Fae Sinclair

December 02, 2012 6:42 PM

SPECTATOR THREAD: Supporting a boyfriend by Fae Sinclair

Fae had watched almost all of the Aladren and Crotalus games since she was a first year. Crotalus simply because she needed to show House Pride and she liked to root for Topher, who she considered to be a bit of a friend (however awkward and avoidant a friendship it was). Aladren because of Arnold. For a long time, she had only rooted for them in secret because she didn’t want people to think she had deeper feelings for her friend and cause tension. But now that they were betrothed and openly in a relationship, she felt it was socially acceptable that she cheer him on as well as his brothers.

Since it was heading into summer soon in Arizona, the weather had heated up but the storm that had hit seemed to have brought the temperatures down a tad. Fae took this opportunity to put on one of her new summery dresses that had been given to her for Christmas. She had been wearing the shorter hemmed dresses and skirts since the holidays, but had always worn them with leggings or tights so as to not feel completely uncomfortable. As the months have gone on, she had become used to the length, but today was the first day she was wearing a dress without the leggings. It was too warm for them and since she would be sitting, she didn’t think she had to worry.

Of course… that was before she realized that there was some wind. She sat in the stands in her dress, pulling her hair up into a pony tail since it was starting to bother her with the bursts of wind and waiting for the game to begin. She didn’t necessarily like Quidditch. Actually, she hated it. She didn’t understand why anyone found it entertaining; she was always so scared that someone was going to get seriously hurt. How was that fun? Arnold and his brother seemed to always be prone to getting attacked by bludgers too, which didn’t help Fae’s anxiety.

She hoped that this game wouldn’t be too gruesome, but she would force herself to sit through it and cheer them on. Fae was a little worried about this game only because Jade had been the only other seeker to beat Arnold in any game and Fae knew that the loss had really effected Arnold even if he hadn’t admitted it. If they won, she’d be there to celebrate. If they lost, well, she’d give him a hug and hoped it helped a little.
6 Fae Sinclair SPECTATOR THREAD: Supporting a boyfriend 194 Fae Sinclair 1 5