Waverly Canterbury

May 16, 2012 12:52 AM
After hearing that her new friend Aubrielle was on the Teppenpaw Quidditch team, she had to go watch even if she was just a reserve. Quidditch had always interested Waverly since day one, but she'd never had the guts to try out. She hardly flew a broom and didn't even own one. She had tried to make the broom in the bakery at home magical, but was convinced that it either didn't like her or it just wasn't magical. She couldn't decide which. Maybe one of her friends could lend her a magical broom sometime and she could learn to ride. As if she didn't already have enough things to do. Joining the Quidditch team could be on her list of things to do before she graduated.

It was a beautiful day outside and Waverly was determined to enjoy it. She left her robes in her room, it being warm enough on its own. She loved living in a place where the sun was mostly always shining. It was lovely. She was just wearing jeans, a blouse, and sneakers as she walked over to the pitch. Her shoulder-length brown hair was flying loose behind her in her hurry to get to the pitch. Sometimes she really wished she had pretty curls, but the people who had curls never liked them. They should switch, she decided, but she was only just getting to the stands then.

Waverly went to Teppenpaw's side and climbed up the stairs to the stands. It was quite high up, but she didn't mind. She was only afraid of heights when she was really, really high up and on something unstable. Like, well, a broom. She saw a couple people she recognized and joined them. "Hey guys!" she said breathlessly, a smile growing on her face and revealing white teeth underneath. "How's the game going so far?" She looked out at the players. The players were all flying so fast that it was kind of hard to determine where exactly the Quaffle was. Waverly was proud that she knew this terminology despite the fact that she still didn't understand the rules of Quidditch one hundred percent.

She recognized most of the players just from walking past them or seeing them in class, but the only one she'd ever really interacted with with Cepheus. And Brielle, of course, but she was on the bench. Still, she couldn't exactly root for him. She wasn't really sure where they stood in their "friendship." Rooting for Teppenpaw was safe. Besides, she was on this side of the pitch anyway. "GO TEPPENPAW!" she shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth. "YEAH PRAIRIE DOG!" This would have been awkward if Teppenpaw was matched again Pecari, but they weren't, so Waverly felt safe among the throng of Teppenpaws to show her loyalty to her friends' team.
19 Waverly Canterbury Spectating in the Stands 218 Waverly Canterbury 1 5

Amira Thornton

May 16, 2012 9:11 PM
Amira was angry. Beyond angry, about Pecari’s roster. CHASER?! Really?! she thought, still seething from the sign in Pecari Common Room. Jade had beaten her and she didn’t like it one little bit. That little… she thought as she punched her right fist into her left hand over and over again. She knew Arista was playing in the game that day and that Brielle was on the bench so she wanted to go to support her sisters even though her team was off that day. Matter of fact, she was glad that Pecari hadn’t gotten the first game to play in. She was miserable about the decision Mel had made and was not sure how to take that. Sure, she knew she was good at every position, but the one she wanted she’d done better than Jade had on that task.

Mira was a Seeker through and through. This Chaser gig best not last too long… she thought as she scowled on her way to the Pitch. She was miserable about Mel’s choice more than she thought she’d be if she hadn’t even made the team this go around. She knew that Mel didn’t like her, but that shouldn’t have mattered on her decision of who was what position on the roster. Amira was better than Jade at Seeking any day. It was pure luck that the now second year had gotten the snitch at all the year before. “Pure luck,” she growled as she reached the stands.

The day was beautiful, the best to play Quidditch in for just about everyone except the Seeker. The Seekers would have a hard time seeing the Snitch with everything glittering around them, that was true. But this was the best weather for her to see it. As the rest of the school congregated in the stands, the third year smiled around at those who were watching her sister play.

The game started and the Captains shook hands. One of the Teppenpaws started off with the Quaffle and it got passed from one to another until a bludger from one of the younger Beaters of Crotalus hit one of the Teppenpaw Chasers. “Oh no!” she thought until she realized that it wasn’t Arista that had gotten hit. “Thank god!” she added, the shock of it wearing off.

Waverly sat down next to her and she smiled at the slightly younger girl. Waverly was a sweet kid and she liked talking to her so she wouldn’t say no to the girl sitting next to her. Waverly wore jeans, like she did, but wore a blouse instead of her t-shirt that one of her little sisters had given her for her last birthday with all the siblings handprints on them. It wasn’t something that Amira normally would wear, but she did it for Arista and Brielle’s benefit. She knew that if her sisters saw her and the shirt they’d feel better and less nervous about it all.

“Hey Waverly, the game’s okay, I guess. One of Tepp’s Chasers just got hit with the bludger but-” she started as she saw the Quaffle make it’s way right towards Teppenpaw’s hoops. Kirstenna caught it, saving the goal. “YES!” she called aloud, cheering Kirstenna’s save and hunting the pitch for her sister.

"GO TEPPENPAW!" Waverly shouted with her hands cupped around her mouth. “YEAH PRAIRIE DOG!” she added and Amira laughed at her excitement for her sister’s team and added to her cheers.

“GO TEPPENPAW! YOU CAN DO IT!!” Amira was still angry at Demelza, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to cheer for her sisters team! Quidditch was still that, Quidditch and she still loved it, even though she was very sore about losing her spot again to the new second year. She wanted it back and she wouldn’t go down without a fight.
0 Amira Thornton Watching and waiting... 208 Amira Thornton 0 5

Clara Abernathy, Pecari

May 17, 2012 9:55 PM
Clara had never seen a Quidditch game played before in her life...at least not up close. She had always listened to her dad cheer for his favorite team as he watched the games on a personal viewer that he had charmed to play the matches. Clara had never liked watching them much because that meant having to watch the people flying around on brooms which the little Pecari didn't like much in the least. So as she made her way out to the pitch to watch her cousins play, she secretly hoped that nobody ended up in the hospital wing. She glanced through the crowd of students seated all over and looked for a familiar face. Luckily for her she found two, Amira and Waverly. She let out a small sigh of relief as she made her way to where they were seated.

She smiled at both of them but remained shyly silent as she watched the two teams take to the field and waited patiently as the captains shook hands, spoke to their respective teammates and then held her breath as everyone took to the air. She caught sight of Brielle down on the Teppenpaw bench and waved furiously at her cousin. "Hey B!" she called from her spot up by the two older girls. "Good luck! Don't break anything!" She gave Brielle two thumbs up and went back to fidgeting in her seat. She watched curiously as the teams raced through the air, the quaffle flying this way and that. She gasped when one of the Teppenpaw players got hit in the back with a bludger and became still as air when she realized that meant that Bri might actually have to play.

She glanced down and saw the same look of realization hit Brielle's face and almost felt incredibly sorry for her poor cousin. When the boy turned out to be okay she let out a huge sigh of relief. Not just for him, but for Brielle as well. When she caught sight of her cousin Arista she began to cheer for her and the rest of Teppenpaw right along with Amira. "GO TEPPENPAW!!" she shouted as loud as she could. "Kick their butts!!" She probably shouldn't have said that last part, but hey she was caught up in the excitement. That and she really wanted to see her cousin's team win.

Clara turned towards her cousin and Waverly. "How do you think they're doing?" she asked the two girls. "Are they winning?"
0 Clara Abernathy, Pecari First game jitters 232 Clara Abernathy, Pecari 0 5


May 19, 2012 3:51 PM
Amira didn't look very happy when she joined her, but she seemed to lighten up a little which was good. Watching the game was intense. Her eyes lingered on the Keepers, wondering just how hard their job was. It looked like the safest job, sort of. At least then Bludgers weren't following them around. Of course, what did Waverly know? She'd never played Quidditch before! The Bludgers did look really painful though.

Clara joined them and Waverly smiled a greeting at her. She was glad she was with two other girls who were into cheering too. Even if Teppenpaw wasn't her team, she knew people on it which made it worth while. She turned to Clara and shrugged.

"I don't know. Nobody's made a goal yet and the Seekers haven't caught the Snitch." She'd learned last year that it was the Snitch that was super important in Quidditch since that gave teams the most points. Of course, one hundred and fifty points didn't really matter if a team had enough points made by the Chasers alone, but that never seemed to be the case with Quidditch games at Sonora. All the Keepers were good. She just hoped that she could be good like that someday. Well, if she ever decided to play Quidditch. She had the baking club to worry about right now.

"Do you guys watch a lot of Quidditch games?" she asked, turning her green eyes back to her friends.
0 Waverly I know how that feels! 0 Waverly 0 5


May 20, 2012 11:26 PM
Clara frowned slightly at Waverly's question. She had never really seen Qudditch before and didn't really pay much attention to her dad when he watched them on his enchanted tv. She always just smiled and left the room whenever her dad was watching one of his games. She knew that his favorite team was one that played for their home state, The Claifornia Comets. He always seemed to cheer louder whenever they played and got angrier whenever they seemed to botch a snitch catch or messed up on a score. She always found his behavior to be downright comical.

She shook her head at Waverly's question, her curly red hair bouncing in almost every direction. "I've never actually seen a real Quidditch game up close let alone on tv when my dad watches them," she told the older girl matter-of-factly. "I've always kind-of been afraid of flying since I haven't been able to successfully do it yet so watching other people do it makes me a tad nervous," she confessed. "I know Amira absolutely LOVES Quidditch...she probably sees it in her sleep," she teased her cousin, lightly bumping her with her elbow. She gave her cousin her best teasing smile and giggled.

"Have you ever seen an actual game?" she asked Waverly, trying to keep her eyes on Arista and the rest of Teppenpaw.
0 Clara I dunno 232 Clara 0 5

Reggie Parker

May 21, 2012 7:24 PM
Reggie was not an athletic person by any means. She did not care for sports at all. The best she ever did in sports was for archery, but since she was no longer in a muggle school, that went to the wayside. Sometimes she could do okay in volleyball, but only when they weren’t playing by the true rules of the game. Actually, thinking about it, Reggie was probably mediocre at all sports so long as she didn’t have to play by the rules. The only ‘sport’ that she enjoyed doing for real was snowboarding and even that wasn’t all that good. Despite having done this for a few years whenever her father and she managed to go to the slopes, Reggie was atrocious at it. She ended up on her behind more of often than not. It never bothered her though. The crisp air and cold of the snow always made the embarrassment worth it.

However, just because Reggie didn’t enjoy playing the games herself, didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy watching the games that others played. She was still rather amused at the fact that Derry had asked her back in September if she would join the team this year. Although she had not outright said ‘no’ to him, she was fairly certain the face she had made was answer enough for him. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Quidditch, she just knew better than to try her hand at flying (something she hadn’t done since flying lessons in her first year) and having the ability to pass a quaffle while avoiding bludgers. It just wasn’t in her ability to do that.

So, she was sitting in the stands, with the rest of her friends, supporting the Teppenpaw team. She had nothing again Crotalus or any other house, for that matter, but Teppenpaw was her home and her best boy friend (also known as BBF) was on the Teppenpaw team. Reggie was doing her duty as a friend and a Teppenpaw by supporting the Prairie Dogs. She watched with trepidation as the teams went against one another. Magical sports were always so much more violent than Muggle. Expect for maybe boxing. Boxing was pretty violent. Either way, Reggie was rather grateful that Derry was a beater. He was less likely to get hurt this way.

Reggie clapped and cheered with the rest of the spectators, “LET’S GO DOGS!!!” She shouted, hollering over the crowd. “COME ON DERRY!!!! KNOCK THEM OUT OF THE SKY!” Reggie wasn’t normally a violent person and certainly never condoned such actions, but this was Quidditch and she was supporting her BBF’s position on the team.
6 Reggie Parker Another Spectator Thread! 187 Reggie Parker 0 5


May 23, 2012 8:58 PM
Amira, being her normal self, was still mad at her new role on Pecari’s Quidditch Team, but wouldn’t use that as a reason not to play. She wanted Seeker back and she’d get it, however hard she had to work for it. Either way, Pecari wasn’t playing this game. This was Crotalus vs. Teppenpaw and since Arista and Aubrielle were both on Teppenpaw’s Team she’d be cheering her sisters on, regardless of her feelings towards Demelza Eagle. Mir knew that Mel didn’t like her, but she didn’t care if she did or not as long as she got what was deserved. She’d done a better job than Jade had done at Tryouts, but at the same time, she sorta understood also that Jade would have made a really crappy Chaser. She’d have sucked… Mira thought as she shrugged.

Clara walked up to the pair of them and Amira smiled at her younger cousin. “Hey Clarabear!” she said to her, noticing that she stayed sorta quiet at first. Clara seemed to have spotted Brielle on the bench and shouted out to her. Amira chuckled at her cousin’s spectacle and then when one of the boy Chasers from Teppenpaw got hit with the Bludger right on his back she shivered. Thank goodness that wasn’t Arista… she thought to herself as she heard Clara’s gasp.

Amira automatically glanced to her younger sister and saw the look on B’s face when she apparently realized what it meant to be a reserve. When Solomon kept on flying, she couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief for the safety of the youngest Thornton there at Sonora. Brielle looked like she’d calmed down a little bit outwardly, but Amira knew that she was probably singing some Broadway show tune to herself. With another shrug, she turned away from B and back to Arista and the game at hand as Clara shouted that Teppenpaw should kick their butts. Mir chuckled again at her younger cousin and then heard Clara ask how she and Waverly thought they were doing and if they were winning.

Waverly shrugged at Clara’s question and went on to tell her that nobody’s made a goal yet and the Snitch hadn’t yet been caught either. Amira nodded in agreement with Waverly. “Nobody’s winning or losing yet, but there have been a few attempts at goals for Teppenpaw and one so far for Crotalus.” Mir answered Clara’s question first and then turned to Waverly.

“I watch a lot of Quidditch, yes. I believe,” she started, glancing to Clara, “and you can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that this is Clara’s first game?” By the frown on Clara’s face, Amira assumed she guessed rightly on that end and chuckled, thinking of how much Uncle Bryan loved Quidditch and wondered how Clara hadn’t really seen the game at all. Clara shook her head, red hair bouncing in every direction and spoke.

"I've never actually seen a real Quidditch game up close let alone on tv when my dad watches them, I've always kind-of been afraid of flying since I haven't been able to successfully do it yet so watching other people do it makes me a tad nervous. I know Amira absolutely LOVES Quidditch... she probably sees it in her sleep,"

Amira laughed and bumped her cousins’ elbow right back. She knew she’d been poking fun, but strictly speaking she also knew that her cousin was right. She DID see Quidditch in her sleep quite a lot. “Love you too kiddo…” she said to Clara as Clara asked Waverly if she’d ever actually seen a game. Amira listened for Waverly’s answer, but kept her eyes out on the game and saw Arista get hit on the hand with the black Bludger.

Mir stopped smiling altogether when she saw where Ris had gotten hit. It seemed that Brielle had seen the hit too and was shouting at Ris to check on her. Ris shouted back that she was okay, but Amira knew better. From what she’d seen Arista had been hit on her bad hand. The older Pecari girl sighed and knew that she’d have to tell her mother what happened and wondered to herself how she’d take that…
0 Amira Oh bother... Bludger again? 0 Amira 0 5