Talitha Cumni

October 08, 2007 1:18 AM

Flying Lessons by Talitha Cumni

Talitha whistled shrilly and her half grown owl jumped from the low hanging branch of a tree she perched it on and glided to her outstretch arm. Greedily it gobbled up the piece of bacon Talitha held in her fingers to reward it. She smiled and stroked the soft feathers on its chest. Funny, she’d really grown to love her owl. Not so much like a pet, not like her family dog or cat. Not even like Rusty, the horse she liked to pretend was hers when she was home. This love was deeper, like a real true friend. Is that what difference felt like between a pet and a familiar?

Maybe that’s why she couldn’t think of a name for it. To name it would mean ownership and she didn’t feel like she could own a friend. She figured it would let her “know” its name sooner or later. Besides, Great Horned owls didn’t have a lot of plumage differences to be able to tell males from females. Like, what if she named it a boy’s name and then it had a clutch?

Talitha returned “Owl” to the branch and then had an idea. She had to get it to fly all over, not just to her. She got another piece of bacon out of her pocket and laid it in the palm of her right hand. Getting her wand out with her left, she incanted Wingardium Leviosa The bacon left her palm. Concentrating, she lift the bacon higher and higher in the air.

Her feathered friend followed the treat with its huge eyes. Suddenly and almost silently, it launched itself from its perch and flew after the bacon. Neatly it snatched the morsel up in its talons and then swooped to the topmost branches of the tree. It looked down at her as if to say it was okay, it would find its way back to their bedroom. After all, that’s where more bacon was.

“You’re wonderful!“ Talitha cried. Completely enraptured by the owl’s grace and beauty, she didn’t realize someone had joined them. When she did, should couldn‘t help but brag a bit. “Isn’t that the most beautiful, talented owl in the world?”
0 Talitha Cumni Flying Lessons 102 Talitha Cumni 1 5

Adam Brockert

October 10, 2007 2:37 AM

...bring up bad memories by Adam Brockert

Adam sincerely wished he wasn't in the gardens right now. He never really cared for the outdoors and now he was out in a labyrinth where he'd probably end up getting lost.

Unfortunately, the moment he'd got to his preferred hideout, the library, Adam had spotted Chelsea and he really did not want to deal with her at all. He knew it was wimpy and embarassing to be afraid of a younger sister but she'd never been very nice to Adam and he didn't take teasing well. Besides, he couldn't shake Nina's warning about her.

Since there was no way he was going to sit in the Hall because it was way too public, (Adam usually went in there only to eat towards the beginning or end of normal serving times and ate as fast as possible) he was left with no choice but to brave the garden.

He had grabbed a sweater, book and Peanut. If Adam was going to go outside, he was going to at least take his pet with him. He never took her into the library because he wasn't sure he was allowed so if he was going to be outside, the least he could do was bring her along.

Giving a low sigh, Adam walked further into the gardens, hoping to find a private place where not too many people ever got to. Intent on his search, he wasn't paying attention and jumped back, startled, when he heard a voice exclaim,

“You’re wonderful!“

Adam's face flushed instantly. He was embarassed about being startled (in front of a girl no less!) Plus, the girl had just exclaimed someone was wonderful and he couldn't see anyone but the two of them in the clearing. There was no way she could have meant him that wasn't possible. There simply wasn't anything wonderful about Adam.

“Isn’t that the most beautiful, talented owl in the world?”

"Uh yea, sure" Adam replied, feeling even stupider. How could he have even thought for a second she'd meant him? He didn't know this girl and she didn't know him. Adam only recognized her from his common room and anything she heard about him couldn't have been good. He hadn't really thought she meant him anyway. Adam felt himself to be a worthless human being. "I'm, um, sorry to bother you."

He felt edgy and nervous. Adam was pretty sure that if he hadn't made a fool of himself already, he would soon. Of course, he'd agreed with her about her owl, which he had no way of knowing was true or not, but that was the thing to say to not offend her and really get himself into trouble. Besides, Adam could see the owl and it really was quite nice. Still, part of him hoped she continued the conversation further as he really didn't know what to say next.

It wasn't as if Adam could just leave either, even if though he was incredibly anxious and uncomfortable. That would have been rude and she would have thought badly of him. He was simply trapped, and so he stood there like an idiot waiting for her to continue.
11 Adam Brockert ...bring up bad memories 78 Adam Brockert 0 5


October 10, 2007 8:20 PM

Brooms can be scary by Taltha

Talitha blushed and smiled, her dimples deepening. This was a day to mark on her calendar. Her owl flew on its own and caught something in its talons. It was no longer a baby. Then, without thinking, she actual spoke to an Older Boy. Not only that, but he didn’t roll his eyes at the dumb little twelve year old kid and walk away, the Older Boy spoke back to her in a nice way. She recognized him as a member of her House, but he didn’t seem to have ever put on airs like so many older Crotali were bound to do, especially the girls. He was nice looking too. Not drop dead, swoon at his feet handsome but…nice. Most importantly, if she remembered right, he was at least two years older than she was.

She wished she could think of something enchanting or witty to say. She wished she looked much older. She wished she could appear sophisticated. She wished she didn’t feel so awkward. She wished she could remember his name.

“Ah, hi.” She began, unable to think of anything more brilliant to say. “Sorry…, its just that I raise it from a baby and that was its first real solo flight. It was so little and hurt when I found it that it’s a wonder it lived and now look!” She pointed to her owl as it took off from the branch and soared in the direction of the school. “It even knows its way home!”

She was so caught up in the beauty of her owl flying that she almost forgot that an Older Boy stood next to her. When the owl disappeared from view, she ducked her head shyly. Gathering more courage, she peeked at him from under a strand of hair that fell away from her braid.

“I’m Talitha,” she said, then she spotted the book in his hand. “What are you reading?”
0 Taltha Brooms can be scary 0 Taltha 0 5

Adam B.

October 21, 2007 3:35 PM

Extremely by Adam B.

OOC-Sorry, RL has been in the way this past week. BIC:

For a brief, excrutiatingly uncomfortable second, Adam stood there waiting for the girl to say something. He relaxed slightly when she began to talk about her owl, rather than telling him to get lost or something. (The fact that she was probably two years younger than him, did not make Adam any less intimidated. He'd been spoken to rudely by those younger than himself before and if he ran across Chelsea, probably would be again.)

He listened to her talk about the owl. Adam found himself smiling warmly. There was something sort of touching and cute about this girl raising it like she had. It showed she had a nurturing, caring side, a quality Adam really liked.

"N-nice to meet you, Talitha," he replied. "Um, I'm Adam." There was no way even he could have screwed up just saying his name, even if he did probably sound a bit formal and anxious. His face flushed when she asked him what he was reading. What if Talitha made fun of him for it? Adam held up the book with its title showing. "It's on making wands." This was a subject he was intensely interested in. If she teased him, he would be mortified and probably unable to face her again. "I'm um, thinking of doing that as a career." Wandmaking did not necessarily require social interaction, so long as Adam could find someone else to do the actual selling. Perhaps he could even make them and supply to a larger store, then he'd still get to do what he loved but not have to do what he feared most.
11 Adam B. Extremely 78 Adam B. 0 5


October 21, 2007 9:37 PM

In the extreme by Talitha

OOC: No prob…It happens to the best of us.

IC: Talitha’s blush deepened as Adam introduced himself. Her heart did a little hop-skip in her chest. Adam seemed nice and it was so flattering that he continued to speak to her. Why were a dozen butterflies doing a square dance in her tummy? She’d never reacted this way to anyone talking to her before. Maybe it was he was being so nice, not using the “nice munchkin” tone of voice a lot of older kids adopted when they spoke to her age group. She was sure any minute now, he would pat her on the head and tell her to run along and go play with her tea set. Until then, she decided to glory in the moment.

“Wow,“ Talitha cried. “Oh, wow!" Her brown eyes really popped when she saw the title of the book. He liked wands! He wanted to make them! Perhaps he wouldn’t scoff at her special wand. Everyone back home had totem wands that were of her nation, but nobody did here. The last time anyone asked about it was Lila and she acted as though it was germy or something.

Wands in her community were crafted with four sided, larger than ordinary handles. As the witch or wizard went through life experiences that were special to them, they carved a totem honoring it. She had a total of six. Two she carved herself. Four, her daddy carved when for her. The otter on top represented her family. The owl, fox and squirrel were her spirit guides. The bat was for discerning direction and moving from darkness into light. The star was her symbol for her Walk and new name.

“Would you like to look at my wand?” Talitha said and tentatively held her wand out to him, handle first. Daddy’s carvings were beautiful. Hers were a good try, but not that great. Still, she hoped he wouldn’t laugh.
0 Talitha In the extreme 0 Talitha 0 5

Adam B.

October 30, 2007 5:16 PM

I'm awkward in the extreme. by Adam B.

OOC-Thanks, it still is rather hectic but seems to be calming down...I hope.

IC-She actually hadn't made fun of him or said he was a nerd. Adam was rather surprised. What was even more shocking was that Talitha even seemed enthusiastic and interested in it. Nobody except for Kaylie really cared what he had to say. Of course, Adam never really spoke to many people on topics he was interested in, for fear that they would find him boring and dislike him because of it. He knew very well that he and the other students were not into the same things. They could go on and on about Quidditch which Adam had absolutely no interest in and a major fear of. However, he felt since he was the one who was different, there had to be something wrong with him.

Adam actually smiled when Talitha wanted to show him her wand. "Yes, I would really like to see it," he replied, with genuine interest. He took the offered object. "Wow..." Adam replied as he looked it over, impressed. "I've never seen anything like this. I mean, I remember briefly reading about it in a book, how different cultures use other types of wands than the standard wand most of us use, even though each wand is different and chooses its owner. Does it work that way with your wands too?" He was pretty sure she was a Native American but not the tribe. Adam continued "Some wand makers use different woods and cores too. I'd prefer to use a wide variety myself when I make them." He turned bright red for he felt he was babbling again. Plus Adam was worried he'd shared too much. What would she think of him now?

The constant nervous feeling he had now intensified. Why couldn't he ever talk to anyone without screwing it up? Adam wanted Talitha, wanted someone to like him, to not think he was freak and he was afraid that he'd just blown it for good. He really hoped she wouldn't laugh at him, that she would still keep talking to him. Adam knew that Talitha had offered to show him her wand but he wasn't sure if he'd said too much or said the wrong thing. "This is really neat though." Adam added awkwardly. He had the worst time making conversation.
11 Adam B. I'm awkward in the extreme. 78 Adam B. 0 5


October 30, 2007 9:00 PM

Awkward is just another word for unique...unique is good by Talitha

Talitha nodded vigorously when Adam asked if the wand choose the wizard. “Yeah, that’s all the same except most Pacific Northwest wand makers create the thicker handle so the user can carve the totems to combine Good Medicine, that’s spiritual magic, with practical magic. Mine rhododendron and Sasquatch hair.”

Again Talitha’s eyebrows shot up and her eyes widened as Adam talked about using different woods and cores. He was making wands already? He must be brilliant! She was so proud he seemed really interested in her wand. In her opinion it was the most wonderful wand ever made, especially because her daddy started the totems for her. His carvings were beautiful.

“Oh, thank you.” Talitha said a bit disappointed, taking her wand back. Adam was so enthusiastically talking to her a moment ago, then his tone changed. He must have remembered he was speaking to a kid. Here it comes, Talitha thought, the go away, you’re bothering me line. “I’m glad you like it.”
0 Talitha Awkward is just another word for unique...unique is good 0 Talitha 0 5

Adam B.

October 31, 2007 4:10 PM

That is so comforting. by Adam B.

Oh no, she sounded unhappy. Adam must have done something wrong. He hadn't meant to. He really liked her wand. It was different and special and he felt honored to actually see one like it. "I reallly do!" Adam blurted out, assuring her. "I'd love to learn more about it. The carvings on it are really good. They represent different things right?" His grandpa had often told stories about Native Americans and of course Adam read about wands every chance he got so he thought it was a good guess.

He went on "Hey, I'm sorry. I don't mean to talk so much. It's just I really am into wand making, I'd love to actually try making one myself, and I hope I'm not boring you." Adam gave her a shy smile but inside he was quivering. What if she now told him that yea, he actually was boring her. "Most people don't really have a lot of interest in it." He barely ever talked to even his family about it except Kaylie and Marshall. Kaylie was a good listener and Marshall had a similar love of Transfiguration that Adam did of this and could go on about that the same way. On the other hand, Chelsea would call him a nerd, and indeed, tell him how dull he was. She wasn't nearly as blunt with Marshall, because he was so much older, but she would usually yawn. Then there was their grandfather, who never listened much to anyone according to Adam's father, Nina who wasn't an especially patient person, Hope and Evan who were too young and of course, his mom's family, who didn't even like him, was a complete lost cause. Adam didn't speak around them at all.

"I'd really love to hear more about your wand and your culture too. I mean, I'm sure there are both similarities and differences but I'd still like to hear about it." Adam turned red again. That had been a stupid thing to say. Not the wanting to learn more, but the thing about similarities and differences. "Oops, sorry, I um, hope I didn't offend you." He never said the right thing, he always screwed up. "Your core is especially interesting, with the Sasquatch hair. Most people seem to have unicorn or phoenix feather or dragon. Mine's not though. It's raven feather." It was just another thing that made Adam feel like he didn't fit in. He didn't even have a normal wand core. "I'm um, kind of glad someone else's is different too. Not that I'd want you to feel out of place," he quickly added.
11 Adam B. That is so comforting. 78 Adam B. 0 5


October 31, 2007 9:59 PM

I feel so special *blush* by Talitha

OOC: When I researched for this post about the raven, I was blown away. It was so perfect a choice for Adam! J

IC: Talitha ducked her head, bit her lower lip and began to giggle self-consciously. When she looked back at Adam her eyes were sparkling merrily. Of course, if she had to listen to a professor talk about the techniques of wand making, it would bore her to tears. But Adam’s enthusiasm about the subject made it interesting, especially when he was curious about her wand.

“Oh, you’re not boring me.” Talitha tried to assure him. “I thought you were tired of talking to me. I’m what my dad calls a mutt. He is Cherokee and Navajo. Mother is Suquamish. Our family has sort of blended those cultures together. The totems carvings are Suquamish. Much of the medicine related to them is a combination of all three peoples. The meanings behind the totems are very private to the witch or wizard but I will share with you the otter. That is our family totem, it comes from Mother’s side. Otters are very good parents and they are super protective of their babies. They are ferocious hunters and fishers. Part of their Medicine reminds us to find joy and fun even in everyday tasks.

Talitha laughed happily again when Adam said he was afraid that he’s offended her. How could asking for information offend? How could she feel out of place if her beloved wand was different from the norm? It just made her feel special, almost important. One thing was for sure, she was never much of a conformist.

“Oh, you’re not offending me in the least. I will tell you anything I can. Of course, some things are too private to tell to someone outside of our community or even our family. Sasquatch hair is surrounded by magic relating to stealth and strength through gentleness and there is also a deep relationship with Mother Earth and Nature.”

“Your wand is uber powerful though.” Talitha gave a small shudder of awe at the thought. Her face became very solemn and her voice hushed almost to a whisper. “The raven is the keeper of universal secrets. It heals fear and anyone with Raven Medicine can expect to go on many journeys that help their spiritual growth. That is awesome amazing magic. You are so lucky.”
0 Talitha I feel so special *blush* 0 Talitha 0 5

Adam B.

November 10, 2007 5:42 PM

Good by Adam B.

OOC-Why thanks. I admit I didn't do it on purpose. Funny how these things just work out..

IC-"Oh not at all," Adam assured her. He very rarely got bored talking to people, probably because he didn't really do it very often or long enough for boredom to set in even if it was going to. Talking to others tended to be a scary, intimidating, anxiety-inducing thing for Adam, not a dull thing. In fact, he rarely ever even got bored in class as he found most subjects fascinating.

He listened in rapt attention as Talitha explained about the otter. It hadn't really occurred to Adam that the totems would be private, although he supposed he could see how they would be. After all, if the totems represented things about the witch or wizard and their personalities, it could most definitely be something they wouldn't want others to see. Adam knew very well he would not want others knowing his own most private feelings or anything personal about his personality as he feared others would make fun of him.

"Thanks for sharing with me what you did. I understand if you can't tell me everything. All families have their private things and secrets." In his own family, most of those secrets centered on Marshall, Aunt Rosemary and Uncle Liam. Those were things Adam never discussed with anyone. Not that he even knew everything.

Talitha seemed rather impressed with his wand core and Adam felt himself flush. "Um, thanks. I've really never thought of it that way." He looked at his own wand in amazement. The man who had sold it to him hadn't really explained much about it, simply going on to the next person in line, for the store had been rather crowded that day. Plus, Adam had wanted to get out of there for much the same reason. He thought carefully. He usually did tend to do really well on spells and he was pretty good about keeping secrets. After all, who would Adam tell things too? He didn't talk to people. Plus, if he told someone a secret and they didn't keep it, he'd personally be devastated.

The most amazing thing was the part about healing fear. If there was one thing Adam needed, it was that.
11 Adam B. Good 78 Adam B. 0 5