Professor Lorraine Taylor

December 15, 2008 2:07 AM
"Today, we will be examining fire, and light," Professor Lorraine Taylor announced to the gathered fourth and fifth years seated in rows of desks in front of her. A few quills scribbled back and forth. The lighting in the classroom today was dimmed to the point where it could not be said to be bright but one did not have to strain to see either. Not good reading light, but suitable for the lesson today. Lorraine's gray-blonde hair was pushed back behind her ears, and her pale blue eyes swept over the students. Today's lesson could be a dangerous one, and Lorraine was perfectly prepared to expel any student who felt inclined to endanger her room or other students from the class. They could have an enjoyable time trying to pass their standards on their own then.

"You will be careful, or you will suffer the consequences," the woman said sharply, looking at a few troublemakers. She was fairly certain that the class did not want to find out what her consequences were. But in the off chance that there were one or two foolish or obnoxious students that felt inclined to push her boundaries, Lorraine wanted to make it perfectly clear that she would mete out those consequences with a certain grim pleasure. The woman smiled. It was not a nice smile. It was, in fact, a fairly frightening smile. No use taking chances.

"Before you begin, I would like a detailed list of spells used for heat and light, any notes on those spells, and potential uses for all of them. Homework is a thirteen--no, fourteen--inch essay on the development of fire and its effect on both Muggles and wizards. Due next class.

"Many of you this year will be taking your standards. Revision sessions will be available upon request. Please talk to me during or after class, or drop by my office if you would like to schedule one. There will be full-class revision (yes fourth years, this includes you) as we approach the end of the year.

"Now," Lorraine swept her blue eyes around the classroom. "Materials are located in the black cabinet. Your work should be turned in at the end of class for a grade. And it will not," she said crisply, "be graded on completion."
0 Professor Lorraine Taylor Intermediate Charms [Years IV and V] 0 Professor Lorraine Taylor 1 5

Echo Elms

December 16, 2008 3:14 PM
Echo Elms followed along with the Professor Taylor's voice as his new ever-inking quill sketched out a family of potions cauldrons. One of the smaller ones was named Alice for obvious reasons, and her sister was named Cheshire. Maybe he could make a cauldron comic for the school newspaper this year. It would be potions related, so the inside joke wouldn't actually be lost on the other students at Sonora.

Despite his divided attention, Echo thought he was listening. He really did. Professor Taylor talked about examining fire and light. They had to make a list of spells and what they were used for. He had even stopped his doodling long enough to write this and their homework down on his paper. Then she talked about tests--even Saul got an E on that over the summer so it should be too bad--but then Professor Taylor said the materials were in the cabinet.

Whoa, wait.

Echo reviewed the last five minutes in his brain but couldn't find the connection he was looking for. Crap, he never pulled Sauls like this. He raised his hand. "Sorry, um, I thought we were doing bookwork. Making the list," he made a purposeless rotating gesture, "notes, essay..."
21 Echo Elms [Raises hand] I have a question. 93 Echo Elms 0 5