Jason Brockert

April 21, 2024 12:35 PM

Greetings by Jason Brockert

Jason could not believe that his first year at Sonora was almost over! Soon he would be going home for summer break and getting to see his family again. While he enjoyed school, he was looking forward to that. Granted, one could argue that he saw his family every day, considering how he had two first cousins here, one of whom he’d really have been okay with seeing less, plus his great-uncle was the headmaster, and he had several distant cousins around as well.

Still, Jason looked forward to seeing his parents and siblings again. Yes, Sam could be a bit loud, but he was still..well, he was a good kid, Like he had a good heart, and that was what was important, not the fact that being loud could be annoying for some people, including, admittedly, sometimes Jason. Still, compared to the little brother that Liesl had, he had it pretty good. The Aladren would take occasional loudness-actually, it was more than occasional, but it only occasionally got on his nerves-over someone who treated him with nothing but contempt. Jason really did try to be patient and optimistic where Desmond’s attitudes towards Liesl were concerned since he had been pretty much brainwashed by his mother but after a year being in the same house as his cousin, he was ready to get a break from him and as noisy as Sam could be, it was nothing in comparison.

Although, to be honest, summer had always seemed to be when things got all stirred up. Jason was used to it being the time that Liesl was home from school and more accurately, Liesl was at Jason’s home from school, because she spent a good portion of the summer at his house, or Hans’ or staying with the first year and his family on St. Berylla’s instead of in the same house with her parents and siblings. He was glad to have her around and didn’t blame her but there was always an element of Liesl escaping because her own house, where her parents lived, was not really a home to her.

It was heartbreaking but it also made Jason really grateful to have the parents and brother that he did. He was grateful for his sister too, but that wasn’t a thing where he was grateful for Lorelei because he had it better than his cousin and saw how lucky he was in comparison, since Liesl’s sister Krisalyn was perfectly nice and sweet and treated the sixth year like an actual human being who was all right as she was, something that should be the bare minimum, especially with regards to family.

Plus, summer was when Aunt Jacqueline forced Liesl to go to society balls and other things that tended to make Jason’s dad fight with his aunt. The fighting didn’t necessarily upset him, because he knew his dad was doing what was right, but that didn’t make it any less stressful for Liesl.

Anyway, on the subject of family, one of Jason’s family members who wasn’t usually there would be today as it was the day of CATS and RATS exams. Uncle Raúl might have not been a biological relative but he was very much family to Jason, and honestly the Aladren liked him much better than his biological uncles, though in the case of two of them, that wasn’t saying much. Either way, there was no way that the first year wasn’t going to stop by and say hi to him after exams.

So, at the end of the day, Jason stopped by the Elective Hall, “Hey Uncle Raúl!” He greeted the examiner. He looked over at his dad’s friend as Raúl sneezed. The Aladren could tell that he wasn’t feeling well. Like, he looked super pale and there were dark circles under his eyes.”Are you all right?” Jason inquired.

Raúl sighed to himself. It truly had been a long day, longer than usual. His allergies were in overdrive, his eczema was itching-he had scratched it bad enough that he’d made it bleed earlier, and it had been pointed out to him by Piper Wilson, the student he’d been testing at the time, she had been concerned about him and Raúl had really been hoping that meant she was trying to stall him or unused to people with serious seasonal allergies or something and that he really wasn’t as obviously bad enough off that people noticed- he was short of breath and he needed sleep in the worst possible way.

That did not mean he was not happy to see Jason. Though since the first year seemed to notice he wasn’t well and Jason knew Raúl better than the students whose tests he’d proctored. there might very well be a problem. Raúl managed a weak smile. “Hey, yeah, it’s just been a really long day.”

“Oh.” Jason replied. “I won’t keep you long, but I had to stop by and say hi. Maybe you should like, see if my dad will stay over after you get home.”

Okay, he must have looked really bad if his friend’s twelve year old son was that concerned.. “I’ll do that.”Raúl agreed.

“Okay, feel better soon please.” Jason left, reassured that Uncle Raúl was going to be all right because Dad would look out for him.. Spotting someone up ahead, the first year approached them. “Hey.” He greeted his fellow student.

OOC: Piper and Raul are both also my characters
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