Marian Connell

May 05, 2005 4:06 PM
Marian Connell stepped into her potions classroom for the first time in over 3 months, eyes darting everywhere to make sure that nothing had been broken, misplaced, or destroyed. She had been meaning to come down here before her first class, to make sure that everything was all right, but she just hadn’t had the time, and the heat that seemed to be settling in had been making her feel exceptionally lethargic. But since the students were going to be storming into the class in a few minutes, she knew that she had to come tidy up.

Luckily, everything seemed to be in place. None of the potion ingredients seemed to be out of order, no surprises seemed to have been left by any vengeful students. All was good in her classroom. Well, except for a small smudge of green on the back wall. She recognized it as being a mold of some sort, and she made a mental note to have Paul Simon to get the prairie elves back into some kind of order. Honestly, those things couldn’t do the simplest tasks without going into hysterics about the joy of serving, or something similar.

She returned to her desk as the first students began to amble in. Some of the students looked somewhat skeptical, a few fearful, some bored, some eager. She merely looked on as they all entered and sat down. Finally, after the last stragglers found seats, she stood up, but remained at her desk.

“Hello, and welcome to your first potions lesson of the year. For those who do not know me, my name is Professor Connell, and I am going to be your potions teacher this term. This semester will be mainly focusing on some of the simpler mood altering potions, such as cheering potions, calming potions, etc. Next semester will most likely be focused on various healing potions and antidotes.

“Today, we will be working on the easiest of the cheering potions, the acclamazioni draft. You will find the instructions on page 37 of your textbooks, and you may work in groups of two or three to complete it, made up of any combination of houses and years you should wish. It should take about 45 minutes to make, if no grievous mistakes are made, and so the rest of the period will be yours after you turn your sample in. You can find the ingredients, daisy roots, fluxweed, ginger, and root of asphodel, on the table in the back of the room. Please be careful about the amount of fluxweed you put in, as too much may cause the potion to combust. You may begin.”

She sat down as the students began finding partners and skimming through their books for the right page. So far, the lesson had gone relatively painless, with no major incidents. Of course, they were still in the first five minutes of the class, so the odds weren’t good for it to stay that way.
0 Marian Connell First Lesson (Both years) 7 Marian Connell 1 5

Zack Dill

May 05, 2005 7:11 PM
Zack Dill arrived early to the potions classroom to claim his favored spot: the extreme left of the second row. It was a position carefully calculated to draw the least attention to him. He took his spiral notebook, a blue fine-tipped papermate pen, and the case containing his measuring scales out of his bookbag then hung it onto the back of his chair by the shoulder straps.

He took a few minutes to unpackage the scales and assemble them into a working condition, then glanced down at the cauldron that he couldn't lift and had needed to push and kick the entire way here. He gave it a sour look and left that where it had rolled to a stop against the wall. Thank God it was round and completely indestructable or there would have been no way he'd've gotten it all the way from the Aladren second year boys dorm.

He grabbed it by its lip and pulled it so that sat on his bottom rather its side. That was as much as he could to do with it unless he got someone a little stronger to help him hoist it up onto the desk. They only needed one cauldron per group anyway, so he'd leave it there for now. It had cost him enough exertion already, and he had the sweaty sleeve to prove it. Hadn't this place ever heard of air conditioning?

Further irritations were sidelined as the Professor Connell began talking. Zack uncapped his pen and set to the serious task of notetaking in three different languages that had never been used by any human society.

When she stopped talking, Zack continued writing for another few seconds, then capped the pen and drew breath in preparation for the single most difficult part of the class: finding a decent group.

Turning to the person seated beside him (it was far more practical than wandering around asking other people wandering around if they had a group yet), he asked about the two most critical issues, "Do you need a partner, and can you follow my instructions?"

While he admitted to himself that the question sounded somewhat overbearing, tyrannical, and possibly arrogant, it would give anybody faced with it that the clear idea that (a) Zack intended to be the group leader, and (b) Zack was here to make a potion not friends. If they had a problem with that, they could say 'no' and he'd find someone else.\n\n
1 Zack Dill me and you and a dog named Boo 40 Zack Dill 0 5


May 06, 2005 6:52 PM
The potions room was dusty and had an odd smell- like rotting plants and chemicals. It wasn't necessarily a bad smell...just odd. Dalila sat third row center and began unpacking the basic ingredients and her book from the pewter cauldron her father had bought her.

While not as excited about this as she was about Care of Magical creatures, it was one of the classes she had looked forward to. She listened to the professor's speech with interest, but began flipping through the pages of her book before Professor Connell had finished.

She lept out of her chair as the last words left the teacher's lips and walked quickly to the back table to get the ingerdients needed. Carrying them back jumbled together in her arms, she plopped them on her desk before tapping the person next to her on the shoulder- whom she had barely noticed before- and asked, "Partners?" in an cheery tone.\n\n
0 Dalila Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble 0 Dalila 0 5

Jenna Howard

May 06, 2005 7:43 PM
Of all her classes, Jenna had been looking foward to Potions the most. It probably had something to do with how much she loved the subject, and how well she had done with it last year. They had always done interesting potions last year. She had hoped for more advanced potion this year, and was a bit disappointed when she found out they were only doing cheering potions. But she perked up when she heard that next semester they would be doing healing potions and antidotes. Those were always by far her favorites.

Nimbly, her fingers turned to page 37. She did not remember ever trying to brew the acclamazioni draft before. It sounded like an Italian word to her, although she didn't quite know what it meant. But Jenna was always up for something new, especially when it was something to do with potions.


Jenna turned to see the girl next to her ask. As she didn't recognize the girl, Jenna assumed she must be a first year. She was slightly annoyed by the way she was almost carelessly plopped down her potions. But she gave her the benefit of the doubt, the girl might not know that you had to be delicate with potion ingredients. She might not have come from a wizarding home, as Jenna had.

"Sure," she said, "My name is Jenna Howard, what's yours?"\n\n
0 Jenna Howard Fire burn, and cauldron bubble 46 Jenna Howard 0 5


May 06, 2005 10:33 PM
Dalila smiled at Jenna and pushed her red-rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose. She seeemed slightly cold for some reason, but Dalila ignored the feeling. After all, she did look smart. Plus, she had just met this girl and Dalila was always told not to judge a book by its cover. A certain pink lacy book came to mind. When ever Dalila tried to open said book it would shout obscenities at her till she dropped it. Her mother had an odd sense of humor and that childhood diary proved it.

Dalila extended her hand. "I'm Dalila Bastet, a first year Teppenpaw. Nice to meet ya, Jenna." Dalila stared at Jenna's book which was open to page 37. "Well, I guess we should get started if we're gunna finish this thing on time." Dalila pulled out a handful of daisies from the pile and began chopping them up with careful precision. She may be sloppy, but she's been cooking for years thanks to her grandmother, so she's an expert at things like chopping.

She glanced back at Jenna, then shifted through pile of ingredients for a second before grabbing the bundle of fluxweed and laying it in front of Jenna. "Now, don't go too crazy or we might just blow this whole place to bits!" Dalila smiled. "Or maybe you should just throw the whole thing into the pot and see what happens," she joked.

0 Dalila eye of newt and wing of bat 0 Dalila 0 5

Who else would it be?

May 08, 2005 11:49 AM
The Cravens dragged their heels as they made their way to Potions. It had been and sort of was still Sorrel's favourite class, but The Cow seemed to be bent on ruining it for them, to the extent where they were wondering whether there was a conspiracy theory, where all people whose names began ‘Mari' were out to make their lives miserable.

They slumped unenthusiastically into the back row, Ash staring out of the window.

Hello and blah, blah, blah... I am a pain in the butt, and I am going to be your Potions teacher this term...'

"Unfortunately..." muttered Sorrel. She rolled her eyes and slumped onto her own crossed arms on the desk as Connell told them what they were doing that day, and that year. Emotion potions could be cool... You could make people angry, or paranoid, and really mess with their minds, but what were they doing? Happy, fluffly, puppy-loving, rainbow and lollipops cheering potions. Yuck. And then they had the joy of healing stuff to move onto, when there were poisons out there just begging to be made. That was why, besides the handling of slimy animal innards, she had thought Potions might be a cool class. Now the most fun she got was wielding a scalpel. And, when it was over plant roots, that wasn't such a fantastic power fix.

One word of the lecture had caught both her and Ash's attention however. Combust. It was a hard thing for poor old Connell to judge - whether it was safer to issue the warning, on the basis that the vast majority would carefully heed this advice, and it therefore would stop many accidental explosions that may have happened, or to keep the information to herself on the basis that the Cravens were present, and issuing could cause one very large and deliberate one. Well, she was going to learn the outcome of going with the former...

The twins feverishly grabbed the ingredients, Ash taking a large hand of Fluxweed. They made their way back to their bench, setting a cauldron on it. Ash began peeling the ginger, which came in its raw state of a funny little nubbly thing. Not experienced at peeling normal vegetables, he was hashing it up pretty badly. Sorrel, meanwhile, had worked her way over to where Stephen was. She wasn't sure what level he was willing to take cool things like explosions to, but she was sure that - even if he wasn't interested - he wouldn't rat them out to Connell.

"Pst," she hissed, tapping him on the shoulder, "Want to help us find out just how much Fluxweed is too much?" she whispered, grinning widely. \n\n
0 Who else would it be? In the interests of science (Stephen!) 0 Who else would it be? 0 5


May 09, 2005 10:25 AM
Stephen was hunched over the book his brother Alan had given him before he had left home that summer. His tongue was sticking out slightly and his brow was furrowed with concentration as he sketched a rough diagram, then tilted his head to look at it for a second before leaning closer to the page and making a couple of adjustments.

When he had entered the room a little while before, he hadn't really been paying attention to what he was doing. Really, his mind had been taken up with what he had been reading about in the books he had taken from the library (and a small voice that was telling him that he had forgotten to actually borrow them, and that spy guy might get nasty... but then, that might be interesting), so he had taken the first free spot he could, then before Connell could distract him with something as unimportant as schoolwork - certainly unimportant compared to this!! - had quickly set to getting things down before he forgot about them.

He had finished getting things down in time to catch the end of Connell's speech to the class, and was relieved to not hear any confusing rules about who could work with who, or where they could work, or anything else like that. In the absence of any other notebooks around, he flipped pages and noted that they were making a potion with possible explosive activity, flipped back to his diagrams to give them one last critical glance, then slammed the book shut when he heard a "psst" in his ear, and felt a tap on his shoulder.

Recovering quickly he flashed a grin at his best friend. "What's up, Sorrie?"

"Want to help us find out just how much Fluxweed is too much?"

"Yeah," he enthused before glancing around, giving Sorrie a slightly guilty look and lowering his own voice. "Yeah," he repeated, "it might be handy with, you know, the defending of the fort."\n\n
39 Stephen well in that case... 0 Stephen 0 5

The Cravens

May 10, 2005 1:40 PM
Sorrel grinned (straightly and unbracedly).

"And if not, it'll be good for a laugh," she whispered, leading Stephen back to the bench where she and Ash were working. The ginger root had been hacked into uneven slices and was now being boiled in the cauldron, the lumpy slices (and occasionally chunks) being buoyed and sunk alternately by the fiercely effervescing water. The whole classroom was beginning to smell like a cold remedy.

Sorrel consulted the book and turned the heat under the ginger down a little. Normally, she would have happily let it overdo, but she was conscious of the fact that if they did this wrong, they might not get their desired result. It was time to try and let her interest in Potions actually bubble up to the surface, and have an effect on the work she was producing.

"Ok, the ashpodel roots need to be chopped lengthways," she summarised, making a chopping motion with her hand, "And the dasies across," she turned her hand though ninety degrees and chopped the air again. "Wanna do the daisies?" she said, shoving them towards Stephen, "I'll do the asphodel."

"What about me?" asked Ash.

"You can stir."


"It's not like chopping is the last great fun activity in the universe, not when it's plants. Anyway, you did the ginger already. Just stir. Twice each way every two minutes. Even you can count that high." She swung her arm up, parrying Ash's shove attempt. "Don't jog me while I'm chopping," she said, "Besides the fact it needs to be even, you never know just how far I'll slip." \n\n
0 The Cravens you wouldn't have if it wasn't? 0 The Cravens 0 5

Tally Adams

May 11, 2005 5:02 PM
Tally hurried as fast as she could into the potions classroom, which was rather hard to do when one had to carry her cauldron in one hand and all her books in the other. She was having a rather rough day.

She had woken up rather later than usual, her body aching for no specific reason, and her allergies kicking in. Her eyes now constantly itching and watering, her sneezes on full mode, and her head feeling like it was about to explode, Tally did not start her morning in a good mood.

Tally had made it to breakfast to eat a hurried egg breakfast only to have to run off to Potions. No matter what, she never wanted to get a professor on their wrong side. However, on the way to class, her backpack ripped and she lost all of her parchments, books, and quills. This whole traumatic event could have been solved if she knew how to sew things magically. But she didn't. Leaving her with only a few moments to pile as much as she could in her cauldron and carrying the rest, Tally made it to class with enough time to slip into her seat and to catch her breath.

She found a clean sheet of parchment and took the proper notes for the class while mentally grumbling about how much she hated Potions. It was her worst class. She did well with her wand and never minded animals, but Potions-cutting, measuring, simmering, stirring-it was all far to complicated for her to do. Hm...I could do with a cheering potion... Tally thought with a bit of humor causing a small smile to form but vanish just as quickly. She turned to page 37 in her textbook while still listening and making notes as Professor Connell spoke. Oh wonderful, if they didn't pay attention or cut things properly they are likely to cause an explosion. Just what Tally needed. And they needed partners. Great.

With a heavily sigh and a roll of her eyes, Tally stood and gathered the proper materials at the back of the classroom and returned to her seat. She glanced around her looking for a partner, but really hoping that someone else (someone who could do potions well) would ask her to be their partner instead.\n\n
6 Tally Adams Oh yeah, more classes 41 Tally Adams 0 5

Asher Tallow

May 12, 2005 3:11 AM
It was hard to not smirk gleefully as she watched her classmates struggle with their heavy cauldrons. Asher had strolled into class with little more than her usual satchel, feeling remarkably unburdened and even more cheerful than usual. Perhaps it was because of the knowledge that she would never have to coax along a too heavy cauldron through the school corridors. Nor would she ever have to roll it along as the short boy she spotted off near the side seemed to have to. She watched for a moment from her post near the entry as this same boy pulled out a set of scales and then fought once more to turn his cauldron upright.

She eyed the notebook on his desk, the distinctly Muggle pen, the silver scales, and that monstrosity of a cauldron before making up her mind. Decided, she crossed the room to the second row and settled down in the seat next to him. She didn't bother in the least to hold back her grin this time as she pulled out a large black, seemingly empty, sack from her satchel. Spreading it out flat on her desk top, she slipped in her hand and withdrew from it, with little effort by the way, a standard sized potions cauldron.

It was handy having two siblings already in school. Both her older brothers had already dealt with the nuisances that came with certain classes- hauling a cauldron to a potions class being one of them. Danny had given her the charmed sack as a good luck gift. The sack was charmed to make its contents shrink to the size and weight of a thumb nail. Asher would use the sack to carry most of her books and such if it weren't such a pain having to shuffle through the various miniscule replicas to find something. For the mean time, she used it only for her cauldron, and my but how handy it had been.

Asher pushed her cauldron to her right and yanked out a piece of parchment along with a quill just in time for the professor to introduce herself and explain the day's assignment. A cheering potion: the acclamazioni potion, to be exact. Her mind immediately brought up page 37 with its instructions and ingredients descriptions. Fluxweed, in particular, can be volatile if the amount added is not balanced by a stable core like the one made in this potion with the daisy roots... was offered up by her memory even as Professor Connell warned the students about the dangers of adding too much fluxweed.

The lecture ended and Asher stared at her empty cauldron, wondering what to do first. Should she gather the ingredients and grab a partner along the way, or should she sit and wait for someone to claim her? In all honesty, she really would prefer to go at this solo. At least that way, when she messed up, the only one hurt would be herself.

It wasn't until he spoke up that she remembered the boy who sat next to her. His question came brusquely, and while a bit off putting, it didn't bother her. She regarded him squarely, his height a good three or four inches shorter than her own, putting him on par with her youngest brother. The thought of her brother Sams made her smile, and she responded with little further thought.

"Yes, and only if they're the right ones."\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Asher Tallow Hmm...I think I'll just nod at that one. 1466 Asher Tallow 0 5

Jenna H

May 12, 2005 4:22 PM
Jenna shook Dalila's hand. She seemed a bit too clumsy for Jenna's liking, but she would be nice to the girl. Heck, maybe she too also would have a liking to potions. Jenna watched approvingly as the younger girl chopped the daisies. Jenna quickly decided that although she was disorganized, this girl certainly had potential in potion making.

"Don't worry, I won't," Jenna said, giving a small smile. She began to peel the fluxweed, putting them off to the side in a more organized pile, "You see, I can be a bit of a neat-freak when it comes to potions. What you want to do is try to keep the ingredients separated, or else they might become contaminated or something.," she looked back at the textbook, skimming through the instuctions, "I think about a dozen blades of fluxweed should do it. Next we're supposed to crush the asphodel root into powder. Do you want to do that, or should I?"\n\n
0 Jenna H and I don't know what comes after that 46 Jenna H 0 5

Robbie Bates

May 12, 2005 4:43 PM
One of the most stereotypical magical things that muggles think when they think magic are of cauldrons and potions. So of course, as Robbie went on his way down to the potions class (for once he wasn't late to a class) he wondered if the actual thing would hold true to the stereotype of a group of witches chanting over a boiling pot of water. Probably not, though. After all, muggles thought witches were green old ladies with warts on their noses too, why would this be any different?

The teacher began the lesson with the same "Welcome & Hello my name is" kind of stuff the other teachers did. After a while, it became kind of annoying. Like on the first day of school, and all they talked about were the rules of the classroom. That's all they did for every class, and it could be quite tedious. But apparently, they would be doing potions right from the start. He also heard something about combustion. Now he was very interested. Before, this class had been starting to sound like Chemistry, which is science, which was bad in Robbie's book. At least here they could blow things up.

He turned to the page in the textbook that the potion was on. This started to sound a lot more like cooking than science. Robbie had never tried to cook anything before. He hoped that his lack of cooking experience wouldn't put him at too much of a disadvantage.

Now all he needed was a partner or two to start the potion with. Robbie liked to work with other people in this magical stuff. It just seemed to make things easier. He turned to the person next to him, "Hey you!" he said, "Do you wanna work with me on this?"\n\n
0 Robbie Bates Like chemistry? Or like cooking? 0 Robbie Bates 0 5


May 13, 2005 2:04 PM
Mia made it to potions class with the majority of the students. She was glad that this class was mixed with the first years as well seeing how she hadn't had the opportunity to meet any yet. She was looking forward to meeting some first years especially before they were poisoned against her by a certain set of twins.

Mia grabbed a seat and set up her cauldron. She didn't pay much mind to the introduction part of Connell’s speech since she already knew who her head of house was. She put her brown wavy hair up in a messy bun and fidgeted with her small rectangular framed glasses while Connell spoke. She took out her text and flipped to the page figuring she'd work alone if no one asked to partner up. It didn't really matter to her so much. She was slightly unnerved at the thought of having her potion blow up in her face. She’d rather it not happen right in front of her and then it might be cool. She had a strong suspicion as to where an explosion might come from though.

Mia was a little shocked when a boy next to her, whom she took a guess and deemed a first year, quite bluntly spoke and asked to be partners. Alright, so she wouldn’t be working by herself. That was cool too. Plus, she got to meet a first year who seemed alright. She'd give anyone a first chance.

"You has a name just so you know-" Mia said with a playful smile so he'd know she was just kidding "-and sure, I'll work with you on this."

Mia’s bright hazel eyes scanned the potion they’d be creating in her text book while she fingered a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Connell was right when she said it was easy but Mia never trusted herself around the chemistry lab anyway. She decided against voicing that to the boy next to her. Then Mia realized she didn’t even know his name yet. She looked back over at the first year casually to introduce herself.

“I’m Mia Kerova by the way. Pecari second year. You would be…” Mia left the sentence hanging for the boy to fill in his name. She figured it’d be easier to work with him if they weren’t calling each other “Hey you!” all lesson.\n\n
0 Mia Cooking sounds way better. 0 Mia 0 5

Fawn Summers

May 15, 2005 1:40 AM
Fawn wasn't looking forward to Potions class much. She thought it sounded a bit boring compared to the other ones. After all, just sitting there and brewing things didn't sound like her idea of a good time, more like punishment. But she came here to learn and learn she must do, even how to brew icky potions. She just hoped that she didn't have to use any poor animal parts in it or else she might have to protest. And then wouldn't her grandpa be thrilled to get a note saying that she had refused to do her work in Potions class?

Still, it might not be all bad. And there might not be any poor defenseless animal pieces required! Hoping that fortune was with her, she walked into the classroom and sat down, clunking her cauldron onto the desk and plopping her bag next to her feet. Watching the other students, Fawn wondered nervously if they'd have to work with partners. Finding partners was not her forte. Just then a girl who she recognized as someone from her own house came rushing in and sat down next to her right before the bell rang. She seemed a bit flustered and out of breath. She was just about to ask the girl if she was alright, but the Cherokee girl didn't have much time to dwell on her neighbor as the professor began to speak.

Oh great, she would have to work with a partner. She wasn't very good at introducing herself to people. That would be the hard part of the class, hopefully. The rest seemed easy, it was a simple enough potion, if you didn't count the part about the combustion, and no animals were harmed in the gathering of these ingredients. Smiling at that chipper though, she turned to the page requested and gazed at the directions before going back and gathering said ingredients.

That was done, now to find someone to work with. Looking around nervously she saw that most of the class had already paired off. It figured, she didn't see anyone that she recognized who wasn't already partnered. Glancing to her left, she saw the Teppenpaw girl who had arrived in a rush just before class started. She didn't have a partner yet!

Turning around in her seat, she smiled nervously and adressed the girl. "Umm, hi." she said. "My name's Fawn. Would you mind terribly if we worked together today? I don't really know anyone and I noticed that you don't have a partner." Gee, that sounded really clever. Honestly, she really needed to work on her introductory skills. But she hoped that the girl would agree to be her partner, as she didn't look to evil, accident prone, or psychotic.\n\n
0 Fawn Summers Yes, that's usually what a school is for, neh? 0 Fawn Summers 0 5

Rachel Tibbs

May 17, 2005 2:38 AM
Rachel walked into the class in a good mood. She had been enjoying her other class. But this was potions, her worst subject she just couldn't see the point when you could just say a word, flick a wand or wave one and prehaps the exactly same thing might happen.

Grabbing her book and heading to a bench she put it down. She started to mumble about how unfair it was that they would have to start making potion. This was going to be a long class she thought, putting on a smile for show. She started thinking about a partner and decided to just wait to see if she was asked.

Getting the book open and looking at the potion she grimaced and sat.\n\n
0 Rachel Tibbs Oh why, why, why? 0 Rachel Tibbs 0 5

Zack Dill

May 17, 2005 10:47 AM
Zack smiled a little at the girl's answer. Not only did he find a partner with fairly painless ease, the suggestion that she wouldn't follow wrong instructions suggested she might have an idea about what was going on in this class. That was alway a plus. So he smiled a little and nodded in assent to her condition. He supposed there could be some disagreement over what the 'right' instructions were, but he'd deal with that if and when it became an issue.

"Great," he said, then gestured toward the potions cabinet at the front of the room. "Unless you've got an objection, lets start with you getting the ingredients while I set up the cauldron, fill it with water, and get it to the appropriate temperature?" As he spoke, he indicated her cauldron because it was already on the table and he really didn't want to deal with getting his up there. Still it would probably be polite to ask, "You don't mind if we use yours, do you?"\n\n
1 Zack Dill That's probably wise 40 Zack Dill 0 5

Laura Keaton

May 17, 2005 9:08 PM
Laura walked into her first potions class contently swinging her cauldron at her side like some women swing their purse. Her mother had charmed the normally heavy object to be feather light, making Laura feel a bit sorry for the other students she saw literally dragging their cauldrons into class. She plopped down at one of the desks and with a clang, banged her cauldron down on top. Laura felt sure potions was going to prove to be an exciting class, what with volatile ingredients and all. Not that she would blow anything up, but she had confidence that someone in the class surely would, after all, attempting to set the school on fire was a noble goal. The prospect for fiery disaster was enough to outweigh the fact that potions involved almost no wand magic, which was what Laura was most eager to learn. Still, potions would prove more magical than astronomy and care of magical creatures.

The professor introduced herself as Professor Connell and gave them their instructions for the class; make a basic cheering potion. She also warned them of the consequences of using too much fluxweed. Laura immediately pulled out her text book and flipped to page 37, reading over the already familiar potion. As with all her classes, she had read through the potions text book before getting to Sonora. However, before heading to the back table to get her ingredients, Laura started looking around for someone she knew to be her partner.
0 Laura Keaton The magic of volatile ingredients 0 Laura Keaton 0 5


May 18, 2005 12:12 PM
Sorrel looked different. Stephen had noticed it a couple of times over the last few days, but hadn't quite managed to work out how. Grinning in agreement because it would be a laugh, he gathered his things together, shaking his head and dismissing the mystery for the moment as he followed her to where she and Ash had set up at the back of the classroom.

"Hey dude," he tipped his head at Ash in greeting and leaning over the cauldron to take a sniff. "Easy on that stuff," he stuck out his tongue impishly, pulling back. "Smells like there's enough ginger in there to make an army of gingerbread men." He paused as the thought became more serious. After all, in that movie Shrek... "Do you reckon we could make an army of gingerbread men to help in the fort? I bet they'd make great guards. The only have to worry about milk... and me getting hungry."

Not that chasing after and eating real running little gingerbread men didn't have an appeal all of it's own... it would certainly liven up mealtimes. Maybe that oatmeal kid... Sorrel was talking at him, and Stephen had to leave the thought halfway through.

He nodded at the instructions, grabbing the daisies as ordered and chopping them - although the second her attention was off him, he jerked his head for Ash's (wasn't sure he got it though, with all the banter going on between the siblings) and rolled his eyes while tilting his head in her direction.

Still, he did his chopping properly, as Sorrel had directed, and when he was finished pushed them over the desk towards her.

"Done," he said bluntly, looking over at what she was doing, and then at the other things arrayed around. "Which one's the fl-erm... explosive thingy? And Ash, dude. Seriously, I think I'm onto something with this gingerbread men thing."\n\n
39 Stephen I'd have gone along with several different senarios... 0 Stephen 0 5

Dillon Welsh

May 18, 2005 1:21 PM
Dillon walked down the corridor to the potions lab with his sister Zoey matching his stride beside him. They always walked everywhere together, did everything (mostly) together, did everything twins did. But the one thing they hardly ever did together (unless neither could find a partner) was work together in classes such as this. They got on one another nerves too easily for it. DADA, yes, Potions, a giant NO.

Dillon was tall for his age, but had grown accustomed to his gangly features and awkward movements. His auburn hair fell just short of reaching his hazel eyes and he easily pushed his glasses back up his nose whenever they slid down. He nodded his farewell to his sister and turned to sit down.

He ended up sitting next to a girl (surprise, surprise) he didn't know and could only assume she was a first year. As always, he nodded politely before thumping down his cauldron and notebook (he preferred muggle materials as he was used to them, plus they were easier to handle). He took the proper notes, while looking through the book for the right potion. His last potions lesson had been strange since they had to be the ones to figure out what potion it was. At least this lesson he knew the potion and what ingredients to use. Hopefully he wouldn't mess anything up. Or make the lab explode.

When it was said they needed partners, Dillon silently groaned. When would they get a potion where a partner wasn't required? He sighed and stood to retrieve the ingredients and then returned to his seat. He was only slightly aware that the other girl probably would rather work with someone else, but deciding that it was just easier to pretend that she was his partner by default, Dillon began.

"Hey, I'll start chopping the ginger if you will start crushing the asphodel?"\n\n
6 Dillon Welsh First time at potions? 44 Dillon Welsh 0 5


May 18, 2005 1:42 PM
Tally jumped when the girl beside her started talking to her. She had been lost in her own thoughts (and trying to control her sneezing) that she hadn't noticed her at first. She tried very hard to look as though she was paying attention, but her eyes were watering again and her sneeze wouldn't stay down. In fact, a whole lot of them wouldn't and she spent a near minute sneezing. Oh the joys of allergies.

When the girl asked to be her partner, Tally's eyes automatically looked around the room for some sort of clue as to what to do. She didn't know the girl, which meant she was a first year, and she wasn't sure if she could handle someone who seemed bold and well, Tally didn't how else to describe her. Finally snapping out of her reverie, Tally addressed the girl,

"Hey, I'm Tally and sure, we can work together. How about you chop the daisy roots while I strip the fluxweed?"\n\n
0 Tally I thought it was more for meeting people 0 Tally 0 5

Asher Tallow

May 18, 2005 2:12 PM
Asher shrugged. "Fine with me on both counts. Although," she paused and considered, a niggling detail bothering at the edge of her mind, "you might want to do a cleaning charm or something on the cauldron. It's a hand-me-down from my brother, and he's not particularly hygenic."

She left unvoiced the obvious detail that she couldn't do the charm herself. The boy seemed like he knew what he was doing, which probably made him a second year, and hopefully, in that case, he would know how to do a basic scourgify. And if he didn't- well, there was always Professor Connell to call on.

Asher side-stepped her chair, grabbed the ingredients tray, and clopped to the back of the room where a large table lay in wait, the various needed ingredients spread neatly on its counter top. She waited for a space to clear, and then began gathering the daisy roots, fluxweed, asphodel root, and ginger. With a concentrated frown, she carefully placed each ingredient into the individualized sections in the tray. Happy with having finished the first task delegated, she walked cautiously back to the work table, mindful not to jog the tray.

Back at the work station, she rolled up the sleeves of her school robe and tucked her braid under the back of the dark green cloth. Pointing to the gathered materials, she asked, "Okay then, got the ingredients. What should I do first? Powder the asphodel root or chop the daisy roots? Oh," she added as an afterthought, "I'm Asher by the way."\n\n
0 Asher Tallow Then here's to Solomon! 1466 Asher Tallow 0 5

Gwenhwyfar Carey

May 18, 2005 9:01 PM
Gwenhwyfar's walk was unususally confident and her expression unusually remote as she entered the Potions room. This was beginning to inch into the world she knew something about. Her other classes so far had been completely foreign, but potions were all over the place at home, whether they were legal or not. It was also one of the few forms of magic she had been allowed to properly study, as not even Alasdair Carey was quite paranoid enough to believe that his eldest child would seriously attempt to poison him. The idea was tempting, but her tutors had kept a close rein on her.

She sat down, brushing the ever-present stray lock of blonde hair out of her face and glancing quickly around the room. Not many people she knew had arrived yet, but she didn't let herself be bothered. Classes, in the doctrine her mother had recited the day she left for Sonora, were really just social opporotunities, especially if one was good at the subject. Her father had defined classes as strategic points in the day, but there wasn't that much difference between the two in her mind. If she didn't end up working with any of her friends, then she would improvise and make new ones.

She listened attentively to Professor Connell's introductory speech. She seemed competent, and Gwen could remember hearing somewhere that Connell was the Head of Pecari. One to walk softly and carry a big stick around. Gwen felt herself beginning to smile a little as she flipped through her textbook to find the proper potion, and, though she didn't know it, for the short moment she was smiling she ceased to look like an ice princess and began to look passably normal. She thought she was going to like this class.

She read over the potion slowly, taking in all the ingrediants and directions, then moved to the store cupboards to get the various materials she would need and checked everything against her book before sititng back down. "If you care to work together," she said to the person sitting next to her, not looking to see who it was, "I have no objections. If you don't, then say so and I'll look elsewhere for a partner." That had sounded pure snob, but there was little she could do about it. If whoever it was had a problem with Gwen Carey, whoever it was could get over it or get out of Gwen Carey's way.\n\n
0 Gwenhwyfar Carey Well, what have we here? 63 Gwenhwyfar Carey 0 5

Laura Keaton

May 21, 2005 10:16 PM
Still busy looking for a partner, Laura barely noticed the boy sit down beside her, bang down his cauldron and Muggle notebook, retrieve his potion ingredients, and finally sit back down. She did, however, take notice when he spoke directly to her.

"Hey, I'll start chopping the ginger if you will start crushing the asphodel?"

Apparently he had decided she was his partner, and seeing as she hadn’t found anyone else, it didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

“Umm, ok,” Laura replied, knowing she must sound stupid as she pulled out a mortar and pestle and began grinding the root of asphodel into a fine powder. The boy she was working next to appeared to be a second year, which made Laura all the more aware of what she was doing. He would have a year of experience on her, and she didn’t want to show that her mother had never let her near a potion, never mind make one. She had good reason, of course, as Laura was the only toddler in history to have caused the cauldron in her Kiddie Kauldron Potions set to melt into the living room carpet. “I’m Laura Keaton, by the way,” she added, thinking it wise to at least give him her name so he could scream it if she was about to blow the lab to smithereens or something. After all, saying ‘Hey, girl working next to me, stop’ would take much too long.

As the asphodel was slowly ground into a powdery pulp, Laura decided some small talk would help to move the class along. “So, have you made many potions before?”
0 Laura Keaton Yes, unless you count my Kiddie Kauldron fiasco when I was 4 0 Laura Keaton 0 5


May 24, 2005 3:37 PM
Jennifer hadn't been paying attention much since the class began, and so she was jarred out of her thoughts rather abruptly when the girl sitting next to her said something about partners. Fortunately, she managed to hide her shock rather well. As the girl's words began to sink in, she inwardly rolled her eyes. Jennifer had thought that she recognized the girl, and her words proved it. This was one of the new Crotalus first years. Jennifer hadn't met any yet, beside passing in the common room. Well, no time like the present, she thought, bemusedly.

"No, I have no objections," Jennifer replied, attempting desperately not to copy the younger girl's snobbish tone simply to mock her. Honestly, who did she think she was? That was the problem with the pureblood way of life, one that Jennifer had always tried not to conform to. Everyone always thought that they were better than everyone else that they saw, and their words and actions conveyed it.

Jennifer had a feeling that she and this other girl might not get along so well, but for now, she bit her tongue, and looked up at the girl. "My name is Jennifer Zucchero," she said politely. "Pleasure to meet you." If the girl was one whom blood purity mattered to, then she would recognize the name. If not, then it wouldn't matter.

"So, do you prepare the ingredients, or begin mixing them?" she asked, looking at the book. She enjoyed potions, so what she did didn't really matter to her. She glanced back at the girl one more time. This lesson might get a little interesting, to say the least.\n\n
0 Jennifer Isn't it obvious? 0 Jennifer 0 5

Gwenhwyfar Carey

May 24, 2005 9:57 PM
Gwen nodded to herself when the girl agreed to work with her. That was one thing checked off the list. She knew she had probably made the wrong impression from the way her partner responded, but fences could be mended. With a little patience, they could. She smiled, taking care to seem as if it were natural and perfectly friendly. She had always believed that if you held up a mask of feeling long enough, it would eventually become reality. Even if it didn't, she had mastered the art of making it seem real.

"The pleasure's mine," she said. "I'm Gwenhwyfar Carey." She decided against mentioning her branch of the family and her father. She recognized Jennifer's name readily enough, and she didn't want someone with that name to associate her with Alasdair Carey as easily. The fact that girls named Gwenhwyfar Carey were few and far between made it a bit of a pointless ruse, but she could always hope that Jennifer didn't get out much or something.

She studied Jennifer for a moment. She was having trouble reading the other girl, which she found faintly annoying. It wasn't as if she had much room to talk, though. She went around smiling and playing her part of the silly little Southern belle without letting on what she actually thought. Only once had she cracked, and that incident would not be repeated.

"I'll handle the ingredients, if it's all the same to you," she said. "If you want to, though, then I'll do the mixing." She wasn't sure if a Savannah Carey necessarily had to defer to a Zucchero, but a first year usually had to defer to a second year. Deference was not one of her outstanding qualities, but she would try. For now, anyway. "You've been doing this longer, so I'll go along with you." Unless you're completely off the mark, she added mentally, though she had a feeling it wouldn't become an issue.

Working in groups could provide interesting insights into people. She was interested to see if the second year purebloods were as...divided as the first years, at least on a surface level. She noticed Jennifer glancing in her direction and kept her face determinedly blank as she studied her textbook. She couldn't make another mistake like the one during her snotty opening speech, or things might start to unravel very fast and put her tentative ambitions six feet under.

0 Gwenhwyfar Carey It's a matter of opinion. 63 Gwenhwyfar Carey 0 5

Dalila B

May 30, 2005 7:08 PM
Dalila moved the perfectly cut daisies into a neat pile off to the side and grabbed the root of asphodel Jenna had mentioned. "I'll do it," she offered willingly. "This is fun...a lot like cooking with my Gran. She never let me go near her potions though." Dalila sighed. "I really wish she had; it would've made school a little easier, don't you think?"

Before giving Jenna any time to reply she started again as she ground the root into as fibe a powder as she could make it. "Not that this is hard or anything, but it would have been nice. My Gran always said that young ladies in her time never knew anything until they started their schooling, and it should be good enough for me."

Dalila finally took a breath, accidentally breathing in some root of asphodel dust and sneezing rather loudly. "Bless me. Now where was I? Oh yeah...what do we do with the asphodel?" She held up the bowl of pulverized roots to her partner.\n\n
0 Dalila B Me neither... 0 Dalila B 0 5

Earl Valentine

May 30, 2005 7:17 PM
Earl wandered into his first potions class and looked around. Everyone already had partners. He checked the clock on the wall. He was on time; everyone else was just early. He glanced around the room once again, hoping that there was someone who had no partner and spotted someone.

He groaned. It was a girl. "Great...more girls," he mummbled as he sat down next to her. She was studying her potions book with something less than enthusiasm.

"You need a partner?" he asked even though he knew the answer.\n\n
0 Earl Valentine Why oh why? 67 Earl Valentine 0 5


May 31, 2005 6:21 AM
Rachel looked up when she heard a distinct mumble that sounded something like ‘great more girls.’ She looked at the boy who had made the comment. She studied him, maybe he’s good at potions, that would be useful.

Then came the conclusion ‘You need a partner?’ That was all she needed to hear. “Yes I do as a matter of fact.” Wondering she ventured “Any good at potions?”
0 Rachel another boy... 0 Rachel 0 5


May 31, 2005 10:45 AM
OOC- Sorry it took me forever to respond. I had fianls, and then went on a trip for a while without internet access. Hopefully it won't take so long next time.BIC

Jennifer smiled slightly. THe girl hadn't tried to bring up her family overmuch. That implied one of three things, that she, like Jennifer, didn't really care about the blood issue, that she didn't want to be associated with her family, or that she wanted to finish the potion quickly, so didn't want to get into a long conversation about blood. Jennifer didn't care which it was.

She was glad to forgo the pedigree comparing conversation as well. It was obvious to her that the girl had recognized the Zucchero family, which didn't bother her, but she hoped Gwenhwyfar would not remember or have heard of the scandal with her parents and the other side of the family, the Noires, who were, in essense, the poster family for the snobby, arrogant, backstabbing way of life of wealthy purebloods. In fact, if what she had heard was true, they were just like the only Careys she had heard of, from Georgia.

"So, are you from the South?" she asked, politely. "I know one Carey family, in Georgia. My father knows the head of that family, Al-something or other. I've never met him, but he never sounded like a very kind person." She added without thinking. WHen she realized what she had said, her eyes widened. "I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. If he's your father, I'm sure he's nice enough. After all, you seem very nice so far," she added with an apologetic smile.

"And I'm perfectly find with mixing. I'm pretty adaptable, I can do almost anythng in most circumstances. Parties and social gatherings in particular." She grinned slightly. Gwenhwyfar should know what she was talking about. Pureblood parties were famous for being exclusive, snooty, and full of matchmaking mothers.

"So, you're in Crotalus with me, right. Gwenhwyfar? Actually, is it okay if I call you Gwen? Gwenhwyfar is a bit of a mouthful. But I'm pretty sure I've seen you around somewhere, probably the common room.

"So, are you going to try out for the quidditch team? The other second years are pretty good, but there's not enough of us to have a full team, and we need everyone we can get. I'm a seeker, so I don't need counterparts, but I know that we always need chasers, beaters, and I don't think we have a keeper yet." She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry for babbling. I sometimes do that."

Gwen seemed really nice, and it seemed that, the slight snobbishness aside, they could get along well. Even become friends.See, Mother, she thought to herself, I can do just fine on my own. I don't need you standing behidn my back threatening me unless I make friends with respectable purebloods. I can do just fine on my own.

0 Jennifer What isn't? 0 Jennifer 0 5


May 31, 2005 4:46 PM
Earl pulled his own text book out of his bag and flipped to the page his new parnter was on. It didn't look too hard he thought to himself. Then again, he'd never done a potion before.

"Well, I guess we'll find out today, won't we?" he asked trying to sound enthusiastic. "I've never made a potion before, but I've watched my aunt make some and she's good at it, so hopeufully it's in the genes." He read the first direction, picked up the bundle of flaxweed and stared at it.

"How much of this do you think we'll need?"\n\n
0 Earl Maybe yes, maybe no. 0 Earl 0 5


June 01, 2005 1:21 AM
Thinking over he's answer she thought it was a good one even if he had never done it before. She looked around to see how the others were doing.

His next question made her think. "Ummm, not to much if I remember correctly or I think it might combust at least that's what the teacher said," she added in a enthusiastic voice, "want to find out?"\n\n
0 Rachel Oh well... 0 Rachel 0 5


June 01, 2005 2:40 PM
A deep sigh could be heard coming from the back of the classroom. Not that it was an overly loud sigh, only, it was one that expressed young Elizabeth Lavine's severe disinterest in academia in general. Sure, potions was a nice course and all, but her mind was not anywhere near the potions chambers, nor the cheering potions they were supposed to be preparing. Off in the coulds somewhere far, far, away were her thoughts, flying at the speed of light off the handle of her brand-new Starfire...

"You will find the instructions on page 37 of your textbooks," she heard Professor Connell say, barely aware that she was actually supposed to be finding a person to work with. Another sigh and Elizabeth took a look about the room. Everyone she could see that she recognised had already partnered up, and were all working on the task at hand.

Finding a person to work with in class for Elizabeth was more or less like trying to blindly pick your way through a muggle mine-field, for lack of a better example. On one hand, she could find a suitable partner (suitable meaning pureblood or even halfblood, rich, etc.), and everything would be fine. No reprimands from home for "dishonoring the Lavine name", or anything. On the other, she could choose unknowingly to work with someone, say, a muggleborn, or mudblood, as her Aunt Rose would have it. That, would be synonymous to stepping on a mine.

Oh well, she thought to herself, I'll just start off on my own, and if someone should need a partner, I'll be ready.

A swift movement brought her potions textbook up onto her desk, and a flick of the pages brought her to number 37. Elizabeth brushed flyaway strands of pitch black hair from her face and began uncorking the proper ingredient vials, getting down to work, however boring it was. \n\n
0 Elizabeth Oh, I was supposed to be in class? 0 Elizabeth 0 5


June 01, 2005 6:33 PM
Earl grinned at Rachel's question. 'Now this was a girl who could be cool. At least she would mind blowing up a cauldron or two.' he thought to himself. He carefully picked apart a couple sprigs of flaxseed and dropped it into the cauldron. Shrugging his shoulders he dropped in a few more sprigs and closed his eyes in anticipation of an explosion.

Nothing. Earl opened his eyes in relief and glanced down at the text book. "We need the daisies chopped. You wanna do that?"

0 Earl Oh yeah... 0 Earl 0 5

Jenna Howard

June 01, 2005 10:06 PM
"There are young ladies in our time who wouldn't learn anything if you paid them," she muttered darkly, thinking of her younger sister and cousin. Wait, she took that back, Jordanna might learn if you paid her. But it would probably be relatively expensive. "My sister has no appreciation for cooking or potions or anything to do with school. She's more concerned with her appearance. You might have met her. Her name's Jordanna, tall, blonde, and conceited Crotalus first year."

Jenna read over the directions, trying to get her mind off the subject of her sister. Apparently they were supposed to light a fire to heat the cauldron for ten minutes in preperation before adding the ingredients. Jenna took out her wand and muttered a spell, and before long there was a small, contained fire burning under the cauldron.

"We should leave the cauldron there for about ten minutes- do you have a watch?" she asked, as she looked around the room for a clock, "While we wait, we can pour out the ginger. We need two, or is three tablespoons?" Jenna continued to inspect her textbook. The ink was smudge there, and all Jenna could make out was a 't'. After about a minute of looking at the word, she sighed in frusteration.

"Can we look at your book for the amount of ginger?" asked Jenna, "The number is smudged."\n\n
0 Jenna Howard well, it was fun while it lasted 46 Jenna Howard 0 5


June 02, 2005 2:51 AM
As he dropped in the extra sprigs of fluxweed, Rachel got ready for an explosion, it never came and she got dreadfully upset, pout and all then she thought maybe it would take more of it, Oh well. Looking around she wondered if anyone else was doing the same thing.

Her thoughts came to a halt when ‘We need the daisies chopped. You wanna do that?’ “Wha… oh, yeah sure fine whatever.” Picking up the daisies she proceeded to cut them as they had to. “It’s too bad that the potion didn’t explode huh”
0 Rachel no explosion... they lied!!!!!!!!! 0 Rachel 0 5

Gwenhwyfar Carey

June 02, 2005 9:19 AM
Gwen flinched inwardly when Jennifer asked if she was from the South and mentioned that her father knew the head of a Carey family in Georgia. So much for hoping she could escape her father's reputation. "That's us," she confirmed. "The Savannah Careys. There's other branches of the family through the South, but the Virginia Careys are in charge. The Savannah Careys are just...infamous." That was one way to put it.

She tried to imagine what her father would do if anyone ever had the guts to address him as 'Al'. They might live through it, she decided, but they would regret it. He hated it when people mispronounced or attempted to shorten his name. Of course, any man who would marry her could do whatever he wanted, in Alasdair's book. He probably wanted her gone even more than her mother did, given how vocal he could be about how embarrassing it was that she, his eldest living child, was a girl. "His name's Alasdair," she said reluctantly. "Don't apologize, though. No point in denying the truth. He's not a kind man and he never has been." She couldn't help but wonder how Jennifer's father knew Alasdair. She knew her father knew important people, but not to what extent.

Oddly enough, it was that remark about her father, one that would have put her sister Morgaine on the warpath, that made Gwen decide that she liked Jennifer and to let down her guard a little. It seemed that they were alike. She began chopping the daisy roots, taking great care with how she cut them. The precision of potion-making had always been one of her favorite things about it. There were no loose ends or uncertainties. It had to be just such-and-so and no questions asked. She finished the daisy roots and laughed at the mention of parties. "When my family has a party, I don't have to do much," she said. "Mother just surrounds me with a cluster of unmarried men and I clap my hands and say 'how wonderful you are!' so they feel smart." She began working on the root of asphodel. Dangerous stuff, asphodel, if misused. "When we're at other people's parties, then I have to watch my step. I have to work hard to dissemble well."

She was almost completely taken up with the ingredients, now. She had been taught that there was an art to everything and that she should strive to make everything she did a work of art, be it preparing a potion or lifting a fork. She didn't always do it, but sometimes it was easy, like now. She caught Jennifer's question, but it took her a few seconds to process it. "I'm in Crotalus," she said. "And you can call me Gwen. Pretty much everyone does. The only person who always calls me Gwenhwyfar is Father, and he gave me the stupid name. I was eight before I could even say it myself." She laughed, remembering her early attempts to say her own name. Welsh names and Southern accents didn't mix well.

"I don't think I really can try out for the Quidditch team," she admitted, a little embarrassed. "I don't know how to play. I've never even seen a game. Father thought I would get dangerous feminist ideas." She bit her tongue hard. She shouldn't have said that. If she had been paying more attention to what she was doing than to the ginger, she would have caught herself. Oh, well. It wasn't that uncommon of a viewpoint in the Deep South, and Jennifer already knew that Alasdair Carey wasn't exactly a prince of a man. "Good luck, though. And feel free to babble away. I do the same thing, sometimes."

All that was left was the fluxweed. She had left it for last on purpose. She didn't need to be worried about how many other things she still had to do while preparing this, because she didn't relish the idea of blowing the room to high heaven and she didn't think Jennifer would, either. "Just the fluxweed left to prepare, then the ingredients are done," she said. "I really hope I do this right."

0 Gwenhwyfar Carey You've got me there. 63 Gwenhwyfar Carey 0 5


June 02, 2005 7:03 PM
He watched for a moment as Rachel chopped the daisies for the potion before her question registered. "What? oh yeah, it sucks. It would've been so sweet to see flames shooting everywhere, and people screaming as they ducked under chaos." he thought for a moment longer before adding "Wicked."

He picked up the remaining fluxweed and grinned "You's not too late to find out," he started, but the thought of getting in serious trouble stopped him from emptying the contents of his fist into the bubbling potion. There was no Asher Tallow to save his neck this time, and this was a grade he was ruining, not just some parchment.

Earl set down the fluxweed and sighed. "Maybe it's not such a good idea. I wouldn't want to end up on fire, would you?" At this he grabbed the root of asphodel and began to grind it into powder.\n\n
0 Earl lier, lier, pants on fire 0 Earl 0 5


June 02, 2005 7:15 PM
Dalila laughed out loud over her partners comments on her sister. "I haven't met her yet, but I've seen her around and I can't say much for what I've seen except that an eleven year old should not be wearing that much make-up. It's way too clownish." She laughed again as she looked in awe as Jenna created a small fire underneath the cauldron.

Mentally noting the spell to practice later, she held up her arm showing the small silver watch on her brown arm before flipping open her book per Jenna's request and began searching for the right page. "Ah! Here we go," she said softly as she scrolled her finger down the page. "Lemee see...oh, it's two tablespoons, Jenna."

Dalila passed her the ginger and glanced at her watch. "Only about seven minutes left," she stated.\n\n
0 Dalila of course it was...I'm always fun :) 0 Dalila 0 5


June 02, 2005 10:39 PM
Rachel listened to his description of what would have happened if it had of exploded on them. It sound so funny she giggled as she imagined the teacher ducking under a table. But when he said 'it's not to late to find out' it got her thinking they would more then likely get into trouble, something she knew she wouldn't want.

She saw his hand pick up the remaining fluxweed and hold it above the potion. He seemed to have the same idea about what would happen and set it down. But his seemed to lean more to the fire side. Nodding her agreement she put the daisies somewhere they would be out of the way. “What next, do I stir the potion or something?” She twirled a piece of hair around her finger and looked at him grinding asphodels.

Wondering who he knew she asked “So do you know many people?” One of the many questions she has asked before but always asked new people she met and would use it on plenty to come. Then she thought funny how all my classes so far with a partner I’ve had to work with a guy. Turning her attention back to her partner, she waited for an answer.
0 Rachel wicked... but no 0 Rachel 0 5


June 03, 2005 6:16 PM
In response to Rachel's question, Earl glanced down at his potions book. "Yeah...stirring...we need to stir it six times clockwise right after we put in the the daisies and root of asphodel." He tipped the ground roots into the cauldron and then pointed to the pile of daisies before ermembering her second question.

"Right. People I know. Let me see..." he thought for a moment before any names came to mind. "I know Asher Tallow and Robbie Bates and and..."he tried to think of more. "Well, I kinda know some of Asher's friends. And this guy Adam and then you, of course." he added.

"I guess I don't know that many bout you? You know anyone around here?"\n\n
0 Earl Oh, the people I know... 0 Earl 0 5


June 05, 2005 12:10 AM
Rachel picked up the daisies and dumped them in, and then she started to stir the potion which was kind of easy with all that stuff in it. "People I know Tyranthia Boyd, Anne Wright, Izabella Santoro, and Carillon Arksington or Ty, Anne, Bella, and Cari. Ty is in her second year, but the rest are also in their first years."

She finished and then she asked, "So where do you come from? Sorry if i'm being rude i'm just really bored!!!! So i'll be asking questions and so on." She turned and looked at the rest of the of the class wondering if anyone was going to try and explode the potion.
0 Rach people... 0 Rach 0 5


June 05, 2005 2:37 PM
Earl glanced at the potion, wondering if they had done it right. It didn't smell bad, or look weird, which were both good signs. He shrugged his shoulders and turned towards Rachel. "I know none of those people. I should though...the school's small enough where everyone should know everyone else. And you're not being rude. Trust me, I know rude." He thought about his brother and the last time he had seen him...just standing in the hallway, calling him 'freak' and giving him the finger...that was Earl's idea of rude.

"So what was the question?" he asked as jerked himself out of his thoughts. "Where do I live, right? Well, I live in Los Angeles. How bout you?" He asked the question even though he really didn't care. As he said it, he looked through the potion directions. Grabbing the knife and the ginger, he slowly began cutting it up into equal portions, while waiting for Rachel to respond.\n\n
0 Earl To ease the boredom... 0 Earl 0 5


June 05, 2005 4:09 PM
"Infamous, eh?" Jennifer asked, somewhat rhetorically. "Sounds a great deal like my mother's side of the family. I don't know if you've heard of them, the Noire family in England. Very much the typical upperclass Pureblood kind of people. I never liked them very much, and they never seemed to want me, at least until last year."

Not want her was a bit of an understatement. The divorce between Daniel Zucchero and Christine Noire had been gossip fodder for the Pureblood get-togethers for several years, and still was occasionally used if the people conversing knew one or the other. It had been a long, drawn out affair, and had involved a great deal of backstabbing by her mother. Jennifer's father had taken her with him while he travelled as an ambassador, partly because her mother had, to quote a letter Jennifer had found once, 'not wanted to have to deal with a child, because it might mess up her social life.'

Jennifer had gotten over not feeling wanted, although it had been difficult for a five year old to grasp, and now it was she not wanting her mother, who looked at Jennifer as a potential alliance former between the Noires and some other pureblood family.

She sensed an unspoken question about how her father knew Alasdair, and so she decided, partly to get her mind off her mother, to answer the unasked question. "My dad's an ambassardor, and so has a lot of connections in places. He also has to know a lot of people, and attend a lot of state functions. I think he might have met your dad at one of those."

She nodded slightly at Gwen's insistences that her father was not a nice man. Here was someone like her, someone who knew about feeling unwanted, and trying not to lose your ideals and values when everyone else wanted you to do so.

She grinned at the summary of what Gwen did at parties. "If I can get out of parties, I try. Sometimes it works, but whenever it doesn't, I always kinda disappear into the background. I don't like being the center of attention very much. I think I've developed a reputation of being a bit of a wallflower, because I always prefer to just sit in the shadows and draw everything around me."

Her smile turned to slight indignation when she learned that Gwen had never been allowed to play quidditch. "That's horrible. That, that just goes beyond horrible. Honestly, dangerous feminist ideas? No offense, but that's just sick." She herself couldn't imagine not being able to play quidditch, the one time when she would step out of the shadows. She frowned thoughtfully, and then looked up at Gwen.

"You know, Gwen, if you want, I could probably teach you a little. Maybe me and a friend of mine, Liz Lavine. You look like you'd be good, and there's no harm in trying, is there? I mean, your dad wouldn't get mad at you, would he?" She kept stirring as Gwen put some more of the ingredients in. Stirring was a rather mindless job, but she enjoyed it, in a way. It left more time to think.
0 Jennifer Yay, I win. 0 Jennifer 0 5

Gwenhwyfar Carey

June 05, 2005 9:59 PM
Noire. That rang a bell, but she wasn't sure where it came from. Probably the people who had tried to send the founder of the Virginia Careys to prison or the people who had been scheming with him, if they were an English family. She had been required to memorized the family history, but she had found it too repetitive to bother with details. Move somewhere, kill the leaders, take over. Marry off daughters to cement alliances. Murder a few people for the heck of it. Blackmail the president.Scheme to rule the world. Repeat in the next generation. So went the story of the Careys-well, except the Charlotte Careys, who minded their own business and didn't meddle. She had always half-wished she was a Charlotte Carey.

She studied Jennifer out of the corner of her eye when she said the Noires had never wanted her. It was just the opposite in her case; her mother's family had been the only people who ever seemed to find anything good about her. Her times with Grandma Vaughn were the best memories she had. Her mother had been so crazy by the time she was born that Lorena didn't have a clue who she was most of the time, calling her either 'you' or, for some strange reason, 'Nicole', and her father swore she would never make a lady. To Eileen,her Grandmother Carey-St.Martin, she was another pawn in the giant chess game of pureblood life. Only the Vaughns actually gave a thought to Gwen instead of Miss Carey of Bellevue.

She paused before answering. "I've often wondered what it would be like to not be upper class," she said. "The machinations don't leave much room for family affection, and I've heard that other kinds of people are less complicated. My mother's people are non-aristocratic purebloods, and they aren't like the aristocrats at all. Much simpler in their ways and easier to live with."

To Gwen's surprise,Jennifer answered the unspoken question about Alasdair and her father.An ambassador. A vivid image sprang into her mind: Her father, a tight, forced smile on his hawk-nosed face, shaking hands with Ambassador Zucchero while an assassin stood waiting for a signal from Alasdair if the Wolf thought he ought to get this particular visitor out of his way. Then, of course, there would have been Madeira in crystal glasses and well-mannered conversation about politics. It would have all been sickeningly Antebellum,the last remnant of a past the pureblood South could neither hold on to nor give up. She shook her head a little to dislodge the image.

"My sister is a wallflower," she said. "Morgaine. She doesn't get along with people, she likes scaring people, and she's likely as not to tell someone he's uglier than her pet Kneazle. So she stays in the shadows and Mother lets her. Are you an artist?" She hadn't missed the comment about drawing. It was a talent she had never possessed. Her art was with words, or so she liked to think. Poetry was her secret vice, though she didn't think anyone had ever read anything she wrote.

She was caught completely off-guard by the indignation over the fact she didn't know how to play Quidditch. So caught off-guard, as a matter of fact, that she looked up from the fluxweed. "Father's a chauvinist," she explained. "He'll tell you, quite loudly if he's had a few shots of Tennessee whiskey, that a woman's role is to cement alliances, look ornamental, have babies, and make men's lives more comfortable. He renounced Quidditch and Quodpot as soon as he found out women were allowed to play. His only sports these days are dueling and horse racing."

She finished the fluxweed just as Jennifer suggested giving her lessons in Quidditch with possible help from another girl. Lavine, eh? That was a name she knew. Major Louisiana family, very important. The Louisiana Careys had never liked them, but it was an accepted fact that the Louisiana Careys didn't like anyone, including each other and the rest of the family. She had decided not to put too much stock in names after the great drama of the first year Crotali started,so it didn't matter anyway. This could be an interesting expiriment. It couldn't hurt to make two more friends and learn how to handle a broomstick, if she learned nothing else.

She smiled wryly when Jennifer asked if her father would get mad at her. He'd be furious...if he found out. She had always liked sneaking around behind the Wolf's back, not to mention that he wouldn't be watching her very closely. "He probably won't have a clue what I do here for the next seven years," she said. "He's already got a man in Louisiana to sign a contract saying he won't marry anyone else unless I do, so I'm taken care of. Not worth a reaction unless I do something that could enable the Robinonds to withdraw from the contract. If he asked any questions, I'd say it was political. He'd believe me-he doesn't think I'm smart enough to lie." She added the fluxweed carefully and sighed with relief when there was no explosion. "So-all right, if it's not a bother. Even if I'm hopelessly bad, there's no harm in learning how to play the game."

She really was turning into a proper little rebel. She had started a war with the very people she was supposed to befriend, befriended those the Careys would consider to be of lower quality than her, and now she was going to learn how to play Quidditch. The only person she had talked to civilly so far that her father might approve of was Jennifer, and he would have died on the spot if he had ever heard this conversation. She was finding rebellion to be curiously satisfying.

0 Gwenhwyfar Carey Congradulations. 63 Gwenhwyfar Carey 0 5


June 06, 2005 4:21 PM
Rachel looked at earl and muttered darkly "well I don't know who you were talking about." She started to wonder what he thought rude was. "I'm from Australia, so yeah, Australia, Queensland, Brisbane that's about all."

Rachel looked at the potion and really wanted to dump more Fluxweed, her hand started to inch over to the left over bits.
"So you said I wasn't being rude. What's your definition of rude then?"\n\n
0 Rach wait a minute... 0 Rach 0 5


June 06, 2005 8:13 PM
Earl looked at Rachel apologetically. He thought there was something weird about her speech, but hadn't been able to place what it was. "So, Australia, huh? That must be cool. I've always wanted to go there, but my dad won't let me till I graduate from here." He stared wistfully off into space for a moment, thoughts of white sandy beaches and huge turquoise waves in which to surf filling him mind.

Rachel's question made him look at her. "My definition of rude...well that would be my brother, Eddie," he replied. "He's the biggest jerk in the world. Never thinks about anyone, but himself. He never says thank you, and talks down to anyone, but his group of 'friends'." He did air quotes as he said the last word. "He rarely talks too. And he sometimes doesn't come home at night, and doesn't tell anyone where he's gone. Scred my dad half to death one time cause he stayed at his friend's for three days withuot telling us."

He said all this with an unusually bitter tone, but his older brother's actions usually riled him up. He refrained from saying the truely horrible things. Rachel was nice, but not exactly a close friend. She didn't need to know everything.

"Yeah, so trust me. You" he emphasized the 'you', "are not rude. Don't worry about that." He looked away from his potions partner and reread the directions for the potion as a change in subject.

"Anyways...we just need to let this sit for ten minutes and then stir again and it should be all right."\n\n
0 Earl waiting... 0 Earl 0 5


June 07, 2005 8:03 PM
When he started talking about how rude his own brother was Rachel only let a small 'oh.' So that was why he didn't think she was rude on her own account. Noting the bitterness in his voice, she decided to change the subject, hoping to spare her partner, who seemed nice in his own way, the bitterness of his own brother.

"So do you like quidditch? I love it!!!!!" Looking around her eyes caught the potion, which they had once sought to combust. It would have been fun even if they got into trouble. “How long till ten minutes is up? I’m so bored, but that’s usual in potions.”
0 Rach so... something to do? 0 Rach 0 5


June 07, 2005 9:45 PM
Earl checked his watch. "We've got about four more minutes," he said simply. "I love Quidditch. I signed up for my house team as soon as I saw the announcement. Wow, this is crazy...almost every girl I bump into here loves Quidditch Well, actually it's only like two." He admitted.

This conversation reminded him of the Hens and their painted nails and painted faces, and the image of them trying to ride on a broom, while worrying about their hair being ruined. He laughed out loud at the thought, but turned it into a cough. "S'cuse me...the fumes," he lied. He didn't know how Rachel felt, but Earl certainly thought that laughing for no reason was an odd thing to do.\n\n
0 Earl Doing something 0 Earl 0 5


June 09, 2005 8:04 PM
Rachel wondered if boredom could kill, it certainly seemed like it. Looking around she wondered if something could make time speed up, it would be useful but then again something bad might happen. When he started to choke... cough... whatever, it sounded really like a laugh but she didn't want to say that especiallyto the guy who had trouble with his sibling.

She looked at the cauldron, started to walk around then stopped by the cauldron again. Wondering what would happen she put a finger in it, and straight away pulled it back out. Her finger felt on fire so she shook it, and hoped noone noticed her stupidity.\n\n
0 Rach Sorry Computor Skiped *bangs school computor* 0 Rach 0 5


June 09, 2005 9:28 PM
Earl rechecked the directions in the textbook. Everything seemed to be in order. He glanced at his watch. They had finished about five minutes before they were supposed to. He turned to Rachel to tell her this, but she wasn't sitting at her desk. A flash of movemnt in the corner of his eye caught his attention.

He looked at Rachel just in time to see her pull her finger out of bubbling mixture. "Rachel! What are you doing?" he hissed at her. "You could get hurt...what'd it feel like? You don't feel unusually happy do you? Cause I don't want to spend the next 20 minutes sitting next a giggling girl."\n\n
0 Earl That's computers suck 0 Earl 0 5


June 10, 2005 5:59 PM
OOC: ARgh, I haven't been online for almost a month! The real life is seriously driving me insane, sorry about that.

BIC:Robbie smiled, people with senses of humor were always good fun. A sense of humor could make the most boring of activities fun, so Robbie was definitely glad his partner had one. Because he had a feeling that to get through this class, his partner was going to need one. He had a feeling that his Potion-making skills would, well, leave a lot to be desired.

"Robbie Bates, Teppenpaw first year. I'll go get the stuff from the back," he offered. Robbie got up and went to the back of the room. He wasn't sure of how much they were supposed to take, so he gathered a little of everything. He figured he would have enough to make the potion. He walked slowly with arms full of ingredients, afraid that he would drop something on the way. He dumped everything onto the table and started to try and organize everything. Hopefully Mia was not a neat-freak, otherwise there would be trouble.

"So?" he asked, "What do we do with all of these?"\n\n
0 Robbie Then cooking it is 0 Robbie 0 5

The Cravens and Stephen

June 11, 2005 1:02 PM
OOC - this continues from our thread waaay down there. I just thought it deserved everyone's attention, so I put it up here. We worked together on this post, I'm not just taking horrible liberties with Stephen.

"Ginger's spicy... It might give it more firepower," Ash shrugged, "Anyway, I just stuck the whole thing in, like it says. It's not my fault it reeks." The twins just laughed politely as Stephen began to go on about gingerbread armies. It was a cool idea, and quite funny, but Stephen got so carried away with these things. They put it down to his being Muggle-born, and not really understanding the limits of things (whereas they, of course, had a profound and deep knowledge of the entire wizarding world).

Ash caught Stephen's glance as he and Sorrel squabbled, grinning quickly at him. He wouldn't have stood it from most people, but Stephen and Sorrel were close enough that Ash was willing to allow teasing rights. He had enough evidence that Stephen liked Sorrie - the fort, the fact he'd said so...

He stirred lazily, falling into a pattern, while the rhythmical sound of chopping and chatter echoed round the room. Thump thump The regular quick cuts Stephen was making through the daisies. Swish-scrape, Sorrel's blade going down the length of the asphodel roots. Thump. Thump. Swish-scrape. So are you from the South? Thump. Thump. I'll start chopping the ginger if.. Thump. Thump. It would have -swish- school a -scrape- easier... Thump-swish. Scrape-thump. Swish-Fine-thump-with-scrape-thump-me-


Stephen's voice cut in and snapped him back to attention.

"Thanks," said Sorrel, taking the roots. "It's that green... weedy one," she said, rather lamely, pointing at a plant with pointy leaves. She shifted the roots on Stephen's chopping board into little groups with gaps between, slipping her own in so they alternated, before sliding them into the cauldron.

"Yeah, sure," said Ash, as Stephen persisted with his gingerbread army idea, "We could have them throw M&M Peanuts and hope the girls are allergic," he said with a smirk. It wasn't exactly unkind, but it definitely showed he was being sarcastic.

Stephen moved further around the table to where the exploding plant was, jostling Ash purposefully as he went past. "Thanks dude," he said, "really nice touch with the M&M's there. Come on Sorrie," he said, looking over at her after poking the pointy leafed plant dubiously. "You can see that gingerbread men'd be cool guards, don't you?"

Sorrel wasn't sure what to reply. If she said ‘no', not only was she agreeing with Ash, but it might seem like they were ganging up against Stephen. But she couldn't well agree with him over Ash, especially as it was a bloody stupid idea.

"I ain't baking them," she said, "And I can't see any of the guys wanting to either. Plus," she added, suddenly remembering a very good reason why they couldn't have an army of gingerbread men (besides the fact it was stupid), "in't girls meant to be made of sugar and spice and all that crap? Gingerbread people might go over to their side," she said, nudging Ash with her foot under the table (it was sort of like laughing at Stephen without having to embarrass him by actually laughing). "It doesn't look very explosive, does it?" she said, poking the plant with her finger, in an effort to change the subject.

Stephen's brow furrowed as Sorrel had her say, the lines becoming deeper and deeper with every word. "Didn't say you'd have to bake them," he insisted, "that's what those elves do, isn't it? Cooking and all that. I bet they'd make them if we asked. And.... and..." he struggled to find another argument for his idea, even though it increasingly seemed that it was going to be definitively voted down by the others. "We could eat them if they turned traitor," he offered halfheartedly. "It'd be fun... and yum…"

It obviously wasn't convincing them.

Stephen continued to look put out for a moment, before Sorrel's comments on the plant brought his attention back to it.

"Yeah, it just looks kinda… pointy." He stared at it a moment before his gaze flipped back up to Sorrel again. "Well brainiac? How much of this stuff is supposed to go in the potion?"

"I'm not a braniac," glared Sorrel, glad at least that the gingerbread people had been dropped for the time being (although she really fancied eating one now), "And..." she consulted the book, "three stalks of ten centimetres each. Wonder how much is ‘too much' then..." She grabbed a rough handful of the plant, "Does that look like significantly ‘too much' to you guys?" she asked quietly, trying to avoid attracting attention to them during the final phase of their plan.

Stephen shrugged goodnaturedly, and grinned at Ash. "Brainiac, bossy - she's all that in this class - not that I'm complaining," he said under his breath, not sure if his words would be picked up by the other boy, but confident that Sorrel would miss them. He considered the handful that Sorrel had grabbed, and picked up another, tossing it over. "One more won't hurt," he said, flicking his eyes towards their house mistress to double check she was occupied elsewhere and barely managing to hold off a laugh. "Dump it, quick," he urged Sorrel, "before Connell gets around here."

"You want it to work, don't you?" asked Ash quietly, while Sorrel consulted the book one quick last time, "And heck... She's bossy all the time. She just isn't usually right as well," he grinned. By the time he'd said all this, Sorrel had finished her check, and the last part earnt him an elbow to the ribs.

"Ash only thinks that because he's so slow he doesn't know what right is most of the time."

Before Ash could retaliate and they could get into another argument, Stephen drew their attention back to the matter at hand.

"Ok," grinned Sorrel, passing some of the Fluxweed to each of the guys, "Drop it on three then duck! One... Two... Three!"

The handfuls of Fluxweed tumbled into the cauldron and the twins threw themselves to the ground, Sorrel grabbing Stephen's wrist and pulling him with them. There was a pause, in which time they thought it must have not worked, or that Connell had come and spoilt it, but the Fluxweed was simply sinking fully into the mixture, turning it from the cheery yellow it should have been to a sickly green, getting darker and darker until, just as Ash was considering standing up, there was a sound like a firework going off. Slimy green globs of potion were splattered across the walls and occupants of the classroom, several blobs even sticking to the ceiling. They crawled out from their bomb shelter. Ash's cauldron had fallen over, and was spinning on the table. Sorrel grabbed his hand as he reached out to stop it.

"It'll be hot, dummy," she reminded him, before her face broke into a grin, "I think that worked pretty well," she smiled mischievously at her fellow Potions makers.

Stephen glanced around. "Yeah," he said after a couple of seconds. "Looks like it. Although I still think we should have gingerbread guards"\n\n
0 The Cravens and Stephen Things that go BOOM in the lab 0 The Cravens and Stephen 0 5


June 16, 2005 1:58 AM
Rachel continued to shake her finger while replying, "No it hurts and… and,” that’s when she noticed the giant glob of potion flying her way the first thought she had was someone must of exploded their potion, the second was duck. But it was to late a bit of it landed on her lower lip. Licking it off would not do, so lifting up her hand she whipped it off, hoping none of it remained on her face.

Turning to see her partner to see if he had gotten any on himself, she noticed there was lots of the potion on other people, the walls, the ceiling and even on the cauldrons. She started to laugh at the scene and looked to see if anyone had taken any ill effects from it.
0 Rach yeah... 0 Rach 0 5


June 16, 2005 6:18 PM
Earl was still concentrating on the potion and his partner's hurt finger when a blast rang through the classroom. Earl tried to duck in time, but to no avail. a great big green gob of potion landed right on his robes and began seeping through the material.

"Oh, gross!" He cried out. He wasn't the only one, however. Rachel was wiping som off of her face and had a small glob in her hair, and others around them were busy crying about their ruined hair, their ruined potions and thenm trying to clean themselves up. It was not a pretty picture.

Earl stood up and frantically removed his sopping robes before he got too wet and tossed them onto the floor as he began wiping his jeans to get the wet off. He looked up at Rachel again and grinned.

"Hey, Rach? You got some cheering potion in your hair."\n\n
0 Earl goopy green gobs of green goo 0 Earl 0 5


June 17, 2005 1:34 AM
Rachel finally looked at her partner; it was just in time to see him cry out gross. She stifled a laugh at her partner in his silly predicament he was acting like one of those really rich kids who hated to get anything dirty on them. About to turn away she heard him say that she had some in her hair. She started trying to get it out but it’s very hard to get something out that you couldn’t see.

“Oh… get it out, get it out!” She whimpers and returns to her futile job of trying to get it out. She then noticed that others were in the same crisis and that they were also having trouble. “I’ll get them…” she muttered almost mutely, she didn’t like the consequences of this at all.\n\n
0 Rach what... oh no... 0 Rach 0 5


June 17, 2005 6:29 PM
Earl chortled as he watched Rachelwimper over her hair. Typical girl... he thought to himself. He stood up and walked around the desk towards Rachel. "Here...let me help ya." He tried wiping the goo out of her hair but just made it worse by spreading it.

"Cripes, this is gross...wait, I got an idea." He trotted back over to his soiled robes and brought them over to Rachel's gopped hair and began wiping her off with the clean parts.

"There. Geez, you don't have to be such a least I didn't whimper..."\n\n
0 Earl Oh, yes... 0 Earl 0 5


June 22, 2005 8:50 AM
OOC: Sorry for my own delay. Finals are a pain but they’re done and school’s out so here I am. ^_^

BIC: Mia nodded as Robbie, whom she was right to guess as a first year, went to get the ingredients from the back. She looked over the potion again. The first step was to dice the two roots and add them. Then stir clockwise for five minutes and let the potion simmer. That looked pretty easy. She was about to look over the second part which included the combustible fluxweed when an excess of the ingredients she and Robbie were going to use were dumped on the table. Mia quickly pulled back her hand that had been resting on the table before it was lost under the pile of roots and weeds with her book.

"Well," Mia started after Robbie asked what to do with the stuff, looking over the pile on the desk that Robbie seemed to be organizing a little "we can start with the roots. I can dice up the Root of Asphodel if you can get some of the daisy roots. That looks like a pretty good place to start." Mia brought up her text book from under the pile, struggling a little, and pointed to where she got up to. She moved some of the ingredients so she could put her book down between them and Robbie could look at the directions when he wanted.

She picked through the pile and grabbed one of the roots of Asphodel so she could start dicing it. She only needed the one though from the looks of it there were quite a few more than one in that hill of ingredients. She began to cut up the root of Asphodel.

“Just so you know you only need two daisy roots. Think you got enough in there?” Mia asked with a grin, letting her eyes roam over the pile before going back to her chopping. She was glad she met one of the nice first years because she had seen some of the…less nice ones and they didn’t look so pleasant to be around.\n\n
0 Mia I'm actually pretty good at cooking 0 Mia 0 5

Zack Dill

June 22, 2005 12:11 PM
As the girl left to collect the neccessary ingredients, Zack turned his attention to cauldron. Had she not made specific mention of a cleaning charm, Zack would probably have just pulled out his hankerchief, dampened the cloth, and given the cauldron a light scrubbing in the normal way. But she had specifically indicated a cleaning charm might be required, and he assumed she knew better than he did that the charm would be more effective than the wipedown.

Which meant he had to perform the charm, and that just defeated the whole purpose of Potions being his second favourite class (after Astronomy which also did not require spellcasting). With a put-upon sign, he pulled out his way-too-expensive-for-what-Zack-believed-it-to-be-worth wand, and pointed it at the dark metal cauldron. With some effort, he recalled the neccessary word and movement from an exploration he took last year into a book called 100 Useful Charms Every Wizard and Witch Should Know.

He took a deep breath and gave it a go, "Scourgify!"

His wand gave a disturbing little burp and fizzled sparks at the end for a moment. That wasn't promising. He stole a look behind him to see if the girl was still collecting ingredients, and was relieved to see she was. That left him with just enough time to give the cauldron the old handkerchief run down, which he did.

By the time she got back to the table, he'd hidden the white square of damp cloth (that wasn't really white anymore) away in his own cauldron, and filled hers with water. Aquor was a far simpler spell and remained one of the few he could cast with absolute confidence. His own personal bunsen burner (much easier to deal with than magical fires, bunsen burners) was already going as well.

"Zack," Zack replied reflexively after Asher introduced herself. Then he considered her question on the division of labour. "You powder, I'll chop," he delegated, mostly because powdering made his arms and hand hurt and he'd rather avoid it if at all possible.

From his bag, he pulled out his chopping board, and a sheathed paring knife. Taking the appropriate amount of daisy roots from her tray, he placed them in the center of his board, unfastened the three safety buttons that kept his knife from becoming a dangerous liablity in his pack, and pulled it out of its sheath. Carefully, he began chopping, being mindful of exactly where his fingers were at all times. He still needed all of them.\n\n
1 Zack Dill Right, just don't invoke Saruman by mistake 40 Zack Dill 0 5