Theodore Wolseithcrafte

October 07, 2013 2:39 PM
So, where does everyone summer?

I'm sort of going with the model of rich Americans from TV shows (you know, the kind who use 'summer' as a verb), and trying to work with the idea that city dwelling Purebloods have a fancy, but-confined-in-space-by-dint-of-location, town house, and then some posh country residence that they go to in the holidays. That's what mine do anyway.

However, I don't really know America. TV has mostly, vaguely taught me that these would be on the East coast? Can someone advise me what a good sort of place would be for this? I also thought it would be neat if a few of us city types had residences in similar areas, so if anyone wants to claim neighbourship, once I decide where I go, feel free.
13 Theodore Wolseithcrafte Geographical help and Pureblood plotting 270 Theodore Wolseithcrafte 1 5

Emrys Lucan

October 07, 2013 4:02 PM
I'm not sure about other areas in the U.S. but I have heard that Florida is generally where a lot of older, Jewish folks often times from New York or the other Northeastern states go to retire. Mostly that information is from my Jewish boyfriend whose grand-parents and grand-parents friends all moved to Florida, so if anyone has information contrary to that feel free to correct me! In addition, my friend who lives in Las Vegas (I know a lot of people from a lot of places, ah the college life!) says that there is a large population of retirees where she lives (but I don't think a pureblood family would choose Las Vegas as a place for holidays nor do I know if that speaks for the majority of the city or just my friend's neighborhood).

As for other summer homes a lot of the richer families I know from school had homes in many places. Usually they were family homes in sunnier places often times in the country where there could be a larger estate. There was even one family who went to Southern France- but that was because the father was from there.

Most people from my area though (the Northwest), have cabins on a mountain for skiing and snowboarding in the winter or by a lake for the summer. Hope this helps!

As for my family, we too are purebloods and it could be fun to join in the pureblood vacationing so let me know if you decide anything!
10 Emrys Lucan Geographical aid- perhaps I can be of assistance? 260 Emrys Lucan 0 5

Waverly Canterbury

October 07, 2013 4:28 PM
Anywhere warm, usually, in the summers. If you live on the East Coast or Midwest, usually you would go to Florida to vacation. If you live on the West/West Coast, you go to California (North or South). Lots of the rich people on the West coast have beach houses for the summer and cabins in the mountains for the winter. On the East coast, it would usually be the same idea depending on what kind of environment your character would like. Warm weather, somewhere in the South or Florida, maybe on a lake. Posh country types would probably have a summer home there outside of the city, but most city-dwellers wouldn't like going to the country too often, I would think.

All this info coming from people I know and my own travels, so if anyone knows better correct me!
19 Waverly Canterbury Help sans Pureblood plotting. 218 Waverly Canterbury 0 5


October 07, 2013 4:58 PM
This is a tough one because it will really depend on how hot you'd like to be.

Being from the Northeast, I know that those who are affluent families have places in the Hamptons or Vacation there. Otherwise, I assume people with funds take their travels outside of the states.

I have no idea if that helps.
0 Sinclairs Hm... 0 Sinclairs 0 5

Theodore Wolseithcrafte

October 07, 2013 5:07 PM
I've heard of the Hamptons, though I guess it's full of New Yorkers. Possibly Muggle New Yorkers. It definitely sounds classier than Florida (no offence, Floridians, but it just screams sea world and the like to me. Sea world... classy PBs.... not a match made in heaven).

How's Vermont for classiness? I know it's sort of scenic cos when Ross and Emily first meet in Friends they go off to a hotel in Vermont and 'there's a deer outside eating fruit from the orchard.' That sounds pretty classy. This is pretty much where I get all my knowledge from though, and the level of detail I know...
13 Theodore Wolseithcrafte Re: Hm... 270 Theodore Wolseithcrafte 0 5


October 07, 2013 5:38 PM
Well, I would think, just like any other city or populated area that there would be the Muggle Side and the Magical Side to it. Or a hidden area just for the Magical.

Vermont, as far as I know, isn't a place people go for summer vacations. It's more for skiing due to the mountains. Unless you are a hiker, I think hiking is big there. It's more of a little weekend getaway type of deals. Bed and Breakfast, etc.
0 Sinclairs Re: Hm... 0 Sinclairs 0 5


October 07, 2013 7:40 PM
Mine have at least a beach house somewhere tropical, a "cabin" (chalet) in the mountains, and a few country estates, including one that looks like the hotel from "The Shining". I believe the beach house is on a wizard only island where only the best PBs can summer. Some of the ones from female lines have summer homes that correlate with where their husbands live, if they don't live in the West.

They're a huge family, they're going to have more than one vacation house.

But if anyone wants in on "Pureblood Tropical Island" feel free. Especially if you want to give it a better name
11 Brockerts As far as I know.. 0 Brockerts 0 5


October 07, 2013 10:20 PM
Yeah, Vermont isn't really an affluent kind of locale. Especially for summers, you probably want either oceanfront or lakefront property, and I don't think Vermont has much of the later or any of the former. And if you want mountains, Eastern mountains can't hold a candle to Western mountains.

The Pierces, of course, are partial to New Hampshire's mountains, but they're biased because they own one. I imagine they probably vacation in Nova Scotia or somewhere thereabouts in eastern coastal Canada.
0 Pierces Agreed 0 Pierces 0 5

Theodore Wolseithcrafte

October 08, 2013 8:23 AM
I can picture them having a place by some nice lakes. Now, where are those...?
13 Theodore Wolseithcrafte Lakefront is good... 270 Theodore Wolseithcrafte 0 5


October 08, 2013 8:30 AM
There are a lot of them in the Adirondack region of northern New York. Not sure where you can find some in a warmer area, though.
0 Pierces Lakes 0 Pierces 0 5


October 08, 2013 9:29 AM
Western NY is known for their Finger Lakes and Thousand Islands which is big on summer cottages, etc. And then there is the obvious Great Lakes. I don't know if other areas have known lakes though.
0 Sinclairs Yup 0 Sinclairs 0 5

Emrys Lucan's author

October 09, 2013 6:25 PM
However, if I am to believe what my boyfriend and teachers have told me, the Great Lakes are not very clean. Apparently they have quite a bit of pollution that makes the water dirty, here's an article in case you're interested!
10 Emrys Lucan's author On the great lakes 260 Emrys Lucan's author 0 5


October 09, 2013 7:58 PM
I live off of one of the Great Lakes. It's pollution levels are tested yearly. The pollution levels are worse only near the shore line, in less populated areas where it's not kept clean, and only during high rainfall seasons (and this would be true for any body of water, not just these lakes). The Great Lakes (or, the one I live near as I can't speak for them all), pollution rate has steadily decreased, people still fish, swim, and drink the water (it's where most of the bordering states get their water supply from). It's still a place people go for vacations due to the 1000 Islands, Niagara Falls (both US and Canada side) as well as Toronto for anyone who prefers over the border.

0 Sinclairs Well... that's not really the facts for all of them 0 Sinclairs 0 5

Emrys Lucan

October 10, 2013 4:15 AM
That's good that they're getting cleaner, I just remember being told by my boyfriend (who's from Chicago) that the area near where he was was pretty gross- but then again, that could just be the area from where he was from as I do know the lakes are pretty big.

Thanks for the extra info!
10 Emrys Lucan That's awesome then! 260 Emrys Lucan 0 5