Nathan Xavier

October 28, 2019 7:39 PM

Disc Apps Is Having Issues by Nathan Xavier

We have noticed that discapps is claiming to not be reachable tonight, so I've swapped over the links to the new versions for all of our pages early.

I finished converting Lounges, Hosptital Wing, Gardens, MARS, Quidditch Pitch, Library and Teppenpaw, so those pages have existing posts on them.

The remainder of the boards are currently blank until I can import the existing data that I backed up a few weeks ago. If Discapps comes back in the next three days (it wasn't supposed to go down until Oct 31), I can get all the posts transferred over. If it doesn't, we'll be missing the last few weeks worth of posts, but I have the historical data as of September 27th.

If you want to post new threads anywhere, go ahead and do so. I'll fill in the older posts as I can. Replies to more recent existing threads on the unconverted pages . . . may prove a bit impossible unless discapps comes back. Here's hoping it's only a temporary setback.

As you work with the new pages, please don't hesitate to let me know if you find bugs or have suggestions for improvement.
1 Nathan Xavier Disc Apps Is Having Issues 28 1 5

Nathan Xavier

October 29, 2019 5:10 AM

Yay! It's working again! by Nathan Xavier

Looks like we're not losing posts!
1 Nathan Xavier Yay! It's working again! 28 0 5

Isaac Song

November 05, 2019 9:34 PM

Question about character pictures by Isaac Song

I've been trying to change Isaac and Nico's picture, but it isn't registering the change. Mikey's and Waverly's was fine, but I'm not sure why I'm having trouble with Isaac & Nico. If you have any advice on how I can make it work, that'd be great!

And yay! Thank you so much for switching everything over.
19 Isaac Song Question about character pictures 375 0 5

Selina Skies

November 08, 2019 6:41 AM

Pictures by Selina Skies

Due to the large number of images, the site creates a cache in order to be able to load faster. Therefore changes do not show up immediately. You can manually clear this in your browser, or it seems to auto-refresh itself after 24 hours or so.

There was also a bug for a bit, but it should be fixed now.

Isaac's looks new since the last one I remember, so guessing you're ok now. Let us know if not.
13 Selina Skies Pictures 26 0 5