Kirstenna Melcher

September 03, 2010 4:20 PM

A conspiracy? by Kirstenna Melcher

Although she was on the pitch, Kirstenna was not flying or practicing for Quidditch. She was merely sitting in stands thinking. The Teppenpaw was not her usual happy self, and for once, her grandparents had nothing to do with it.

No, instead Kirstenna was worried about Brian. She had not really seen her friend since school started and that upset her quite a bit. Kirstenna missed him and she had no idea what had happened to the other Teppenpaw. But it didn't feel right around here without him.

In fact, Kirstenna felt something was very very wrong at Sonora. Professor Not Really Janette Wolfe (but really a professor) was gone Headmistress Powell was sick and Brian was missing too. The Teppenpaw could only conclude that the former professor had kidnapped Brian. Headmistress Powell might have stepped into save him and been cursed in the process, then the person claiming to be Janette Wolfe took Kirstenna's friend and apparated away.

The motives for kidnapping Brian were clear. Kirstenna had told him her theories. Either her friend tried to confront the professor and got kidnapped after Headmistress Powell tried to rescue him or the former professor knew that Kirstenna was on to her and kidnapped Brian to hurt her.

If that was the case, it had worked. The Teppenpaw didn't think she'd ever been so sad, even when her uncle Donato had fallen from the trapeze and been left paralyzed-he worked in the concession stand now-or when Grandmother and Grandfather Melcher and Uncle Warren rejected her.

She began to sing softly to herself,

So far away, I wish you were here, before this is to late, it could all disappear.

It was a song Kirstenna had heard on Glee and usually Glee related things cheered her up but this time it wasn't working and she began to do something she rarely ever did and cry anyway.
11 Kirstenna Melcher A conspiracy? 161 Kirstenna Melcher 1 5

Alexis Ashwood

September 17, 2010 2:58 PM

How about some concern? by Alexis Ashwood

Alexis couldn’t believe what was going on with her life. She was managing to live through her final year of school so far, even though no one really liked her. That wasn’t anything new. The new thing was being a married woman. Alexis was pretty sure her family wanted her to marry so early so she wouldn’t be their responsibility anymore. It made sense; Alexis wouldn’t want to put up with herself if she was them.

Her husband was nice enough, Alexis supposed. He was letting her finish school (even though everyone else was saying he was so tired of her already that he sent her back so he wouldn’t have to put up with her), even though Alexis had no idea what career she wanted…let alone if she was going to get to pursue a career. She was at least decent in all of her classes, but she hardly excelled at anything. She had done enough to just stay under the radar all these years. That had obviously been a bad decision.

It was when Alexis was feeling really out of it and confused that she found her way to the Quidditch Pitch. This, of course, was where everything started for her. Quidditch. Looking back on it, Alexis wasn’t sure what made her decide to play Quidditch. She had claimed that it was to get Josiah in trouble…but she had enjoyed it. Now, Alexis just liked to go on the Pitch to think.

It was more likely than not that the type of people who would bother her wouldn’t be there.

Usually Alexis would be lucky enough to be on an empty Quidditch Pitch, but today there was someone else there. A younger girl, and she was crying. Alexis considered for a moment just walking away from the Pitch and the crying girl. The red head was not good with this people thing. So it totally made sense for her to walk over to the girl and place a hand on her shoulder.

“Um…what’s up?” Alexis could slap herself, really. “I mean…you’re crying. Is there something going on I can help with? I’m Alexis.”
0 Alexis Ashwood How about some concern? 117 Alexis Ashwood 0 5


September 23, 2010 5:56 AM

Thanks, I appreciate it. by Kirstenna

Kirstenna looked up, her eyes red and watery. Normally, she might be embarassed about crying in front of anyone except maybe Quentin, but this older girl seemed concerned about her. "It's just, well, my friend is gone. I came back here this year to find him missing and I'm worried about him."

She looked back down at the ground. Kirstenna wasn't sure she could tell Alexis what had happened. The older girl was being nice to her and she didn't want to get her taken away too. The Impostor might still be there. She wasn't entirely sure The Beetle Lady wasn't really the Impostor as well.

In fact, Kirstenna couldn't really tell anyone about this theory. That was what had gotten Brian kidnapped. He'd known what the Impostor was and now he was gone. Kirstenna couldn't let that happen to anyone else. She would feel guilty if she got anyone else kidnapped, like she did about Brian. Even if she wasn't as attached to anyone else here as she had been to him (except Quentin and Sophia, of course)she wouldn't want anything bad to happen to anyone. Even people who didn't like her, like her grandparents and uncle.

So she couldn't tell anyone about that, about her theories. She'd made that mistake once and it had cost Kirstenna a person that she really cared about. That wasn't going to happen again, Kirstenna would have to deal with everything alone.

Well, maybe not everything . She bit her lip. "I-I really miss him." Kirstenna told Alexis as she began to cry again.
11 Kirstenna Thanks, I appreciate it. 161 Kirstenna 0 5

Alexis Ashwood

October 18, 2010 4:02 PM

Do you appreciate a super late response? by Alexis Ashwood

"It's just, well, my friend is gone. I came back here this year to find him missing and I'm worried about him. I-I really miss him."

Alexis resisted the urge to groan. So this wasn’t even a problem she could help with. If the girl had gotten hurt or something, she could’ve at least fixed that. She knew a couple of minor healing spells that would work with whatever kids could do to get themselves hurt. Her own Mom taught them to her over the summer…since she had just gotten married, the Ashwood family was hopeful that a family wouldn’t be far behind.

The girl started crying again and Alexis swallowed, sitting on her knees to get at a better level. She pulled out her wand and conjured a handkerchief. She looked at her own handiwork for a second; there was a pretty nice rose embroidery on it. Well, at least she’d pass an exam if that spell was on it.

“Here,” she said quietly, handing the girl the handkerchief. She was kind of unsure what to do next; she didn’t know how to get the kid to stop crying. And her husband wanted kids, since she could obviously handle taking care of this underclassmen. Oh, sarcasm…

“So you didn’t tell me your name. Or who your friend is. Do you want to talk about it?” Alexis smiled a little. It could be worse…maybe.
0 Alexis Ashwood Do you appreciate a super late response? 117 Alexis Ashwood 0 5