Professor Levy

April 23, 2010 10:32 AM

Homework by Professor Levy

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0 Professor Levy Homework 0 Professor Levy 1 5

Professor Levy

April 23, 2010 10:33 AM

Intermediate Homework by Professor Levy


1. How do disillusionment charms work?

2. Are disillusionment charms dangerous? Why or why not?

3. Name three problems associated with disillusionment charms.

4. What did you learn from today’s lecture and practical? Do you think that there are good reasons to use disillusionment charms? Why or why not?
0 Professor Levy Intermediate Homework 0 Professor Levy 0 5

Marissa Stephenson

April 27, 2010 1:24 PM

Homework by Marissa Stephenson

Name: Marissa Stephenson
House: Crotalus
Year: Third

1. How do disillusionment charms work?

They distort the viewer's vision so that the object with the charm on it doesn't appear in the viewer's sight.

2. Are disillusionment charms dangerous? Why or why not?

I'm starting to think everything in the Wizarding World is dangerous if your mind works the right way and you think about it long enough.They could be - in the dark, people could use them to break into houses and things like that.

3. Name three problems associated with disillusionment charms.

Things that move under one can be seen as a ripple if you're paying attention, they need to be renewed every so often, and other people can break them without it being very hard.

4. What did you learn from today's lecture and practical? Do you think that there are good reasons to use disillusionment charms? Why or why not?

I learned the spells for the disillusionment charm and its reverse, and I think there are harmless uses for them. It would be nice if my sister couldn't find my diary very often.
16 Marissa Stephenson Homework 147 Marissa Stephenson 0 5

Alison Sinclair

April 27, 2010 2:48 PM

Homework by Alison Sinclair

Name: Alison Sinclair
House: Pecari
Year: 4

1. How do disillusionment charms work?

It looks like a small-scale optical illusion, making the subject have a chameleon affect with whatever happens to be in the background. It even looks like it has the texture of its surroundings, though poking the candle I had proved its nature to still be waxy.

2. Are disillusionment charms dangerous? Why or why not?

On their own, usually not, unless you happen to trip over a disillusioned chair or something and land on some disillusioned knives. In use, though, they could be. In a crowd, someone without the means to get Polyjuice could probably go undetected and kill someone or get their hands on information or what-have-you.

3. Name three problems associated with disillusionment charms.

It's not a perfect disguise. If you move just so, then anyone can squint and realize that a person in there and moving around. If it's on an object, people can feel the object and realize something's being hidden, which kind of defeats the purpose. Plus, the magic's relatively falliable - we're thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds, and we now know how to break it. A decent Seer or Legilimens might just be able to see through it in the first place.

4. What did you learn from today's lecture and practical? Do you think that there are good reasons to use disillusionment charms? Why or why not?

I confirmed that it gets a little harder to work with as the objects get larger, though I expect that's a glitch that goes away with practice. For good reasons, I know some people keep hippogriffs and the like, and it's the law, in areas Muggles can access, that they be Disillusioned for the common good.
16 Alison Sinclair Homework 140 Alison Sinclair 0 5