wore it. It was moments like these where she felt as though they were, perhaps, more than friends and the thought terrified her. Only that past break Vètil had been asking to make things serious and she had stammered her way out of it, making up excuses as to why she just wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment.

When Atlas asked her, quite suddenly if she thought about it, whether or not they ought to be walking around as they did, her head turned sharply towards his, the color draining from her face, her eyes wide in the startled deer-in-headlights look that rarely had the opportunity to grace her features. “Not particularly, no,” she said, her forehead frowning. “Why? Do you?” She was trying to hide the hurt in her voice, but after the words escaped her lips she nearly winced, realizing that she’d sounded far more feeble than she’d originally intended to. “I mean...we’re friends, right? Best friends?” Saying the words out loud, admitting that they were friends and only friends to both him and herself were like the final nails in the coffin. Liliana’s heart panged in a way she’d never really felt it pang before and what she wanted to do more than anything was curl up in a corner and die because of how desperate she sounded. She was a strong, Quidditch playing witch. She wasn’t supposed to let matters of the heart best her like that. It was just...wrong.

“Don't go taking it off now!” he said holding onto her shoulder. “Gosh, here I go doing something cool and you have to go and give it back.” He said releasing his grip once he was sure she wasn't going to try to take it off again. “Besides you know what my mom and Katie would do to me if I let you freeze in the snow,” he reminded her. His dad may have had the higher paying job, but it was definitely his mom that ran the house and kept him in check. When the breakup was really hitting Atlas hard over vacation, his mom literally and figuratively smacked him back to normal- or whatever he was now.

Liliana’s quick action caused Atlas to flinch a little. He didn't think it was the kind of remark to start something, but even so he tensed his muscles for impact or whatever Liliana planned on shouting at him. Whatever color she had on her cheeks had vanished into white. It was a new look for her, uncharted territory for the unsuspecting boy. His mouth stood agape for a moment unsure of how to respond to her reaction and subsequent reasoning. “I didnt mean anything by it,” he said flustered, his eyes as wide as hers. “Just that if you are trying to find a suitor won't it be weird to do this stuff with a guy like me,” he said leaving out the ‘single guy like me’ part.

Atlas’ words stung, but Liliana refused to let him know that. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t see her as more than just a friend anymore than it was her fault for developing such an intense crush on him. “I know you didn’t,” she said, her voice coming out much smaller than she would have liked. “But I’m not looking for a suitor, either.” That Atlas sounded as though he wasn’t even considering himself as the sort of wizard Liliana would be able to fall for hurt, and she wondered if he really thought she was that stuck up. They’d known each other for ages, he should have known better, he probably did know better, it was probably just a comment not meant to be taken seriously, she tried to reason with herself.

However, she couldn’t let the last bit of what he’d said go without a fight. “And what do you mean ‘a guy like me’,” she said rather fiercely. Merlin, she was all over the place with her emotions that morning! “Aren’t you just as good as any other wizard on the bloody planet? I’ll link arms with whoever I damn well please and if that causes some people to get their knickers in a twist well then I haven’t got much to say to them then, have I? ‘A guy like me,’ my arse,” she shook her head. “Any witch would be lucky to have you,” she said now, the color returning to her cheeks as she spoke faster than her mind could process. It was as though she were outside of her body, watching as she laid herself bare. “Any witch, I know they would--” (because I would) “--you’re Atlas Primred!” She trailed off rather abruptly, fearing as though she’d said too much and then cast her glance off towards a bush.

“Do you suppose we’ve gotten ourselves lost?” she asked him, switching the subject abruptly as she not only didn’t want to further embarrass herself but also was realizing rather quickly that she no longer recognized the area in which they were in.

He supposed he should have figured that about her current search for prospects if she had turned down the frenchman, but there was so much about pureblood life he didn't understand- about Liliana that he didn't understand. Even though Atlas had attended Sonora for 5 years there was still so much about this hidden world to learn. Hell, for the first year he ended any letter he sent with an ‘x’ because he thought it was how it was done in the wizarding world, until much to his embarrassment his mom pointed out that it was the symbol for a kiss. “Sorry, I guess I just assumed,” he said trying to brush it off. “My bad.”

He hoped that a quick apology was all he needed to avoid a fight, however old habits died hard and once again one of them was getting mad at the other. All Atlas could do was stand there with his eyes wide as he watched what could only be considered a ‘Brit going insane’. He didnt even try to interrupt her lest he fall down a similar spiral, so he patiently waited until she had gotten everything off her chest.
Today was a day of firsts for Atlas. He had never heard Liliana yell quite like that, wear makeup nor swear that much. It was turning out to be an educating morning and he hadn't even arrived to class yet. Although something about her swearing like that made him want to laugh more than take her seriously. The hiccups started at ‘knickers’ and by ‘arse’ he was struggling to hide his chuckles. The ending however- reminiscent of an old sport pep talk was just about the tipping point.

By the time she had settled down and was speaking quietly again to inquire about their location, Atlas Primred had left the building and all that was left was a lump in the snow holding onto his sides from laughter. “I’m... sorry,” he attempted to communicate in vain through the laughter. He knew if he didn't stop soon that she would get pissed but it was the most he had genuinely laughed in a while and he wanted to milk it for all it was worth. By the time he had gained his composure he was laying flat in the snow, face red from lack of oxygen. “Im sorry,” he said letting the last few chuckles out as he sat up, “but I didnt mean me as a muggleborn or whatever, I meant me as a single guy.”

Liliana’s cheeks went pink...again, as Atlas clarified what he said. “Oh,” was all she managed b
0 Atlas Primred & Liliana Bannister Talking, not communicating 276 Atlas Primred & Liliana Bannister 1 5

Atlas & Liliana

August 19, 2015 1:41 AM

cont. by Atlas & Liliana

OOC: Somehow the rest of the post got cut off. Without further ado, here it is:

Liliana’s cheeks went pink...again, as Atlas clarified what he said. “Oh,” was all she managed before busying herself with the hem of his jumper which was poking out the sleeve of her robe. It appeared that she hadn’t needed to go on the tirade, potentially exposing her deepest kept secret for the world to know. She fidgeted for a couple seconds before joining him, wincing slightly at the cold feeling that rushed through her layers. “Well that doesn’t matter to me either. No one’s going to tell me how I can and can’t interact with you.” A few months ago she wouldn’t have hesitated before leaning her head to rest on his shoulder, but now that she knew that she liked him Liliana felt hyper aware of everything that she did. So instead of the familiar gesture, she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, letting her head fall forward onto her legs.

Atlas sat in the snow letting his breathing even out. Despite his wet butt and freezing toes, her words were comforting, and he felt much more at ease than that morning.The voice in the back of his head told him that it was pity, but her embarrassment told him otherwise. Making him laugh probably wasn't exactly the intended reaction, but it was nice to laugh and to hear her say those things. All which made him feel a little guilty for being so cold to her earlier. “Honestly, Liliana, I was kinda hoping to be alone this morning, but I'm really glad you are here now,” he said resting his head on her. He knew he would need some time alone in the future, and even more to get over this, but for now he was content.

“What do you say we just skip class and hang out?" She turned her head to face Atlas. "I don’t particularly feel like getting up even though the snow is cold...and wet… We could just...sit here forever, wouldn’t that be nice?”

“Yeah that would be nice,” Atlas agreed looking up at the cloudy sky. They could go to the hall instead or back to the common room. He could make them some hot cocoa and they could just talk like normal, and feel like delinquentes for skipping class. But alas, Atlas knew better, she knew better and they both had more to lose by skipping class than gain from a pleasant morning. “But no way am I letting a Prefect skip class,” he said taking his turn to scold her. Standing up first, he dusted the loose snow from himself before offering a hand to Liliana.

“How about Saturday we get lost in the labyrinth okay? I’ll even make us a lunch… if you ask nicely of course,” he added with a smirk. If there was one thing he still had confidence in, it was his cooking skills. After all, food does cure a broken heart.

Liliana grinned and rolled her eyes, accepting the hand that Atlas offered her, ignoring the tingling feeling that spread when she grasped it. When she got to her feet again, she reluctantly let it go, taking out her wand to perform a drying spell on their wet clothes before they started to head back in. “Sure,” she replied. A day with Atlas all to herself? “Sounds lovely.”
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