Professor Yu

August 27, 2014 5:19 PM
Diana had been feeling a little under the weather lately, and that, perhaps, had influenced today's lesson more than anything. She wasn't quite sure what it was, but for some reason the Pepper Up Potion hadn't quite done it's job and she was still wheezing and sniffling slightly, the top of her nose still a little tinge of red to match the eternal blush that seemed to have settled on her cheeks shortly after falling ill. As it was, she hadn't wanted to cancel class as the Advanced students had been making a fair amount of progress so far that semester, recovering quite quickly from only having learnt during the spring term after last year's debacle that she thankfully hadn't been a part of. Comparing the scores from spring term with the marks she had given out so far that fall had greatly pleased her and she didn't feel like taking time off would benefit the student's progress.

When it was time to begin, Diana coughed to herself (cringing at the mucus that clung to the inside walls of her throat) and rang the little bell that was on her desk, something she had previously only put there for decoration but was now glad she had it- her throat was a little too soar to try and speak over the initial conversation that students always enjoyed before an instructor began teaching a course.

"Before I start," she began, her voice hoarse and croaking. "I want to apologize ahead of time for my voice. I seem to have caught a bug last week and spent the weekend trying to recover. Unfortunately, I am still a little bit sick but I am recovering. However, I would advise you all to wash your hands as often as possible and try not to share food or drink." They were all old enough to know this, she was sure, but she was planning on informing all of her students that day of the cold that was going around as it generally did when school was back in session and everyone's germs and microbes mixed with each other in the air.

Diana shook her head, this would never do. She couldn't get her voice loud enough to reach to the back of the room and so grabbed her wand and preformed a light amplifying charms something she never did usually in order so the students in the back rows could hear her speak. "For today's lesson I would like for us to do the Elixir to Induce Euphoria which, of course, was a part of your weekend reading. Once we begin I will come around to each table to collect your homework assignments." As per usual for a weekend, Diana had assigned a 22 inch essay* on a choice between the importance of the three potions they learned the previous week that the students wished to write on. She liked giving them the option as it made her grading a little bit more fun when she received a variety of papers instead of a whole set on the same topic.

"To start off with, you will need shrivelfig, porcupine quills, sopophorous beans, and wormwood. Some variations of this potion also include peppermint but it isn't a required ingredient so for today we will be leaving that element out." Although the use of peppermint did aid in counteracting some of the side-effects, the ingredient wasn't listed in the textbook itself and Diana felt a little weird asking students to stray too far from the textbook in case something went wrong and induced more angry pureblood parents on the school than there already were. She didn't need to put the other teachers or the headmaster into that position again.

"This potion, as implied by the name, puts the drinker into an unusually sudden and happy mood even in the dimmest of situations. Oftentimes side-effects include excessive singing and nose-tweaking but these are only minor and won't cause any real harm to the drinker." Diana shrugged slightly at this, knowing that as far as side-effects went this particular set was really more annoying than anything. "The potion is relatively harmless, but I wouldn't suggest testing it out on your neighbors in case something goes wrong in the brewing process. You may work in partners if you like or by yourself but please keep the chatter to a minimum this morning, thank you." Normally Diana didn't mind a bit of conversation but her head was hurting and she wanted to be able to hear students if they were asking for help. Merlin, how she hated being sick.

*OOC: 22 inches is equivalent to one sheet of standard 8.5 x 11 college ruled paper. Also, many apologies on having this out so late! Real Life hasn't been particularly nice to me these past few weeks.
10 Professor Yu Advanced Potions (Years 6 & 7) 0 Professor Yu 1 5