Coach Amelia Pierce

August 27, 2010 2:06 PM
“My name is Coach Pierce,” the dark haired woman standing in the center of the Quidditch Pitch announced first and foremost. “I’m in charge of teaching you all how to fly. In addition to being Sonora’s Quidditch Coach, I am also the Head of Crotalus House, so I’m partial to rule-following. Break any and you will find yourself in detention and docked House points. Fortunately, my rules are simple: You will ride a broom, and you will treat each other and myself with respect.” She’d learned early on as an adoptive parent that a stern voice and clear expectations made it easier to control potential outbursts from pre-teens.

Amelia Pierce looked over the group of young children in her first year flying lesson, and tried to remember Derry at that age (Derry Three, moreso than Belinda, because Amelia was being optimistic in her hope that nobody in the class would be Bel-like . . . plus, well, next year Derry Four would be in attendance and she was trying to get herself used to that idea). Her cousin turned adopted son had already been flying for most of his life by his eleventh year, and she imagined some of the kids here today were likewise experienced enough to be offended by being required to take a beginners’ flying class. So she started by addressing those kids first.

“Some of you have probably been flying for several years already, so I’m going to grant you the dignity of not sitting through a lesson on how to hover. This is a privilege and it will be revoked if you cause any trouble, but for those who wish to forgo the basic lessons, you may collect a broom - if you don’t have one of your own already - and the quaffle sitting beside the brooms,” she pointed toward the brooms laid out on the pitch and the red ball positioned beside them, “and entertain yourselves. This is a very basic lesson, so as long as you’re flying a broom and not getting yourself or others hurt, I honestly don’t care what you’re doing. You may go. Oh, and school robes are optional in this class. Your choice.”

She waited while the pureblood and half-blood kids with flying experience ditched unwanted robes, found brooms, collected the quaffle, and launched into the air. Once they were far enough up that she would have to shout for them to hear her, she returned her focus to the muggleborns, the halfbloods, and the purebloods who didn’t know how to fly yet.

“For the rest of you, we’ll start very simply. I’m assuming most of you have never touched a broom before today. I am aware some of you have not done so for reasons of propriety, but no one is exempt from this class. Pureblood girls, you will attempt to fly or you will get detention; I am not afraid of your parents. That said, you will all collect a broom. You will lay it down beside you and hold your wand hand out over it like this.” She demonstrated with her hand over her own broom. “Then you will say ‘Up!’ in as commanding a voice as you can manage, and will it to rise up to your hand. Think of it like telling a dog to sit. Be firm and expect results. Frown, if it helps. Sometimes it does.” She shook her hand out over the broom to loosen up her shoulder and commanded, “Up!” The broom rose into her hand easily.

Looking out over the group of kids to make sure they’d followed so far, she nodded at the pile of brooms. “Okay, now get a broom and give it a try.”

She waited a few minutes while they attempted to do as she said with varying degrees of success. Once a fair number of them had brooms in hand, she put two fingers to her mouth and gave a shrill whistle to get everyone’s attention again. “Okay, it looks like some of you have gotten that part down, so I’ll go on to the next part. Those of you who haven’t, just keep trying. Sometimes it takes a while to get used to. If you get really frustrated, either raise your hand or see if a neighbor can offer you some advice. For everyone else, we’re going to try a simple hover. You just settle yourself on your broom like this.” She demonstrated by stepping one foot over the length of her broom to straddle it. “Your brooms all have cushioning charms on them, so try to find the right spot where it’s the most comfortable to sit. Once you’re settled, just lift your feet off the ground.” She tucked her knees up. “And you’re hovering. From there, moving is just a simple action of leaning forward a bit and moving your broom around to tell it where to go. The rest of the class is going to be devoted to getting used to how to maneuver around on your broom, so feel free experiment a bit, but don’t go too fast or too high. You can all try that now. Please attempt not to run into each other.”

The final instruction was probably in vain, but Amelia lived in hope.

OOC: As always, please follow standard posting rules in regards to post length and grammar. House points are granted on your post’s quality. Tag me (put my name in your subject line) if you need the coach’s assistance. Please note that I’m about to be away for two weeks so my reply will likely be belated. And, of course, be creative and have fun!
1 Coach Amelia Pierce Flying Lessons (First Years) 20 Coach Amelia Pierce 1 5


August 27, 2010 4:23 PM
Finally. Finally the class had arrived that Sarah had been yearning for the most. Being a muggleborn and not having known about magic at all since a few months ago, flying had always been a dream of her that she had thought to be impossible. But here she was, down on a Quidditch pitch (Quidditch - something unique to this strange, new world, too) waiting to be taught how to fly. Fly. With a broom. Like The Wicked Witch of the West, only with a much healthier skin colour.

Sarah had read all she could find about flying and Quidditch, of course. It was the sport in the magical world - and Sarah was determined to at least try it once. She had been a decent runner at her muggle school track team and she really did not want to lose shape. Sports helped her to keep her balance after long hours of studying and reading.

She listened intently as Coach Pierce introduced them to their new subject. Quite a large piece of their class rose to the sky easily and looked fairly experienced. Sarah gulped. They rose so high.

She turned to her teacher again. Now started the interesting part. Again she listened as Coach Pierce explained the details of flying to the unknkowing Sarah and her equally inexperienced classmates. At least she was not alone.

And then it was finally time for her to start trying. She stepped next to a broom tentatively and resolutely held her hand over it. She had a friend that resembled a nice Labrador retriever sometimes - she knew how to handle him. She could do this. At least that's what she told herself.

She took a deep breath. "Up", she stated, not too loudly but firm. The broom rose easily. A brilliant smile lit up her face, making her grey eyes shine and her cheeks redden. She looked around expectantly without really seeing anything but no one spared her even a glance. Oh well, she wasn't the attention-wanting type anyway.

Now that the broom was in her hand and she had received further instructions from Coach Pierce, she quickly shrugged off her school robes and sat on it in only her jeans and plain black t-shirt sporting a yellow smiley. The first step was done. Now, on to the next one.

She sat down on her broom and found a position she felt comfortable in. All she had to do know was lift her feet off the ground. But those seemed to be rooted to the spot.

Sarah tried. Really, she did. But when she saw that her knees were shaking violently she knew what was wrong with her. She was afraid. All of this magic was so new to her - she could not trust it, yet.

Helplessly, she looked up to the students, who were flying already. It looked so easy, so natural that she felt really stupid about being afraid. Really, Marli, her best muggle friend, would probably laugh at her for not being able to at least hover just above the ground. And with the picture of Marli behind her closed eyelids she lifted her feet of the ground and hovered.

The feeling was amazing. Something that Sarah had only experienced on a trampoline when she was younger for a few moments, was now natural to her, too. Sarah felt more like a witch than ever before.

Becoming braver, she started to experiment with her broom, inching it a little to the right, a little to the left, letting it rise and fall again. She did most of it by shifting her weight only. The wind moved through her wavy blonde hair when she went faster and the broom accurately answered to what she wanted so that she did not crash into anybody. Flying was a dream come true, after all.
0 Anonymous Dream Come True 0 Anonymous 0 5

Sarah Blue

August 27, 2010 4:25 PM
OOC - I don't know why it says Anonymous, I was logged in just a moment ago. Sorry about that. That post was from Sarah Blue.
0 Sarah Blue OOC 0 Sarah Blue 0 5

Jordan Adair, Crotalus

August 27, 2010 9:49 PM
Sigh. Double sigh. This even earned a triple sigh. From the moment that Amelia Pierce had been introduced to her, negative feelings had touched the surface. She had ignored them, however, in favor of the possibility that perhaps they had gotten off on the wrong foot. Unfortunately, the initial introduction only served to damper any positive feelings she had towards flying lessons. Jordan didn’t actually need flying lessons since she had already had extensive training in the art of flying, but she had been looking forward to them since she thought it was fun to fly. It was like gymnastics in some ways, the adrenaline, the thrill of letting your body go while your mind followed. She had even gone to a circus when she was younger where brooms and gymnastics were used for some of the stunts. It had been absolutely amazing!

Dani had warned her it wasn’t going to be anything fun. If they already knew how to fly, they were expected to play Quidditch and sure enough, Amelia didn’t disappoint in telling them to do exactly that. Jordan frowned in disappointment. She didn’t want to play Quidditch. Sure, it was something fun to watch, but not to participate in. She didn’t want to toss around a ball or attempt to dodge one. She wanted to try out tricks on the broom. She would start with the obvious one of balancing. Then, in time if she managed that, maybe she could try a handstand. All of this would be conducted at a safe distance off the ground, of course, and if she did fall, she knew how to fall. It was one of the first things they had been taught in classes. Maybe it was something they should teach in these lessons.

So as it stood, she was stuck staying with those that didn’t know how to fly. The only good thing thus far was that robes were optional. As soon as Jordan heard that, she shed her robes in favor of the underlying cami and short jean shorts. The shirt had white spaghetti straps and trim while the pattern was in a variety of purple and red boxes, some solid and some faded, separated by white ones. It reminded her of the lid for raspberry jam and definitely of summer. With her dark hair and blue eyes, it looked great on her. She only wished that there were someone to appreciate it. At least, she had thought better than to wear a skirt or dress to the lesson. That would have been rather embarrassing to give the class a view.

Just when it seemed that maybe this class wouldn’t be so bad, Amelia Pierce said something so prejudiced that Jordan decided that she absolutely detested this woman. Why was being forced to learn to fly only directed at pureblood girls? They couldn’t be the only ones that would shy away from a broom. There had to be some pureblood guys who found it distasteful to be on a broom or even halfblood or muggleborn girls. Why was it only directed at pureblood girls? And even if Amelia Pierce thought it to only be true of pureblood girls, shouldn’t she have kept her opinion to herself? It seemed highly inappropriate for an authority figure to act in such a manner. As such, it was also decided in this moment that she would never ever go to Amelia Pierce for anything even if she were Crotalus’ Head.

However, she refused to allow this to affect how she did in the class, because she knew she could do well. It very well might be the only class she did well in, but she would do well. Putting her hand above the broom, she commanded, “Up!” The broom came easily to her hand from both practice and the ability to give an order. Straddling her broom, she hovered slightly off the ground. This was terribly boring. Glancing to the person next to her, she asked, “So, are you having as much fun as I am?” From her tone, it was obvious that she wasn’t having any at all.
0 Jordan Adair, Crotalus Learning all sorts of things. 0 Jordan Adair, Crotalus 0 5

Marcus Williams (Pecari)

August 27, 2010 10:53 PM
Marcus was still getting used to the idea that magic truly did exist. It was still a very new and confusing for him and he didn’t really feel comfortable enough with any of the professors to really ask any of them what it all meant. Why was there so many differences between the worlds and why wasn’t he allowed to talk about it? How come they had to wait until he was eleven before telling him that he had all these abilities. Like, if he had known, if his mother had known, since day one (or whatever day they could tell) than maybe all of this wouldn’t be so horribly confusing. He never knew what to expect.

But, he hoped that over time he’ll just get used to it all and accept it for what it was. Magic was real and he was apart of it now.

But now they were taking flying lessons. Really flying lessons! Marcus was terrified and excited for it. The first time Marcus had ever been really off the ground was when he was in the flying wagon. And that had not been any sort of picnic. He hadn’t even ever been on a plane! But now he was learning how to fly. And on a broom no less! Actually, that was something that really did surprise him. Witches in all the movies road brooms because he thought that would make them funnier and not as scary. Apparently, it was just really what they did. A broom. Not a mop. Not a fake pony head on a stick. Nope, a broom. Magic people were sure behind the times…

He listened to the coach speech and didn’t quite get the meaning behind it all. Why wouldn’t people have touched brooms before? He had chores to do and usually that meant sweeping up the kitchen. Although, now they had a swifter, so it definitely wasn’t as annoying to do. He glanced around even more confused when she pointed out some girls. He wanted to get a look at whoever these ‘Purebloods’ were. He had heard that name a lot since coming here and he wanted to know just how large of a family they were. But, he didn’t see any that actually stood out, so he returned his attention to the coach.

He really thought it was strange that they had to put the broom on the ground before getting on it. Why couldn’t they just sit on it when they first initially pick it up? What was the point of setting it down and then picking it back up again? He’d admit that speaking ‘up’ to make it jump into his hand was sort of cool, but he would have just rather skipped that part since the broom was already in his hand. Still, he did as he was instructed.

By the time he was actually at the stage of hovering, Marcus was one of the last few to get into the air. It had taken him some time to get that ‘strict’ tone in his voice for the broom to actually listen to him. This was all way more complicated than he thought was really necessary. But, he was doing what he was supposed to in this world, so that was something. He wondered what his mother would think of all this. He’d be sure to write her about all of this. She’d probably get a real kick out of it.

Now hovering above the ground, still trying to get a feel for it all, Marcus looked over to the girl who had just spoken. He had discarded his robes when advised that they could, but only because he was worried that he might get his robes caught on something and fall off the broom. The girl next to him looked like any girl that walked the blocks in his home town. Not the eleven year olds who he knew and was friends with, but the sixteen year olds. He was actually taken aback by the outfit, but didn’t let it show. Instead, he just smiled his usually crooked grin. “I’m guessing that you are actually either really bored or not into this flying on a broom thing.” Marcus commented. “Why exactly are brooms used for flying? I mean, why brooms?”
6 Marcus Williams (Pecari) I'm not learning what I want. 180 Marcus Williams (Pecari) 0 5

Ryan O'Malley,Crotalus

August 28, 2010 10:27 PM
Even though he was a pureblood boy, Ryan hadn't really ridden on a broom much. Surprisingly, it was his grandmother's restriction and not his mother's. Ryan had been a preemie and his grandmother tended to treat him as he were physically fragile. Ryan tended not to mind this too terribly much, because at least she cared about him, though he never went around acting like a baby about it, or like he expected to be treated specially. In fact, the last thing in the world that Ryan O'Malley expected from anyone was special treatment.

Which was good, because he certainly wasn't going to get it from Coach Amelia Pierce. Not because of his family or because she was his Head of House or because of any medical condition that his grandmother seemed to think Ryan had that didn't really exist. He had terrible allergies and hay fever and usually took longer to get over illnesses which also hit him harder when he did get sick but Ryan wasn't any more susceptible to them than anyone else was.

Ryan listened to the coach give her speech and frowned. He was a pureblood boy, would it look bad if he stayed with the beginners? It seemed to Ryan that he was sort of expected to know how and want to play Quidditch but he didn't know how really, and he really had little interest in either flying or Quidditch. It just wasn't Ryan's thing.

He quickly decided he had better stay with the beginners so he could learn. It would be far worse if Ryan got into a Quidditch game and everyone laughed at how bad he was at flying. Of course, they might also laugh at Ryan for staying with the beginners.For about the millionth time in his life, he was in a no win situation...and Ryan thought he'd be done with those once away from his mother. Still, if he was going to be laughed at, he might as well try to stay intact while he was doing it.

Ryan grabbed a broom and placed it down on the ground, listening for Coach Pierce's further instructions. Once he received them, the Crotalus placed his hand over the broom and said. "Up." Unsurprisingly, it didn't do much. It wasn't as if Ryan didn't want it to come up. Even though he lacked the enthusiasm for flying and Quidditch that people (such as his mother and possibly Coach Pierce) thought pureblood boys were supposed to have, he didn't want to fail. Failure lead to criticism and possibly punishment and others not liking him.

On the other hand, Ryan was glad he wasn't doing too well either. Because then people might resent him if he was better than them, not that that was an issue that ever came up. Or Coach Pierce might send him over to play Quidditch and Ryan was sure he wasn't ready for that.

He turned to the person next to him. "How are you doing on this?" Ryan asked. He hoped that however the person was doing, they would be nice to him.
11 Ryan O'Malley,Crotalus Am I supposed to know this? 176 Ryan O'Malley,Crotalus 0 5

Sophia Jamison (Pecari)

August 29, 2010 2:29 PM
Flying lessons weren’t something Sophie was looking forward to. However, flying was, most definitely. The pureblood had been flying practically as long as she had been walking! She had heard stories of her mother’s legendary flying ability early on from her father and godfathers --Ileum in particular having known her better than Serapes. Though Sophia wasn’t exactly proud of being her mother’s daughter, flying was where she felt free.

In the air, Sophie had never once felt the need to contain herself. She could be whoever she wanted to be, none of that posing she did around those arrogant purebloods she knew too well, no faking around the ones she supposedly admired and wanted to emulate. When she was flying, she was Sophia Joanna Jamison, self-ruler and nothing more, nothing less. Sophie could be herself. It was a free feeling, a feeling that the world was no longer on her shoulders. She didn’t have her practically helpless father, hopeless godfathers, or anything else to worry about. It was just gravity, her, and the wind fighting its way to her blonde hair, sunlight from above sparkling down and her soul itself blazing out through her blue eyes.

And now she was on her way to flying lessons. A load of good that would do her, she reasoned. She already knew how to fly, even how to play Quidditch --and she was good. Great, if she did say so herself. Broom in arm, Sophia found herself among other first years at this mandatory lesson, also accompanied by the teacher, who then introduced herself as Amelia Pierce. Sophie found herself liking the woman; she seemed very nice and welcoming. Then again, Sophie found herself liking a lot of people.

“Some of you have probably been flying for several years already, so I’m going to grant you the dignity of not sitting through a lesson on how to hover. . .” Sophie felt herself internally whooping. And school robes were optional? Heck yes! Sophie shed her annoying robes and hopped on her broom after shooting Coach Pierce a thankful look. Smiling brightly, she shot off into the sky, up, up and away.

Once Sophie felt she was high enough that she wouldn’t fly into anyone else, she kicked her Nimbus 2009 into gear and raced across the sky, metaphorically leaving dust clouds behind her like a jet, and she lost herself in the flapping breeze that shot into her face and through her hair to the tips. She wasn’t human when she was flying; she was just part of the wind, and she was complete. Pushing the broomstick to go at its max speed, she buzzed passed the other students, eyes shut and enjoying the experience as she turned upside down and back around.

Blinking her eyes open, Sophie found she was approaching another first year, and fast. Pulling the broom hard, she haulted just in the knick of time, her broom settling not six inches in front of the other flyer. Somewhat awkwardly, Sophie spoke. “Sorry about that,” she said honestly. “I wasn’t paying attention.” Extending her hand in a friendly manner towards this student, she added, “I’m Sophie Jamison.”
0 Sophia Jamison (Pecari) Lost in flight, no rescue needed 0 Sophia Jamison (Pecari) 0 5

Miya Saren [Crotalus]

August 29, 2010 3:42 PM
Miya couldn't wait to get up in the air. When she'd heard about the first year flying lessons, she couldn't help her excitement. Sure, they were flying lessons, but at least she would get to use her broom a bit, right? Her poor broom had been sitting in her trunk all by itself for about a week! She was pretty sure that brooms loved to be used as much as possible, rather than laying to waste and collecting dust particles, or better yet, not being used as a Muggle toy to push around unwanted dirt. (Miya would never understand how they could treat such amazing things in such a horrible way.)

For the class, she tied up her long dark hair with a black band, and two colored ribbons. The ribbons were her house colors, deep red and light silver. Long hair would just get in the way with flying, even if one wasn't going very fast, plus wind could do horrible things to a girl's hair! For an outfit, she wore dark jeans and a light blue shirt. Like hair, loose clothing would just get in the way. Unfortunately the school required them to wear their green robes for classes, so she would have to make due with it. Hopefully they wouldn't annoy her too much.

After she had prepared herself, she grabbed her broom Comet and marched down towards the Quidditch Pitch. Her mind was already set on soaring through the air, she wanted to become one with the sky and hear the wind go past her body and broom as she flew. Flying was an adventure all it's own, and the grey-eyed witch was always ready for one.

When she arrived, she saw that it was her Head of House that was instructing, Coach Pierce. Miya already knew that this woman was the Quidditch Coach, so it would make sense that she would teach the flying lessons. Coach Pierce talked in a firm voice, but it wasn't at all mean; Miya could tell that she just wanted to get her point across. A good thing, all things considered. She listened as patiently as she could as the Coach talked, but Miya couldn't stop her right leg from bouncing (a horrid habit for hers). The itch to fly was growing, her attention span waning. And then Coach Pierce said the magic words.

"Some of you have probably been flying for several years already, so I’m going to grant you the dignity of not sitting through a lesson on how to hover....This is a very basic lesson, so as long as you’re flying a broom and not getting yourself or others hurt, I honestly don’t care what you’re doing. You may go. Oh, and school robes are optional in this class. Your choice."

Ah, yes. Finally! Miya grinned and looked around to see if any others had decided to ditch their robes and have some fun. After the green robes were off of her, she smiled again, and grabbed Comet. She sat there for a few moments, her eyes closed; imagining the thrill of being lifted off the ground by Magic, how it always felt as gravity no longer seemed to apply to her.

Miya lifted herself and her broom off of the ground, and slowly rose into the air. She rose higher and higher, the wind whipping through her hair. She opened her eyes after a moment, and smiled at familiarity of being in the air. Her broom felt steady under her, and she lurched straight forward, her broom beginning to swiftly move in the direction her body had indicated, towards the other students.

As she grew nearer, a burst of delighted laughter escaped her. Flying was pure bliss, and Miya couldn't deny that. She hoped the others would be enjoying this as much as her, so she waved out her right arm to the closest student.

"Hello! I'm Miya!" She began, and smiled. "Wanna race?" Her tone was challenging, yet still playful enough not to sound rude. She indicated the air around them, which, while it had other students, wasn't that crowded, and awaited her response.

0 Miya Saren [Crotalus] A High Flying Challenge. 0 Miya Saren [Crotalus] 0 5


August 30, 2010 6:56 PM
Jordan’s smile faltered slightly at Marcus’ question. She didn’t really know how to answer his question. She couldn’t give him a factual answer since she wasn’t really what one would call book smart, but maybe it was just assumed that she would know since she had grown up in the world of magic? “Sorry to disappoint, but I have no idea. My sister, Alice, would know all about that historical kind of stuff. All I know is that it’s been like that for as long as I can remember.” Then, as if a light dawned on in her brain, she added, “Hey, you grew up without magic, didn’t you?”

She hadn’t actually realized it until that moment. It should have been obvious though. He was questioning riding brooms. He wasn’t bragging about the type he had or would have. Of course, he could be really philosophical or something like that. Questioning everything. Though, if he were like that, she didn’t think they would be very good friends, because that would drive her absolutely nuts. She wanted to have fun, not get into heavy thinking. She would have to deal enough with that in other classes.

“But yeah, this is pretty boring. I’m not much of a rider so I can’t even tell you about all the different kinds of brooms there are. I had a Sky Ryder when I was a kid. That’s about it though,” she said with a toss of her brown hair. “So, how do you get around if you don’t use brooms?” She had seen people on weird contraptions, but didn’t really know what to make of them other than they looked funny. “When I’m old enough, I’m going to learn to Apparate. That’s how my parents always get around. It’s a lot less messy than Flooing and less uncomfortable than broom riding. It’s not really good for long distances.”

Digging around in her pocket, she pulled out a tube of lip-gloss. Using one hand to balance, she reapplied it to her lips. After she put it away, she introduced herself, “I’m Jordan Adair. What do you think of the school so far? I don’t like my Head of House too much, but otherwise, I think it’ll be fun. My roommates are really nice. We’re thinking about having a party in a couple weeks.” She probably shouldn’t have mentioned that since she hadn’t cleared the invite list with her roommates yet, but she was sure they would want all of the guys there. After all, the more guys, the more selection, and more possibilities.
0 Jordan What do you want to learn? 0 Jordan 0 5

David Wilkes

August 31, 2010 2:24 PM
For someone who'd spent most of his childhood reading about fictional societies, it occurred to David that he had never really gotten into a universe where people used broomsticks for transportation. He wasn't sure how that had happened. He had read plenty where people could appear out of thin air, or cut holes in the fabric of the universe, or hop a spaceship and travel into a completely different galaxy, but never could he remember reading anything about broomsticks. That was a TV convention, at least in his mind, and he didn't watch much TV.

Just now was one of the few times in his life where he was really regretting that, because his very first lesson at magic school - the place where he'd miraculously been given a chance to start completely over from scratch, either being amongst others like himself or able to conceal his actual likes and dislikes until the local gods of petty sixth grade evil found other targets to pick on - seemed to involve being taught to fly on a broom. Drivers Ed for sixth graders. He wondered what age one tested for a license at.

Or was it even necessary? He had read as much as he could in the weeks before school started, and while he was still confused by pretty much every second word everyone around him said, he had gathered the impression that people played sports of some kind on brooms. People could play sports professionally, as reflected in his reading, but they usually had to play unprofessionally for a while first. Like their entire lives, to be good enough to go pro. So maybe brooms didn't require licenses. They hadn't been given any kind of safety quiz or anything first, and he'd heard that something like that was required to start learning to drive in the rea - the non-magical world.

Not the real world. This was real. He was not having some weird, month-spanning dream, he was not hallucinating in a coma, and he was not playing with his imaginary friends in the nuthouse. This was the real world. Just a different part of it. There were plenty of things in the world that were real without being readily accessible from most of it, though he was still reserving judgment on conspiracy theories. It seemed plausible that the Illuminati and stuff could really be legends stemming from the vague awareness that all this existed without being able to pinpoint or confront it.

Once the address was over, and he thought he'd pulled some useable directions from it, David looked at the broom on the ground beside him. It didn't look exactly like a broom, or at least not exactly like his automatic image of a broom. That made it slightly easier to imagine it as an actual transportation device, rather than a game, like he'd seen the girls play with his mom's old straw broom when they were kids. Still not looking inviting, but...

"Up," he tried, to no success.

It was a strange feeling. While he'd never been his best at anything that involved physical activity, he had done the best he could, and so had it counted as completing the assignment. Not completing was unfamiliar, and he didn't want to make its acquaintance.

"How are you doing on this?" asked the boy next to him. One of the very few other boys in the group, which was itself small enough for him to be fairly sure that this was the one who'd turned red.

"It's not my best job ever," he admitted. "You're not having any luck either?" That was theoretically supposed to make him feel better about it, though David had never found the strategy to work. He didn't especially care what other people could do. Except in the case of the hated group work, his grade was his and their grades were theirs, making it irrelevant to him if anyone - except if a friend, if he had one that year, didn't do as well and so had reason to resent him - else completed or not.
16 David Wilkes I guess not. 169 David Wilkes 0 5


August 31, 2010 8:51 PM
He wasn’t exactly sure if he expected an actual answer or not, but he wasn’t really surprised that the girl couldn’t give him one. He could have been talking to someone just like him. Thrust into the world of the unknown and of fairytales. But, the more she spoke, he realized that she did know of magic, she just didn’t know everything. It wasn’t like he could explain all the things that people like him did or used. He smiled though so that she knew he didn’t hold anything against her. “Yup, I thought magic was only in movies and books.” Marcus commented with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

“There are different kinds of brooms?” Marcus asked her, eyebrows raised in surprise. What the heck differences could there possibly be in brooms? They are brooms! Why would they need more than one kind of broom? He just didn’t understand it. The broom he had at home, was that something special? Were non-magical peoples’ brooms different than magical peoples’ brooms? There should be a a book for dummies for this sort of stuff.

“Cars when my mom’s home. If not, I usually take the bus. I took a train once and that was pretty cool. There are also planes and boats people use. RVs. Trucks. Vans. SUVs” Marcus listed. He wondered if the magical people got around on brooms, how come there was never any mention of them? Did they only travel that way at night when no one could see them? They didn’t seem like they’d be ‘family’ friendly.

“What’s ‘Apparate’?” Marcus asked her and hoped she didn’t mind all the questions. The more he learned now, the less questions he would have to ask later. “And ‘Flooing’ for that matter.” None of them sounded all too fun. Especially since the girl added ‘messy’ to Flooing.

Marcus was surprised by how at ease on the broom the girl was. He was afraid to let go of his even though he had an itch on his shoulder that he really really wanted to scratch. But she was so at ease she was applying lip gloss! She really was like the girls back home. He wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. But then, he wasn’t sure what he thought about girls either. “I’m Marcus Williams.” Marcus said after she introduced herself.

“I’m not exactly sure how I feel about all of this just yet. No one has really explained anything to me or my mom, so it’s like we were just pushed into the battle field without any weapons or protection, we’re just flailing our arms hoping to not get hurt.” It was probably a horrible metaphor, but Marcus didn’t know of any other way to describe it. “My head of house wears a pink bubble looking hate and loud purple robes.” Marcus said as though this was the worst thing in the world. “I’m not letting myself near him in case he’s one of those creepers my mom is always warning me against. So, I’m waiting to hear back from her on her thoughts.” This girl had a lot to say. He could already tell that she would be Queen Bee or somewhere up in the ranks as the school years went on. “A party? Already? Isn’t that a bit premature? What happens if no one shows?”
6 Marcus Everything 180 Marcus 0 5


September 01, 2010 6:24 PM
Jordan nodded when Marcus confirmed that her thoughts were indeed correct. It seemed to be obvious who grew up with magic and who didn’t, because it was like two different worlds that happened to be shared in one. Like, “What are movies?” she asked. Obviously, she knew what books were. They had lots of books all over the house since both of her sisters and her dad were avid readers. She didn’t really enjoy reading all that much, but every once in a while there was something that caught her interest and then she just couldn’t put the book down.

“Yeah, there are all kinds of brooms. A lot of them are designed for Quidditch. That’s the sport that a lot of people play or at least, get into. So, the faster, the better. But there are some that are for learning or for fun. The Sky Ryder, the one I had, was for kids. It didn’t lift me up more than a couple inches off the ground. Anyhow, there’s all kinds of brands and models. You’ll see that some like to show off that they have the latest ones. Usually, those are the people that have money,” Jordan informed Marcus. While she was among those that did, she didn’t care to have one.

“Okay, I know about trains and boats. We have those too, but what are cars and all that other stuff?” And why was there so much? Sure, they had a few to travel like portkeys, floo, and brooms, but they seemed to have a ridiculous amount. Why couldn’t there be just a few ways and that was it? All that was needed was a way across land and a way across water. Well, she guessed they would need a way to get somewhere really quickly, but she didn’t think they were able to Apparate, especially when Marcus asked what it was.

Jordan chewed on her lip. How to explain it? “Well, Apparating is something older wizards and witches can do if they get their license, but we can Side-Apparate. That’s when they take us along with them. But anyhow, it’s like going from here to there like that,” she said with a snap of her fingers in one place and then moved them to another to try to emphasize how quick it was. “And Flooing is when we use a special powder in the fireplace so that we can go places. You end up with soot all over you though so I don’t really like it.”

“Nice to meet you, Marcus Williams,” she replied with a grin. “Oooh, you’re Head of House sounds like fun.” She wasn’t fazed at all by the idea of bubble hats and loud purple robes. There were people that wore much worse than that. “See, Pierce,” she nodded towards the Coach, “is mine. She’s all like purebloods should get along with everyone and purebloods should follow the rules and everyone should play Quidditch. I find it pretty offensive. I’m a pureblood and I get along with people just fine. I know some people care about blood types, but I could care less. So, I don’t get why she keeps on lecturing us as if I’m suddenly going to go all WAIL on her.”

It paid to sneak a peak at her mother’s mail. She had really just been after her mother’s magazines, but had learned about the group in the process. She’d also learned about party planning. “Why wouldn’t anyone show?” She pouted slightly as if this were the worst thought in the world.
0 Jordan Is this helping? 0 Jordan 0 5


September 02, 2010 1:31 PM
Ryan shook his head. "Not really." The problem was probably that he didn't sound authoritative enough but Ryan was not used to bossing anyone around,even a broom. Even though he was the oldest cousin and older than his sister, the Crotalus still felt he was at the bottom of any pecking order.

He couldn't even tell a house elf what to do. To be honest, even when they screwed up at home, it was still assumed that whatever went wrong was his fault. The house elves, being house elves, would confess they were the ones who'd done wrong, and his mom would just say Ryan ordered them to take the blame.

But Ryan didn't even like telling them what to do, they were his friends, especially Bonky, his favorite house elf who was actually about the same age Ryan was. The elvess liked Ryan too because he was nice to them, not like his mom and sister. Ryan was pretty sure his sister did exactly what their mother accused him of doing and made the house elves take the blame for bad things she did-when he wasn't around, that is.

Besides, his punishments occasionally consisted of sleeping in the house elf quarters and eating meals with them. Ryan considered them near equals, which meant they were all at the very bottom.

He tried again. "Up." No luck. "I don't think flying is going to be my thing." Ryan admitted to the other boy. That was fine with him, as he was disinterested, but at the same time, he needed to get the broom up. Coach Pierce was his Head of House, and she would probably hate him if he didn't do well. The woman seemed Quidditch crazy, and Ryan was afraid she'd dislike those who couldn't even get their brooms up. He was terrified that she'd target him like his mother did.

"I'm Ryan, by the way." He introduced himself to the other boy, who thought was one of the two Aladrens. So far, the other boy seemed pretty nice and Ryan hoped he was right about that.
11 Ryan Oh, good. 176 Ryan 0 5


September 03, 2010 6:46 PM
“Movies?” Marcus asked rhetorically. Oh geez. He had to explain what a television was and he was fairly certain that he hadn’t done a very good job of that. How exactly was he supposed to explain movies? “Well, from what Sara told me, you guys have something called a wireless, which is pretty much what we call a radio.” Marcus started, looking at Jordan for confirmation that this was indeed true before continuing. “Your wireless has programs for entertainment. Stories, right? Well, for people like me, we also have something called a television. Televisions take programs for entertainment and transmit the images of the actors, etc. onto a screen for everyone to watch and hear. Movies are an extension to that, only their screens are way bigger.” He was pretty certain that was inadequate, but it was hard to explain something that one really had to see.

“Sara said it sounded like portraits that learn scripts. Whatever that means.” Marcus said with a slight shrug.

Their brooms sort of sounded like his worlds automobiles. All the different styles and types. Those with money flashing their expensive cars around as though it was something special or unique. For people like Marcus and his mother, they just found it all to be a waste. There was so many better things to use the money on that expensive vehicles. But, what could one really do?

“Uh…” Great, now he had to explain what vehicles were. “They are a form of transportation for us. Basically, metal boxes with wheels and an engine to get it moving. Cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans are all the same thing, just different shapes and the SUVs and vans hold more people than cars or trucks.” That was the best that he could do. “Buses are even larger forms of transportation that carry a lot more people. 50 or more. Usually, it’s used by those who can’t afford their own vehicles or live in cities where it’s just an easier form of transportation for them. That can go for trains too, also called The Metro or subway. RVs are more for fun. People use them for camping. It’s like a mini house with wheels.” He was pretty sure that explained all the ground vehicles he described. Now onto airplanes. “Planes, or airplanes, are crafts that fly in the air. Have you ever seen them in the sky? They allow for people to go from one place to another far quicker than cars do. And you can go from continent to continent.”

He found it a bit strange that she wouldn’t know what these things were unless wherever she lived was completely isolated from people like him. He supposed that was possible, but he doubted it. Apparating didn’t seem all that bad though. Not something very family oriented, but still, it seemed like the most ideal way of traveling. Flooing didn’t seem too bad either. Although, he wondered if the fireplace had to be lit to work and if it did, how did one not get burned? “What do families use to travel? I can’t imagine a whole family fitting onto a broom or into a fireplace.”

Marcus looked dubiously at Jordan when she said that his Head of House sounded great. Maybe she was a sheltered child. Marcus grew up being told to never trust people who unnerved you until you had absolute proof that they weren’t the bad guys. Your friends mattered too. If you chose the wrong group, you ended up taking the wrong path and Marcus’s mother would have none of that. “I don’t follow.” Marcus told her, looking over at their coach. “You’re a a Pureblood? I’ve been hearing about Purebloods since I got here. How many of you are there? At my old school, we had a family of Jones that went to school. Seriously, there was like one in every class. They were huge. Like the Duggers. Never ending baby making machine.” Marcus said, shaking his head and trying not to smile at that thought. “Anyway, why would she say that stuff about you all? And why would you wail on her? You could get into serious trouble for attacking a teacher.” Marcus commented, looking her over to see what she had to offer in the line of physical defense.
6 Marcus Sort of... 180 Marcus 0 5


September 05, 2010 11:56 AM
The more Marcus explained what movies were, the more confused Jordan became and she was absolutely certain that her face portrayed that. “Well, if it’s portraits reading scripts, then why don’t you just watch them instead?” She asked. She didn’t think it would be that interesting to watch a bunch of pictures talking from a piece of paper, but what did she know? Maybe muggles didn’t have any other way to entertain themselves? Though, the ones that she had met seemed to find ways. Of course, those had been teenage boys, but still not all muggles could be horribly dull, could they? After all, some purebloods seemed threatened by them and one wouldn’t be threatened by something that was harmless.

Maybe all those vehicles were their entertainment? They sure had an awfully lot. “Why don’t they just take tents or stay home?” She didn’t understand why people needed to take a minihouse on wheels. Tents were very functional, providing rooms and even a kitchen. Not to mention, they were really very convenient to travel with. Of course, she was forgetting that their tents had magic associated with them and allowed for something so easy. But still, if one was going to have a house on wheels, why not just have that and not have the house? “Or why don’t they just buy another house for wherever they’re going? Wouldn’t that be easier?” Her parents had houses in other places for when they went on vacations. It was so much nicer than sleeping in an unfamiliar bed.

“No, I haven’t seen a plane before. We live in a community with a protected sky area. Only authorized broom users are allowed. We usually don’t travel that way anyhow. My mom is afraid of heights so we usually travel by apparating, but no,” she giggled slightly, “a whole family wouldn’t fit on a broom or into a fireplace. If they use flooing, each member goes one at a time until they all arrive at the designated place. Another option is portkey, but that has to be approved of first. Oh, and you saw the wagons, right? So, there’s stuff like that. Plus, there’s flying horses. I’ve only been on those at fairs, but some people use them to travel. I don’t think I would just cause I would be scared that the horse would get scared and throw me off in the middle of the sky.”

At first, Jordan didn’t understand why Marcus was comparing purebloods to muggle families until realization dawned on her. Then, she started laughing. She couldn’t help it. The idea of purebloods being a family was funny on so many levels. In some ways, they really were one big family. Most purebloods were connected in some way either by blood or by marriage. It was just a matter of how extended the member was. When she caught her breath, she began explaining, “Pureblood isn’t a last name. Though, maybe it should be with how interconnected they are. Anyhow,” she continued with a wave of her hand to dismiss the previous thought, “pureblood refers to blood type. It means being from a magical family. My mom has magic, my dad has magic, my grandparents have magic, and continuing back.”

She didn’t know how far back it went, but it was definitely as far as was traced with the exception of some that had been disowned. “Though, there are squibs too. Squibs are also from magical families, but they don’t have magic. Simply awful, really. So, then there are halfbloods and muggleborns. Halfbloods have at least one magical parent. Sometimes, the other parent is another halfblood or a muggleborn. And a muggleborn is someone with magic that comes from muggles. You know, people without magic. See, pretty easy, right?” Jordan hoped that she had explained it well enough that she would be able to answer the rest of his questions. Otherwise, he might just end up more confused than when they had started talking.

“But don’t worry, I’m not going to wail on a teacher. WAIL is a group that believes in pureblood supremacy and that girls shouldn’t play quidditch, because it turns them into lesbians. The way she talks, I feel like she expects me to be part of that.” She failed to mention that her mother was a part of it. “It’s like Pierce thinks that just because someone is pureblood, they’re going to act a certain way, like other people couldn’t act that way. She doesn’t even know me yet she’s judging me that way just because I’m a pureblood. I’m not a bad person just because I happen to come from people with magic, you know?” She didn’t know if he knew or not, but she guessed he might come to find out since there were people that would look down on him for not being pure.
0 Jordan Or am I just confusing you more? 0 Jordan 0 5


September 05, 2010 5:08 PM
Ryan. That made exactly two people at this school whose names David knew, and so far, no one had sounded as weird as some of the magical history he'd read in a desperate attempt to have a clue what he was getting into would have led him to believe was normal for magical people. He couldn't pronounce the names of the authors of half his book list.

Of course, he hadn't even reached the twentieth century yet, so maybe normal names were a recent thing. It made sense; the place was, as far as he could tell, a technological mish-mash of epic proportions - indoor plumbing without electricity had stood out especially to him - so he could see mishy society. Normal names and weird transportation made as much sense as anything else did now.

"I'm David," he introduced himself. That was another weird thing: it was the first day, so she didn't really know who they were unless she had a computer print-out with pictures on it, but the coach hadn't called roll. David was pretty sure he hadn't seen a piece of paper anywhere, actually. How, then, did she know everyone was there? Was it magic - trackers in their clothes? What was this, Battle School? - watching them all the time, cameras he couldn't see, or did these people just trust them to go where they were supposed to go?

That seemed awfully naive to David. He'd had a few classes in elementary school where the only reason he'd done his work and followed the rules had been out of pity for the teacher, not because he felt there would any consequences for not doing it. The former might not go over so well with this lady, she seemed pretty set on them doing the work, but if she didn't know who they were, then how was she to know if these girls she didn't think were going to do it had even shown up? If his old school had been formatted like this, he would have ditched class half the time for the library.

They had to be playing Big Brother. They just had to be. No way were all adults in this world that dumb. If he could safely suppose, based on his own existence, that some adult wizards were born in non-magical families, then there was really no excuse for someone not realizing that kids were not to be trusted.

"Up," he tried again on his own broom. He had a little more luck than Ryan did; though it didn't jump to his hand, the deranged kitchen appliance did twitch. "Not sure about me, either," he said about his own future with flying. "This magic stuff new to you, too, then?"
16 David I think we're supposed to learn it pretty quickly, though. 169 David 0 5

Kate Bauer, Teppenpaw

September 05, 2010 5:46 PM
She had spent the last two weeks before school started in California, more often than not shuffling blank-mindedly along behind Rachel as her sister enthusiastically led the back-to-school shopping expeditions, but before that, Kate had spent two weeks at her dad's in Arizona, so it hadn't been too long since she'd last flown. Unlike her mother, her father didn't really care what society considered proper or improper for a girl; sometimes, she thought he made a point of not caring just to spite her mother. She had been little when it happened, but from what Rachel and other relatives had said, it hadn't been pretty even by divorce standards.

In light of that, Kate wasn't really worried about flying lessons. She would never play national-league Quidditch or anything like that, but considering that the class had both Muggleborns who'd never used a broom for anything but sweeping and girls who'd been so small when WAIL came out that their brothers might not be allowed to fly, she felt she could do well enough to make her first, and possibly last, really excellent grade here.

Coach Pierce made no secret of her political affiliations, at least on this matter, as she spoke, but Kate had expected that. Her mother was from the East Coast, originally, and so had an interest in and plenty to say about its purebloods, and having one of them as a teacher at Kate and Rachel's school meant extra comments. Despite Emily's low opinion of her, though, Kate thought she just might like the coach, as she gave those of them who knew the basics permission to go ahead and bypass them. Rachel constantly complained about how hard it was to act dumber than she was, so the one real worry she had been nursing had been that she would go too fast and get called down for it, and this got rid of that problem.

She decided, though, to keep her robes. For one thing, that would be one more thing she could tell her mother she had done when the inevitable list of her failures was made at Christmas. For another, she was going to join the Teppenpaw Quidditch team, and she'd presumably have to wear a team robe for that to distinguish herself from opposing players. Better to get re-accustomed to flying in robes than to be easier without them. Also better not to rush it too much, since at home, she really just flew around for pleasure, not with an aim.

She worked on gaining altitude gradually, and was in motion when she realized another student was flying toward her a lot faster than she expected the old broom she was on would turn the other way or go into a dive. Jerking it back as quickly as she could nevertheless, Kate squeezed her eyes shut instinctively against the moment when they smashed into each other and tragically died....

Only to have the other girl pull out of it and speak. Kate opened her eyes a little hesitantly to check that this was still the Pitch and that she wasn't coming out of a coma in the hospital wing. Once that was verified, she straightened up on her broom and, keeping the other hand firmly on her broom, leaned forward to shake the proffered hand. "Don't worry about it," she said. "I'm Kate Bauer." She looked over the other girl's broom. "You're really good with that thing. I thought we were both goners for a second there."
16 Kate Bauer, Teppenpaw I know where I am, but may need rescue anyway... 170 Kate Bauer, Teppenpaw 0 5


September 08, 2010 7:20 PM
"David huh? I have an uncle named that." Uncle David was Amity and Chaslyn's father. Ryan smiled. "It's nice to meet you." He said, hoping it was true. The Crotalus boy really did want to make friends and not have any enemies at Sonora. He didn't know if he could deal with more people that hated him. Sonora was supposed to be a safe haven for him, like his grandparents' house was. Ryan didn't want to feel the same kind of hostility he did at home here.

Which, unfortunately, he was certain that he was going to feel if he didn't get the broom up. If it was up to Ryan, he wouldn't care because he had no intention of ever playing Quidditch. Ryan hated the idea of playing a game that could involve him hurting others or the other team resenting him if he did well, or his teammates hating him if he did well. As for transportation, there were other modes that he could use such as Floo Powder and when he got older, Apparation.

However, like most things, it was not up to Ryan. It was Coach Pierce who was in charge here and the Crotalus was still sure she'd get mad at him, if he couldn't get the broom up. She might even think he was faking an inability which was Ryan was beginning to genuinely think he had in this area. His mom often said he was faking it like if he got sick or something. Then, when it was realized Ryan really wasn't faking, his mother would start shrieking and have his dad take him to his grandparents.

There was also the fact that if Ryan couldn't get his broom up, people might make fun of him. His mom, who was very into gender roles, insisted that boys had to like Quidditch and be good at sports and that if he wasn't, nobody else would like him either. Of course, she often told Ryan that no matter what, people wouldn't like him because he was worthless and stupid.

David only seemed to be doing slightly better than Ryan, however. That really didn't bother him, he genuinely wished for the other boy to do well so people wouldn't pick on David but maybe it meant that the Aladren wouldn't make fun of him .

"Oh, no. I grew up with magic." The Crotalus said in response to David's question. "I just really didn't fly much at all." Ryan hoped the other boy wouldn't ask why because all of his reasons were kind of embarassing. He didn't want David to know he was disinterested in sports because boys were supposed to like them, and he didn't want him to know about his grandmother not letting him, because then Ryan would have to explain why she didn't and David might think he was weak and sickly and not want to be around him.
11 Ryan That's unfortunate 176 Ryan 0 5


September 10, 2010 9:43 PM
“Well, that’s because in my world we don’t have talking portraits.” Marcus explained. “Our pictures, paintings, and portraits are all one dimension and do not move or talk. Besides, movies aren’t people reading off a piece of paper. There are all sorts of movies. Action, Horror, Comedy, Romance… and all the effects and scenery changes really make the movies.” Marcus was really going to miss television and the cinema while he was here, but his mother promised to let him see any age-appropriate movies when he came home for the holiday and for summer. “It’s hard to explain and probably something you have to experience to get the full effect.” Marcus was discovering just how difficult it was to explain the everyday things of his life.

Marcus was a little confused by Jordan’s comment. Yes tents could be useful, but they weren’t nearly as awesome as RVs. And what would be the point of staying home? “Well, tents aren’t very big and nice. I mean, I guess if you want to rough it it’s fine, but most people like some luxury. RVs are the best luxury that people who like to camp can buy. ” Marcus shrugged. Maybe people born of magical families didn’t camp and so, they didn’t quite get the point behind it.

“Why should they have to stay home? A lot of people love to camp, go fishing, etc. Staying at home is just not the same.” He almost laughed when she suggested they buy a second home. “Uh, most people probably don’t buy the second home because they can’t afford one. Most can’t even afford a first home let alone a second home.” Marcus advised. “The people that I know who camp come from families who can’t afford grand vacations, so camping the next best thing without spending a bunch of money.”

Marcus wasn’t going to admit this to Jordan, but he was never going to like that wagon. He would rather go through the fire and get dirty than have to withstand another long ride on those death traps. Honestly, he wondered if anyone had ever been seriously hurt by those things. “Huh… flying horses…” That was interesting, but also a little weird. The way things were going, someone was going to tell him that unicorns were real and leprechauns did exist and have pots of gold under the rainbow.

He listened as she explained the different blood types. It made better sense now than it had when he assumed it was just a really large family. “Oh, than I’m a muggle-whatever. I don’t know about easy. Like, what is a person who has two halfblood parents or a person who has two muggleborn parents? You magical people sure to like the labels.” Marcus stated, trying to not fall off when someone flew by him and created a rush of wind to whip past him.

Marcus laughed loudly when Jordan explained what WAIL was. “Do these WAIL people understand that something can’t make you into a lesbian. It’s all biological. Or, at least, that’s what my Health teacher explained to us.” There seemed to be a lot of drama in the magical world based on blood type and status. It was all very confusing and Marcus highly doubted that the next seven years would teach him everything that he needed to know about this world. “But, you’re right. It’s unfair for a staff or any adult to just assume everyone from a certain background all thought the same way. I mean, if that were the case, everyone should just assume I deal drugs and am in a gang.”
6 Marcus It's a little bit of both 180 Marcus 0 5