Hikaru Kasuragi

December 29, 2006 7:55 PM

I'm ready! [Tag:Cadence] by Hikaru Kasuragi

Hikaru set his bag down on one of the benches and took off his school robe, he tied his longer hair back in a ponytail and looked around for Cadence. Upon not seeing her in the first few glimpses he sat on the ground and closed his eyes.

'First:attack, defend, attack, circle, repeat! attack, attack, attack, defend, defend, circle!' He continued to repeat the mantra to himself over and over again.

He heard the breeze blow past him and sighed, it had been a long day but he intended to regain his honor against this girl! He hadn't ever seen anyone throw as fast as she did and he was sure that she could move just as fast as she threw. Probably hit just as hard too, he knew that he couldn't beat her with magic so...unarmed combat was the solution!

He heard the fountain flowing calmly into the pool and knew that this would be an awesome place to meditate after this event of course. He stood and knew that he was ready to face this girl.\n\n
0 Hikaru Kasuragi I'm ready! [Tag:Cadence] 0 Hikaru Kasuragi 1 5


December 30, 2006 5:49 PM

No fiar! I wanted to start this thread *pretends to pout* by Caedence

Caedence's feet skimmed the leaves of the maze. Her broom seemed as eager to face the boy as she was. Gently, she stroked the wooden handle beneath her. Soon, she seemed to be telling it, soon.

She had been warming up carefully and had eaten a good meal. So she wouldn't have any hunger pains or flexibility issues. She wore a black long-sleeved shirt and similar pants. They hugged close to her body, but were crafted with a cleverly woven cooling charm in them. She had bought them along with her school supplies. Of course, the charm lasted only through about twenty or so washings, but it was still fairly new and would be good even afterwards. It was designed for gymnastics, but it would work just as fine for this purpose.

Her bejeweled ruby clip beat a tatoo on her mid-back as it flapped in the wind. She had tied it, untied, tied, untied, until it was almost flawless. Her wand, in its pouch, was tied to her nimbus's handle. Quickly she slipped it out and gripped it tightly in her hand. No doubt she would never use it, but one couldn't be too certian.

Finally, she arrived over the spot where they were to meet. Ah, the memories. It was this spot that she was to battle Morgaine last year. Well, they did duel, a bit. But this was no polite duel, this was battle. And Caedence lost one battle, and did not plan on a second. She would teach this whelp a few lessons. Quickly, she pointed the broom handle down. Jumping off a few feet in the air, she landed in a crouch and, almost cat-like, straightened up. Her broom landed in the bushes a few feet off.

She glanced at the fountian and the statue nearby. Little cover, she thought. Her feet made little sound. She wore dance shoes with a hard sole. Efficient movement, nothing hard or sharp on the ground would be able to hurt her. The only modification to it was adding a steel toe. That was for efficent kicking.

"Yo, whelp, you ready to do this thing?" She snapped at the boy before her, "Because I have alot of work to do today, and I am hoping this wont take too awful long. I think you'll be down for the count, ten minutes tops," she added keeping an eye on the boy so that he didn't take advantage of the speech. "Oh, by the way. Caedence Redoak. Don't forget it, for it will be the name of the victor of this fight." she added. By no means did she come off cliched. Her eyes were set in a venomous glare and the very air around her seemed to crackle with surpressed rage. Ah, the battle field. No magic, just fists.

"One final thing before we start. Here is my wand," she held it up so he could see there were no tricks, "I leave it on this fountain," she set it down, never taking her eyes off of him. "Will you return?" she asked, and added in case he didn't understand, "That means, will you put yours down too." \n\n
0 Caedence No fiar! I wanted to start this thread *pretends to pout* 94 Caedence 0 5

Hikaru Kasuragi

December 30, 2006 6:46 PM

Bring it on fleabag! (Kidding TenTen-chan!) by Hikaru Kasuragi

Hikaru stood as she arrived "I was waiting for you fleabag, maybe if you do win, I'll stop calling you that! Also, you have to be my friend if you win, is there any issue with that" he said with a wicked grin.

He breathed in calmly and listend as she gave her name, "Hikaru Kasuragi, that'll be the name of the victor!"

He listend as she told him that this wouldn't take longer than ten minutes! "Hah!" he laughed coldly "Like I care if you have something to do!"

He followed suit and set his wand in it's pouch carefully on the edge of the fountain and faced her with a sneer "Nows your chance wolfie! Give me some conditions if I do happen to lose! I'm waiting..." he folded his arms across his chest and glared at her with venom.\n\n
0 Hikaru Kasuragi Bring it on fleabag! (Kidding TenTen-chan!) 0 Hikaru Kasuragi 0 5


December 30, 2006 10:42 PM

Ah shush it whelp. (also jokin) by Caedence

OOC: Dont want you getting in trouble, so I'll tell you now: even nicknames shouldn't really be used, nii-san. And for those of you who don't know, nii-san is japanese for big-brother

IC: Caedence broke out laughing. She didn't mean to. Really, she didn't, but this was just too funny. Be this insolent whelp's friend? Ha! What a joke. After a while she calmed down.

"As...ah...nice as the offer of friendship is, whelp, I don't take friends. Friends are the worst enemies. They turn on you and will stab you in the back. They are a burden. I have one friend. And she is the only one. Ever. Friends are nothing but trouble, and I don't take friends. My one is a special case. Other than that, no one gets to be my friend, whelp. But look at it this way, I won't want to bash in your face at every syllabal you utter." She said giving him a firm glare.

"As to if you lose, we kids from the street have one rule. What happens in the fight is left behind. Sure, whispers get out, but no one but us will know about this. If you tell a person, I will hunt you down and make it so that you can never walk in a straight line again," She gave him a carefully calculated glare. It was venomous, and stern at the same time, "You don't want to be on my bad side."

"Other than that, you may stay out of my, and my pupils, buisness, whelp." She finished and got into a defensive agressive stance. One foot was a bit behind the other. Her right arm covered her chest and the other was hed in front of her, palm forward. "Ready, runt?" she said with her wolfish smirk. \n\n
0 Caedence Ah shush it whelp. (also jokin) 94 Caedence 0 5

Hikaru Kasuragi

December 31, 2006 2:38 PM

Lets go! by Hikaru Kasuragi

Hikaru glared at her and nodded "I accept your conditions, now, lets start this!" She dared to even laugh at him! This girl was going to get the stuffing beaten out of her if it was the last thing he ever did!

It was his condition and if she didn't follow it, oh he would tell everyone how he had beaten up scary Cadence Redoak! I mean come on, how tough could she be!

"If however I do win and you don't follow my conditions I will tell everyone that I won and you begged me for mercy when you gave up!" Hikaru said with a truly wicked smile, he would show that fleabag what happened when you messed with him!

He moved his feet into a soild position and charged at her with an open palm raised. He moved up and struck her hard head on in the nose and moved a leg around hers to knock her over. He jumped back and moved his arms into a defensive postion waiting for her response "Comeon wolfie! Try to hit me now!"\n\n
0 Hikaru Kasuragi Lets go! 0 Hikaru Kasuragi 0 5


December 31, 2006 5:35 PM

HA! Moi? beg? by Caedence

Caedence glared, "A compromise, then, truce. That is all you will get, whelp. Again, I do not make friends!" She snapped. Heaving a large sigh she said, "Fine, you can call me your "friend" but I am not anyone's friend!"

Then the boy was upon her, striking her nose. She cursed herself for letting him distract her. 'Come on Caed!' she thought, 'Get your head in the fight!'. She locked her knees as his foot made contact with her legs. She buckled slightly, but did not fall. Carefully, to not be knocked down by the momentum, she jumped up in the air. Her landing was little wobbly, because the boy's foot had caught her own on the way up, but otherwise it was a good maneuver.

"I don't play nice, just a warning!" She said as she kicked sand in the boys open eyes. She spun around, fast. The momentum, paied with the weight of the clip, brought the end of her braid crashing into his face. Caedence backed away quickly, in case of a retaliation. Oh this was going to be fun messing with the whelp! HEr braid came to rest across her front. Idily, she flipped it back on the other side where it belonged and couldn't give him a handhold.\n\n
0 Caedence HA! Moi? beg? 94 Caedence 0 5

Professor Connell

December 31, 2006 5:58 PM

What have we here? by Professor Connell

Somehow, even though the system hadn’t changed at all in the past five years, or, really, in the past fourteen, since her parents had followed the same schedule since she’d started at school, Marian Connell was still always slightly annoyed when she got a letter from home. It was silly, she knew that, but she kept expecting her parents to stop after each of her replies. She would be perfectly content if she only was written whenever something important had happened. As it was, the meaningless collection of neighborhood gossip and descriptions of parties just made her irritable.

When she’d been growing up, she hadn’t usually thought of the Pureblood scene as being enjoyable, yet, after spending the summer doing it for the first time since she’d graduated, she’d recognized how much fun it could be. Either that or she was stuck in such a major rut at Sonora that any sort of entertainment was enough to make her happy. She wondered sometimes if her parents did it on purpose; while they supported her career choice, she didn’t think they liked their eldest so far from home. Or discontent as often as she was.

As she so often did when she felt this way, Marian left the confines of her office and went to wander through the gardens, the place most likely for something of interest to happen. And, of course, it was the place closest to her office for her to go and sort out her irritation. Normally, her way of relaxing was to just go brew something, but the last time she’d tried that after getting a letter from home, she’d nearly melted her favorite cauldron, so a quiet stroll was the only thing she could do.

Unfortunately, it felt like she’d only been in there a few minutes when she heard raised voices. Normally, she would have passed on by without saying anything, as yelling wasn’t all that uncommon an occurrence out in the gardens where there wasn’t much supervision, but the exclamation was followed immediately by what sounded like flesh hitting flesh.

Marian wasn’t an idiot. As a former Pecari, she knew all about fights. Merlin, she’d been in more than her fair share, both at school and with her sisters back in New York. Therefore, she knew all the tell-tale signs of one. And it was hard to find innocent intent in the phrase ‘Try and hit me now!’

Having unconsciously begun to follow the yells as soon as she heard them, even before she intended to do something about them, within a minute she stumbled upon the two young students, robe and wands not in use, but set on a fountain close to her. That was a stroke of luck- magical duels were, as a rule, harder to break up than regular fist fights.

“What in Merlin’s name do the two of you think you’re doing?” she asked as she scooped up the two wands for precaution’s sake, not quite yelling, but forcefully enough to make almost anyone stop whatever he or she was doing (she’d tested it many times before). Glancing at the older of the two, she wasn’t really all that surprised to see Caedance Redoak, even though she’d hoped the girl would have figured out the way things worked by now. “Miss Redoak, I’m disappointed in you. As a second year, you should know by now that fighting is never to be tolerated at Sonora, particularly after last year.”

She gave the girl a hard stare, and then turned to the first year, a boy she didn’t recognize. “Name and house, please,” she demanded, feeling more sympathetic towards this one than Caedance, though that didn’t mean all that much. He at least was new, and as far as she knew hadn’t caused any trouble before. “And I want an explanation from both of you. Now.”
0 Professor Connell What have we here? 0 Professor Connell 0 5


December 31, 2006 9:47 PM

can't a girl ever finish a fight? by Caedence

Caedence paused when she heard approaching footsteps. "Darn, an interuption," she muttered. Turning, her stomach plumeted when she recognized the teacher. Her HoH, Professor Connell! No! Not her! Anyone, anyone but her! Anyone! SIlently she cursed whoever controlled fate. They didn't really like Caedence, did they?

"Ma'am!" she said. Invoulentarily, her voice came out in a squeak. She cleared her throat before continuing, "I mean, ma'am, how are you? Well, to be honest, I'm doing what proffesor Kiva told me. I'm working out my problems. I know, i know, she didn't mean this, but this is as close to talking as I really can get. I'm sorry, ma'am.

"Anyway, it started in Care of Magical Creatures. I was having fun with my puffskien and a... well, Hyana. I was telling her proper ways to handle quidditch and self-defence. Then that boy over there had the nerve to call me a flea-ridden animal. So, we exchanged a few words, not too snappish, but a bit heated. Then we decided to meet here. We decided on a non-magical, nice spar to settle our differences. We had certian things that we agreed on prior to the match. It was all very controlled and no one was going to be hurt."

She didn't explain to be a tattle-tale, she hoped that Connell wouldn't be so mad at her if she co-operated. For good measure she added, "I am working on it, after all, last time wasn't it a free-for-all? Like a group of baboons with wands? Just firing whatever spells came to mind? With innocents in the cross-fire? I learned my lesson, my friend almost was hurt that day. SO we made this completely private and controlled. It was going to be a nice fight. That is all, just to work things out. As if it were a friendly spar!" She smiled. Last time she was scowling and acting like she hated them all. She didn't think it worked out too good for her in the long run.\n\n
0 Caedence can't a girl ever finish a fight? 94 Caedence 0 5

Hikaru Kasuragi

January 01, 2007 2:07 PM

*sigh* Great, twice in one day, why does this happen to me? by Hikaru Kasuragi

Hikaru was about to retaliate for Caedences cheap strike when an unknown Professor stopped them both with a shout 'Why me?' he thought to himself annoyedly. The Professor asked for his name and house and he sighed "My name is Hikaru Kasuragi, and I am in Teppenpaw m'Lady" he bowed cerimonely.

Hikaru listened to Caedences explanation and nodded in the appropriate places "Yes, all that she said was true ma'am. We are both black-belts in our respective martial arts and this was totally in control." at least he hoped she was a black-belt and she could back him up otherwise he just blew their cover. He quickly continued "Myself, being a first year has little knowledge about wizarding duels and we both decided that wands would be very unsafe, we didn't intend to really hurt one and other but, it could happen. However, it would take much more effort and anger on both of our parts before we would hurt the other one." he was silently praying he wouldn't get sent back to Professor Deck 'I really don't need to get into trouble again! If I do, they might kick me out and then I'd never be able to talk to Riley or Brett or Hyana or Josaih or even Caedence ever again! Oh what am I going to do!'

He bowed again "We are truly sorry that our fight disturbed you in whatever you were doing and we hope we can make it up to you!" he really hoped Caedence would go along with this.\n\n
0 Hikaru Kasuragi *sigh* Great, twice in one day, why does this happen to me? 0 Hikaru Kasuragi 0 5

Professor Connell

January 04, 2007 6:11 PM

Am I supposed to answer either of those questions? by Professor Connell

Marian sighed as she listened to the two attempt to explain. Obviously, some wires had been crossed when the two had had the basic standards of behavior explained to them. She wasn’t sure how that could be managed, though, since no fighting was a pretty standard rule for just about everywhere, at least no place she could think of. And both apparently had misconceptions that needed to be sorted out.

“Caedance,” she said to the first, “I really would be much better if you would stop using violence as your only method of problem-solving. You and I both know that this is in no way what Professor Kijewski” she stressed the name, a subtle warning about the disrespect Caedance seemed to be showing, “meant when she advised you to work out your problems. If you’re having difficulties with someone, then you talk to them about it. Or, if you are incapable of that, then you go find a teacher and talk to him or her.

“There is never any reason you should be fighting while on school grounds. Even if you felt this was controlled, you cannot always be certain of that. Caedance, I saw you kick sand in Hikaru’s face. If that is your definition of a nice fight, then I shudder to think about what an actual one would look like. You must learn to control your temper. This sort of behavior will not be tolerated.”

Then she turned to the other student, Hikaru. The name sounded familiar, somehow, and she wondered briefly at where she’d heard it before remembering the story about the first year who had fired off a hex in McKindy’s classroom. So that was who this was. “I’m Professor Connell, Hikaru,” she said, figuring it was only polite to make sure he knew just who she was before she lectured him on his inappropriate behavior.

“I assume you were listening to what I just said to Caedance, about how fighting is not to be allowed. Frankly, I don’t care if you feel this fight was “in control.” Oftentimes, people, particularly eleven- and twelve-year-olds, are never in as much control as they feel they are, and, while I suppose some might consider this method better than a magical duel, it’s still prohibited.”

She looked between the two of them once more. Now was the time for punishment, something she surprisingly didn’t have to deal with that often. She pondered taking the two of them to see the headmaster, then decided almost immediately that such a step would be too drastic. It wasn’t like they really could have hurt each other, from what she had seen, even if they might have gotten there eventually. “Alright, detention for both of you. You’ll get a notice when it will be served. Hikaru, you may go.” She waited until the first year had vanished from sight before continuing. “Caedance, I’d appreciate it if you’d come with me to my office.” She wasn’t planning to punish the girl any more than she did the boy, but something needed to be done, and, as Caedance’s head of house, at least part of that responsibility fell to her.

OOC: The detentions will probably go up this weekend or sometime next week, in the potions classroom. This conversation will continue in the Pecari commons, and if you wish to post first, Caedance, feel free.
0 Professor Connell Am I supposed to answer either of those questions? 0 Professor Connell 0 5