Amy Fox

January 31, 2009 1:24 AM

Boy, aren't we persistent? by Amy Fox

It was times like these that Amy truly wished she could revert back into her old self. Her old self had been bold, if rude, and daring, if slightly reckless. The old Amy would have socked the old tightwad a good one. She envisioned the big purple welt that would form on his ugly face and had to force down the urge to grin. Really, it was his own fault that he was causing such violent reactions in her.

She had been good. Great, in fact, if truth be told. She hadn't caused any drama, she hadn't hurt anyone and all of her students had remained intact, if slightly injured at times. She might have a sharp tongue but she had learned to hold it during the most prudent of times. She had been welcomed back to the League, if not with open arms, then with an open invitation.

She had done her job and this pompous ass was accusing her of whether she thought it was wise that she was even at the school. It had helped her on many levels, not that she'd ever admit it out loud, and she would be darned if she'd let this man taint it.

She listened as he tried to give her the cut direct yet again, a bland expression forming on her face. "Are they effecting my duties to my coaching job?" she finally repeated after letting the silence linger for several moments. "Of course they are. My time is now divided between two professions instead of one and obviously the way I balance my time will be effected. I have fulfilled my duties, however. Before you interrupted," she stated, placing grate emphasis on the word 'interrupted', "I was working on my lesson plans. I have very little spare time and I'd like to get back to them. That is, if you don't have anymore questions..."
0 Amy Fox Boy, aren't we persistent? 0 Amy Fox 1 5