Professor Levy

May 22, 2010 3:43 PM
Like the Beginner Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Advanced class would be having their lesson in the maze. Unlike the Beginner lesson, the Advanced class would not be meeting in the DADA room first. A note had been placed on the door letting the students know where they should come. Erika assumed that they were responsible, mature, and knowledgeable enough to make their way to the Gardens without incident. Once they were all gathered, Erika didn't bother taking roll call since it was such a small class and it would be easily noticed if anyone were missing.

"Seventh years, RATS are quickly approaching," Erika began. She remembered when she had been in her last year of standard schooling and they had always seemed so far away until suddenly they were upon her. And while she couldn't make them study, she could review in class and work on where they were weak. "I'll do my best to get you through it and on to graduation. And for the sixth years, this would be a good opportunity for you as well to see what you should begin working on for next year. It'll be here faster than you think."

Once the obligatory speech was over, she went on to what the lesson would be for the day. It was similar to what the Beginner class was doing, but would be quite a bit more difficult. "Today will be spent in the maze. We will start in the center and it will be your job to get out. However, to make it a bit more difficult, you will be competing with your classmates as well as myself to get there." An amused grin came across her face as she saw the look on some of their faces. "Yes, you will be competing against me. If you can make it to the center before I do, you'll get extra points on top of being the first one there."

She paused a moment to allow the students a chance to process before continuing, "Now, you may cast spells against your opponents. However, the obvious ones are off limits like the Unforgivables as well as those we have learned in class to be inhumane or cannot be reversed. Other than that, you may use whatever spells you have learned, but I do recommend using a good defense." After all that was what the class and review were really about. What they had learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Any questions?"

After all questions were answered, she lined the students up to enter the maze. She led them to the center where they would be beginning. Sure, they could try to go the exact way they came back, but it would be more difficult with their classmates as well as their professor aiming at them. "All right. If anyone needs help, please send up the Spark Charm. Ready? Begin!" With that, she quickly ducked behind the nearest hedge. It would be quite an interesting day.
0 Professor Levy DADA Advanced Level (Sixth and Seventh Years): Lesson I 0 Professor Levy 1 5

Cynthia Smythe

May 26, 2010 4:42 AM
It was rare that Cynthia took pleasure in, well, anything. She did not enjoy her classes, and she particularly did not enjoy classes that sent her elsewhere with a note pinned to the door, and even less so when they ended up outside. She was most strictly an indoors person. Nevertheless, as she continually reminded herself, she only had to get through the remainder of the year and she would be free from the constrains of a psuedo-educational environment forevermore. This thought ensuring her composure, Cynthia was able to listen to her professor with amicability.

"Now, you may cast spells against your opponents...". There. That one line. That right there was what made this the best class Cynthia had ever attended in her life. It was tainted by being outside, but here was a teacher actually giving permission for her to curse her classmates. Finally the world was making sense! Yes, no Unforgivables (not a problem, she was far more creative than that anyway) and nothing they had deemed inhumane. Well that narrowed her preferred arsenal somewhat, but Cynthia chose to see this as an added challenge, rather than a restriction on her abilites. Mostly because she couldn't think straight when she was grumpy.

When the race began, the very first move Cynthia made was to cast a good strong protego charm on herself. Later she had every intention of disillusioning herself, but when there were so many people here already that felt impractical. Instead she tried to take out the competition. Praying on the person best in her line of aim, Cynthia cast a non-verbal finite incantatem on the off chance they'd had her own foresight, followed immediately by petrificus totalus. Crude, perhaps, but effective. Side-stepping round a hedge she saw her next victim, and a quick incarcerous would hopefully see them bound tightly in ropes. Humane, so entirely appropriate. This was fun.
0 Cynthia Smythe Now <i>this</i> is more like it. 103 Cynthia Smythe 0 5

Professor Levy

June 01, 2010 10:00 PM
0 Professor Levy Class Closed! (nm) 0 Professor Levy 0 5