Jorge Garcia

May 26, 2013 9:33 PM

Relaxing in the sun. by Jorge Garcia

Jorge’s summer had been crazy. First, because his sister was getting married. Adelita was 22 now and much older than him (just over seven years). She had just graduated from Julliard and joined in a dance company in New York City where she had been living while in school. Juri, her now husband, was someone she had met while at Sonora. They had ended up going to Julliard together, but that had been completely accidental. They weren’t dating when they had both been accepted. Last year, Juri had proposed and shortly after they graduated, they were married.

Jorge enjoyed himself at the reception, it was hard not to. His family absolutely loved celebrations. The wedding had been on the beach at his great Grandparents estate in Acapulco, Mexico. It was meant to be a small service, relaxed, etc., but Jorge had a large family, so what was ‘small’ wasn’t really small. They had partied late into the night and he had fun spending time with his family.

But, in addition to Lita’s wedding, his uncle Josh and aunt Danae had their first baby over the summer. They had been married for what felt like ever and everyone had been anticipating the moment that they would finally start their family. Jorge remembered their wedding and he remembered how against it his mother was because it had been a betrothal. The only betrothal to happen since his grandparents. But, apparently his mother had changed her tune soon after because his aunt and uncle really did seem happy. And now there was a baby. Ria had been the youngest for so long that it was strange to have a cousin younger than her, but she was 12 now and everyone was gooing over the newest member.

But now the summer was over and Jorge was back in school. He was a fifth year now, which meant that his CATS exams were going to happen at the end of the year. Jorge wasn’t too concerned. He always did well on his written exams during the school year and he was confident in his practicals. His only issue was the school fair. He didn’t really have ‘friends’ to put a booth up with and didn’t want to. But that also meant that he wouldn’t really have anyone to go on the rides with either. Fairs weren’t fun to experience on his own. He’d have to see how the year panned out.

He had forgotten about the Prefects announcements until the night of the Opening Feast, but he wasn’t at all surprised by the fact that Waverly had gotten it. She did a lot for the school, so out of all the Pecaris in their year, she seemed the most appropriate. Besides, he didn’t want that responsibility. Jorge didn’t really like to do things. Case and point, he could be reading the first couple of chapters of his school books to know what he’s going to get in to, but, instead, he was sitting on a bench in the gardens, face to the sun, and eyes closed. This was his preferred leisure time.
6 Jorge Garcia Relaxing in the sun. 220 Jorge Garcia 1 5

Jade Owen

June 10, 2013 4:44 PM

*Noise of glass shattering* by Jade Owen

Every summer break Jade had experienced since her brother had started attending Sonora eight years ago had been slightly different, and yet not different at all. This year the variations were James being at work and Josephine having Addi to stay, but the number of returning constants largely outweighed these anomolies. For example, she spent time with her family's numerous pets, she was allowed to ride the horses that were kept in the stables and fields behind her back yard, she'd flown on one of the family's ancient and increasingly dangerous broomsticks for some extreme Quidditch practise, and she'd had to select her new wardrobe from a poor choice of second-hand clothes that failed to accurately potray her personality. Case in point: she was dressed in some of James' old jeans, as she had significantly surpassed Josephine in height now, that were peculiarly shapeless on her hips, and a top that had been salvaged from a rag sack. It was an unbecoming shade of orange, and only had one sleeeve - by design, not accident on Jade's part - which at least conjured some feint quirk of interest.

Being back at school, however, was more noticeably variant this term. Most poignantly, James was not present. While Jade had never really paid him much heed, nor really acknowledged him in any way other than to drop the occasionaly cheeky insult when they happened to pass in a corridor, she thought she might miss him now she couldn't just see him whenever she wanted to. It was a strange sensation, and not one she had experienced before; when she had been at home and James at school, she had relished the time away from him. Now Jade could at least be grateful she still had Josephine to keep an eye on her. Merlin knew she'd be useless if left entirely to her own devices. Furthermore, this was her CATS year, and hence the first time her grades and assignment scores actually mattered. Academia did not come as easily to the youngest Owen child as it did to her siblings, yet she shared Josephine's laziness in the classroom. hence, she had been struggling to maintain passing grades in most subjects since her sorting, with care of magical Creatures being the only exception. If only they had classes in Quidditch then she might do a little better, but Jade had no such luck.

Putting off growing up for as long as possible, Jade refused to spend her free time studying, and instead wandered the gardens. She adored being in Pecari, where the labyrinth was so accessible with such little effort. She also had friends in the House, and thanked her lucky stars that she hadn't ended up anywhere else. Not that she thought anywhere else would have her; Aladren and Crotalus would throw her out at first glance, and even mild-mannered Teppenpaws would probably tire of her eventually. In Pecari, she could thrive, even with her abnormalities and disregard for social graces. Students in her own House wouldn't be surprised by her reluctance to shut herself up and study - in fact, there was another of her Housemates also out in the gardens. Jade spied Jorge sitting on a bench, his eyes closed. Fool.

Halting her steps, hoping that she hadn't been heard already, Jade withdrew her wand from where it had been stashed in her belt loops. As loudly as she dared, she muttered, "Aguamenti," sending a streaming jet of cold water in Jorge's direction.
0 Jade Owen *Noise of glass shattering* 221 Jade Owen 0 5


June 12, 2013 10:31 PM

*Sigh* by Jorge

Completely startled by the cold water on his face and chest, Jorge’s eyes flew open as a loud gasp of surprise emitted from his mouth. Jumping up and out of the way of the water, Jorge found the culprit. He cursed loudly out of having been startled and finding out that it had been Monster Mouth to have done this to him. He should have known.

Jorge’s brown eyes focused on her as he settled back into his seat. He was annoyed now that he wet and Jade had startled him out of his nice quiet relaxing moment. “Nice Jade, always making a scene wherever you go.” He commented, though no malice was laced into his tone. He was merely stating what he believed to be fact. He shouldn’t have really been all that surprised by her antics. Jade could never just sit and be quiet. He supposed he ought to just be happy that she wasn’t stuffing her mouth with some sort of food.

At fifteen, Jorge had grown quite a bit with a growth spurt over the summer months. He was now shooting closer to his father’s height, nearing sixth feet, finally surpassing Dulce at 5’7. The height, broad shoulders and lean frame made him appear more confident in himself than the awkward last two years had. Jorge had discovered a great liking to swimming, something he had always enjoyed growing up and being on the beach much of the time, but not in the same dedication as he found now. Since most of his summer had been in Mexico, Jorge had risen early with his Tio Paco and gone swimming. This was something he continued to do while in school thanks to the MARS Water Room. But he was sure most of these people wouldn’t pick up on his little habits just as he was sure they weren’t aware he could play three instruments, and maintained Es and Os on his assignments.

Jorge pulled at his now wet shirt and stood up to pull his wand from his pocket. Pointing the wand at his shirt, Jorge said the drying charm and sat back down while hot air spewed from the tip of his wand. “Are you bored or something, Jade?” He asked her, curiously. They had been classmates and housemates going on five years now and Jorge felt Jade hadn’t changed at all since they were eleven. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
6 Jorge *Sigh* 0 Jorge 0 5


June 13, 2013 7:55 AM

Never a dull moment by Jade

There was an instant when, upon jolting awake at being splashed, Jade wasn't entirely convinced Jorge wasn't about to attack her. She didn't budge; a large part of pranks such as these was the thrill of unexpected resonse. Her victim didn't rise to her provocation, however, and merely settled himself back in his seat after cursing loudly in what Jade found to be a most amusing way.

"There once was a girl called Jade, whose victims with water she sprayed," the Pecari recited ad lib., deciding it was safe to move closer to her housemate. "There once was a boy called Jorge..." she stopped, partly because she couldn't think of anything to rhyme with Jorge, and partly because he was drying his shirt already. "I preferred it wet," she commented with a wink as she sat herself cross-legged on the floor near the bench, settling in for a conversation to while away the minutes.

"Are you bored or something, Jade?" her companion asked her.

"Perpetually," she replied, her voice conveying resignation in its tone, perhaps with a subtle hint of frustration. It was true that she found increasingly little to retain her attention, and less still to generate enthusiasm, yet she almost always found some enjoyment in the compnay of those who could stand her. "It's a genuine problem," she continued conversing as she dug her index finger into a soft patch of soil, creating a round divet. Her tone was satirical - she could appreciate that there were plenty of activities on offer, but none of them struck her as appealing. "I wish I could fine something to ground me, but so far," she shrugged in place of a verbal ending to the sentence.

"How about you?" she asked Jorge, with more cheer, as if him speaking would be sufficient to cure her disinterest. "Sitting here on your own - oh, you're not waiting for someone, are you?" she spoke the words as they occured to her, disppointment at the potential of this scenario being true lingering just audibly on her lips.
0 Jade Never a dull moment 0 Jade 0 5


June 13, 2013 10:39 PM

Not with you around. by Jorge

Jorge wasn’t really paying much attention to what Jade was saying when she started to rhyme. He tended to easily block out girls when he thought they were doing something he considered rather dumb and having two older sisters had helped him become an expert at doing that, but he did glance up at her with a raised eyebrow when she paused and then never completed her sentence. Her comment regarding his shirt unnerved him a bit, but he ignored it. If he played into her tricks for too long, she was likely to do something again. Of course, if he ignored her for too long, she was likely to do something again. There really was no winning with her. He didn’t know how her roommates put up with her for so long. Or really, how any of them still had hair. Jade set fire to the common room so many times, he was always surprised to see the school still standing.

He guess he couldn’t blame her for being bored. Jorge was often bored. He tried, he did, to be interested in things, but he quickly lost interest. He supposed that was why he was a Pecari instead of an Aladren. It wasn’t that he wasn’t smart because he was, but rather, he became bored and didn’t show much enthusiasm for learning. He was sure the Aladrens just thought he was lazy. Jorge was pretty certain his grades rivaled theirs’ though. They were too conceded to notice though.

“I thought you had that horse thing now?” Jorge asked. He was pretty sure she had started the Horse club a couple of years ago. He wasn’t sure if anything had come out of it but he figured that if she were willing to start a club, it must mean that she was interested in it.

Jorge was going to answer her, but her last statement caused for a smirk to grace his lips. Although he hadn’t been waiting for someone, he thought it was funny that Jade had enough manners to feel bad about possibly interrupting him had he been. “No, I wasn’t waiting for anyone.” He told her, feeling no need to lie or make her feel bad about being there despite her having soaked him with her wand. “The common room is sometimes noisy and I don’t like to be holed up in my dorm room, so I was out here getting some air.” Having spent the entire summer with his family and now a house full of loud, and sometimes annoying people, Jorge liked to be alone from time to time.

“Anyway, when I’m bored, I either go swimming or go smash the drums.” He shrugged. They were not very entertaining, but they kept him busy for a few hours. “And, if all else fails, I do homework.” He was half joking when he said that. Normally, he did homework while he was eating, but he’s found himself opening up a book or two when he was so bored, he thought he’d die. “I lead an exciting life, I know.” Had his cousin, Pedro come to Sonora, Jorge was sure he would have gotten into crazy trouble from time to time. They were not a pair that should be left alone together.
6 Jorge Not with you around. 0 Jorge 0 5


June 24, 2013 3:13 PM

I'll take that as a compliment by Jade

"Oh yes, I have the horse lovers' club," Jade replied conversationally, "and I think it's going to be a good year for us." She didn't say any more, partly because she had yet to speak to the Headmistress about her idea, and partly because she doubted Jorge would be at all interested.

"No, I wasn’t waiting for anyone," Jorge said, and for some reason he seemed to be smirking. That was annoying. Still, Jade could appreciate what he was saying about the commonroom being noisy. Admittedly, she was sometimes the cause of the din, but at the times when she wasn't, she could agree that it wasn't the most peaceful place to be. She, too, liked to be in the garden, but that wasn't always because she wanted to avoid the commonroom; sometimes Jade just liked being outdoors.

"I don't like swimming," Jade said, in reply to Jorge's preferred activities. "I like to be in the water," she clarified, "but I don't see the point of just going up and down, up and down," she moved her hand as she spoke, to emphasize the monotony. Plus some people looked at her funny when she went swimming in her shorts and t-shirt; she hadn't had a bathing suit since she was nine. "Drumming sounds cool, though," she said with a shrug, assuming he meant playing the drums, rather than litterally smashing them to destruction, which, admittedly sounded fun, but also a bit pointless.

"And, if all else fails, I do homework," Jorge joked. At least, Jade seriously hoped he was joking. She took a small, round object, rather like a small walnut in appearance, form her pocket and pushed it into the hole she had created. She then pushed loose soil over the seed to cover it. "I lead an exciting life, I know."

"It's not so bad," Jade assured him, with a smile. Merlin knew it couldn't be worse than her own life, having nothing - no money, charm, family history or bookish intelligence (she had intelligence in spades, just not when it came to completing classwork) - but her wit to recommend her, or, at the other end of the scale, the crazily uptight pureblooded types with no discernable personality. "Although," she said thoughtfully, an idea, born of curiosity, forming in her mind, "if you could have any sort of life you wanted, what would you choose?"

0 Jade I'll take that as a compliment 0 Jade 0 5


June 27, 2013 8:29 PM

I'm not surprised. by Jorge

Jorge wasn’t much of an animal person. Sometimes he thought they were cute and at one point he had wanted a dog, but he knew that his parents had said no because they knew he would have grown bored and neglected the creature. His parents knew him better than he had realized at the time. He thought they were being unreasonable. They also had a busy life and wouldn’t have had time for an animal. With the girls running off to their practices and them spending most of their summers away from home, it wouldn’t have been all that fair to a dog. It was better this way. But his attitude of such things leaked into other things too. He thought it was pretty cool that Jade enjoyed horses so much to start a club, but he knew he couldn’t feign interest in it to support her for very long. That is, if he felt compelled to support her for some unfathomable reason.

“Oh yeah?” He questioned. “That sounds pretty hopeful.” He commented. She had been vague, so he really didn’t know what to take from the comment other than she had positive thoughts about her own club. He would hope anyone with a club would think positive about them. If they felt the opposite, he’d wonder about the survival of it all. Or why they had bothered to begin with.

His dark eyes shifted towards her when she said she didn’t like swimming. He didn’t know anyone who didn’t enjoy the water in some way. He knew, of course, that there were people who couldn’t swim or where terrified of the water for some reason or another, but that wasn’t to say that if they could get into the water and get over whatever their issues were that they wouldn’t then enjoy it. But then she continued on and explained. Jorge gave a small laugh. “It helps tire me out.” He explained. “I don’t play Quidditch and I don’t enjoy running because you get all sweaty. So, I swim. Lived by the ocean my whole life, it’s just normal to do it, I guess.” He said nonchalantly.

Jorge smiled a little when he thought about the drums. He supposed he enjoyed playing music like Dulce did, although he would never try for it professionally. He just enjoyed playing it. “It is. I’ve been doing it since I was seven or so. When my sister started to play it, I wanted to learn, but my mom told me I had to learn something else too. So, she made me learn the piano. I play that sometimes too, but that’s more Dulce’s choice than mine. I can play the guitar and bass too and next summer Dulce promised to teach me the saxophone.” Dulce knew how to play over ten instruments now and all of them as though she had been playing since she was born, but she was a prodigy. It took Jorge more time to get accustomed to the instrument (he wasn’t nearly as good at bass as he was at guitar and didn’t play the piano enough to be completely fabulous on it) and he only stuck with it when he thoroughly enjoyed it. Drums were his favorite though. When he needed to use up his energy and swimming wasn’t enough or he was angry about something, he could just pound away at them for hours and feel better.

Jorge stayed quiet for a moment while he thought over her question. He didn’t really hate his life. He really did enjoy it. Well, when he was at home. School life was the boring part of it. Home life was good. His parents were happy, his sisters were happy, he was never left wanting, he could do anything he wanted (within reason), he traveled to Spain and Mexico regularly… “My home life is perfect, so I wouldn’t want to change anything about that.” Jorge said after some time. “But school could use a little work. More friends maybe, it’s easier to have more fun with other people, I think. Or, at least something to continuously keep me occupied so that I stop becoming so bored all the time. Lita has her dance and Dulce has her music, but I have no idea what to do.” He shrugged. He realized she was probably hoping to hear that he wanted to have the life of a rockstar or something, but those things didn’t intrigue him. He just wanted to be entertained.

“What would you choose?” throwing the question back at her.
6 Jorge I'm not surprised. 0 Jorge 0 5


July 08, 2013 5:25 PM

No, you're Jorge! by Jade

"James and Josephine can both play piano," Jade commented at an appropriate break in Jorge's speech. "My Mom did some babysitting for a lady who taught lessons, so she did them at discount rate, but then she moved away before I was old enough." Josephine could still play, because she had a good memory for that sort of thing, and she practiced. James didn't have patience for anything he didn't see as necessary, and had gladly given up the classes, acknowledging that the money could be better spent. Jade was pleased to have not spent extra time in class, even if it was for piano. Saxophone sounded cooler, somehow. She had a brief half-thought that she could ask for lessons at home, but as there hadn't been money to send James to college, she knew there wouldn't be money for saxophone lessons.

"My home life is perfect," Jorge related, and Jade felt a stab of jealousy at the comment. She didn't resent her home life, not really, but she would hardly call it perfect. She had shared a room with Josephine since she'd been born, and all her belongings came from someone else - usually from a stranger, then passed through both her older siblings before Jade got her hands on them. Their father had to work a lot, and Jade didn't see much of him. On the plus side, they kept lots of animals, and her parents were fairly laid back. They got along okay, but it was hardly heaven. "I've only been to the ocean a couple of times," Jade said wistfully. "My aunt moved to Miami so we visited her there recently, and we went somewhere else once." She shrugged. She wasn't sure she even liked the ocean, anyway. It was so big, and unpredictable, and sort of scary in some ways.

The other part of Jorge's life seemed easier to fix than Jade's home problem. "You've got me," she said brightly. "I'm your friend." Admittedly, she wasn't sure she'd be any good at stopping him from getting bored, considering she was so often bored herself, but she liked to think she was a good distraction from the mundane.

When Jorge turned the question back on her, Jade didn't hesitate to answer. "I'd choose to have more money," she said decidedly. "Not loads," she hastily added, "but you know, enough for food, clothes... a horse," she shrugged. She held the palm of her hand over the soil, as if waiting for something to happen beneath it. "Though I guess that's a bit boring," she laughed in spite of herself. "What should I say instead?" she grinned up at Jorge, squinting a little against the sunlight. "Maybe I'd choose to discover an invisibility potion or something. Then I'd be able to cause even more chaos than I do already."
0 Jade No, you're Jorge! 0 Jade 0 5


July 11, 2013 10:11 PM

Hardy Har Har by Jorge

Jorge nodded as she commented on her own family’s relationship with the piano. “Yeah, I think the piano is the gateway instrument for just about everyone.” Jorge joked. Most people with whom he knew played an instrument tended to say it was a piano. On occasion, it would be guitar, but those were the two main instruments that he heard about. He wasn’t sure if it was just because parents preferred the sound of a piano over something else or that it was easier to come across a person who did lessons, but it always amused him that piano was the choice. Jorge had only learned so that he could also learn the drums. He placed sole blame on Dulce, who had introduced him to them.

“I’ve never been to Miami.” Jorge commented. Actually, they hadn’t really been around the United States all that much. They just went to their lovely around of Northern California and to Los Angeles where His maternal grandparents lived. The rest of his travels were international. He’d been all over Europe and Central America. Was it bad that he had never traveled his own country? He could joke of being a world traveler, but he felt a little cheap at himself for not enjoying what America had to offer too. “Maybe that’s what I’ll do someday. Travel around America. It’s a large place, I’m sure fun things are bound to happen.” Jorge commented out loud. He still didn’t know what he wanted to do after school was done. Dulce said that he needed to decide after his CATS were over to be able to choose the classes that he wanted in Advance, but at 15, Jorge just wasn’t thinking that way.

“You bring chaos and I’m not even sure it’s the good kind.” Jorge mused, lifting his almost dry shirt as proof of that. “I like water, but I prefer to not have my shirt on when I dive into it. Next time, I’ll douse your shirt too. Fair warning.” He didn’t really care that his shirt was wet, but he didn’t necessarily like being her target for her foolery. Jokes on him weren’t funny at all.

Jorge frowned at her. He admittedly knew nothing about Jade’s home life. He knew that she was of a lesser class of Purebloods due to financial status, but he didn’t know anything beyond that. Jorge snorted at her joke, “Or be considered a pervert.” He commented. The idea of Jade being able to go invisible gave him the heebie jeebies. “You would totally abuse that power and you know it.” He told her, this time giving a small laugh and shaking his head at the very idea.

He sobered up though and gave her a serious look, “Hey, is it really that hard for you? I mean, do you not have enough money for like food and clothes?” He knew horses were expensive and that most working class families couldn’t afford to own any. His family didn’t own any pets at all, but that was due to their hectic schedules. Jorge lived a privileged life, he knew this, but despite the money, his father worked incredibly hard and didn’t live off Jorge’s mother’s family. Even so, his Santoro family built that law firm up from nothing and earned every cent that now had through hard work and by putting criminals to shame. He was not simple minded and assumed money fell from the sky. His parents and extended family made sure he appreciated the sweat they made from their own hands.
6 Jorge Hardy Har Har 0 Jorge 0 5


July 21, 2013 4:21 PM

It's true; I'm hilarious by Jade

"Next time, I’ll douse your shirt too. Fair warning." Jade grinned. Jorge might have been joking, she couldn't tell, but it wouldn't bother her either way. She was usually coated in a light covering of cat hair, some indeterminate potion ingredients, or some other such product anyway. A little bit of water wasn't going to scare her off.

Personally, Jade thought being invisible could open up a whole new world of mischief. She could listen in on private conversation, place pranks with nobody seeing her (she removed her hand from the ground where she'd planted her object, apparently satisfied that it was safely embedded in the earth), read exam papers before anyone else, and hundreds of other things. Life could be wonderful! Trust Jorge to take it to its basest level and call her a pervert. "Look who's talking," she replied coolly. "You're the one who wants me in a wet shirt." She grinned again; it was fun talking to Jorge.

Or it usually was, anyway, but then his tone turned a little more serious as he inquired a little further into the claims she'd made about money. "Oh, we survive," Jade casually shrugged off her reply, not meeting his eyes. "We keep chickens for eggs, and grow vegetables in the yard." They didn't have meat much, but as Jade was provided with regular meals at Sonora, anyway, she didn't mind the dip into virtual vegetarianism the few weeks a year she was back at home. "The clothes bug me sometimes," she admitted. "I'm not even sure what my style is, but I'm fairly sure this isn't it," she said, tugging a little at the orange top she was wearing that didn't compliment her pale complexion. "I get whatever's cheap, or free, and it's never, ever new." She frowned a little and looked at her barely existent sneakers. "It's not even as if I'm all that into clothes and stuff," she said, trailing off rather than completing the sentence. Then, after a second, she brightened perceptibly, before claiming, "But a horse would be excellent. I get to ride the ones in the stables at the back of our yard, but I'd love to train my own, to break her and ride her whenever I want. To have something that was just mine."
0 Jade It's true; I'm hilarious 0 Jade 0 5


July 28, 2013 4:39 PM

With a giant ego. by Jorge

Jorge had been watching Jade as she played with the ground. He had thought at first she was merely ripping out the little grass that was there, but then she dug around and apparently buried something. What, he hadn’t seen or paid as close attention as he probably should have, but he was going to avoid that spot for the time being. Knowing Jade, it was probably something that stuff to one’s foot or some other annoying thing.

He gave a grin when she threw his commented back at him and had to admit, she had a point. Although, discussing her having a wet shirt, he hadn’t really thought about it in a context of her being a female. Most of the time, Jorge forgot she was a girl at all. For the ball last year, the only feminine thing about her was the tiara on her head. That actually felt like a let down to Jorge. He was anticipating seeing her in a dress. He thought Jade could be cute, she was nice to look at without needing to be dolled up, of course, but it wasn’t the same. Her boyish ways always got in the way of him remembering she was a female, so the ball would have been nice to see that side of her. But, it hadn’t happened and Jorge went right back to seeing her as a boy. Of course, even if she had worn a dress, Jorge didn’t think it would make much difference, he didn’t think she was into guys.

He was a little amused that she was roommates with Waverly, who was the opposite spectrum. Waverly (and Theresa really) was everything he considered a girl to be. She always looked nice, she baked, she was sort of motherly to everyone, and she had the patience of Saint considering the obnoxious folk she hung around with daily. But mostly, she was obsessed with her boyfriend, Brandon. It was really obnoxious. Where Waverly talked nonstop about her love, Jade didn’t talk about anyone ever. He wondered sometimes what it would be like in that room. Oh the cat fights…

“I think it’s more socially acceptable for a male to be considered a pervert.” He commented lightly. Jorge didn’t really care if people thought of him that way. It wasn’t like the girls were lining up to date him anyway as they were all too busy fawning over the Aladren and Crotalus lots. Maybe being thought of as a pervert would at least put him on the map. “Besides, I forgot you were a girl when I said that, so I don’t think it should count against me.” He commented, waving off her accusations lightheartedly.

She lived on a farm? That surprised Jorge. He was pretty oblivious to the lives people led outside of Sonora. Most of the time, he just assumed they were like him and happily going along with life. It was foreign of him to hear that they had to farm their own things to eat. It made him feel a little guilty for living so easily. He looked at her clothes for a moment. He figured she just liked dressing like a boy most of the time because her sister always seemed to make an effort. It never occurred to him that she dressed this way because she didn’t have a choice.

“Maybe that’s what you can do after you graduate. Work on a horse farm or something and then buy your own when you get the money.” Jorge suggested, twirling his wand between his fingers like he did with his drum sticks. “As for your clothes dilemma, you could always figure out a charm or transfiguration to fix what you don’t like. I mean, your sister looks pretty hot with what she wears, it couldn’t hurt to follow her lead.” He was teasing her about the looking hot thing because he was certain Jade wouldn’t know where to start, but he was being honest in regards to at least finding a charm to use on her clothes to get them how she would like them. That was the whole point of magic.
6 Jorge With a giant ego. 0 Jorge 0 5


August 03, 2013 9:17 AM

Alas, nobody is perfect by Jade

"You forgot I'm a girl?" Jade repeated incredulously. She wasn't sure what to make of that. Part of her felt proud, almost, that she'd been able to so easily shrug off the tedious stereotypes to which her peers so desperately clung. Simultaneously, she was confused; did she really come across so masculine? Or, wait, was she just a gender-less blob? The notion didn't repulse her entirely - maybe being androgynous was better, over all, than being a prissy girly-girl - but something about the comment didn't sit right with her. She brushed the comment off, with the tongue-in-cheek reply, "That's fair. Sometimes I forget you're a girl."

She proceeded to push the matter to the back of her mind (rather let it make its own way there, her involvement in the process was passive) until it seemed to surface again under Jorge's recommendations that she should be more like her sister. Gee, that's all anybody ever wanted her to be, was more like Josephine. Better grades, more friends, better clothes, and did he just call her hot?. "I'm not my sister," Jade said firmly, but without any malice. She was defensive on the subject, but not hostile.

"Besides, she mumbled, pulling a thread from her brother's old jeans, "nobody would notice if I made more of an effort, so what's the point?" Jade was average at most things, and was content with that, so didn't see any need to try harder. Her real passions and ambitions, however, were what drove her. She worked incredibly hard at Quidditch, she loved horses enough to organise a school club devoted to their admiration, and her cat, Bella, was one of the most frequently fussed felines to ever have lived. Jade knew what she loved, and loved what she knew. She'd never be able to compete with her siblings academically, or her roommates aesthetically, so what was the point in trying?
0 Jade Alas, nobody is perfect 0 Jade 0 5


August 17, 2013 6:23 PM

They'd be strange if they were. by Jorge

Jade seemed actually surprised by the fact that he had admitted to not thinking of her as a female. He thought that was what she had wanted from people. Her mannerisms, her lack of femininity, the way she dressed, the way she spoke, and even her actions seemed to suggest that she preferred to be thought of as a boy. He didn’t understand why she would be surprised by the fact that he saw her in this way. Did she believe that how she behaved would make anyone think of her like a girl? Especially since he knew her sister was not like this by sight alone.

He grinned at her comment. “Oh, but how could you forget that? I’m so pretty.” He said in a mocking girlish voice with a flamboyant flare as though actually wounded by her claim. Jorge was hardly ever offended and by her response, maybe he had offended her. That had not been on purpose. He just generally did not see her as a gender. He did not think of this as a bad thing. Everyone was their own person and they were fit to live their life as they wanted. If she wanted to be masculine then that was her choice.

He must have really struck a chord regarding her sister. Jorge did not have brothers and although he had Pedro as a cousin of the same age, they were never compared to. Even his sisters were never compared to one another. His family was very much the sort who supported a person no matter what. That was why Lita was able to go to Julliard and Dulce to study Music. It was also why his parents weren’t pushing him to figure what he wanted to do with himself. But perhaps Jade was often compared to her sister. “No, you aren’t. I just meant that if you don’t like your clothes, you can change them with magic. And, if you want to be thought of as a girl more, charming them to look girlish wouldn’t hurt.” He explained. He only used her sister as an example. He did think she was cute and if she was getting the same clothes as Jade, she clearly knew how to work them.

Jorge leaned forward, forearms on his thighs, hands clasped out over his knees. She seemed sullen by her comment. Wouldn’t a change like that force people to notice? He smiled just picturing it. “I don’t think anyone would be oblivious to a change. I mean, changing your whole style is not quite the same as getting your hair trimmed.” He stated. “You’re a cute girl, I’m sure people would notice something.”
6 Jorge They'd be strange if they were. 0 Jorge 0 5


August 19, 2013 4:06 PM

We're strange anyway. by Jade

Jade didn't like the turn the conversation had taken. She didn't like talking about herself - well, okay, she did, but not about stuff like this. Real stuff, her feelings and that nonsense. She was more or less happy with her lot in life and so had no desire to whinge about it. Yeah, more money wouldn't hurt her situation, but no way would she want to switch lives with one of those prissy pureblood girls (T and Arabella were okay, but Jade didn't much like the rest of them). If she had to choose between the cash and being true to herself, she'd pick the latter any day. Incidentally, the decision would be somewhat easier for Josephine, as she actually wanted to act like those Imperio'd dolls (If Jade had been familiar with the Stepford wives, she would have thought them an adequate comparison). There were so many ways in which Jade differed from her sister that she often wished their association wasn't so blatant; it would make pointless comparisons between them less likely.

"I don’t think anyone would be oblivious to a change," Jorge said. "I mean, changing your whole style is not quite the same as getting your hair trimmed."

Jade was drawn into grinning sheepishly at the comment. No, she didn't want to be girly, she was relatively sure of that, but maybe her companion did have a point about brushing up every so often. Physical appearances had rarely been of importance to Jade when regarding her own person, but she could admit to noticing the looks of others. It was therefore only reasonable to assume that it did make some difference to her, and perhaps she ought to address certain issues.

At Jorge's closing comment, however, Jade raised her eyes skywards emphatically, and felt the need to drench him again. She refrained, on this occasion, and instead she stood up and brushed dirt off her jeans with both hands, rudely retorting, "And you're an adorable little gargoyle." She placed her hands on her hips and looked down at Jorge, still seated on the bench. "Still, I feel oddly compelled to go invest in a hairbrush. Or, you know, steal one from the commonroom." Even she wasn't sure at this point whether or not she was joking.

"I'd advise you avoid this area for a few hours," Jade offered as she began to retreat, and she gestured vaguely to the ground where she had earlier buried a trinket. "Miniature Mines make these huge dust clouds, and all that dirt will be harder to get rid of than a wet t-shirt." She winked, grinned, and turned to leave, having been thoroughly successful in her ongoing mission of disrupting peace.
0 Jade We're strange anyway. 0 Jade 0 5