Miss Agnieszka Lowrski

May 31, 2012 1:16 AM

What a wonderful place this garden is... by Miss Agnieszka Lowrski

This sure was a nice place.

Agnieszka wandered about the garden frivolously. The last place she had seen like this was at her previous home in Italy, but even so, the gardens of Fiding Villa was nowhere similar. And after that, she had lived in places that were not conducive for huge greenery like this.

Oh! Was that an Uncommon Black-Stripped Garden Rabbit? If she could catch it, she could persuade it to give her some of its fur for a scrying ritual she had wanted to do for a long time now! Unfortunately, the fur component was something she had to get herself, and could not be owl-ordered, yet she had no time to do so.

Wait, it was running away! Luckily Agnieszka had not worn high heels that day, so hitching up her long skirts, began to chase after it, not noticing the bunny running into the maze she had seen earlier.

After a wild goose chase, Agnieszka finally managed to corner it in a dead end of the hedge. Ha, I’ve got you now! She thought viciously. Walking closer, she dug her hand into one of her many jacket pockets, and dug out a baby carrot she was planning to eat later. Hopefully it will put the rabbit in a good enough mood it might let her get some fur.

The Uncommon Black-Stripped Garden Rabbit stared at her wildly, but there was nowhere for it to run to, and Agnieszka was holding food. Agnieszka put on a sweet smile and held out the carrot, whilst her other hand searched for her pair of scissors in her many pockets, advancing on the rabbit.


The rabbit took fright and ran under the hedge. Agnieszka cursed. She had been so close too! Sighing, she put back her possessions and turned around to leave, only to find a fire crab staring at her.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! Someone help me!” she screamed, taking out her wand and casting a Reducto at it. Unfortunately, she had never been very good at offensive spells. Seeing that her spell had only angered the fire crab, she turned and blasted an Incendio at the hedge, creating a large enough hole for her to run through.

Unfortunately, the fire crab followed. And she had no idea how to get out of the maze.
0 Miss Agnieszka Lowrski What a wonderful place this garden is... 0 Miss Agnieszka Lowrski 1 5