Professor Kijewski

April 16, 2008 11:23 PM
Kiva in the clearing behind a heavy table where what looked like a tortoise crawled around on. It had been a rough couple of days for her for various reasons, but the main one had been her confrontation with the Headmaster. She knew her behavior hadn’t been appropriate, but his words had stung her. A very personal moment where she had gone to him to figure things out and he had twisted her words making her look as though she were an incompetent, desperate, fool of a woman. He had been her mentor and now everything seemed so tainted.

She took a deep breath and gently shook her head. She wasn’t going to think about it now. Words could not be taken back, there was no point in dwelling on it now.

She could hear the footsteps of her newest students walking through the gardens in search of her clearing. The jewels on the shell of the creature caught her attention as they shimmered from the sunlight. A smile grew on her face while she watched the Fire Crab crawl around, exploring it’s surroundings. Her fingers gently grazed the shell while the students crowded into the clearing. When she felt that everyone had managed to find their way, she began the lesson.

“Good morning everyone.” She greeted as she usually did. “Welcome to Sonora and welcome back to the older students. For those who I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting just yet, I’m Professor Kijewski, also known as Professor K. I’m currently the Head of Aladren and your Care of Magical Creatures professor.” She introduced herself to them, walking around the table so that she was now standing beside it instead of behind it. “Now, I want to explain what this class is all about. The purpose of Care of Magical Creatures is for you to have a better understanding of the type of magical creatures are currently residing in our world. How to handle them and how to identify them. It’s really quite simple, but handling certain creatures can be quite dangerous. Because of that, I do have rules while you are in my class.” Kiva paused for a split second. The students always hated hearing the rules.

“While I am explaining the creatures there will be no talking. Lectures are meant for you to remain safe while learning. I explain in my lectures on the dangers that each creature may bring and if you aren’t paying attention than you will more than likely end up meeting our Medic on several occasions. The second rule is a courtesy rule for your peers. If another student is speaking, do not talk. It’s rude and you could potential miss something of importance as a result. Other than that, after the lecture is over, you are free to talk amongst yourselves. Oh, and feel free to discard your robes. In this class, they’ll more than likely just get in the way. Okay, now onto the lesson.” Kiva said, clapping her hand and startling the creature enough for it to shoot fire out of it’s tail-end.

Kiva cleared her throat to be sure everyone was paying attention. After a display like that, kids usually get a little over excited. “This looks like a very fancy tortoise, but in the magical world, this creature is called a Fire Crab.” She explained to them. “I don’t know why they are called a crab, but, it’s obvious why they have ‘fire’ in their name.” The Fire Crab continued to wander around the table, but was in no danger of falling off.

“The Fire Crab is in constant danger of being killed for its shell. Most of you might think that they take the shell because of the jewels, but the truth is is that Witches and Wizards use their shells for cauldrons.” Kiva knocked lightly on the shell, only to cause more fire to burst of it’s hind end. Kiva smiled but continued on as though nothing had happened. “In it’s native land of Fiji, there is a coastal protection reserve created in order for the fire crab to have a habitat where no harm will come to them. Now, does anyone have any questions or want to come up here to have a better look?” Kiva asked, looking out at her students.

OOC: Okay, for points, be sure to write posts at least 10 sentences in length. I’m looking for a lot of details and creativity. Also, feel free to write for the fire crab, but keep it simple. I don’t want a fire started or anything like that.
0 Professor Kijewski Lesson 1 for First and Second Years 0 Professor Kijewski 1 5

Kyler Kent

April 18, 2008 7:32 PM
Animals' behavior varied with Kyler most of the time. He had a parakeet when he was little; it died in a month. He had a dog which had been super cool! That Huskie had been the best. He was old though... Just guess how that ended. He had a cat: mean. He had another dog: loud and annoying. A goldfish: Very cool, but you know how goldfish and their lifespans are... Kyler just wasn't sure if it was the animals that were mean, or if they didn't like him. And did magical animals differ from the muggle ones that much? What was up with these things? Well, that was what this class was for, so Kyler wasn't about to worry. As he got to the grounds for the class, he saw a tortoise on a table and thought for a moment, Dude, that's just a turtle. No big-- Fire! Fire had just come out of that things end! Whoa! Kyler grinned at the increasing awesomeness of this class and took a seat. Professor K, as she told them, explained the apparently called Fire Crab and it's reasons for being wanted by people.

Kyler still wasn't sure whether he wanted to be too close to that thing at the moment. It would be a lot better with someone else there to "Dude!" with. He looked around, spotting someone who didn't appear to be too busy. He tapped them on the shoulder and said,

"You want to check out the flaming turtle with me?" He said, supplying a grin towards them. "I'm Kyler Kent, by the way." Mom's favorite movie had always been Superman. She had wanted him to be named Clark, just like the character, but Dad had wanted Tyler. Result, compromise. They smooshed the names together and ended up with Kyler. Kyler thought it was pretty cool, being somewhat-named-after Superman. That's something you put on a resume right there! 'Named partially after Superman.'
0 Kyler Kent Care of Flaming Creatures? 0 Kyler Kent 0 5

Andrew Tudor

April 19, 2008 5:01 PM
Andrew was a bit nervous about his first Care of Magical Creatures lesson, purely because he was used to his domesticated animals, like the dog he had when he was little and the cat he owns now. He knew, without even having to ask, that the animals here would be a lot different to the animals he knows of. Even after raring himself for the lesson he was still rather shocked about the Fire Crab and its peculiar "habit", if anything he was a bit anxious more than shocked. Something that excretes fire is not exactly safe, in Andrew's mind, and Andrew being as accidental as he was shouldn't be allowed near it, let alone touch it. However, he was extremely curious about the animal moving around on Professor K.'s desk. Andrew felt someone touch his shoulder and he turned round.

"You want to check out the flaming turtle with me?" the boy who asked was grinning at Andrew, who looked blankly at him at first, then grinned back.

"S-sure!" He said, "I-I was j-just thinking about g-going up." Andrew was happy that he would have someone to go up with and thus wouldn't feel totally alone. The boy who tapped him on the shoulder then introduced himself as Kyler Kent. 'Kyler?' thought Andrew, 'that's unusual' he didn't ponder on it for long, because there were people with even more unusual names in Sonora and it's not like it wasn't a good name. "I'm Andrew Tudor. Nice t-to meet you!"
0 Andrew Tudor Well, who said fire wasn't magical? Pah 0 Andrew Tudor 0 5


April 19, 2008 6:00 PM
Growing up in the movie buisness, Kyler was very comfortable around people. He didn't mind just walking up to someone and asking their name or starting up a conversation. He liked to think of himself as a people-person. There was one time that his Mom had been trying to convince Gregg Glen to appear as the star in her upcoming movie. The guy had been so set on ingnoring her though. One night, Mom had taken Kyler to the premiere of one of her old employee's movie. Guess who was sitting next to him at the after-party? Yeah. Mr. Glen. Kyler immediately stuck up a conversation, asking him how his kids were and how they liked seeing him in movies. Once Kyler had him in a good mood and his mind on his kid's opinion of his movies, he introduced him to Mom. Bam. Contracted. Done. Kyler got ice cream on the way home. Growing up where he was expected not to be shy helped him with stuff now at school, like asking this kid to help him out in class. Thankfully, this kid said he would join him.

"Great!" Kyler said, standing up and tossing his heavy robes to the side. Those things were a bit annoying... The boy introduced himself as Andrew. Andrew Tudor.

"You too," he said in response, Kyler made his way over to the table where some other students had lined up to see the Fire Crab. He couldn't help but notice how the girls outnumber the guys, now that he saw a whole bunch of them grouped together like this. That was crazy... In a good way!

"Dude, have you noticed how many girls there are at this school? Does Arizona just have a surplus of girls that they send here?"
0 Kyler Magically Flaming Creatures then 0 Kyler 0 5


April 19, 2008 11:06 PM
Delany had been walking for minutes. She always had trouble with directions. She never knew where to go. She finally found the clearing when the sun glinted off of something in a clearing near her. She quickend her pace and walked into the clearing. There was a table with a turtle sitting on it. And there were Gems on its shell! Delany walked over to the edge of hte table and watched as the turtle walked around the table.

"Woah! That is so co- What was that?!?" She said as fire burst out of the end of its shell.

She walked closer to the edge and stared as the creature scuttled around the table.

When Professor K started to explain the rules Delany took three steps back and listened intentaly. Professor K then went onto the lesson and asked if anyone had any questions or wanted a closer look. Delany looked around the group before she smiled. No one was going forward. She turned to the person next to her.

"Do you get a closer look...with me?" she asked slightly stopping at certain times.
0 Delany Turtles? Crabs? Fire? uh-oh. 0 Delany 0 5

Alexis Ashwood

April 20, 2008 10:55 AM
Okay, Alexis did not enjoy this class. She found it pointless. How many people in Sonora would actually pursue a career with magical creatures? Not that many. In normal schools, this was an elective. An elective was somethingn full of useless information. Just like Care of Magical Creatures!

Sighing, the red head second year walked to class. At least it was outside and not in a stuffy classroom. Her favorite rule was the lack of robes. She removed them right when she reached the clearing. This showed a green t-shirt and jeans. Basically, she didn't wear anything she would hate getting dirty.

She pulled her red hair up in a ponytail during Professor Kijewski's familiar speech. This was getting annoying. They had class with firsties, again. That meant she was hearing the same speech she heard last year. Now she knew how the other years felt around the first years. The lecture began, and she paid a little more attention than she would normally give.

A fire crab, huh? Where could she get one? That might be useful to give to Josiah or someone who crossed her and was too stupid to tell the difference. Once fire burst out of the shell, it'd be too late, wouldn't it? She was smiling in her thoughts when a little firstie walked up to her.

"Do you get a closer look...with me?" she asked, pausing in some places. Oh great, a shy one. Alexis bit her lip and glanced at the fire crab. What if it burst into fire at the exact moment they reached it? That would be awful.

"Um..." she tried a smile, but was unsuccessful. "Sure. Why not? It's just a fire crab." Feeling that she had no reason to scare the firstie until she learned a little more about her, she gave her a successful smile this time. "I'm Alexis Ashwood. I'm a second year in Crotalus. You?"
0 Alexis Ashwood Trust me, there are more dangerous things 117 Alexis Ashwood 0 5

Andrew Tudor

April 20, 2008 4:37 PM
Andrew followed Kyler up to the table where there was already a group of curious students gathering. Andrew wasn't so comfortable being surrounded by so many people in such a small space, but he figured he would have to get use to it. Andrew was not the most self-assured of people, unlike what Kyler seemed to be, and found it hard to communicate mainly because of his stutter and nerves. He had never been encouraged by his mother to talk to new people, if anything he was discouraged as "strangers were bad" in her eyes. His younger sister, being more adventurous, tended to ignore his mother’s pleas and talk to anyone no matter who they were, but Andrew became petrified of people. He is better now, but still lacks courage when it comes to new people. He guessed he would just get better with practice but it was even harder being in a completely new country and knowing no one. It wasn't like he couldn't make friends, on the contrary, he was quite popular back in England, but meeting people isn't easy.

"Dude," Kyler's voice brought Andrew back to reality and he looked at Kyler, "have you noticed how many girls there are at this school? Does Arizona just have a surplus of girls that they send here?" Andrew laughed and guessed that Arizona was where Sonora was and it was another state, like where Krisalyn lived. For a moment he tried to remember where she said she lived and couldn't, so gave up. He looked around and Kyler was right. He'd also noticed at the Welcome Feast that Teppenpaw lacked male first years and began wondering if he was the only one.

"True, there isn’t ex-exactly m-many boys a-are there?" He smiled. "B-But I w-wouldn't say it's a bad th-thing, w-would y-you?" Andrew had always managed to get on with girls, so it didn't bother him. He'd be more frightened if there were loads of boys, as when the ones back in England got into large groups weren't always very nice to him. He flicked his long brown hair out of his eyes to look at Kyler again. “I've g-got a l-little sister s-so I am use to girls b-being everywhere," he laughed again, "I live w-with her and m-my mother, s-so if anything it-it would be w-weirder for m-me if there where l-loads of, uh, boys!"
0 Andrew Tudor Hah, if you wish ^ ^ either way sounds good to me 0 Andrew Tudor 0 5


April 21, 2008 6:09 AM
Delany looked at the redheaded second year as she waited for a response. She was wearing a green shirt and jeans.

"Um... Sure. Why not? It's just a fire crab."

Delany smiled as the second year looked at her.

"I'm Alexis Ashwood. I'm a second year in Crotalus. You?"

"I'm Delany Trempaw. First year. Aladren. It's nice to meet you." Delany said. "Ready to take a look."

Delany started to walk back closer to the table. The fire crab was on the other side, but it was slowly making its way around. The jewels on its shell occasionaly glinted when the sun hit them.

"Isn't its shell pretty?" Delany asked as watched it move around.

The fire burst out of the end and Delany flinched. She had a feeling that would happen everytime.
0 Delany Oh great. 0 Delany 0 5

Joey Phillips

April 22, 2008 1:22 AM
Care of Magical Creatures class had been the one Joey had worried about most with regards to Sonora secretly being a hotbed of loser activity. So far, everything had seemed alright—his roommates were cool, and people seemed alright. The classes themselves, those that he’d taken so far at least, hadn’t been too bad either. But this was the ultimate test. While all weird fantasy books were different in their own ways, all of them had strange and exotic creatures. Here was where he’d find out just how well his new world fit in.

He’d woken up extra early today, wanting to write a letter to Michael. The whole owl postal service was taking some getting used to, but it was working out alright so far. It had only been a few days, but he’d already written about eight letters home. Four to Michael, detailing everything that had happened, two to his parents, one to Beth (even though at two years of age she was still too young to be able to read them) and one to Zach, though that really had only been because his mother would have been upset with him if he hadn’t.

Once his roommates had gotten up, Joey joined them in getting dressed (he decided he probably shouldn’t wear his Rangers cap, since he didn’t think it was uniform, but he slipped it into his bag anyway. Couldn’t hurt to have it, after all. Breakfast had been uneventful, with the food appearing as it always did (that was the one part of magic that Joey had immediately approved of). And then it was off to class.

The professor seemed like an alright sort. Her rules weren’t that bad, as far as rules went, and it was nice to be outside again. The fire crab, though…it was the coolest thing Joey had ever seen in his life. He had barely been able to pay attention to the lecture, only listening at all because his mother had told him he always had to listen to adults, but his focus remained on the animal. Though he stayed towards the back, since it was geeky to act like you were too interested in a class, his eyes remained locked on the creature.

After a second, though, the doubts began to filter in. What if nobody else thought that way about this? What if this was secretly lame, and he was cementing his place as one of the friendless? Tearing his eyes away finally, he looked toward the closest person, just to make sure. “So, what do you think of the class?” he asked quietly, completely nonchalant (at least in his own mind).
0 Joey Phillips This is new 0 Joey Phillips 0 5


April 25, 2008 1:52 PM
"True, there isn’t ex-exactly m-many boys a-are there? B-But I w-wouldn't say it's a bad th-thing, w-would y-you?" Kyler grinned as he looked around.

"Not a bad thing at all..."

Kyler just couldn't get over the array of things going on in this school! There was so much to do, even in the classes. And okay, he'd admit... He was a bit of a flirt. Premiere of Out to Sea: Avani Merric. Daughter of Stuart and Leslie, both Hollywood stars. She was a fantasic, funny, outgoing, sometimes a little... word-that-started-with-a-B-that-he-had-seen-in-Mom's-movies. That was one of his favorite premieres. Avani was like him, but, you know, in girl form. She just wanted to have fun. So did he. So they did. They had danced so much that night. They made the normally exclusively-adult party into something fun. The night ended, and they went home. She was a cool girl, but he wasn't "emotionally attached" or whatever. She wasn't either. Kyler was willing to bet she was one of those people who had to be taken in small doses...

“I've g-got a l-little sister s-so I am use to girls b-being everywhere. I live w-with her and m-my mother, s-so if anything it-it would be w-weirder for m-me if there where l-loads of, uh, boys!" Kyler grinned broadly at Andrew's (nickname to follow soon) response. This kid was cool in this weird sort of way. He had the stuttering thing, but he talked like it didn't matter. That was cool. Kyler knew if he had a problem with speaking he wouldn't be speaking. Ever. Even though he talked with confidence and even acted a little cocky, Kyler knew he wasn't up to what he told everyone.

"I'm an only child," he said, "But my Mom is a producer and Dad's a stuntman, so I meet a lot of people. I think I'm a people-person, or I'm just lucky that the people I talk to are nice. Anyway, where did you grow up?"
0 Kyler I'll let you choose 0 Kyler 0 5


April 25, 2008 7:14 PM
"I'm Delany Trempaw. First year. Aladren. It's nice to meet you." Alexis kept down the sigh that tried to escape. Delany seemed to be one of those overly nice girls that always found their way into Aladren. She was reminding her of Hyana, which was not a good start for this girl. In fact, the perfect way to describe the batch of first years Alexis had seen so far that year was that they seemed three years younger than they actually were.

"Sure, I'm ready." she said unenthusiastically. She followed behind the first year, keeping an eye on the crab. Yes, the shell was pretty, and she nodded in agreement. "The design would be really pretty on a scarf or something." she commented for no reason, making a note to herself to send Chrysi a picture of a fire crab's shell.

The problem with the creature was, while it was pretty to look at, it was boring. It did absolutely nothing except shoot fire out of its...end, which was rather sick in itself. Definitely not the pet she wanted. But as long as they didn't end up doing Blast Ended Skrewts next, Alexis was pretty happy.

When the fire crab made its next round around the table, Alexis grabbed Delany's shoulder and pulled her backwards right when the fire burst from the...end of the fire crab once more. The fire flew out right about where Delany was standing before.

"You've got to pay more attention." She stated. "If you just focus on the nice things of the creature, you forget about the dangerous things too." She offered the girl a small smile. "You didn't get burned at all, did you? You want to stay here, or go back and let someone else have a chance to look?"

Yes, Alexis was being kind, but only because she wanted to get out as fast as possible. Not that it showed.
0 Alexis I suspect sarcasm 0 Alexis 0 5

Amelia Smythe

April 27, 2008 7:06 AM
Having an older sister in the same House certainly had its advantages. Amelia hadn’t got lost yet, mostly because she’d just followed Cecily around, seeing as they had almost all their classes together. She was trying to be her own person, though, so as soon as they got to the classroom (or in this case, clearing), Amelia would say farewell and meet up again later.

Amelia was in two minds about having a class outdoors. She supposed that the weather charms ensured she was never going to get rained on or windswept, and it beat sitting in a stuffy classroom. Still, there were bugs outside, and what if any of the creatures they were studying got lose? Deciding it would be safer to hang around the back of the class, Amelia left Cecily upon arrival, and chose a spot far away from the professor. She listened with a vague awareness to the list of rules, and, once given permission, shrugged her robes off, feeling instantly more comfortable in her blue cotton skirt and sleeveless tee.

She tuned again in only when the creature at the front of the class gave a burst of fire. Yes, Amelia was right to have taken a place near the back. There was no way she was going anywhere near that creature, no matter how pretty its shell might be. She took basic notes, hoping they would be enough to convince her teacher she had actually been paying attention, but was certainly not going up for a closer look.

“So, what do you think of the class?” said a voice next to her. Amelia turned, and appraised the speaker with her small brown eyes. He might have been a second year, she wasn’t sure, so she thought it would be best not to damn the class outright.

“It’s okay,” she said in a non-committal tone. “It’s a shame they’re protected creatures, because I wouldn’t mind a cauldron like that,” she added with a smile, so her statement could be interpreted as a joke if so desired. “I’m Amelia,” she said, tucking a strand of blonde hair back behind her ear. “First year.”
0 Amelia Smythe So it is 121 Amelia Smythe 0 5

Laurie Cider

April 27, 2008 8:10 AM
Care of Magical Creatures was Laurie's comfort class. She couldn't quite give it the full title of favorite being as Potions took that hands-down, but there was certainly a calming, pleasant feel to the class, a third of which was probably due to Professor K's relaxing style of teaching. It was all about interaction and observation- and, it was one of the few times that Laurie could be around animals. She often missed that comforting feeling that having one of her pets around her gave.

She trotted into class, flashing smiles and short waves to familiar faces before setting out the checkered blanket she had formed a habit of bringing during her first year. She sat down carefully, using her canvas bag to support her back as she leaned back, watching the turtle-like creature that her professor was displaying. A Fire Crab. . .interesting name. Perhaps it was because of the shell that they called it a crab once upon a time, she mused. The 'fire' portion of the name derived from the obvious, plainly.

She chose to keep her questions to herself, feeling that they could probably be easily answered through some book browsing. Questions like: Did they live in fresh or salt water? Which countries are they indigenous to? What causes the fire? Was the fire magical or was it the entire tortoise that was magical? She jot down her thoughts on a spare sheet of paper from her notebook and then frowned, realizing that her normal CoMC partner was not in her class this year.

Talen was always so patient with her questions, answering them in a way that left her only more curious and never insulted or belittled. It was a good quality of his-

"Oh!' A brief spurt of wind, gentle up until that moment, swept up her paper and carried it a few feet to her left. Thankfully, the paper caught on the clothes of one of her classmates. Sighing, she leaned over, not wanting to disturb her comfortable position. "Hey, sorry about that. Would you mind. . .?"
0 Laurie Cider Sounds like the organic solution to lighters. 0 Laurie Cider 0 5

Josh and Renaye Warren

April 27, 2008 12:00 PM
Renaye and Josh weren't the biggest fans for CoMC. Renaye liked the different creatures they got to see, but couldn't say she found them intensely interesting. Josh just didn't have a passion for animals. Sure the occasional really cool one came along but, for the most part, he participated with mild observation. He had nothing against them though. Josh was a pretty animal-neutral kid. The twins took a seat around the middle of the crowd. Renaye clasped her hands behind her head and leaned back into the grass, taking in what Professor K was saying while Josh, being the smarter one, took the notes.

"So what does the thing do?" Renaye asked her brother, one hand picking at pieces of grass. Josh shrugged. She hadn't said what exactly it did, just what it was used for.

"Remember when we had a goldfish?" Renaye said, a small pile of the plucked grass building up beside her. Josh smiled lightly and nodded.

"Newman," he said. That goldfish managed to survive from Australia to Portugal (the time of about 6 months). Renaye had named him after... Josh didn't remember where she had gotten it from. For all he knew it was just a random name she had come up with. It seemed to fit, so the name stayed. Elaina was only two at that time so Mom and Dad had told them they needed a quiet pet. The twins had watched over Newman every second they had. Their favorite part was feeding time because of the way Newman attacked the food. But the poor guy ended up being... over-fed and later flushed.

"We should ask Mom and Dad for an owl or something," she said, her green eyes now bright. "That would be cool!" Josh grinned and nodded in agreement. Josh's attention was caught by a piece of paper that flew into the knee of his robes. He looked over for the owner and his eyes found Laurie sitting not too far from them.

"Hey, sorry about that. Would you mind. . .?"

"Nope," he said playfully, "I think I'll keep this for now." Renaye sat up at Josh's unusual vocal activity, but grinned at the sight of Laurie. Renaye snatched the paper from Josh, who had been holding it above his head, and handed it over to her friend.

"Why are you so mean to her?" She scolded, with a wink towards Laurie.
0 Josh and Renaye Warren Organic takes away the taste (not talking about lighters) 0 Josh and Renaye Warren 0 5

Krisalyn Koli

April 28, 2008 2:25 AM
Krisalyn followed the rest of her classmates as they navigated through the garden, apparently following a trail of some sort. Krisalyn couldn't see any markers or a guide, but as long as these people knew where they were going, then why not trust them? She turned her head around to look at all of the sights and bugs, and grinned, as usual, at the sights. As she was walking, though, she tripped on a rock and stumbled a bit. Blushing, Krisalyn kept on as if nothing had happened, albeit sheepishly. She flipped her braids back, and brushed her bangs out of her eyes, although that only helped for a few seconds. She gasped when they all walked into a clearing, and resisted the urge to rush up and marvel over the creature. Her over-enthusiastic behavior when it cam to animals was well known at her house, and Krisalyn felt a bit of heartache as she had not had the time to send a note to her family yet.

Krisalyn was pulled out of her thoughts as soon as the professor began to speak, and she noted her face and name, Professor K, easily. She listened to her beginning welcome, and scratched the rules into her mind, as to not break them. She gasped, though, when Professor K clapped, and not even loudly, and a burst of fire shot out of the creatures rear end. Krisalyn smiled again, then, because she was sure that this lesson would be extremely interesting. As Krisalyn payed attention to the lecture, she suddenly felt a nagging in the back of her head, and was glad when the professor asked if anyone had questions.

Krisalyn raised her hand slightly, and asked a bit shyly, "Um, I was just wondering, because you said that the Fire Crab was native to Fiji, how does it survive here in the gardens, with the climate so different?"
0 Krisalyn Koli Hmm, a Fire Crab, sounds dangerous 0 Krisalyn Koli 0 5

Mollie Buchanan

April 28, 2008 7:47 AM
Care of magical creatures was certainly a class that interested Mollie. Potions and charms took her favorite spots so far as potions was just like cooking and charms seemed to be the most useful, but learning about creatures she had no idea existed until now, really captured her attention. Having grown up in the city of Boston and a muggle until now, left her little experience with normal animals, let alone magical ones.

Being the short thing that she is, Mollie wormed her way near to the front so that she could see Professor K and the fire crab. Strange name for something that more closely resembled a turtle or tortoise. But as the professor started speaking, Mollie quieted down at listened. She knew where missing important directions could leave you and a trip to the medic's office on the first day was not on her agenda. It would also be slightly embarassing.

Listening intently as Professor K explained the rules of her classroom and knocked the crab on its shell, Mollie let out a gasp of surprise with her peers as fire shot out of the shell. Yikes! She hoped she didn't meet one of these in the gardens on a dark night, though they might make a nice lamp or heater. When the professor finished, Mollie took the opportunity to move in a little closer to get a better look. The crab craned its neck toward her and glanced at her, but seemed rather unfazed.

Turning her head as her roommate, Krisalyn asked a question, Mollie waited eagerly for the answer and also to ask her own. Raising her hand, she waited for the professor's attention before speaking. "What makes the shell so useful as a cauldron? Is there something that sets it apart from a regular cauldron?" In this new situation, Mollie was in a constant state of curiosity, trying to find out as much as she could about her new side of life. She just hoped that she didn't come off as obnoxious.

Remembering her notebook, Mollie grabbed it out, along with a pencil, as she hadn't mastered the quill yet, to take down notes and the answer. In grade school Mollie hadn't been a model student, but that's only because she wasn't interested, this enthralled her, and she wanted to remember it all. In her attempt to get everything settled, she dropped her pencil and in process, bumped into the person next to her. "Sorry!" She whispered.
0 Mollie Buchanan something witty, something witty... nope 0 Mollie Buchanan 0 5

Laurie Cider

April 28, 2008 8:44 PM
"Jerk," Laurie said with a mock pout, and then immediately followed it up with a beam once Renaye brought the paper back to safety. "And this is why you're my favorite twin, Raye."

Obligingly, she picked up her tablecloth and bag, and re-settled next to the twins, spreading it out so that there was room for them to join. "So what do you figure the chances are that someone sets their hair on fire with that little guy?"

She only meant the remark in jest, but it did make her question, albeit briefly, what sort of safety precautions were in place when there was a creature wandering about that, when frightened (and seemingly easily so), ejected spurts of flame. She supposed that there was always some degree of danger involved with any of her class, history included with its occasional verbal assaults. Somehow, though, she had never actually been frightened by anything in Sonora. The moment she crossed over onto its grounds, the school had surrounded her with a feeling of security and safety.

She wondered if there were charms in place, much like the ones on the weather, that projected that sense of calm.

Laurie adjusted her satchel into a comfortable angle and then laid back, cupping her eyes so that she could watch the goings-on around the Fire Crab without the sun hindering her. Squirming slightly, she nudged Josh's shoulder and then sighed, content. "Perfect. Josh, have I ever mentioned what a perfect sun-shield you are?"

A moment later, she continued, her thoughts having traveled to a new venue without interruption. "This class always makes me feel homesick. Seeing the animals are neat, but then I'm reminded of home, and Fudge and Cotton. Sometimes, I wish Sonora was a day-school, like any other."

She bit down on any additional words, reminded that Josh and Renaye had a very different sort of home-life from her. Theirs consisted of, from what she gathered, mostly absent parents, different homes. It might very well be that Sonora was the first entirely stable place they had ever been. Laurie attempted to re-direct things. "You know, personally, I would keep a Fire Crab alive and well. Think how convenient it would be. Need to light a fire and too lazy to reach for your wand? Just clap once, and woosh, you'll have scared the little guy into making you a cozy fire. And the like."
0 Laurie Cider *Nods* Agreed. 0 Laurie Cider 0 5


April 30, 2008 10:11 PM
Amelia didn’t seem anywhere near as enthralled as Joey, so apparently his fascination wasn’t the way to go. Though she was a girl, so maybe her opinion was skewed. Girls were weird like that. The comment about the cauldrons was case in point, though she might have been joking. Honestly, he couldn’t see why anyone would need a cauldron made out of a jeweled shell when theoretically a cast-iron one would work just as well. It just seemed eccentric to him, and maybe even a little arrogant. Some people’s tastes…

Though glad he hadn’t been too enthusiastic, he still wanted to share his opinion, or at least a condescended, non-geeky one. “It’s a cool looking creature, though; you have to give it credit for that. Do you know if this class is mostly creatures like that, or do we get a bunch of boring ones usually. Well, actually, if you’re another first year, I guess you wouldn’t,” he corrected a second later, a slight blush tingeing his pale cheeks. “Sorry, sometimes I talk without thinking.”

If only he were Michael. His brother never seemed to make any kind of stupid comments like that. His comment wasn’t even that stupid, actually; he just hadn’t thought things through, and had probably looked like an idiot. “Anyway, I’m Joey and, if you hadn’t guessed, I’m a first year as well. So, where are you from? I’m from Texas, from a fairly small town, so this is kinda strange. Not knowing everyone yet, I mean.” He shrugged. “Guess I just don’t do new places well.”
0 Joey Novelty is good, though (wotw) 0 Joey 0 5

Andrew Tudor

May 02, 2008 3:22 PM
"I'm an only child, but my Mom is a producer and Dad's a stuntman, so I meet a lot of people. I think I'm a people-person, or I'm just lucky that the people I talk to are nice. Anyway, where did you grow up?" Kyler replied.

'An only child, a stuntman for a father?' thought Andrew, not knowing any only children previous to coming to Sonora, 'my parents are so boring in comparison!' which was true, in contrast to Kyler. Rather than his mum being a producer, she worked in an office doing something office-like over the phone. ‘And dad?’ thought Andrew. ‘Well...’ Andrew grimaced; he didn't even know what his dad did and decided to stop thinking about it. Andrew liked Kyler, it was obvious that he was very confident and happy within himself, but Andrew also knew that he probably couldn't find anyone more different to him than Kyler, but that wasn't a bad thing. Andrew was quiet around new people and found talking hard, mainly because people find it hard to understand him through his stutter. He was getting better at talking; he just had to pace himself more. His therapist told him he would grow out of it most likely and also told him that it isn't as obvious when he is with people he knows, so he guessed it would go away eventually.

"I-I grew up in England," Andrew said, bringing himself back to the conversation. "Ox-Oxford, to be percise. I haven't b-been in America very long, to be honest..." which was very true. He's only been in America since the start of Sonora, so it's not like he'd seen much of America. "I-I guess you've been around here a-all your life?" he asked Kyler.

[OOC – I am so sorry about the delay, I’ve been incredibly ill and haven’t had time to post... Sorry again!]
0 Andrew Tudor I've never been good at decisions, I'm generally indesive. 0 Andrew Tudor 0 5

Josh and Renaye

May 02, 2008 8:17 PM
Josh's expression changed to worry for a brief second before he realized that Laurie had been joking. He shrugged his shoulders with a smile. At the mentioning of Raye being the favorite twin, Josh arranged his expression to surprise as Renaye raised her arms in victory.

"Wow, Raye," he said, "That's a first." Renaye made a face and lightly punched his arm.

"Jealous..." Renaye said as she stood up, brushing the grass off her jeans and straightening her brown shirt. She pulled up a spot on the blanket. Josh joined the two girls, settling himself beside Laurie, who commented on the safety of the Fire Crab. Renaye let out a laugh and turned her gaze to those milling about. She could definitely imagine one of them leaning forward and-- Poof! Instant haircut. 'What would happen if someone caught fire?' Renaye thought. Okay, so maybe they were being a little exaggerated... The thinking process was entertaining nevertheless.

"Perfect. Josh, have I ever mentioned what a perfect sun-shield you are?"

Josh nodded as he wrote down the last of his notes and said, "I get that a lot."

"This class always makes me feel homesick. Seeing the animals are neat, but then I'm reminded of home, and Fudge and Cotton. Sometimes, I wish Sonora was a day-school, like any other."

"I get homesick from Potions," Josh said, folding up his notebook, "Smell reminds me of Uncle Mike's cooking..." He pretended to look away with a melancholy expression, but couldn't hold the straight face once Renaye started laughing.

"Whatever's-left-in-the-fridge Cassarole night!" She said. "I could go without that for a while..." The twins exchanged a momentary glance, exchanging slightly homesick looks. Michigan was the only place they had really called home for the past few years. Mom and Dad had decided, since the kids were older, they could handle them being away for a little longer. Somehow that turned out to mean a year at a time... Michigan provided a haeven though. They all felt more at home there than anywhere else. They both prefered it to anywhere in the world. Uncle Mike was there for them more than Mom and Dad in the past five years combined. Right now, they missed his humor and support. Thankfully, Laurie came up with a new topic.

"You know, personally, I would keep a Fire Crab alive and well. Think how convenient it would be. Need to light a fire and too lazy to reach for your wand? Just clap once, and woosh, you'll have scared the little guy into making you a cozy fire. And the like." Renaye sat up, turning towards Laurie, her eyes holding that look that said she had an idea.

"Speaking of pets, Josh and I are going to write Mom and Dad and see if we can get an owl or something!" Renaye grinned. "It would be cool to be able to write to Elaina and Uncle Mike every once in a while and talk to other friends over break. And hey, you're creative, you could help us name it!" Having an owl would help so much. Renaye wouldn't mind sending a few letters to Mom and Dad. Maybe they would drop by for Easter or something. Renaye had pictures from the game, so maybe they would want to see them. They could test-fly the brooms like they use to! She knew not to get her hopes up... but if they did end up coming by... Heck, Raye wouldn't mind going overseas if they let them know and actually planned on hanging around. Maybe they could convince them to let Uncle Mike, Irene, and even Laurie's family come along. That would be a vacation.
0 Josh and Renaye The result of research paper procrastination: 0 Josh and Renaye 0 5

Laurie Cider

May 03, 2008 7:21 PM
"Speaking of pets, Josh and I are going to write Mom and Dad and see if we can get an owl or something! It would be cool to be able to write to Elaina and Uncle Mike every once in a while and talk to other friends over break. And hey, you're creative, you could help us name it!"

Laurie couldn't help but giggle. "Sounds great, but you might want to hold back on my suggestions. In case you didn't notice, but most of my pets' names ring of bad puns."

There was her albino lop rabbit, Fudge; the family's adopted cat, Butch, who was always hiding; her six goldfish named Fishies one, two, three and on through six. And then there were the more obvious names for pets, like Cotton for her other albino lop, and Dog for her brother's husky-chow mix. Her creativity had never really stretched to names it seemed. She lifted her chin and closed her eyes, relishing the warmth of the sun on her skin.

"You guys ever miss muggle stuff when you're here?" she asked, her thoughts having trailed off into modes of communication. "I mean, I know now that it's impossible to have things like computers or cell phones here, but sometimes I miss the simplicity of it."

Last year had cemented all those considerations in complete failure. Her parents had written, and the Headmaster had explained it succinctly. Magic and tiny electronic parts did not mix. That fact of life didn't feel any less unfair, though. She disliked how it seemed that the magic side of her life was increasingly growing larger compared to the muggle side. It was like that side of her life was being left behind, and that meant her brothers and her mother. She tried to not let it bother her, but the concern was always there, lingering in the back of her mind.

She didn't want to rain on Renaye's obvious excitement though, and she wasn't even entirely sure that they would get it. The Warrens weren't all hardcore Pureblood like some others, but they had grown up immersed in magic. Her family was muggle first and then magic came as an afterthought. Her dad's job was about as muggle-fied as anything magic could get. So she kept her thoughts to herself; maybe at another time. . .

Instead, she summoned up an easy smile and gestured with a sneaker-ed foot toward the students grouped at the front of the class. “Think we should join them and pretend excitement or something? I don’t know what it is, but coming outside today just makes me want to stretch out and laze.”
0 Laurie Cider Under-achieving equals more sleeping time. 0 Laurie Cider 0 5

Raye and Josh

May 05, 2008 7:32 PM
"Sounds great, but you might want to hold back on my suggestions. In case you didn't notice, but most of my pets' names ring of bad puns." Renaye brushed this comment off with a wave of her hand.

"Then you can help us decide on the name," she decided. "But I liked Dog's name! Anyway, I've already got my two favorite for a boy and a girl, but it depends on the personality of the little bird. How's this?" She looked to both Josh and Laurie for their input. "Machupichu or Xena the Female Warrior." Josh let out a chuckle.

"I feel sorry for your future children. It's going to be interesting to see their names." Renaye shot Josh a look. "But I like them! They're great." Renaye grinned.

Laurie's topic that brought up muggle-life inspired more thoughts of home. At Uncle Mike's magic wasn't really used for much. Uncle Mike was in the same boat as Laurie's family. Magic was second. Renaye and Josh didn't mind the muggle-ness of home. It was sort of refreshing. Josh liked the calm of the little amount of magic. It was... simplistic, like Laurie had said. Josh nodded in response to her.

"I just miss the calm. Magic is homework when you're here. I like that there's less hassle at home, you know?" He said, picking at the grass in front of him like Renaye had been doing previously. Josh lay back on the blanket, the CoMC class replicating the atmosphere of the pond at home. It was terrific.

“Think we should join them and pretend excitement or something?” Josh and Renaye groaned in unison. “I don’t know what it is, but coming outside today just makes me want to stretch out and laze.” The twins each agreed.

"Sitting here pretending to care seems to work so far," Renaye said, joining the other two and laying back. Josh nodded. "Lazing sounds good to me..."

Josh turned his head to his right, towards where Renaye was laying basking in the Arizona sun. He turned his head to the left, towards where Laurie was doing the same. The sun was streaming down, catching in her brown, but still sort of blonde, hair. The sunny weather made her skin look like it was glowing. Josh blinked and turned his face back up towards the sky, closing his eyes and welcoming the warmth. Friends was good...
0 Raye and Josh Props to under-achieving then! 0 Raye and Josh 0 5


May 06, 2008 3:47 PM
"It’s a cool looking creature, though; you have to give it credit for that," the boy, who later intrduced himself as Joey, said.

Amelia cast a doubtful glance back at the fire crab. She didn't really think about creatures being cool, she just thought of them as animals. Though, now she considered it, as far as creatures went, this one did have a certain edge to it (though that may have had more to do with its bejeweled shell than its ability to produce fire). "I guess," she replied, with a touch more certainty than she actually felt.

"I always talk without thinking," she replied, laughing. "Bad habit." Well, they at least had that in common, though Amelia wasn't sure whether that was a good or bad thing, or inconsequential; she was still pending judgement on whether she would be likely to ever speak to this boy again.

"I'm from Illinois," she replied to Joey's query. "My father's estate is pretty big, but there's only our family who live there, so I've not been around crowds much, either," she replied. "I think it's more the new people than the new place," Amelia considered. "But we'll get used to it soon enough," she added, smiling. "I guess after the first month it will all seem normal."
0 Amelia Often, though not as a rule 0 Amelia 0 5

Professor K.

May 06, 2008 7:49 PM
Kiva almost sighed with relief when a student actually raised her hand and asked a simple question. She wasn't worried for receiving questions that she might not answer or would be surprised about, but worried that her students didn't care enough about her lessons that they wouldn't ask anything at all. Kiva was well aware that after the students fifth year with her, only a couple returned to follow through until their seventh. She tried to keep it interesting for them to keep them involved and wondering what creatures she had in store for them in hopes that they would want to continue working with her, but even the Ranch hadn't been enough incentive to keep them interested.

It was a sad reality for Kiva, but it wasn't one she could really fix. They had choices, she couldn't really blame them for not wanting to be here with her a couple of days a week if they didn't plan on doing anything with animals after Sonora.

"That's an excellent question, this Fire Crab doesn't actually live in the gardens here at Sonora. Before coming to Sonora as a Professor, I traveled and made quite a fair few of friends who work with special creatures like this guy-" Kiva gestured to the fake-tortoise in front of her, "And, after becoming a Professor, those friends of mine are more than happy to lend a creature for teaching purposes because they know that this will help mold the minds of the young and give understanding of why animals of all kind are important to our societies." Kiva paused realizing that she was rambling and smiled apologetically at her students.

"Anyway, to answer your question, while he's here with me, I keep him in a special habitat until I'm able to get him back home to Fiji." After answering the first girl, Kiva's attention went to a second girl who asked a question. Kiva took a moment to work out a proper way of answering that but really didn't have one. Instead, she went the direct route, "Well, there really isn't anything about the shell that makes it better than any other cauldron. But, for those who have more exquisite taste than what a gold cauldron might give to them, they wish to have the jeweled shell of the Fire Crab. One of the sad realities for creatures who have a beauty about them that human beings can't quite let go of."

Kiva looked out at her students to see if anyone else was raising their hands but didn't immediately spot anyone. Instead, she noticed a small group of students lounging on a blanket and seemingly disinterested in her lesson. A small frown appeared on Kiva's face as she looked out at them. "I'll be right back." Kiva said to those who were actually paying attention. She gave a quick tap against the table creating an invisible barrier around the edge of the table to prevent the students from touching the Fire Crab without Kiva's guidance and from keeping both the Fire Crab and the students safe incase of a fire outburst or the creature wandered too close to the edge.

Leaving the table, Kiva moved towards the group of students, pausing just as she reached them and cleared her throat for their attention. "I realize that I give you students leeway when it comes to how I conduct the class and how much free time you all have, but, this is still a class and I do expect my students to give me their attention and respect while I'm teaching." Her voice was polite and though she hadn't meant to, Kiva couldn't keep a tad bit of hurt from creeping into her features. "You can nap on your own time. These creatures will be on your exams and possibly on your CATS when it's time for you to take them. I do my best to keep this entertaining, so please show me a little bit of courtesy?"

She heard a couple of students squeal which usually meant that the Fire Crab had burst again. Giving them one last look from their spots on the blanket, Kiva returned to the table and removed the ward. "Alright, does anyone else have questions or would like to touch him? I know he seems like a mess with the fire, but he's actually rather gentle."\r\n\r\n
0 Professor K. How about props to those that work? (Answers here!) 0 Professor K. 0 5


May 08, 2008 4:15 PM
OOC: I assume Andrew had an accent. Just ignore it of I'm wrong. And I'm sorry for the delay! I've have a TON of essays and research papers due recently. Should be over with soon...

"I-I grew up in England, Ox-Oxford, to be percise. I haven't b-been in America very long, to be honest..." Kyler's eyebrows jumped up. He should have guessed from the accent, but he had never been the most observant kid. England would be so cool to visit... He had been to New Zeland. Once. And he never left the set. Once. So it was a bit of a drag. England though... There must be so much to see and so much to do! Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the Tower Bridge, Stonehedge...

"Dude," Kyler said, "England? I was born and raised in Colorado. I've been around the States, but England is so rad!"

"I-I guess you've been around here a-all your life?"

Kyler nodded. "Yep, like I said, Colorado born and raised. I've been around the States, and sometimes out-of-country, but that's only once or twice." Kyler, at some point in his life, was going to have to leave the country again. No question. You can't climb Everest without leaving the country. Mt. Everest was in Nepal, and Kyler had to make it to the top. All the way baby. It would be amazing to be able to stand on top of the world. It would be so gratifying to stand on top of the highest mountain in the world and knowing he had reached it.

"So how's America treating you?"
0 Kyler You're indecisive? I'm not sure... 0 Kyler 0 5

Grayson Wright

May 10, 2008 11:38 PM
Professor Kijewski had a Fire Crab, and Gray Wright had a problem: he couldn't see. His Head of House looked like a big multicolored blur with a voice coming from it, and it was only practice that let him know who the person beside him was. Screwing his eyes up, he shaded them against the fuzzy-edged, sparkling blob of the crab and wondered when his vision had taken its turn for the worse. He knew that he was bad at remembering and noticing normal things, but he really couldn't remember having so much trouble before this class...

Irritated that he wouldn't be able to go see the crab up close because of his vision and its fiery backside, Gray looked away from it and his teacher and found, guided by the glittering of their thin wire frames, his glasses in his lap. He'd been polishing them before class as usual, and he'd somehow managed to forget they were there. Sure half the class was internally snickering at his complete stupidity, he flushed as he shoved them back on his face and watched things clear up at once.

Before he could work up the nerve to go any closer or ask the professor a question, someone else chipped in with an inquiry and he had to break off to listen. Another kid he wasn't sure he knew - he wasn't exactly well-socialized - asked another one after that. The answers weren't as cool as he might have hoped, as they involved no mutant strain of reptile or fabulous powers in the jewels, but that was normal. Things were almost never as cool in his real life as they were in the stories he made up.

He winced instinctively when, his gaze following Professor Kijewski because he'd force-trained himself to always look at the teacher, he saw some of his yearmates start getting sort of told off. They got off easy - Aunt Annie, for one, would have been much harsher with them - but it was still, for want of a better term, kind of embarrassing to see.

To distract himself, Gray slowly made his way to the animal in its enchanted barrier. He felt kind of sorry for it, now that he thought about it. All it really seemed to get was a bunch of frivolous wizards chasing after it, and being able to shoot fire wouldn't do much good against a fellow with a wand. Maybe it would have made more sense if there was some reason for it, but as it was, it seemed as stupid as buying gold cauldrons when cheaper metals worked just fine. By the time Professor Kijewski returned to the area, he'd begun to compose a kiddy story about Norton, a Fire Crab who managed to outwit the bad wizards chasing him, barely noticing when the specimen produced fire and people around him squealed.

Too late, he realized he was rather close to the Fire Crab when Kijewski invited them to touch it and make inquiries. Well, Anna had made a point of telling him that the only thing she did that she ever wanted him to think about doing was refrain from drug use...Hoping devoutly that his hand would return to his side unscathed, he reached out to pet the Fire Crab the way he would Alicia's cats. After he decided he was unlikely to sustain damage, he straightened his glasses unnecessarily with his free hand and looked up at the professor. "Does Norton have any powers besides the fire thing?" he asked, not noticing his use of the name.
16 Grayson Wright Now <i>those</i> I can approve of. 113 Grayson Wright 0 5

Andrew T.

May 13, 2008 3:09 PM
Andrew felt relaxed, more so than he did earlier. It was great to be getting on with someone new, especially someone so upbeat. He was however still getting used to hearing people say "dude" and "rad", obviously meaning radical, and Kyler was no exception. Andrew also didn't understand everyone’s fascination with England. Sure, there were lots of tourist type areas, but America had more. Not only that, England was tiny in comparison to America, absolutely miniscule.

He blinked his hair out of his eyes as Kyler answered his question. "Colorado born and raised" 'Colorado?' thought Andrew, 'you can't even say that without it sounding so... American! That will explain his use of language.' Kyler was just so bouncy in himself. His parents probably were too, being in the film business. It sounded so glamorous.

"So how is America treating you?" Kyler asked. Andrew thought briefly how to word what he was about to say, without it sounding too complicated. He also didn't want to confuse Kyler with his life story, so chose his words carefully.

"Well... I-I have only been in American since the s-start of term, so I haven't really seen m-much. B-but everyone I have met have b-been nice and w-welcoming to me, so I-I thinking I'm getting on o-okay thank you." He smiled at Kyler. "Un-unlike you, I have never been in another country until now, so I am not travelled at-at all!"

Suddenly the Fire Crab that was still sat on the table, that he and Kyler were now near, sent a spurt of flames out, making Andrew jump from shock and fear of being caught on fire. He had briefly forgotten he was in a class as he was enjoying talking to Kyler, yet now felt terrible for ignoring the Professor. He had also jumped obviously which made him feel idiotic, so blushed slightly. He looked at Kyler and tried to laugh it off, but his laugh did echo his shaking nerves.

[OOC: You assumed correctly. I have lots of work too, so don't worry.]
0 Andrew T. I used to be, but now I am not sure.. 0 Andrew T. 0 5

Laurie Cider

May 14, 2008 12:36 AM
The notebook pressed against her knees held the few notes Laurie had added to the original ones from the lecture. Ordinarily, she might have presented the class- well, any class really- with more direct attention, but she honestly felt a bit put out by the subject. Fire Crabs were interesting for a few moments, but hardly relevant. The chances that Laurie would ever in her life come across one in the wild and need to rack her brain for important tidbits like: Please remember not to kill it and use its shell for potions- you‘ll end up in prison!- the chances of such a thing were incredibly slim. Still though, ordinarily, she would have pushed herself to pretend more interest if only because her fastidious little self hated to be disrespectful.

But Laurie couldn't compel herself to do so. There was no real lesson direction other than observation and a request for additional inquiries. She had no additional questions of her own, and from the class so far, her observations of the creature had shown that five minutes of the cursory study they were provided had proven ample enough. Nothing thus far had changed from those first five minutes. Did Professor Kijewski really want her to push her way through the throngs of first and second year students just to get a bit closer to the sporadically spurting flames? She wasn’t disturbing the class, she had done as her professor had requested- she honestly didn’t see what else she was supposed to do.

Her rationalization did nothing to quell the instant spots of shame that dotted her cheeks once Professor Kijewski called her and the Warrens out on their lack of enthusiasm. Her guilt only deepened when it seemed that the professor took their apathetic attitude as more of a personal slight than a reflection on their own proclivities. She opened her mouth to explain, and instead, only finished with an apology.

“I’m sorry, Professor Kijewski,” she said, her voice soft with contrition.

She wanted to add that no one had been napping, but somehow she didn’t think the rejoinder would be well received. She kept her eyes low and waited until the professor had moved back to the table. She made no move to join the table below, feeling no real desire, despite the public scolding, to force herself into the crowd. Instead, she straightened into a more erect posture and pulled her back into her lap to lean forward on.

She yanked her hair back into a untidy ponytail and pressed her pen to her notebook, waiting for some additional epiphanic element of the Fire Crab’s résumé to be shared. Her hid her mouth behind her hand and kept her words purposely quiet. “I feel like a jerk, but-” and her eyes narrowed in subdued frustration, “- but I don’t see exactly what we’re supposed to be doing. I took down notes, and I’ve been watching and listening. Nothing’s really happened, though.”
0 Laurie Cider WotW: And now I'm <i>prop</i>erly chagrined. 0 Laurie Cider 0 5

Renaye and Josh Warren

May 14, 2008 2:26 PM
Renaye enjoyed the sun. Arizona was so satisfyingly warming. It reminded her of summer back home. Renaye had just been about to make a note on how the weather seemed to lift her mood, when she got a reason to bring it crashing down. Professor K, whom she liked, had cleared her throat and was standing above them. Professor K was great teacher, Renaye always understood what she was saying and what she was talking about. However, CoMC just wasn't her fortay. Renaye couldn't get into it as much as others could. Animals were cool, but to an extent...

Professor Kijewski had began to tell them that she would appreciate it if they would lend more attention to the lesson. Renaye nodded, a guilty weight falling on her previously light shoulders. She hadn't meant to insult her or anything. She had listened to the lecture, maybe not intently, but not so much less than the other students. Josh had been taking notes too. Renaye and Josh nodded, putting across they got the message loud and clear.

"Sorry," the twins said simultaneously. Professor K returned the Fire Crab, which Renaye suddenly had a lack of fondness for. Josh let out a long breath.

“I feel like a jerk, but I don’t see exactly what we’re supposed to be doing. I took down notes, and I’ve been watching and listening. Nothing’s really happened, though.”

Josh nodded in agreement. "Bad timing," he said, taking out his page of notes. "And a killer to a good mood. So, on a better subject," Josh turned torwards Laurie, meeting her brown eyes, a grin on his face. "Newspaper? You Editor in Cheif or something?" Josh remembered some of her pictures from her room and wondered if she had brought them to help her gain a spot. Professor Flatt was the head of the newspaper and Josh's favorite Professor. He had faith in this paper and was looking forward to seeing what touch Laurie put on it.
0 Renaye and Josh Warren and properly abashed. 0 Renaye and Josh Warren 0 5

Holly Greer

May 15, 2008 1:59 PM
Holly had a love-hate relationship with the Care of Magical Creatures class. Some of the creatures were a little on the disgusting side, and Holly did not care for those at all. The rest of the time, though, Holly did enjoy it.

When she arrived today, Holly took a look at the large turtle on the display turtle, trying gauge her opinion of it. Tentatively, she moved closer, sniffing the air to make sure it didn't smell awful. There was a bit of an odor around it, but nothing especially dire. She perched down on a stump that wasn't quite at the front of the student mob, but wasn't too far away. The turtle had a perfectly lovely shell, and though she wasn't generally one to care for reptiles, she found herself thinking it was almost pretty.

When Professor Kijewski later told them they were hunted for their shells, it didn't come as a great surprise to Holly, and she wondered if it made her a bad person to think that she might have liked to buy a cauldron made from one. She sighed quietly because now that she knew the species was endangered, she couldn't get one. Life was so unfair sometimes.

As Professor Kijewski went to the back to talk to some misbehaving students that Holly couldn't make out from where she was sitting, the second year girl finished taking down her notes and looked up just in time to see another fiery emission. She shrieked in surprise and closed her eyes a little too late to avoid after images.

Pretty shell or not, that was not a creature that would make a good pet. They were probably even banned from Southern California during the dry season.

Still, she got up and moved to the edge of the barrier as Grayson asked a question. She wondered who Norton was, but figured it was some wizarding literature reference that she missed because she was a muggleborn. It was pretty obvious he meant the fire crab.

Careful to stay closer to the turtle's head than its tail - did it have a tail? - she shifted marginally trying to see if it did, but it was hard to tell from this angle and with other students getting in the way. She tried standing on her toes, but that didn't really help her that much since now the edge of the shell was blocking her view, too.

"Does the fire crab have a tail?" she asked when she gave up trying to see for herself and the professor finished answering Grayson's question. "And if it does, how does it not get burned off? And what about the back legs? Do they get hurt when the fire goes off?"
1 Holly Greer Getting involved 123 Holly Greer 0 5


May 15, 2008 11:47 PM
OOC: I’m really sorry about the wait! APs hit outrageously hard, which kinda cut into my free time in a major way. I think I should be able to be more prompt from now on, though.

“New people, new places, the two sort of go hand in hand,” Joey replied, sticking his hands in his pockets so that he wouldn’t start fidgeting with something, as he was occasionally wont to do. After all, he had just met this person, and it wouldn’t do to start messing with things immediately. Amelia might get the wrong impression; girls could be weird like that. And while it wasn’t like he was going to be great friends with her, or anything like that, other people’s opinions meant a lot in his mind. First impressions had to be kept strong and complimentary.

However, trying to appear cool failed in the light of her other (likely unintentional) announcement. “You live on an estate? Seriously? Geez, what do your parents do? I mean, I have friends who live on farms, but estates? Wow.” Perhaps he was being a bit rude, though he’d never have thought of it that way. He knew that sometimes people didn’t want to discuss economic things, but she had brought it up.

It didn’t look like his companion was going to be heading toward the front anytime soon and, while he could have easily left, there seemed little purpose in doing so, since there were several others crowded around the firecrab already. “So, do you have any siblings, or anything, or is it just you and your parents on that estate of yours?” The words might have been interpreted as cruel or judgmental if it hadn’t been for his carefree tone of voice and easy grin. Perhaps a little bit of teasing, but no judgment whatsoever.
0 Joey Well, consistency <I>is</i> the hobgoblin of little minds 0 Joey 0 5


May 16, 2008 3:01 AM
"Newspaper? You Editor in Chief or something?"

"Hardly," Laurie replied, smothering her laugh behind her palm. "That actually went to your cousin's boyfriend, Brett. At least, I think he's her boyfriend." She shrugged. The social pages were hardly her forte. "I'm in charge of the photos, and I'm a staff writer. Right now Echo- he's a fourth year- has me for the extra-curricular section, mostly stuff about the cultural fair at the end of the year."

She bent her head to add another fact to her notebook, although hardly relevant to the actual lesson. As long as her group looked industrious, perhaps Kijewski would lay off. She glanced at her professor and the students gaggled about; maybe not. Her attention fell back to the twins, specifically to the male side of the duo. She couldn't help the wide smile that stretched across her lips; it was just like Josh to remember that she was going out for the paper.

"Incidentally, I'm supposed to ask people about their plans for the fair. Any ideas for a booth? It can be just about anything from what I've read. The groups can be made up of any number of students; I don't think it has to specifically be a club that presents one."

From what she understood, the point of the fair was to promote mutual awareness- not at all a bad thing considering the very different backgrounds within the student population. Purebloods and muggleborns were just the half of it; there were a good many international students, students from different ethnicities- and if one were to branch off from backgrounds and into hobbies and organizations, there were even more choices and opportunities. Admittedly though, Laurie had no ideas of her own. There were few things that she could consider herself an expert on; she loved mystery series, video games, softball, swimming-

Her eyes widened. “Oh! I can’t believe I never thought about this before.” She rushed on, the fair and its booths all but forgotten as she took off with the tangent. “The Gardens are huge, right? What are the chances that there’s a creek or lake or pond or spring, or something involving a body of water hidden in there? How awesome would it be to go swimming again? I can’t believe this never occurred to me. . .”
0 Laurie *Repents* And done. 0 Laurie 0 5

Josh and Renaye

May 16, 2008 7:22 PM
"That actually went to your cousin's boyfriend, Brett. At least, I think he's her boyfriend. I'm in charge of the photos, and I'm a staff writer. Right now Echo- he's a fourth year- has me for the extra-curricular section, mostly stuff about the cultural fair at the end of the year."

"Awesome," he said, grinning in a I'm-not-surprised sort of way, "I knew you'd make it! Brett's editor? That's kind of cool." He looked over at Renaye who nodded, smiling supportingly at Laurie's news. In addition, Laurie asked them on their plans for the cultural fair. Josh hadn't really thought of anything that he could really do for the fair. A Quidditch booth would, of course, be very cool indeed, but he wanted to do something a little more creative with his booth, if he had one. Renaye looked over at him, head tilted in wonder of the same subject. Before either could speak, however, Laurie exlaimed as an idea came to her. As she continued, the twins both found smiles spreading on their faces.

"I bet there is! We should definitely go looking for it! We can either keep it secret, like our own little spot, or we can make that our booth, a tour to the swimming hole. We could even blindfold them and then take them there," Renaye rambled, becoming very excited by the prospect of going swimming again. Josh loved the idea of swimming again, thinking of the fun the three of them had had over the summer. The Gardens in general held great memories, let alone possibilty. Just last year the three of them, Zane, and Irene had been walking down the garden paths talking, just first years. Later that year he had stumbled across Laurie, training herself to dance, with eventual help from himself. It had been strangely exciting, though they were dancing to light calm music. He liked the Labyrinth Gardens.
0 Josh and Renaye We'll just follow your lead =) 0 Josh and Renaye 0 5


May 18, 2008 1:28 AM
"Oh! Oh! I'm really liking this idea! And this is why I love you guys!" Spontaneously, Laurie threw herself at the twins, managing to tackle both of them down with her energized hug. Her actions managed to time themselves perfectly with the end of class bustle. She pulled back, all smiles and optimism, her earlier lethargy completely defeated. “We’ll probably have to wait until the weekend.”

She yanked free her planner from her knapsack and considered her itinerary for the two days. Saturday morning was blocked for research on her charms essay and potions project. The afternoon was penciled in as photography time, something easily rescheduled for the next day. Or, for that matter, she could kill two birds with one stone and bring the camera along; someone might have need of a Gardens shot. It all depended on whether the twins had Quidditch duties or whichever. She closed the planner with an efficient snap and stood up, gathering her bag and pulling the table clothe out from under Josh with exaggerated motions.

“We could start scouting on Saturday, maybe bring along a picnic lunch from the kitchens. Do you guys have any Quidditch stuff then? And maybe we could even see if Zane or anybody else wanted in on the adventure?” Her earlier recalcitrance was completely forgotten; there really was nothing quite like a new project to get Laurie’s blood going. She thrived on planning, simply thrived.

OOC- I'll start a new thread in the Gardens then and just tag in anyone who might have joined in, okay?
0 Laurie Fantabulous 0 Laurie 0 5

Professor K.

May 18, 2008 2:49 AM
While I understand that you may be anxious to move on to other posting areas, please remember that this is where fuzzy times comes into play. Please be advised that it is the Professor's decision when a lesson ends due to the fact that they may have other intentions for the lesson that may not be obvious to the students (i.e.: a second part to the lesson). Your post implies that my lesson has ended and that I have dismissed you for the rest of the day. As the Professor, the ending of the lesson is my decision or you may receive my consent to allow you to end the lesson. As it stands, the lesson is still continuing, giving all students a chance to post and earn house points. Please take this advise into consideration for all future lessons with both myself and other Professors.
0 Professor K. OOC: 0 Professor K. 0 5


May 18, 2008 12:31 PM
I apologize if my wording ended up coming across as overly presumptuous; it was not in any way my intention to supersede your authority as the Professor and ultimate power in designating the end of a classroom setting. I thought by keeping the wording intentionally vague 'end of class bustle' that that would give more than enough leeway to interpretation. Considering the amount of activity underdone by a majority of the posting, I believed the 'lesson' to be in its second half, at least for the thread that I'm involved in. Again, this was not in any way intended to take away from your authority. I just believed that interpretation of time was an option when writing our posts.

We may all safely interpret Laurie's phrasing of 'end of class bustle' to refer to the latter portion of class when students might begin to get restless.
0 Laurie OOC 0 Laurie 0 5


May 22, 2008 3:28 PM
OOC: Don't worry about it - my cable broke so I'm having to borrow other people's comps for the time being, so my replies aren't exactly prompt, either :)


Amelia couldn't help but smile at Joey's none-so-eloquent expression of surprise at her living arrangements. She knew her family were more than usually wealthy, and she revelled in the attention this often afforded her. She was more than happy to answer his questions.

"My father's a politician," she replied, with an amused smile, "but he inherited a lot of the family money - my great-great-grandfather invented the world's first self-inking quill," she explained. None of her family were in the quill-making business anymore, but they all benefit greatly from being principle shareholders. "My mother socialises," Amelia said, with no indication she thought this was any less of a job than being a politician, "because Daddy has to maintain his social standing so he doesn't lose popularity." This had been the norm to Amelia ever since she understood anything about her parents' lives, and she had never queried the validity of their occupations. "It means we have a lot of parties," she explained the implications of being a Smythe, "but I'm not old enough to go to most of them yet." Amelia still wasn't sure whether or not this was a bad thing; she couldn't imagine political social gatherings would be especially droll.

"I have an older sister, Cecily," Milly replid to Joey's next question. "She's in Crotalus - that's her over there," she said, pointing towards a small group of second year girls, but not really making any effort to indicate which of them precisely was her sister. "And she has lots of animals," she added, because Cecily's pets really did take up a great deal of room. "How about you? Do you live with any brothers or sisters?"
0 Amelia Is it really? 0 Amelia 0 5


May 24, 2008 9:26 PM
Delany didn't even notice the crab coming back around the table. She was mezmerized by the patterns and gems that sparkled on its shell.

"The design would be really pretty on a scarf or something." Alexis said.

"Yeah. The jewels sorta sparkle when it moves into the sunlight. Sorta reminds me of the ocean when the sun is setting. Or rising. Or maybe just whenever. It's just what it reminds me of." Delany rambled as she watched the shell move around.

The next thing she knew, Alexis had grabbed her shoulder, rather tightly, and pulled her backwards. She lost her ballance and watched fire burst forward in front of her face. It was like a rainbow of red, yellow, orange, white, and she thought she saw a hint of blue. She fell backwards and her hair flew in front of her face. She looked up from the ground and looked at Alexis.

Delany slowly pushed herself off the ground.

"...Got to pay more attention." She was saying. "If you just focus on the nice things of the creature, you forget about the dangerous things too."

Delany sighed. She didn't seem to be getting along with this girl. Alexis seemed more like she wanted to criticize on Delany instead of enjoy the stuff around them.

"You didn't get burned at all, did you? You want to stay here, or go back and let someone else have a chance to look?" Alexis said.

Wow! She seems to move on quickly, Delany thought as she brushed off her robes.

"No. I'm Fine. I think I burned my ends though." Delany said as she picked up the ends of her hair.

The ends were curled tighly. They had little balck peices at the end and they smelt like a burnt piece of paper that you had soaked in water. Either that or...Burnt hair. She huffed as she let go of her hair and smiled slightly.

"And I think I'm just going to wait over here. Don't want to get in the way again. You can go if you want to." Delany said as she looked around. She spotted a small boulder and she walked the few small steps over to it and sat down. "I think I've had enough adventure for one day."
0 Delany Really? I'm never nervous near FLAME THROWING ANIMALS!!! 0 Delany 0 5


May 24, 2008 10:18 PM
"Well... I-I have only been in American since the s-start of term, so I haven't really seen m-much. B-but everyone I have met have b-been nice and w-welcoming to me, so I-I thinking I'm getting on o-okay thank you. Un-unlike you, I have never been in another country until now, so I am not travelled at-at all!" Kyler nodded understandingly. He would expect America to be pretty easy to fit into as long as you didn't get culture shocked. Andy was English though, so he wasn't going to have a hard time talking to people or anything. Maybe it was just him, but he thought British accents were wicked. If a girl had a British accent... Very nice.

"Mom and Dad do most of the really exciting stuff," Kyler said with a disappointed expression, "I mean, Dad went to Machupichu! And he didn't take me! I even pulled the "for my education" card, but nothing. I stayed home. He did bring me back a rock from the site they were shooting at, but man... I was so jealous that he was going--" Kyler's thoughts were cut short by a burst of fire from the crab and Andy's jump. Kyler flinched away from the fire in surprise. He turned to Andrew who was laughing it off. Glad that he wasn't alone in his surprise, Kyler let out a shaky laugh.

"Anyway," he said with a grin in a "Moving on!" sort of tone, "What sort of stuff are you into? I hear Quidditch is big in the magical world. Can't wait to see a match! I have high expectations, so I hope I don't get let down."
0 Kyler Let me help you decide... (Yes) 0 Kyler 0 5

'Andy' Tudor

May 28, 2008 6:26 AM
Andrew was still a little dazed from the Fire Crab's contribution and felt a small prang of guilt for not participating in the class as much as some of the other students, but it was wonderful talking to someone new. He made a mental note to perhaps ask the professor a question at some stage, when he could actually think of one. He began thinking of what thing's he was 'in to', as Kyler had put it, but there wasn't much. Andrew wasn't necessarily the sporty type and thus Quidditch seemed a million miles away to him. Of course he'd support Teppenpaw's team. He glanced quickly at Kyler's robes and saw he was in Pecari. Andrew smiled, he should have guessed. Those in Pecari are known for being out going and such like and Kyler was no exception.

"I-I'm sort of looking forward to Quidditch, I h-highly doubt you'll be disappointed as well. I don't really intend on e-ever signing up for the t-team though!" he laughed, "I've never been very good a-at sports you see..." he trailed off, stuck for hobbies. “I-I like music, but that is easy to like. W-when I was younger I used to dye my cat's fur, could you call that a hobby?" he laughed. "I guess I'm s-still finding hobbies..." he trailed off again. "What about you?" He asked Kyler, preparing himself for some of the most amazing things Kyler does or did back in his home. He cast a nervous glance over the Fire Crab, now very aware of its presence, and took a few steps away from it just in case.
0 'Andy' Tudor Thank you for that gentle persuasion and new nickname XD 0 'Andy' Tudor 0 5


May 28, 2008 6:33 PM
"I-I'm sort of looking forward to Quidditch, I h-highly doubt you'll be disappointed as well. I don't really intend on e-ever signing up for the t-team though!" Kyler nodded. He didn't think he was going to ever try-out for the Pecari team. From what he had gathered, the open spots seemed rather coveted for and he really wouldn't mind specatating. He thought it would be cool to see the games. Another new thing to figure out. He wasn't into sports so much, sort of like Andy had said. Watching them was cool, but he wasn't super-athletic like some guys. Most of the time, whenever he said he was a rock-climber, the random kid would go, "Really? You're not into football or something?" To which Kyler would let out a slow breath and reply, "Nah, takes more guts to scale mountains," (putting stress on mountains). He loved his rock-climbing, but he could see why people didn't immediately react to it like he did. It wasn't so common and people didn't normally relate. That's okay. It was his own little thing. He kind of liked that it wasn't as wide-spread as Quidditch.

"Dude, we should see the game together! You can explain the rules and I can... I dunno, listen," he ended sort of lamely.

“I-I like music, but that is easy to like. W-when I was younger I used to dye my cat's fur, could you call that a hobby? Kyler laughed, not expecting that from Andy's sort of timid, but still cool, character.

"No way, that's the best hobby! I do it all the time," he grinned sarcastically, "That's hilarious..."

"I guess I'm s-still finding hobbies... What about you?"

Kyler followed Andy's lead in taking a few steps back from the animal flame-thrower. "So we live in Colorado, right? Rocky Mountain state. My mom got me into rock-climbing when I was little and I never really stopped. But I can't really do that while I'm here so I'm like you. I'm just trying to get use to the stuff here. It's a hell of a time trying to get ahold of these spells. I think it's a good thing I'm good at muggle stuff because I don't think I'm going to be too cut out for magic stuff."
0 Kyler No problem (on both!). Be prepared for more nicknames =) 0 Kyler 0 5

Professor K.

June 01, 2008 8:13 PM
Kiva's attention was caught by Grayson Wright's question. She paused for a moment with the name, Norton. Where did that come from? She looked at him closely for a moment before finally answering his question, ignoring the name that he had dubbed the Fire Crab. "The defense mechanism of the fire is the only magical ability that the Fire Crab has been known for. As far as any studies that I have read on them, they have not shown any other magical capabilities." Kiva explained, hoping she clarified things for him. She didn't want them to lose hope though. "Keep in mind though that just because no one has witnessed anything doesn't mean that they don't have any. We just haven't been able to find it."

A look of surprise registered on Kiva's face for a split second when Holly Greer asked a question. Although the girl was definitely unique in how she handled Kiva's lessons, Holly had never really seemed to take an interest in anything that Kiva had taught. Granted, she had at least looked like she was paying attention, unlike some of the other students, but other than that, Kiva figured Holly didn't care one way or another about Care of Magical Creatures. "Yes, Fire Crabs do have tails. And, as far as anyone knows, when the fire shoots off, the Fire Crab doesn't injure itself. Think of it as that his body is developed to withstand the heat of the fire that they produce. Much like how a Dragon's mouth and throat do not scortch when they breathe fire." Kiva hoped her explanation at least made a little sense to them. "There are some creatures, however, who's magical abilites come to harm them, like the Erumpent, but you'll learn about those later in your school career." Kiva said rather dismissively.

Glancing at her watch, she came to realize that the class would be ending soon and she still had one more thing to discuss with them. "Everyone please take a seat, I have to talk to all of you about something." Kiva gently shooed them back to the middle of the clearing. She tapped her wand once more against the table to place the barrier around the Fire Crab again, securing it from any harm. Moving back around the table, Kiva paused in front of them and took a small breath. "Sometime in April I will be taking a personal leave and will not be back until the new term." Kiva announced to them, hoping that it would only be a leave and not her job. "This means that for the last couple of months of the year, you will have a substitute. The last time with class had a temporary substitue, I was informed later by the students that she wasn't the, erm, nicest of Professors and far more stern with everyone that I am.

"The reason why I am telling you this is so that you can all prepare for a change come April. I have been very lenient with all of you simply because I can remember school and how stuffy it was with all the rules. I want my lessons to be fun for you, so I give you freedoms that other professor might not allow for you to have. Perhaps too much freedom since many of you take this class as time with your friends and not an actual lesson." Kiva paused, her eyes shifting from face to face. "Because I don't really have a say in who will be taking over my lessons for me while I'm gone, I cannot guarantee how these lessons will be run. I need for you all to be on your best behavior and for you to understand that things will be different. At least for a little while. I'm going to need all of your help in order to make this work, okay?" Kiva glanced at all of them looking a little hopeful that they understood what she was trying to say. "Okay, if no one has any questions, you can all start heading back to the school. Oh, and, don't forget to read Chapter 4 in your textbooks. You should all be abe to know how to properly feed a Fire Crab and clean it's habitat by next lesson. I may just be putting you guys to the test." She warned.\r\n\r\n
0 Professor K. Finishing this up with a mouthful. 0 Professor K. 0 5

Andy Tudor

June 05, 2008 7:14 PM
Andrew was rather complimented by Kyler's remark that he could teach him the rules of Quidditch. Andrew, being partly muggle and coming from a completely muggle background, didn't have the first clue about Quidditch. He didn't even know what sport to liken it too or how many people played. Still, he was feeling good about himself and decided that he would just have to take a trip into the library and find out the rules and regulations. He was beginning to look forward to these games seeing as now he had a friend to go with.

Andrew was still smiling about Kyler's reaction to the fact he use to dye his cat's fur, all his other friends just used to think he was weird for doing so. Andrew never really knew why he did it, it use to make his mother furious too, but Andrew just guessed he was got bored of her normal shades. Plus, there was nothing more fun than raiding your mother's bathroom cupboard for hair dyes or going down the shop to buy some. It gave him something to do anyhow.

"Rock climbing?" Andrew chipped in when Kyler spoke. "Wow, that's amazing! I could n-never e-even imagine d-doing something like that!" Andrew felt quite breathless at the thought and rather dizzy. "Y-you see? I suffer t-terrible vertig-go and hei-heights are a no go for me!" He smiled, covering up his embarrassment at being afraid of heights.

"It's a hell of a time trying to get ahold of these spells. I think it's a good thing I'm good at muggle stuff because I don't think I'm going to be too cut out for magic stuff." Andrew was slightly shocked by this, by how Kyler could be bad at anything. He was especially shocked at the slightly defeatist attitude...

"I-I am sure you w-will be fine, once you h-have got the hang of it," Andrew tried to sound reassuring, which is hard behind a stammer, "it just t-takes a while getting used to. L-like anything r-really..." Andrew smiled again. "But being good a-at muggle things d-do help, so I s-suppose if you are a c-crap wizard t-then you could d-do a muggle job!"
0 Andy Tudor Prepared = ] 0 Andy Tudor 0 5