Demelza Eagle

November 11, 2009 9:15 PM

Ah, peace... not that I don't also enjoy ruckus by Demelza Eagle

Demelza drifted from the common room for a "night time stroll". She was told, after all, that she didn't have to be in the common room until 10:00p.m., so she used her time wisely. Right beyond the common room were the Labyrinth gardens, and she couldn't help but explore. It was the biggest garden she had ever seen, and so many colors overwhelmed her and attracted her to it.

She noticed beautiful plants, all looking extremely healthy. She smiled at their happy glow they seemed to give off. She touched, examined, and observed every particle of the garden. But one thing seemed too really stick to her.

It wasn't really anything special. It was just a tree. But for some reason, Demelza seemed to think of this tree as... the tree of knowledge? No, that can't be it... she wasn't quite sure, but it just made her addictive.

Immediately, without hesitation, she climbed up to a large branch on the tree, something she has done many time before at her own home, usually to retrieve a lost quaffle or something like that. It seemed sturdy enough, so she leaned her back against the trunk, propped one leg up on the branch, leaving another one dangling, and took a breath of fresh end-of-summer-ish air. She had to clear herself of all thoughts... she was meditating. Ever since the first time her Uncle Ethan taught her the beauty of finding her self at peace with the world, through meditating, Demelza had been doing it every day. In fact, besides creating music, this has been one of very few things that Demelza has actually stuck to. She has been meditating for about 4 years now... and now she really has the hang of it.

She was one with the tree, one with the air, one with the song poping in her head... No, that must not be there, she must empty all thoughts... one with sound... yes, that is better.

After about what felt like twenty minuets, Demelza opened her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and took out her pocket knife. Her brother Jamie had given it to her for her 11th birthday, but very privately. Demelza kept it with her at all time, in case if she ever needed it. Carefully pulling out the blade, she pressed it on the bark of the tree, and wrote:

Demelza's Tree.
Feel free to
enjoy too.

She smiled, and looking down, she thought she imagined someone there, and lyrics formed, finally, for that tune she had stuck in her head all day.

"Hey, hey, you, why are you down so low? C'mon, C'mon up, and I'll take you along. A tour, that's what I'll guaranty. And I'll tell, tell, tell you how to find my inner tree," Demelza absent mildly sang under her breath. She really have no idea where there words came from: she had just bursted them out. But, they sounded alright, so she kept it at that.

And realization hit her. This tree, it did state a purpose. Demelza turned back to the writing she carved, and under those words, she wrote:

And may the music flow through you.

This was what she had been waiting for: her fountain of music. This, surley, must be called, the one and only, "Tree of Pure Sound and Rubber Soul". Ok, that was a long name, but that's what made it special. Because it was a special tree. And she claimed it her tree.
0 Demelza Eagle Ah, peace... not that I don't also enjoy ruckus 157 Demelza Eagle 1 5