Prof. Rowan Dakin

November 19, 2009 4:38 PM

0 Prof. Rowan Dakin Homework 0 Prof. Rowan Dakin 1 5

Prof. Rowan Dakin

November 19, 2009 4:39 PM

Beginner homework:

1) Give a basic over view of the salamanders (At least two paragraphs.)

2)What types of animals would you like to study this year?

3)Would you like more hands on lessons like this? Why or why not?
0 Prof. Rowan Dakin Beginner homework 0 Prof. Rowan Dakin 0 5

Delilah Kerrigan, Pecari

November 22, 2009 3:20 PM
Pulling out a fresh sheet of paper, Delilah began answering the homework questions. The first one was the hardest, because even though it had been fun to observe the creatures, she had difficulty organizing her thoughts and then actually writing them out.

1) Give a basic over view of the salamanders (At least two paragraphs.)

Sallymanders are super cool. They need fier to live. They can only live for 6 huors out of the fier. They need to have peper to servive. They only live while the fier burns. Than they die. They are wite outside the fier and bleu or red when in it.

Sallymanders are used for potons like ones that cur and heel. They are very importaunt. They like to craul over things like hot roks. I wish I could have one. It would be a super cool pet.

2) What types of animals would you like to study this year?

This question was much easier than the first since it didn’t have a positing limit. Biting her lip, she wrote down all the different creatures she wanted to study.

I want to study all the cretures. I want to learn about reptowels and spiders. And birds.

3) Would you like more hands on lessons like this? Why or why not?

The last question was the easiest and required no thought at all. There was absolutely no debate over which she would prefer.

Yes! It is inneresting. I don’t like learning from books cause it’s difiicult hard.

Looking it over, she gave a sigh. She would never be good at academics. As satisfied with it as she could be, Delilah turned in her homework.
0 Delilah Kerrigan, Pecari Homework 0 Delilah Kerrigan, Pecari 0 5

Demelza Eagle (Pecari)

November 22, 2009 8:04 PM
Heaving a great sigh, Demelza took out a long piece of parchment, a red quill, and a bottle of ink to complete her COMC homework. She really enjoyed the class, however she did not enjoy homework. She was a lazy writer. But she was loyal to her house and was determined to help Pecari get more points. Pressing her quill down on the parchment, she began to write.

Beginner homework:

1) Give a basic over view of the salamanders (At least two paragraphs.)

1b. The salamander is a magical creature that is both simple and complex. It is born from fire and must stay in the fire to survive. This is the most simple part of the salamander. It can live up to 6 hours out of the fire if fed pepper regularly. However, you may not want to feed it too much pepper.

I fed my salamander too much pepper and it stated smoking and boiling high in temperature. It was so hot it hurt to touch. I learned that these are very particular creatures that you don't want to experiment with.

2)What types of animals would you like to study this year?

2b. The types of animals I would like to work with this year are rare animals that you can touch and interact with. I want to learn about the magical worlds most complex and incredible creatures, but are also fun! I just want to learn something different.

3)Would you like more hands on lessons like this? Why or why not?

3b. Yes! I enjoy being able to do whatever I want and have the freedom to study what I want. I also like that I can 'experiment' with them. It is an interesting way to learn about the way they react to certain things.

Feeling that this ought to be good enough, Demelza set down her paper, folded it up, and smiled in relief of finishing her homework. She felt she was creating a good first impression to her teachers. Which is good, because soon, she is sure the teachers will no longer be able to stand her and her over hyper craziness. She can't even believe that she has friends who can handle and accept her hyper ADHD disorder. Ok, she really wasn't sure if she did have ADHD, but she was close enough to.
0 Demelza Eagle (Pecari) Homework... 0 Demelza Eagle (Pecari) 0 5

Veronica Kerrigan, Aladren

November 22, 2009 10:05 PM
Once the observation was finished, Veronica made herself as comfortable as she could possibly be on a log and balanced her notebook on her lap. She wanted to get the homework done and turned in so she wouldn’t have to do it later. She had better things to do. She wanted to try out that hairstyle she had just seen in her magazine. Giving a sigh, she began reading through and answering the dull questions.

1) Give a basic over view of the salamanders (At least two paragraphs.)

Salamanders are a magical lizard that are born from fire. When in the fire, they are blue or red, depending on how hot the fire is. When pulled from the fire, they are a brilliant white. In order to survive outside the fire, they must be fed pepper. Also, one must be careful that the salamander is not outside the fire for more than six hours or they’ll die.

The salamander will also die if the fire that they were born in dies or is put out with water. I think that it would be very difficult for most people to continue the fire for an incredibly long period, but it might be possible with the right spell. Though, I think that a flame freezing charm on the fire would more than likely hurt the salamander prefers the fire to be as hot as possible.

Since the creature prefers the hottest place possible, it’s really no surprise that a volcano is really the ideal place for them to live in. Yet, this is not really the ideal location for a wizard to go get a salamander every time one is needed for a potion, which they are very useful for. Their blood has restorative and curative properties. One of the potions that the salamander is used in is the Strengthening Solution.

2) What types of animals would you like to study this year?

The types of animals that I would like to study, if I absolutely have to study any, are unicorns. I have never seen one and would like to since they are said to be pure creatures and would be what I would most likely equate myself to.

3) Would you like more hands on lessons like this? Why or why not?

No, I would not like more hands on lessons like this. I would prefer lessons that are in a classroom with sensible desks where a girl does not have to be afraid to wear a proper skirt or shoes. As I am not planning on having a career in Care of Magical Creatures, I do not believe that everything that I need to learn cannot be obtained from lecture.

Looking over her work, Veronica assumed it to be average, which was good enough for her. She didn’t really want to be classified as being one of those smart kids. It was one of the reasons that she tried as hard as possible to hide her Aladren badge, which she tried to hide even from the professor as she turned in her homework.
0 Veronica Kerrigan, Aladren Homework 0 Veronica Kerrigan, Aladren 0 5

Prof. Dakin

November 25, 2009 9:21 PM

Please write a two paragraphs on the Differences between Irish Phoenixes and Phoenixes
0 Prof. Dakin Intermediate Homework 0 Prof. Dakin 0 5