Professor Sutekh

June 07, 2008 2:47 PM

Year 6 by Professor Sutekh

Sanaa knew that permanent transfigurations were the bane of students’ lives. They rarely got it on the first go, or on the hundredth either, and it generally meant floods of students were told to do further reading, longer essays and more practice. Sanaa knew that by the end of the year she would be hated and her name cursed a thousand times; she had done it about her Transfiguration Professor, too.

Sanaa had spaced out the tables and banned chairs for the lesson as she was leaving room for the students to throw tantrums if they wished to. She had one unforgettable memory, where she had thrown the object she was supposed to be permanently transfiguring at the Transfiguration Professor, hexed his hair blue, burst into tears and ran from the room. Of course she had been given a week’s worth of detentions for attacking a teacher, but she had felt much better, and never had a problem with the spell afterwards.

Hearing voices outside of the door Sanaa took a deep breath, set a shield around herself and the desk, and opened the classroom door.

“Good morning sixth years. I hope you are all awake this morning and in good moods. We are starting permanent transfigurations today and if you are not both awake and happy I don’t think you will make it through the lesson. It is a very frustrating topic and I do not expect anybody to manage it by the end of the lesson.”

Sanaa stood up and held up her rock.

“You will be transfiguring this rock into a plant. As you all would have performed this on the CATS I know you can accomplish this simple task. The task is now to make sure the rock does not retake its original form after five minutes, but continues to hold its new form until you reverse the spell. The wand movement is a simple tap on the rock with the incantation ‘Dauerhafte Änderung’ pronounced ‘Dower-haft-e And-err-ung’.” Sanaa tapped her rock, said the incantation and her rock morphed into a rose plant.

“As with a basic transfiguration spell you need to use your imagination to choose which plant you wish to turn your rock into. However, when you have got your plant you need to test if it is a permanent transfiguration or if it went wrong. The spell is simple, swish your wand over the object and say ‘Confuto’. This will turn your object either, green, blue or a mixture of both. The greener the item the longer it will last for. If it is completely green, you have been successful and the transfiguration won’t end until you say ‘Exigo’ and flick your wand at the object. For your RATS you will need to have an object that is mostly green to pass this section.”

“You can work in pairs but please transfigure your own rock. Please begin.”
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