Saul Pierce

November 17, 2008 6:59 PM

Saul Pierce For Head Boy! by Saul Pierce

One of the things Saul had going for him in his election campaign for Head Boy was that he was a Quidditch Captain. Many students at the school were avid Quidditch fans, and while Saul had to accept that Geoff S would probably get the Crotalus votes of Quidditch followers, neither Anne nor Dalilah were any sort of competition for this particular title, so both Aladren and Teppenpaw Quidditch fans were open demographics.

So three of Saul's first campaign posters went up near the Quidditch stands. One was in the Pecari cheering section, one was on the shed housing the school brooms, and the last was beside the Pitch entrance nearest to the school, which most people going in to fly on their own time would walk past.

These posters featured a moving picture of Saul in his Quidditch robes, his Quidditch Captain badge gleaming prominently, smiling and waving and flying in loops. The arcing text over the top of the image read, "SAUL PIERCE, QUIDDITCH CAPTAIN." Underneath, the words were printed out straight and read, "Leadership, Survival, Teamwork. Fifth & Sixth Years, Vote Saul for Head Boy."

While Saul had no idea if he'd even make it onto the ballot - the process of who gets chosen for that honor remained a mystery to him - he figured campaigning early could only increase his chances to make the top picks. These early posters were aimed as much at the professors as at the two years of students who wouldn't be voting until after midterm.\r\n\r\n
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