Captain Jay Carey

August 28, 2014 1:05 AM

Aladren Quidditch Tryouts by Captain Jay Carey

Jay had family in all three Houses not his own, so by the time tryouts occurred, he was pretty sure Sonora was going to go a second year without Quidditch. Diana had reported that Pecari had a full team, but Lucille and Henry said Teppenpaw and Crotalus did not have anything even vaguely resembling the term. It was possible that Aladren and Pecari would play just for fun, but unless something very strange happened very soon, there wasn’t likely to be a tournament.

There would, however, be one again someday, and the team was enough younger than him that many of them would probably participate in that. That meant he had do what he could with them to get them ready for that. Everyone but the first year came from families who had played the game here before – the Wolseithcraftes were brother and sister, there had been a Bennett in Crotalus a few years ago, he’d realized the name ‘Dill’ rang a dim bell after a while because there had been another Seeker with it, though the years those teams had been photographed and the appearance of the guy in them made Jay seriously doubt that Zack and Clark Dill were closely related – and they just needed some polish. Which he could at least get them started with.

“Hello, everyone,” he said. “New year, new team, so everyone, if we could go around and introduce ourselves?” This was for the benefit of the two Beginners, who didn’t know the rest of them, but he didn’t see the point of calling attention to them directly. “I’m James, I’m the captain….”

Once everyone had introduced themselves, he took out the list. “We have just enough for a team and most of us have some idea of what our strengths are, so I think I’ve got us more or less sorted out,” he told them. “Leonidas, you and I will be the Beaters. Anthony, you’ll lead the Chasers – that’ll be Francesca and John.” He had been surprised when Anthony expressed no interest in taking his older brother’s place as Seeker, but couldn’t say he was too sorry – even if the new boy was completely awful, Francesca and Anthony could carry it. They’d have more problems if Clark Dill couldn’t Seek well and Jay might reserve the right to switch them out if he needed to, but he was willing to take a chance for now. “Theodore – Keeper, and Clark, you’ll be our Seeker. Unless anyone has a problem with any of that?”

He didn’t expect any, but added, “If we need to, we’ll make adjustments later. I don’t think we’ll see much of a tournament this year, but we need to be ready to play the best game we can if there is. So now we should get some practice, trying out our positions – practice Bludgers, we don’t want to break too many bones on our first day. Go fly three laps around the Pitch to warm up and then Theodore, you’re in the goal.”

OOC: Any walk-ons can assume that Jay either had them take on the roles of "opposing Chasers" or Beaters, or that a would-be Seeker would be timed against Clark. Other than that, the usual length, creativity, realism, and good spelling/grammar rules apply!
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