Flora Wilkins

Written By: Flora Wilkins

Flora Wilkins

Character Information

Preferred Name: Flora Wilkins
Age: 17
Birthday: 14/8/1960
Gender: Female
Wand: Silver lime and Phoenix feather, 13 1/4 inches

Student Demographics

Year 6
House: Pecari
Best Class: Astronomy, Ancient Runes


All Time

Total Posts: 1
Total Threads: 1
Total Words: 246
Longest Post: 246 words
Longest Thread: 6 posts

Physical Description

Flora Wilkins has strawberry blonde hair that brushes just above her waist, and agate blue eyes. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall, with an hourglass figure. She has a pale complexion, and a heart shaped face. She has slender arms, and wears makeup. She has long lashes and stained red lips.


Flora is a feisty, adventurous girl, who likes to go exploring in new places. She is woodsy, and loves going for long walks in the little glen around the house. She also loves the beach where the Wilkins family vacation home is located. She is a bookworm, and enjoys reading books such as “The Broomstick in the Cauldron” or “Witches Working”. She is a fashionista, and loves trying new outfits and makeup, though she sticks to casual wear while climbing rocks and trees! She loves watching nature documentaries, and leaving food out for the birds and squirrels. She is kind and compassionate, but also very determined. She is stubborn, and once she is convinced of something, nothing can change her mind. Her curiosity often leads her to trouble.

Family & Friends

Father : Adam Wilkins ; Mother : Maria Courtney ; Sister : Felicity Wilkins ; Maternal aunt : Friga Johnson nee Courtney ; Maternal uncle : Henry Jhonson ; Paternal aunt : Trixie Wilkins ; Cousins : Hecate Jhonson, Persephone Jhonson