
October 03, 2014 11:23 PM
The ball, Quidditch, midterms- Lena wasn’t excited about any of the upcoming events. Although her house would be competing in the upcoming game she wouldn’t be watching because, for some strange reason, she couldn’t stand watching bludgers fly around. The ball might be nice for many but Lena had no particular friends yet and was too young to be seriously interested in going with a date. So the social get together was not so much to be anticipated as feared for she was not light on her feet. Midterms had kept her in the commons all day, minus classes, and taking a break to meet Olivier was an absolute necessity. Her twin would brighten her mood, he always made her perk up when he saw she was down, and he always saw.

She and Olivier had a meeting place, not too far in, but not always the easiest to get to either. At least for Lena. Olivier had memorized the Labyrinth’s every hedge, and knew where sightings of the more dangerous creatures were and had decided to steer clear of those areas for Lena’s sake. Unfortunately for Lena she had taken a wrong turn after getting distracted by a queer little envelope with her name written on it. First and last name. No mistaking the intended reader, she took it with her as she proceeded but put it in her bag and didn’t read it on her walk. Despite doing so specifically to not lose her way, she did lose her way and ventured close to the area where something lurking was ready to bite.
0 Anonymous Turning the Corner into Dangerous Creature Territory 0 Anonymous 1 5

Lena Westley

October 03, 2014 11:25 PM
Not meant to be anonymous, previous post by Lena Westley
7 Lena Westley Not Meant to be Anonymous 279 Lena Westley 0 5

Lena Westley

October 03, 2014 11:25 PM
OOC: Not meant to be anonymous, previous post by Lena Westley
7 Lena Westley Not Meant to be Anonymous 279 Lena Westley 0 5