Lena Westley, Aladren

July 27, 2015 7:46 PM
There had been numerous ideas thrown around at the first science club get together. It wasn’t a meeting so much as a meet and greet with some interests on everyone’s behalf but it was nice. It was informative, the chit chat wasn’t unbearable and it was at a minimum. Lena didn’t dislike chit chat per se but she wasn’t very good at engaging in it. When others engaged in it it didn’t annoy her as it did Olivier - thank goodness he didn’t let it show too visibly- but she didn’t want to be bombarded with it day after day. She was making great headway in interacting with people other than her twin but she doubted she’d ever really be a talker.

If she was going to be spoken to and socially required to do more than reply yes and no she probably couldn’t have found schoolmates she preferred. She had spoken to both John and Clark before, and the Teppenpaw girl (Lena was terrible with names) seemed very . . . well, maybe a bit intimidating on the social scale. Now there was someone who knew how to chit chat the right way, Lena thought. But aside for maybe crashing and burning in conversation, Lena thought the girl would be nice to have around. Very upbeat.

She hoped Clark and the girl would hit it off and both take up chit chat duties. . . and mostly chit chat with the other members. The boy she hadn’t spoken to before (whose name she’d also forgotten) who’d worn an Aladren tie seemed friendly. He’d even nodded at her. She didn’t remember if she’d nodded back or simply sat meaning to nod back. This was a social gesture she had very little to no experience with. He might be receptive to some social interaction on a more usual basis. John wasn’t a great talker from her experience with him but maybe he’d also be open to it. In any case Lena was afraid she’d be in desperate need of social relief if she found she couldn’t swim in social waters as well as she hoped. She really was more comfortable treading water. Although she hoped to eventually dog paddle it wasn’t for right now.

She’d wandered back to the gardens not out of habit or for pleasure this time. No, today she wanted to collect some plants that she’d read about. Having reflected on the initial meet she realized everyone had said so much more than she had. This wasn’t strictly unusual, she never talked much, but she didn’t want to seem she didn’t care or wasn’t willing to participate. She’d just prefer to participate with fewer words and more study. Which brought her to the collecting, something she knew about and was the reason she first got interested in science.

Lena’s interest in science first sprung from her father’s botany textbooks back in Wales. Olivier had once mentioned wishing Wales had some of the plants found in Sonora’s gardens during a class but Lena had always been partial to the small little flowers that bloomed at home. Plus, she was partial to the color yellow so the little yellow and white buds were extra charming to her. In addition to the decorative flora she used to make crowns from, she’d often taken day trips into the woods with a book in hand and hunted around looking for the various specimens documented within. She didn’t have a book with her that had what she’d find in Labyrinth Gardens but she thought it might be interesting to identify them together with her club mates. Almost everything that she had recognized did have magical significance and so learning about why the plants makeup was helpful could be very interesting and not just limited to a more potion like topic.

As she was turning one of the corners she ran into a club mate. “Oh!” Lena had nearly run into them having only been looking at the basket which was nearly full. “ I’m sorry I didn’t see you”. Her brows sort of furrowed in mild distress as she tried to do what any other person at Sonora, besides Olivier, would do and inquire after the person’s well being . “How are you?”
7 Lena Westley, Aladren Preparing for Science Club (tag: any science club member) 279 Lena Westley, Aladren 1 5