Sadie-Lake Chalmers

Written By: Rhy

Sadie-Lake Chalmers

Character Information

Age: 20
Birthday: 2nd August
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Ali Skovbye

Student Demographics

Alumnus (SA34 - SA40)
House: Crotalus
Badge(s): Prefect


All Time

Total Posts: 132
Total Threads: 55
Total Words: 65699
Longest Post: 1545 words
Longest Thread: 19 posts

Physical Description

Sadie-Lake has blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders and is almost always straightened. She is of average height and on the skinny side, encouraged by her mother’s dieting. She has brown eyes and is never sure whether this is a good thing or a bad one. Her mother tells her both that brown eyes are soulful but also that if she had blue she’d be more doll-like. She isn’t sure she wants to be a doll but she knows her mother means that as a good thing, and therefore she is lacking by not being it. She isn’t sure whether or not she’s pretty, or whether prettiness really exists. Her mother tells her there’s no such thing as natural beauty only good camera angles and the right filters when Sadie-Lake complains about the million photos they have to take (which she does rarely - complain that is) but tells her she’s too pretty to waste if she doesn’t want to participate. She has long since concluded that her mother will spout whatever line she needs to get her into a picture, and isn’t sure where that leaves her in terms of how she looks. Her clothes are on brand, which for them means affordable but classy - a slightly glitterized version of how your middle class life could look if only you made the effortless effort.