Ava Fletcher

October 22, 2013 4:59 PM

Hello? by Ava Fletcher

Ava had spent her entire summer reading books on Healing and any other sort of material she figured would help her out later when becoming a Healer. She didn't care that she would only be starting her second year at Sonora, she already knew what she wanted to do with her life and besides, after that she'd probably be even more accepted by her mother, a traveling Healer. It was an important position, without Healers, doctors or medics societies would tumble from all the disease and injuries that come with everyday life this much Ava knew from the texts and hearing her mother complain to her grandfather late at night when they thought she was asleep. So, after she came back, Ava made plans to pay a visit to Medic Bailey and see if he could set her on the right track to becoming a Healer.

After her first two days of class, after Ava got a sense of what her course load would be like (similar to last year, it seemed as second and first years took the same classes together), she went straight to her room and set up her books and desk things on the make-shift desk she had turned her school trunk into. She flipped through a few pages of her latest Healer's notebook before putting it in her school bag as well as a pen case that her grandfather had bought her for her birthday. It was a pretty canvas one with a mermaid on it designed by a local artist in watercolor. It was probably her favorite birthday present after the brand new watercolor sketch pad that he had given to her from her mother (though she knew that Papa had probably picked it out and attached her mom's name to the gift) and a set of new brushes from George, her Papa's best friend. Ava shouldered her bag and walked out of the Aladren common room looking at the Quidditch sign-up list. She wasn't very athletic and didn't particularly want to sign up but Dimitri was on the Teppenpaw team and so she had decided that this year she would show some interest in the games and at least attend the ones Aladren and Teppenpaw played in- after all, he was her best friend and her house's team was supposed to be pretty good.

When Ava got to the hospital wing, she took a deep breath, kind of nervous as she hadn't needed to talk to Medic Bailey before and was a little worried as to what he'd be like. She hoped he'd be nice and answer some of her questions. 'Just open the door,' she thought to herself and pushed it open. “Hello?” She called out, hoping to goodness he was in and not busy with an actual emergency though that would provide an interesting experience to see the man at work.
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