Renée Errant

September 16, 2010 11:08 PM

Seeking Adventure by Renée Errant

Renée's lips formed into a pout when once again the strange animal she had been tracking escaped her. "Hey, come back!" She called out. "No le lastimaré!" She heard a barely stifled gasp and watched as an oddly shaped tail once again rounded a corner of the labyrinth.

"Ugh!" She stamped her foot into the ground, reveling in the small tremor she created. "I only wanted to play."

She had been wandering around the gardens, eagerly looking for adventure. It was in her blood. Her mother had briefly been an adventuress after running away from her powerful pureblood family in Spain, her brother was born traveling and was now studying to be a mapmaker/explorer, and her father... well, he married her mother and that was an adventure in itself.

"Where's my adventure?" She mumbled, kicking a pebble out of her way. She idly inspected her forest green robes, which suited her rather well, rubbing some dirt off a sleeve. She had been wandering for about an hour with no success, and though she was feeling a little disheartened, she was nowhere near giving up. And, with luck, she happened to spot somebody a little ways a way in the gardens.

Not thinking clearly enough to worry about embarrassment, she ran with a giddy feeling bubbling in her chest and a wide smile gracing her cute face, until she skidded to a rather unsteady stop in front of the person she'd spotted.

"Hola. Will you go on an adventure with me?"

Merlin, she hoped they were fun.
0 Renée Errant Seeking Adventure 0 Renée Errant 1 5

Neal Padrig

September 24, 2010 12:51 PM

That makes two of us by Neal Padrig

Neal had plenty of experiences with the Labyrinth. Besides the fact that the Common Room entrance was in the gardens, he appreciated the excitement that tagged along with getting involved in such a maze. Defense last year had been a blast there, and he managed to get somewhat lost (not lost enough) when he explored the place with Caleb last term. But he felt the gardens had so much promise that he hadn’t seen lived up to quite yet. The fact he had never gotten seriously lost or even seen any out of the ordinary creatures convinced him that the only way he’d truly get an exciting experience was if he just kept visiting the maze frequently. It was worth a shot, anyways.

Walking along the familiar pathway, passing a bench here and a random fountain there, he was struck with a thought. Should he get someone to go with him, just in case something dangerous popped up…?

He shook the bothersome thought from his head and kept on walking. He was certain that asking someone to go join him in a search for danger wasn’t going to get him a partner, unless he ran into another Pecari or something along the way. He was pretty sure they might be all over a proposition like that. If he felt restless, surely someone else in his House did too. Maybe he should’ve checked before he left his dorm... Oh well, too late now. If he saw someone he’d ask, but he wasn’t too put off about wandering alone. He felt he knew enough spells to get him by if he did find what he was looking for.

Humming a popular tune from a song he’d heard on the radio over the summer, Neal was planning out how to get even further into the maze this time around when his thoughts were interrupted by a rather familiar person. In a full blown frenzy, Reneé almost ran into the twelve year-old as she excitedly greeted him and asked him the question he was supposed to be asking people. Looks like she was on the same track of mind he was, something possibly dangerous yet oh-so convenient.

“You read my mind,” he told her with an excited grin before continuing his steady walk, hoping she was keeping up. He tilted his head a bit as he asked her, “Just double-checking here, but you sure you’re not in Pecari?”
0 Neal Padrig That makes two of us 0 Neal Padrig 0 5

Renée Errant

September 28, 2010 7:23 PM

Good, because one is the loneliest number. by Renée Errant

Renée took a second to blink at the sudden assent before she beamed and caught up to Neal, matching his long strides. "I knew there was a reason I liked you." Her long curls bounced behind her back as she began turning her head fanatically, doing her best to try to catch some strange sight that would lead her and her new companion on an adventure. When Neal asked her if she was sure she wasn't in Pecari, she gave him a dazzling smile, showing nearly all of her perfectly white teeth.

"I know. My uncle went here too, I think. And he was sorted into Pecari and loved it. He told me that I would probably be sorted into there too." She shrugged, although there was nothing casual in her feelings towards what she saw as a truly wrongful sorting. "Crotalus isn't so bad though." She thought of the girls she had met. She hadn't gotten particularly close to them, but that didn't bother her so much. She wasn't much of a people person anyway. She suddenly recalled something and looked excitedly at Neal. "Actually, Crotalus isn't that bad at all. I've made it onto the Quidditch team." She raised her chin proudly, a sparkle in her dark brown eyes. "I'm a chaser. Just like my brother. Are you on the team?" She went over what she just said in her head, and immediately amended her statement, not wanting Neal to take offense. She actually rather liked him. His color blindness made him different and interesting to her, and he was obviously a boy up for adventure. "Not that being on the team is for everyone. I mean, if you didn't want to be on it then whatever." She smiled and continued inspecting their surroundings as they walked.

'What was that?' She whipped her head around, but saw nothing. Disappointed, she continued on with Neal, hoping that one of them would find something soon.
0 Renée Errant Good, because one is the loneliest number. 0 Renée Errant 0 5


October 04, 2010 9:05 PM

And being lonely is a drag by Neal

Neal remembered how adamantly he felt the Sorting Potion was wrong his first year. He wasn’t too familiar with the school since his magical parent had been both homeschooled and from Whales, but as he grew familiar with House reputations he thought himself more of an Aladren. It was more because of his enjoyment of solving puzzles and challenges than anything else. It wasn’t until this year that he agreed with where he was sorted. He was starting to get that bored, need for thrill feeling that could only be described as something an action-prone Pecari gets. Well, an action-prone Pecari and Renée anyways.

“That’s awesome,” Neal congratulated her when she said she made her House Quidditch team. She seemed nothing short than thrilled with the fact judging by the cheerful gleam in her eyes. He was ready to ask her what position she played when she read his mind for the second time. Huh, maybe he was getting too easy to read or something.

He was ready to answer her question when she interrupted him sounding guilty for her enthusiasm about the sport. Honestly, if she met Tristan, she wouldn’t have anything to apologize for. He quirked an eyebrow into his shaggy bangs and smiled. “Being on the team isn’t for everyone, but I wouldn’t say it’s not for me. I’m actually a Chaser on my team, too. My dad’s an Obliviator, and he worked at a lot of pro Quidditch games, so growing up I just always liked Chasers’ position the best since they got the most action.”

He considered this for a second before adding, “Crotalus was tough last year, so you must be really good to have made the team as a first year. I guess you played a lot with your brother if he plays Quidditch? Or maybe you play with other siblings of yours…?” Neal didn’t have siblings, but he always wanted one. It would have been a lot more fun to play games with people other than your parents and the kids who didn’t think you were possessed because your eyes were weird. Still, he was close with his parents and the friends he did make, so he wasn’t too upset about it.

Neal saw Renée look around as if she saw something, so he looked around to the direction her eyes went. He didn’t see anything suspicious until he heard rustling from the bottom of the hedges. “Awesome! Did we find something already?” Usually Neal didn’t have such good luck so fast, but he wasn’t about to question it. He took his wand out and inched forward, moving the bottom branches to reveal nothing more than a garter snake. He sighed in disappointment and waved Renée over to look at it. “It’s not magical or even venomous,” he griped. “Do you think we’re doing something wrong?”
0 Neal And being lonely is a drag 0 Neal 0 5

Renée Errant

October 11, 2010 2:35 PM

Following a New Leader by Renée Errant

Renée became, if possible, even more excited. "You're a chaser, too? So - so we'll be playing against each other then!" She grinned at him, a mischievous look in her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." She continued walking with him through the gardens. Neal was becoming much more cool in her eyes. Color-blind, a sense of adventure, and he was a chaser as well. The absolute best position on the team.

"Actually I practiced with a junior league for three years. My papa was the coach. I don't have anymore siblings. Gabriel's actually my half-brother." When she had been younger she hadn't understood what that had meant. She remembered staying up late one night, watching through the upstairs banister while Gabriel and her father had gotten into one of their rare arguments that actually held some rage on her brother's part. 'You're not my father, David! So stop acting like it!' Gabriel had assured her many times that however angry he got he would always love her, and she'd always be his sister... but sometimes she wondered. She never wanted to make him mad enough to say those things he sometimes said to her father. 'And that's why I've got to be the best chaser I can be.' She thought fervently. 'Then he'll be proud and never ever angry at me.'

“Awesome! Did we find something already?”

Renée followed Neal over to where she had originally thought she had seen something. Crouching beside him she followed his suddenly disappointed gaze. "Something wrong?" She frowned. "I dunno. Maybe we should ask him." She looked at Neal hopefully. "You don't happen to speak parseltongue, do you?" She picked up the snake and placed it on the ground, facing it to the direction they were walking. "Let's watch where it slithers, huh? Snakes are attracted to the vibrations, so maybe it'll lead us to something big." She smiled at Neal, and wrapped a hand around his arm and lightly pulled him, following the snake.

OOC: Sorry for slow response
0 Renée Errant Following a New Leader 0 Renée Errant 0 5