
December 14, 2004 8:31 PM

Pranks by Leann

Leann smiled. "I'm not one to get into trouble. I hardly ever play pranks, except on my sister. I don't like getting into trouble that much. My sister get's into trouble quite alot, though." Leann said to Mia. Then she pointed her wand at her wrist.

"Enscribo flower." She said, and a she watched as each petal formed on her wrist.

"Magic will never ceace to amaze me." She said, admiring the flower.\n\n
0 Leann Pranks 0 Leann 1 5


December 14, 2004 9:22 PM

Nor me by Mia

Mia smiled as she watched the flower form on Leann's wrist.

"Me either." Mia said happily. Mia pointed her wand at the back of her hand. Mia thought for a moment then thought of what she wanted to put there.

Mia said the spell and smiled at her work. Mia thought this was very creative of herself. A small scene ended up on the back of Mia's small hand.

A bunch of stick figures were holding hands and smiling. If Mia knew the spell, she'd make them move around. Each figure represented a friend she met here at Sonora. Mia amazed herself at how many friends she had already met here. Mia smiled brightly and held up her hand to admire it more.
0 Mia Nor me 0 Mia 0 5


December 15, 2004 2:19 PM

Re: Nor me by Leann

"Wow, thats neat. What's it mean?" Leann asked as she looked at the many stick people on Mia's hand. It would have bee very good if they could actually move.

"I can't wait till we learn more magic." Leann thought out loud.\n\n
0 Leann Re: Nor me 0 Leann 0 5


December 16, 2004 3:15 PM

Oh these? by Mia

Mia blushed slightly as Leann asked what the stick figures meant. Mia could be so sappy sometimes with out even realizing it. She didn't mean to, she was just a dramatic person. She's always wanted to be an actress before she learned she was a witch. Now she isn't sure anymore.

"Oh, these are just little figures of the people I've met here." Mia said quickly. She smiled brightly and turned back to her hand. She swore to find a way to make them move. That would be beyond wicked cool! Suddenly, Mia covered her mouth as she yawned.

"Wow, I'm tired." Mia said randomly. She started to giggle at her own random comment.\n\n
0 Mia Oh these? 0 Mia 0 5


December 16, 2004 8:04 PM

Randomness by Leann

Leann laughed. Mia could be really random.

"Well, that was...random!" She said, but then, she ended up yawning.

"Ah look, you've got me doing it!" She said, blushing. Wheneveer Leann yawned, she burped rather loudly.

"Exscuse me..." She muttered.\n\n
0 Leann Randomness 0 Leann 0 5

Headmistress Marnett

December 17, 2004 7:57 AM

An OOC Note by Headmistress Marnett

Leann, please remember that the minimum length for a post is two paragraphs, which is generally around ten sentences. If you are having trouble reaching this minimum, ask yourself a few questions:

-How is my character feeling at the moment?
-What does my character think of the person(s) he/she is interacting with?
-What will my character notice in the environment around him/her?
-Does the current situation reflect any past events in my character's life?
-What thought process does my character go through causing him/her to say the things he/she does?
-What are the facial expressions/actions of my character in this scene?
-What does he/she look like at the moment?

Also, for examples of how to make your posts more detailed(and therefore more interesting), check out a few of these RPers who I've RPed with before on other sites: Zack Dill, Stephen Baxter, Ash & Sorrel Craven, Layla Radovon, Ty Boyd, and Phillip Delareux, Kaylie Brockhert\n\n
0 Headmistress Marnett An OOC Note 1 Headmistress Marnett 0 5


December 18, 2004 2:15 PM

Strange people by Mia

Mia giggled lightly at her friend. Poor Leann. Burping in public was always something Mia tried to avoid. Mia did have a habit of meeting strange people. Nice, but strange. Mia just shook her head. She instinctively brushed her hand across her face to knock away any loose hair but none was there. Mia then remembered the ponytail holder that Leann had lent her earlier.

Mia thought for a little bit, trying to make a conversation that wasn't random. Something not random and not having to do with yawning.

As Mia thought she added a picture to her other hand. A heart with the name 'Sonora Academy' under it. Mia mentally kicked herself at her cornyness and hoped Leann could think of a new conversation. Hers would probably end up being just as corny as the new picture on her tanned skin.\n\n
0 Mia Strange people 0 Mia 0 5


December 20, 2004 8:13 AM

Re: Strange people by Leann

Leann covered her mouth. Curse her darn burping! She had a habit of this and it was darn right annoying! For this reason, she had tried to avoid yawning, therefore avoiding burping, but sometimes, you just had to yawn. She hated it. She did not want to come across as rude to anyone.

Leann looked at Mia. It looked like she had drawn something else on her hand. She couldn't see what it was however.

They seemed to sit in silence for quite a while, however when Leann checked her watch, it had only been 5 minutes. So she whispered one word.


And then burst out laughing.\n\n
0 Leann Re: Strange people 0 Leann 0 5


December 20, 2004 2:50 PM

Contagious by Mia

As soon as Leann started laughing, Mia started laughing as well. She couldn't help herself. For one thing, that had to be one of the most random things she had ever heard and for a second thing, laughing was so contagious it wasn't even funny...Wow, that pun was not intended.

"And you thought I was being random." Mia said through her laughter.

It was great to have someone to laugh with like this. Laughing seemed to be something Mia would be doing a lot here at Sonora Academy.

Mia began collecting herself and tried to make a new conversation that wouldn't be stupid and random.

"So, uh, did you make any really good friends at the school you used to go to?" Mia asked with a smile. She was still trying to stop herself from laughing so she could hear her friend's answer.\n\n
0 Mia Contagious 0 Mia 0 5


December 20, 2004 4:51 PM

Friends by Leann

Leann plugged her nose to stop herself from laughing. It was a good method and she used it everytime she randomly burst out laughing, which could be quite alot, depending on wher she was.

"Well, yes. I had quite a few good friends. Some were the sisters and brothers of my sister Jessica's friends, while others I met at school. I met alot at swimming too, now I come to think of it..." Leann said, thinking. Sure she knew she had friends...but she hadn't known she had had that many. There were quite a few people in school, she had taken swimming since she was like, 4, and, well, Jessica had quite a lot of friends.

"So, how about you?" Leann said, breaking her train of thought and talking to Mia.\n\n
0 Leann Friends 0 Leann 0 5


December 20, 2004 5:13 PM

Re: Friends by Mia

Mia didn't have to think of who her close friends were from her old school.

"I had-" Mia ticked off her fingers as she named her really close friends from school.

"-seven friends that we formed a little clique thing. We called ourselves the Gopher Gang but that's a really long and odd story. Then there's Tori, y'know Tori Evans. She's one of my really close friends to but she had a different clique at school.

That's the thing you have to understand. My school had a bunch of little cliques but the cliques made people, like, obligated to stay with only those people once a clique was formed. It's really messed up and I can't really explain it well." Mia said with a shrug.

"Cliques are really stupid but they just seem to pop up on people. Did your school have things like that?" Mia asked.\n\n
0 Mia Re: Friends 0 Mia 0 5


December 21, 2004 6:01 PM

Cliques by Leann

Leann snorted.

"Cliques. Don't even get me started on cliques! There were at least 7 cliques in each grade, I swear. We have the popular ones, the semi-populars, we'll call them, we've got wannabees, nerds, computer geeks, hairy people, smelly people, normal people, weird people...I could go on and on, but I won't."

"As for me, I was pretty much in the normals. I had friends in the semi-populars, but the really popular people...they were in a league of their own. I hate cliques. They seperate people from other people." Leann said, yawning.

"Oh, I'm tired."\n\n
0 Leann Cliques 0 Leann 0 5


December 21, 2004 7:38 PM

more contagiousness...is that a word? by Mia

Mia laughed as Leann yawned again and as she yawned again herself. Mia covered her mouth politely. She then turned back to Leann.

"Oh great, now you've got me yawning again." Mia mock scolded. She laughed and ended up yawning again. Apparently, getting up at six o'clock every morning was begining to catch up to her.

"I suppose yawning is as contagious as laughter." Mia said with her signature bright smile.

"Anyway, yeah cliques are stupid but they just seem to appear don't they? There was a popular clique at my school too. They were all total preps! The worst part of it was that there was this one girl who was always trying to tag along with them. She laughed when they laughed, she wore what they wore and she talked like they talked. I wasn't even around her all the time and she drove me crazy!" Mia exclaimed.

"I think this girl would fit with your wannabees clique. We didn't have a wannabee clique. They all hung out with the popular kids. I know that no one would want to be near my 'clique'" Mia made the finger quotations "Me and my friends actually knew how to have fun and a lot of people thought we were weird but one thing was for sure, we were inseperable. We had that reputation." Mia smiled proudly.\n\n
0 Mia more contagiousness...is that a word? 0 Mia 0 5