Dalila Bastet

November 30, 2008 11:11 PM

Teppenpaw Try-outs by Dalila Bastet

Dalila was nervous for many reasons. One was, of course the fact that she was going to be running her first Quidditch try-outs ever. The second was the fact that only three people had signed up on the sheet. What if no one else signed up? What if all that the team had was four people? Even Lexi hasn't put her name down. Dalila had been too anxious to ask her why. What if Lexi thought that Dalila wasn't going to be a good Captain and she didn't think it was a good idea to sign up again? No, that couldn't be it. Lexi wouldn't do that to her.

Dalila hadn't realized she had been pacing. She had gotten to the pitch way too early just in case some of the prospective players were there. No one had been. She had gone to the shed and retrieved the practice set of Quidditch balls and a few brooms, including the one she normally rode. Seven years and she had yet to get one from her family.

Finally, the time had arrived for the tryouts. In the distance she saw a few people walking out to meet her. When they got closer Dalila waved and grinned. So far so good. At least someone showed up. When everyone she saw had assembled around her(there weren't many) Dalila cleared her throat and began her first speech as Captain.

"Hey everyone! Thanks for getting here on time. I'm Dalila, your Captain. Now, according to the sign-up sheet we don't have enough people to make a full team, but we're going to go along as if we had every position filled." Dalila stopped and looked around, forcing a smile. She didn't want the few people who believed in her to have doubts.

"I'm sure more people will show up in time, but since no one spots is being vied for by more than one person, you're all getting a spot. For now. So all this try-out is until we get more players is for me to assess exactly what level everyone is on. Especially for our new players. So what I want you guys to do is to grab a broom if you don't have one and take a few laps before coming back and grabbing a quaffle to toss between you." Dalila picked up the quaffle and was about to send off her candidates she remembered something.

"Oh! Before I let you go, I have one last announcement. Our new Assistant Captain. Hannah Laurent? Dalila turned to the blonde fourth year and grinned. "I hope you're up for the challenge. Okay," Dalila focused her attention back on the group. "Go for it!" she said as she mounted her own dilapidated school broom and rose to the air carrying the quaffle, ready to pass to their first person to hold their hands out for it.
0 Dalila Bastet Teppenpaw Try-outs 60 Dalila Bastet 1 5


December 07, 2008 3:37 AM

This is bad. Come on people! Join up! by Josiah

Josiah wasn’t sure of the point of coming down to the pitch. If people didn’t show up now, they’d have to forfeit. Three players weren’t enough. They couldn’t play if no one else came. However, for the sheer principal of the matter, and because he didn’t want to see that look of disappointment on Dalila’s face, he trudged down to the pit.

He listened to her speak, giving a little grimace at the fact that they really didn’t have a full team. It sucked. Josiah loved quidditch and it near broke his heart to see how Sonora’s teams had just died out. It wasn’t right and it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t like they didn’t have the kids to do it, they just didn’t have people who would get off their bums and join up. He hated it, and was sure that Dalila felt the same way.

The redheaded boy gave a little cheer to have Hannah become the new captain. Hopefully she’d have more luck next year than this year. Josiah sighed before mounting his Sharpshooter. He flew around a few times as told and grabbed a quaffle. He waited until he drew level with the nearest teammate in the air and hollered “Catch!” The red ball flew from his hands with only the slightest list off to one side. Not the most perfect throw, but not bad either.
0 Josiah This is bad. Come on people! Join up! 0 Josiah 0 5