Laurie Cider

March 27, 2009 4:45 PM

An Afternoon Escape by Laurie Cider

Her skin hummed in the pleasant warmth of the noon-day sun. Her legs, bared to mid-thigh, ate up the late spring rays hungrily, and already her cheeks tingled with the tale-tell whispers of an early burn. Distantly, in the back of Laurie's mind, she recognized the need to apply more sunblock, but even the slight movement that needed felt like too much of a chore. She was indulging in a few hours of delicious laziness, and her earlier concerns dissolved in the heavy influence of passivity that a mindless book, cloying sunlight, and soft grass proffered.

Her dark blond hair spilled out over the back of her arm, the texture thick and heavy against her skin as she stretched, her lips parting in a silent yawn of contentment. It felt beyond good to just let go and ignore things. She knew if she had stayed in the common room for a second longer she'd lose it under the pressure. There were the never ending demands from the concert participants- the entire thing had grown into a project beyond anyone's expectations and the delicate balancing act it took to organize all those details was positively crushing; there was the disappointment of Professor Flatt's sudden hiatus- it wasn't so much that she missed him, but the Aronos was all but dying in his absence, and she lacked the confidence to step into that leadership position; there were finals approaching ever closer, and despite her calendar of preparation, she kept losing hours here and there to other commitments and by the time she returned to studying, she was too frazzled to give it the right sort of attention- she still hadn't managed to get past the mental blocks she had with half of the past year's Transfiguration lessons; and then-

Then there was Josh.

Laurie still didn't know what was wrong with her. The over-whelming bouts of self-consciousness she experienced around him still occurred. She still avoided being alone with him, and she knew that there was no way he hadn't noticed this. The worst ought to have already been over, what with their exchange of feelings- her cheeks flushed heavily over the memory, and she bent her arm to rest it over her eyes, shading them from the overhead brightness. Something had happened over the holidays; something just sort of clicked inside of her, and it was like all at once she realized that Josh was a boy. Obviously, she already knew this. Laurie wasn't completely oblivious to reality. But there was more to it. He was taller than her, and bigger and stronger, and somehow, her recognition of these facts made her feel incredibly vulnerable.

She didn't feel like herself anymore around him; she felt too much like a girl. She immediately started to notice all the many failings about herself whenever Josh was near: the way her teeth didn't meet correctly, the largeness of her nose, whichever blemish was gracing her skin that particular week- each and every little detail stuck out to her and then all she could think was that she didn't want Josh to notice them.

It was really pathetic and weak and all kinds of ridiculous, but Laurie couldn't get past them.

And so, she had run away on a Saturday that was supposed to be spent studying in the library to the Gardens. She had a collection of Sherlock Holmes short stories resting open on her lap, a bag filled with snack items sent from home as part of a study-hard package from her parents, and a blanket to prevent the grass from tickling too much at her bare skin. It was close enough to heaven that Laurie could forget her primary wories without too much effort.

Until she was interrupted, that is, by a shadow falling overhead.
0 Laurie Cider An Afternoon Escape 0 Laurie Cider 1 5

Josh Warren

April 05, 2009 2:31 PM

Es-kah-pay by Josh Warren

Josh's first reaction to the sun's appearance was to grab his broom, a reaction which he acted upon. After a vigorous session on the Pitch, Josh needed to get some rest and relaxation. Yet somehow he wasn't quite feeling the need to go back to the mansion... The Common Room was rarely relaxing before midnight. The navigation amongst the hedges passed the time, allowing Josh to let his mind wander to the topic that had constantly been on his mind, a topic that had long, pretty, dark blonde hair, cutest smile he's ever seen, and a way with getting under his skin. The worst part was, he had no idea what to say to her. Thinking about it was only making his worries worse. In the end, Josh decided on exactly what he was going to do, something that scared him far more than he would have guessed: He was going to wing it.

Josh went step-by-step through the gardens, letting the sun crash into his cheeks. The steady warmth was comforting. Soon summer would be upon them and the Traverse City Tigers would be back in action! Joe would be back as Keeper (much to Renaye's delight), Danny, Twister, and Andie (Andrea) would be back as Chasers. Also (maybe not as happily) Lynnie would return as Seeker. She was, after all, at fault for last year's loss. This wasn't a harsh judgment. It had been right in front of her. She just decided to watch the other players instead of the snitch. Maybe Trey would get a shot this year.

Josh rounded a corner, his pale blue eyes looking to the matching sky, and his thoughts returned to Laurie. He felt like it had been ages since he had seen her for more than a minute at a time. He had lost track of the time. It might have been three days, it might have been four months. To be honest, he missed her pretty desperately. There was something holding him back from expressing it though, mainly the idea that Laurie wouldn't want to hear it. Josh had previously convinced himself that, the next time he saw her, he was going to say something. He was going to do it. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where, he was going to talk to her.

Josh took in a breath of air, closing his eyes for the briefest of moments. A second later he regretted this. His foot nudged something solid, throwing him off balance as he stopped his other foot in mid-air. As he fell, Josh turned himself away from the thing (since it turned out to be a person) in order to avoid further injury. He crashed onto the grass, the shock of the moment fading as he regained his thoughts. He looked around and felt his heart leap and stomach sink at the same moment. Laurie. In her Florida shorts. But what was more important, now was the time to keep his self-promise. Suddenly, his peace of mind wasn't so peaceful. And the pain in his arm had nothing to do with it.

"Ouch-- Merlin, I'm sorry, Laurie! You okay?" He apologized, though he couldn't help but let a smile spread over his face. He chuckled as he said, "I didn't even know where I was walking."
0 Josh Warren Es-kah-pay 0 Josh Warren 0 5


April 07, 2009 11:14 AM

Well, it was an attempt at least. by Laurie

Laurie braced for impact, her first instinct being to raise her book to cover her eyes. She waited, breath held, and when the thud landed to her right, she hesitantly opened first one brown eye and then the other. And blinked. It was Josh. Unbidden, her heart began its unnecessary thumping, and her ears began to grow uncomfortably warm.

"I'm fine- you're the one who toppled. I guess clumsiness is contagious after all." She smiled, swiping hair away from her face. She lifted a hand, her fingers grazing Josh's elbow lightly. "Is your elbow all right?"

She waited for him to re-settle, pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms around them, her cheek coming to land on its side above her knees. She purposely shifted to the edge of the blanket, leaving a wide space open. She wasn't sure whether she felt happy that Josh had- literally- stumbled on her, or disappointed that her afternoon of escape had been spoiled. Of course, this might be a prime opportunity to voice all of the ongoing, internal concerns that she held. Of course, this might also be a prime opportunity to skip such an event and continue to act as if she perfectly normal, and not at all the spaz of nerves and unnecessary worries that she really was.

"You caught me red-handed," she admitted after a moment, feeling uncomfortable with the silence. "I was skipping out on studying and play preparation. Just me and Holmes, I'm afraid." Her brown eyes took in the work-out clothes, and she relished in the chance to find another thing to talk about that wasn't elephantine in size or consistency. "How was practice?"
0 Laurie Well, it was an attempt at least. 0 Laurie 0 5


April 10, 2009 11:06 AM

So is this. by Josh

Josh brushed some grass from his arm as Laurie inspected it. He shrugged in a no-big-deal manner. "Nah, I'm fine. I thought I was going to crush you," he said with a grin. "Can't have that." Words were running through his head at fifty miles an hour. His movements were barely conscious as he scooted his way onto the blanket. He barely noticed that no one was speaking and that, should he not be lost in thought, the conversation might be slightly uncomfortable. After the brief pause in vocal activity, however, Laurie spoke up. "You caught me red-handed. I was skipping out on studying and play preparation. Just me and Holmes, I'm afraid. How was practice?"

Practice? Had he done that today? Josh's thoughts were everywhere but focusing on the conversation. His memory of the morning jumped to mind, making him realize that he had done more than just have this moment of panic throughout today. He gave a shrug. "It was nice to get out of the mansion. Couldn't miss out on the weather. Gotta keep practicing until summer league starts." He paused for a moment, all of his racing thoughts suddenly coming together, enough so to piece into something coherent.

"But, listen," he said, turning towards her, "Serious conversations kind of suck, but here it goes." Should he be blunt? He could just say it. But maybe this was something that maybe he should be a little more thoughtful with... But before his thoughts caught up with his mouth, he was speaking. "I want you to be my girlfriend. I don't want to keep having this weird sort-of-more-than-friends thing." How should he say that he just wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to lose her so soon? "I like you, a lot. You don't always do stuff normal girls do, which is awesome. I mean, you came out to the gardens to read a mystery novel, not paint your nails or whatever else the girls in our house do." Josh had to remind himself to keep from blabbering on. "I want to keep you around. You kind of intrigue me. And you're beautiful, I don't know if I've told you that before."

That was all Josh was prepared to say at the moment and, more likely than not, it was probably too much. He couldn't tell whether the pink on her cheeks was sunburn or a clue to her response. The panic had eased from his mind, but the anticipation remained, more torturous than ever.
0 Josh So is this. 0 Josh 0 5


April 10, 2009 2:00 PM

Vair nice- I approve. by Laurie

Laurie nodded slowly, her brown eyes intent from behind the thick spread of lashes. "Summer league. . .right." Her thoughts turned distractedly to the previous summer and the match she had missed. It was one of the highlights of her school year, the Quidditch games- watching her two best friends battle it out in the air. Part of her envied their talent, and part of her was enthralled in being the spectator. The thrill of anticipation, the heady anxiety caught in her stomach when Josh made a particularly dangerous lunge, or Renaye practically jumped off her broom- it was a vicarious pleasure, but a pleasure all the same.

She hoped that she could come this summer, if her parents weren't still too angry over the Christmas debacle. She parted her lips to voice this when Josh suddenly turned. Unconsciously, Laurie straightened from her curved slouch, her knees gripped too tightly. Serious conversations- it was not the sort of intro that reassured. But then he spoke- and spoke again, and too suddenly, his words rushed into comprehension. She lacked that sort of easy directness, spending far too much of her time wallowing in anxious concerns, spoiled by the tempered considerations of others.

She wasn't very brave, she realized in the seconds of silence that passed once his words finished. All this time, she had been caught up in her own worries, distracted by her own feelings. She had paused, several times, to consider what Josh might be feeling or thinking, but she hadn't acted on it. And all along-

Laurie lifted her gaze and smiled, a shy expression that stretched widely and interrupted the flush of her cheeks.

-and all along, Josh had only been thinking of her.

"I- " Her voice caught, and resolutely, she shook her head, to clear away the hammering thoughts and rushing blood. "I mean, I feel the same way. I like you, too, Josh- a lot. And I'm tired of feeling nervous because I keep doubting where I stand, which is all just silly since, plainly, I stand exactly where I should. I want to be your girlfriend-" The word felt foreign coming from her lips, and so she repeated it. "I want to be your girlfriend; definitely."

Laurie named the emotion 'giddy, because her head felt too light and skin too warm, and she was positive none of it had to do with the sun or the weather or any other normal explanation. The pause was only a heartbeat or two, and in it, she felt overwhelmed by an unnamed something that buzzed near her ears, and only allowed her eyes to see his, his expression appearing equal parts endearing and earnest and so comfortingly familiar. She inched forward, her lips parted to speak again-

The foreign pressure of warmth, brief and soft, against her lips brought her to reality. She leaned back, her hands on his shoulders, overcome by her own daring. Her first kiss- and she was the one to prompt it. Unbidden, her hand lifted to cover her mouth, her eyes wide, and her cheeks drenched in a heavy blush. "Oh Merlin. . ."
0 Laurie Vair nice- I approve. 0 Laurie 0 5


April 10, 2009 10:55 PM

I was hoping you would. by Josh

Josh waited. He waited, not knowing what to expect from the blushing girl in front of him. He was looking for a slump in the shoulders, a raise of eyebrows, maybe the glimmer of a smile, something that would allow him to release the breath he had been holding for what seemed like forever, though it was most likely only a few seconds. And then it appeared. Laurie lifted her eyes, revealing a very promising smile. He allowed himself to breathe, but that didn't mean the anticipation was gone. She began to speak and the words that escaped her were probably the best ones Josh had heard all year.

"I want to be your girlfriend; definitely." Josh let out a silent breath, his lips forming into a smile as he did so. He almost felt like speaking, but somehow he thought that might ruin it. He was perfectly content sitting here, her brown eyes connected to his blue. Besides, Laurie seemed to have something to say. But as it turned out, she had nothing to say at all. As the moment drew closer, reality crashed in around Josh. His stomach seemed to jump into his ribcage, with nerves or happiness he didn't know. They were way closer than they had (intentionally) been before. Just as the space was closing Josh leaned forward, reducing the space between them to zero.

It was brief and sweet, all he could want in a first kiss. Laurie leaned back, looking almost mortified at her own daring. Josh resisted the urge to laugh (though a smile did sneak through). His hand reached up to take hers away from hiding her face. He placed his free hand at her back and kissed her, fascinated by the energy that seemed to be coming from the girl in his arms. The contact was broken as Josh pulled away, keeping his arm around her. Words seemed appropriate, but none came to mind that would do the situation justice, so Josh opted for silence. This time, however, the air was free of any awkward thoughts or feelings.
0 Josh I was hoping you would. 0 Josh 0 5


April 13, 2009 5:19 PM

Yes, I made the comparison. So shoot me. by Laurie

Her eyes closed, much like every storybook or romantic movie had promised they would, and then it was pure sensation: the vague push of grass against her knees, the stretch of her t-shirt against her back, the weight of her hair on her neck, and the achingly gentle pressure on her lips; all of it. . .it was-

It was-

It was like cotton candy: sugar and softness and an insubstantial sweetness that encouraged second and third helpings. She felt all too aware of the hand on her back, a foreign pressure that bespoke strength and ownership and other heavier feelings that she didn't know the name of. A kiss, she decided in the brief seconds of repeated contact, was something lacking in definition. It was all emotion and texture and not at all the organized, compressed descriptions that literature liked to give to it.

She realized, in a dizzy off-handed recognition, that her nervousness was gone. She was far closer, physically and otherwise, with him than she'd ever been- and even the brief hand-holding and rushed hugs shared before had never produced this level of comfort. She was smiling, she realized as well- grinning in that careless, artless manner that only came in times of forgetfulness. She didn't care about her over-bite, or the current state of her skin; somehow, those thoughts seemed very silly in hindsight.

"I am. . ." Her words landed lazily, the hint of laughter caught in them; how long the silence between them had lasted, Laurie was unsure. "I am really glad I decided to skive off on responsibility today."
0 Laurie Yes, I made the comparison. So shoot me. 0 Laurie 0 5


April 30, 2009 11:35 PM

I'd rather not, honestly. Legal complications and such... by Josh

Josh grinned at Laurie's statement, silently thankful she had skived off the seemingly more important matters as well. He leaned back on his free hand, wrapping the other arm around Laurie's side more comfortably. "I'm really glad you skipped too," he agreed with a smile, giving her a slight nudge. The past few moments were still playing in his head. He could barely believe it had actually happened. The reality of the scene had entered his mind, but the time it would take to sink in, he did not know. Moments with Laurie were like moments he read in a book and she was his favorite character. To think that he could actually have her, outside of the story, would require nothing short of magic.

"You can procrastinate for a while longer, right?" he said, "I don't really feel like moving." He paused briefly, "Sore from practice, of course." Josh's blood felt warmer running through his veins, though far from uncomfortable. It was almost as if his whole body was contently relaxed at the moment.

Thinking ahead, Josh suddenly realized how fast summer was coming upon them. Most likely, he wouldn't be given much summer-time with Laurie, something that seemed almost unheard of at the moment. He barely wanted to say goodnight, let alone goodbye for three months! Josh would have to face the stories that Renaye told of their girl-time together without revealing how jealous he was. Besides, he couldn't look whipped. He was still a guy, and from what he had heard, guys weren't suppose to give in so easily. That task may be harder than he thought though...

OOC: Sorry for the delay, friend!
0 Josh I'd rather not, honestly. Legal complications and such... 0 Josh 0 5