
November 03, 2007 9:10 PM

Tryst...(tag:Nicoletta) by Earl

Earl didn't exactly know where he was going, his mind filled to the brim with what was happening, but after a minute he realized the general direction he was heading in and continue on the path towards the gardens. Once he realized where he was leading Nic, he slowed his pace, realizing that he was almost dragging her. He turned to look at her and figured that she hadn't minded all that much.

After sometime walking through the labyrinth in silence, and not having bumped into anybody, Earl stopped and turned to to Nic, trying to think of something to say. But nothing was coming to mind, except that she had kissed him and it wasn't enough. Without further warning, he leaned down and kissed Nicoletta firmly on the mouth.

Hopefully, she wouldn't cry this time.
0 Earl Tryst...(tag:Nicoletta) 0 Earl 1 5


November 03, 2007 10:40 PM

Rendezvous... by Nic

As they walked through the Gardens, the area became familiar. A turn there and they would be in the spot she shared with Adam. Her heart raced and a panic welled up inside of her. Had shared. A sort of finality rested with it. They would never go there again. It might become the spot for some other couple. Maybe they would have a chance. She liked to think so. It gave her hope. It would be a sad state of affairs if everyone were fated to fail from the start like she and Adam had been.

She was with Earl now. When he went in a different direction, the alarm that had gripped her quickly passed and she was calm once more. They went a little further before eventually coming to a stop. He turned and they gazed at each other for only a moment before his lips were on hers. Nicoletta’s first reaction was to push him away, but she had wanted this.

Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair. She pulled him towards her, deepening the kiss. She wasn’t going to let what happen last time occur. She was in control and she was going to stay that way. After a little more kissing, she pulled away slightly, smiling and still playing with some of his hair. It was soft.

Earl might not have been the one her heart longed for, but he did make her feel better than she had lately. The added bonus was that he was a good kisser. She could defiantly get used to this. She gave him another kiss before moving away completely and took a seat on the nearby bench. Waiting for him to join her, she glanced around the area. The Gardens were always gorgeous and this was no exception. It would really be a great setting. Giving a sly grin, she asked, “So, when are you going to sketch me here?” She had enjoyed modeling for him and wouldn’t have minded doing so again.
0 Nic Rendezvous... 0 Nic 0 5


November 04, 2007 1:07 AM

Appointment. by Earl

This was much better than anything that happened in the common room, and almost better than anything that had happened over th summer. Nic, contrary to what he usually thought was not being her haughty self. And April had kind of been like that, only in more subtle ways.

Earl let out a small groan when Nic pulled away. He wasn't ready to stop just yet. His eyes traced Nic to a nearby bench and soon his feet followed. He took a place next to Nic on the bench and leaned in to kiss her again, but the sound of her voice stopped him.

"Here?" Earl said, his voice slightly higher than usual. He had been a bit hesitant to draw her in an empty common room, but the empty gardens just seemed so...open. His cheeks tinted red for a moment before gaining composure and giving a short cough to hide his discomfort. He did like drawing Nic; she was definitely nice to look at and she stayed still.

Earl leaned in until his lips almost touched Nic's, and he whispered "Any time you want, Nic," before kissing her again.
0 Earl Appointment. 0 Earl 0 5