Professor Jinx

December 07, 2004 1:47 AM
Jinx stood in front of the class, looking out at the students with a smile. "Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures. My name is Professor Tremaine Rockwell, but I would appreciate it if you would call me Professor Jinx. Since it's your first class and first year here, I decided to start off with something easy."

She turned around and leaned over behind the desk, picking up three cat carriers and placing them on it. Jinx opened one and pulled out a speckled ginger cat. Turning so the class could see, she held the animal in her arms. "This is Mungojerrie. Does anyone know what he is? And no, saying he is a cat is not the answer I'm looking for," she said with a grin.

Mungojerrie glanced around with golden eyes at the students in the room, tail swishing back and forth as he regarded them.\n\n
0 Professor Jinx Kneazles 0 Professor Jinx 1 5

Zack Dill

December 07, 2004 9:28 AM
Zack watched with some bemusement as the teacher pulled a cat out from the first carrier. So much for 'magical' creatures. He knew lots of normal (er, nonmagical, he wasn't sure they qualified as 'normal') people who had cats. This one wasn't even black.

He studied the speckled ginger fur and the shape of the cat's head and body, reaching the only conclusion a non-cat person could. It was neither a Siamese cat, nor a Persian one. Beyond those, he had no idea what the different breeds were.

He remained seated quietly in the front row, on the left, silently stewing to himself that he should have been reading up on cats and dogs instead of cows and horses before this class.\n\n
1 Zack Dill he looks like a cat to me 40 Zack Dill 0 5


December 07, 2004 2:40 PM
Mia was really looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures. She was a natural animal lover. Mia grabbed a seat up front. She watched as the professor brought out a very adorable looking animal. The animal looked just like a cat but apparently it wasn't. Mia wasn't sure what else it could be. She was new to any magical type animals. Mia may not know what it was called but she knew one thing about the speckled ginger animal.

"I know what it is." Mia said out loud, her hazel eyes were slightly glazed as she smiled at the animal "It's adorable!"\n\n
0 Mia he's so cute! 0 Mia 0 5


December 07, 2004 3:24 PM
Dillon frowned as he looked at the animal infront of him. He hadn't a clue as to what it was. The only thing he could remotely think of was a cat, and obviously it wasn't.

He flicked his red hair out of his eyes, which only caused it to get stuck in his lenses. He pushed it away roughly while his hazel eyes never left the er-cat look-a-like.

This class was the class he was most excited about. For his sister it was Transfiguration, but for him it was this. He absolutely loved animals. In fact, before they had found out they were magical, Dillon had wanted to be a veternarian. Were their magical vets? He wondered for a moment as a girl he didn't know shouted out that the cat was cute. He smiled a little at that. Well, she was certainly bold. He watched her for a moment and wondered if Zoey had made friends with her yet. He turned back to the teacher and waited patiently for someone to answer the question about the cat.\n\n
6 Dillon It's not a cat? 44 Dillon 0 5


December 07, 2004 3:47 PM
Jen look at the cute little She then began to babble baby language at it. The professor seemed to be getting a little annoyed. "Well I know Mungojerrie was one of the names of the cats in the play -Cats-" she said, knowing her answer was irrelivant. \n\n
0 Jen Mungojerrie 0 Jen 0 5

Jenna H

December 07, 2004 4:28 PM
Jenna sat in the back corner of the class. Even before she walked in, she knew this wasn't going to be her favorite class.

Jenna wanted to be the magical version of what muggles might call a chemist. She wanted to make new potions to solve all sorts of problems. Unfortunately, many potions contained body parts (such as eyes, fangs, and scales) of different animals. Jenna was afraid she might have to see the animals whole and alive here. And that would make her lose her nerve when making potions.

She squinted at the strange looking would-be cat. What was it indeed? For, in all of her magical knowledge, she could not place exactly what it was. Wait! She remembered the name started with a "k"! But that wouldn't help her much, now would it...\n\n
0 Jenna H the chemist 46 Jenna H 0 5


December 07, 2004 6:48 PM
Sally had seen those before. One of her old best friends had had them. Her best friend was a witch too, but had opted to go to school back in the North.

"Is that... a kneazle?" she asked tenatively.\n\n
0 Sally Re: Kneazles 0 Sally 0 5


December 07, 2004 11:17 PM
OOC: As I sort of missed the other classes, figured I would post here... I'll pretend that timelines don't exist I suppose. :)

IC: Ty had a basic knowledge of magical creatures, seeing as she was pureblood. She even knew that it was a kneazle, since her good friend's mom bred them. However, she didn't particularly want to tell the answer for the simple reason that she didn't care, and would rather be taking pictures. Speaking of which...

As quietly as she could, she pulled out her camera and focused it on the kneazle's face, waiting for the right moment. She bit her lip, hoping she wouldn't be stopped before she got the perfect picture... if only the kneazle would hold still!


Ty, feeling quite pleased with herself, had managed to get the kneazle right when he was looking straight at the camera. She quietly slipped her camera back in her bag. It was unlikely that the teacher had not noticed, but with any luck she didn't care. Just to be sure she was in Jinx's good graces, she raised her hand to give the answer. Teachers were supposed to like students that raised their hands, right?\n\n
0 Ty First class 0 Ty 0 5

Professor Jinx

December 08, 2004 12:17 AM
Jinx laughed as one of her students took a picture of the cat. "If you wanted a picture, you could have just asked." She smiled, then nodded. "Right! Mungojerrie is a Kneazle, and he also named after a character in the musical Cats. I'm sure Jemima and Rumpleteazer are also familiar names then." She grinned at Jen.

"Now, who can tell me what the difference is between a kneazle and a cat?"\n\n
0 Professor Jinx Mungojerrie 0 Professor Jinx 0 5

Zack Dill

December 08, 2004 8:43 AM
A kneazle? What the heck was a kneazle? The musical Cats he had heard of (though never seen), so that wasn't a problem, but a 'kneazle' was completely new vocabulary for him. And he liked to think he had an excellent vocabulary.

So if he didn't know it, but at least two of the other people in this room did, he could only assume that 'magical creatures' were, in fact, different from 'normal creatures'. Which would explain why he never heard of a kneazle before.

"Now," the teacher continued, "who can tell me what the difference is between a kneazle and a cat?"

Admitting to himself that he probably wouldn't get another question he could even guess at, he took the opportunity to call out the most obvious answer. "A kneazle is magical, while a cat is mundane."\n\n
1 Zack Dill stating the obvious 40 Zack Dill 0 5

Jen Knoll

December 09, 2004 8:25 PM
Jen sat thinking of the answer.
"I think I know what it is..." she said, raising her hand. Jen remember her parents once talking about getting a kneazle, once they found out Jen was a witch. "A kneazle is an animal that looks similar to a normal cat with the exception of a forked tail. It also warns its master when danger is near."

0 Jen Knoll I think I know what a Kneazle is!! 0 Jen Knoll 0 5

Stephen Baxter

December 11, 2004 5:44 AM
OOC: Timelines exist?!!! BIC:

Stephen was right in the midst of the group of students, and quite happy to be so. Especially as this class had turned out to be some kind of cat appreciation thing. Well, magical cat appreciation anyhow. He had well broadcast views on cats, mundane (as he heard Zack call them) or otherwise - Alan said they were pests, so Stephen said they were pests. Except when his mother was around anyhow; she liked them.

Truth be told, Stephen could take them or leave them, but generally perfered to do the latter.

That was why, while he was sitting in the midst of things, he could pay more attention to things other than the 'pest' up with the professor. Like that interesting click for example. Turning, he caught sight of a girl finishing putting something in her bag.

Naturally, he left his desk and moved closer to investigate.

Unceremoniously throwing open the bag, he peered inside without giving the girl a chance to stop him. She had some kind of camera!

"Neat," Stephen said, although he didn't find her choice of subject vastly exciting. But then, maybe she was having difficulty finding anything else to photograph. Not being in the least camera shy (he was more prone to throwing himself in front of the lens in the most ridiculous manner he could think of) Stephen decided that he should do something to help the poor girl out.

He eyed the magical cat thing and wondered how it would look as a hat, as a wide grin started to take over his face. \n\n
39 Stephen Baxter oh yeah... classes... 49 Stephen Baxter 0 5


December 12, 2004 4:42 PM
OOC: Maybe not. I heard that they actually do in real life, whatever that is. BIC:

Staring off into space, TY was brought out of her reveries by a boy opening her bag. Ty resisted the urge to cringe as he opened the bag and looked inside. No one got near her camera with out permission. They could take, touch, mutilate, slaughter, or melt anything else she owned, but not her camera. At least he hadn't touched it.

"Yah, neat", she said vaguely, lifting up her hand to push hair out of her face, before realizing that there was none of the usually fuzzy mass, as she had tied it back so it wouldn't get into her eyes. Her hair was one of the many things that annoyed her immensely. It was such an inconvienience. "This class is pretty boring", she whispered to him. "Nothing to really photo either", she added wistfully.\n\n
0 Ty Don't touch the camera! 0 Ty 0 5


December 12, 2004 6:50 PM
OOC: Real life? Where do you hear of these odd concepts? BIC:

That decided it for Stephen... well it was the feather touch that pushed him into action. The grin now set in active place, he started up toward the front of the class, the cat creature firmly in his sights.

With barely an "excuse me" to Professor Jinx, he grabbed hold of the cat and with it yowling in protest and scratching one of his arms (Oww! Stupid cat) he plonked it ontop of his head, and turned, presenting the class with the image of average sized boy, dancing around like a maniac, with a none-to-happy speckled red wig.\n\n
39 Stephen No, no, no... that's your job. 0 Stephen 0 5


December 12, 2004 7:47 PM
Dillon was sitting quite bored with the class. He thought he was going to find this all invigorating, but the professor kept asking them if they knew the creature instead of just telling us what we should know.

Dillon surpressed a sigh. There was an odd clicking noise that he recognized as a sound he knew, but couldn't place. The professor...what was it, Jinx? Maybe not, commented on picutures.

Who would bring a camera? Dillon thought to himself, ignoring the world around him once more. Suddenly there was a hissing sound and he looked up to see another boy putting on his head.

This is new and unexpected. Dillon didn't know whether to frown at the boy or laugh. It was rather funny to see him up there with a red cat-no-kneazle, on his head.

Brave is the word if you asked me, Dillon thought as he burst out laughing. I doubt the professor would think this funny, but Dillon needed a good laugh and this was definitely good.\n\n
6 Dillon This is new.... 44 Dillon 0 5


December 14, 2004 3:10 PM
Mia blinked as the animal seemed to suddenly disappear. As she followed the hands that grabbed the cute creature, she saw a boy, she was positive she remembered hearing his name somewhere as Stephen, pick up the animal and put it on his head. He was dancing around like an idiot but a funny idiot.

Mia didn't know wether to laugh at the sight or to reprimand him for possibly scaring or hurting the darling thing. Mia couldn't help herself and giggled. She felt very imature but she just couldn't help it. Stupid things like this made her laugh.

'This Stephen guy is quite the character.' Mia thought as she shook her head and laughed.\n\n
0 Mia Oh jeez! 0 Mia 0 5


December 14, 2004 4:37 PM
Sally slid up next to Mia. "Insane, what some people will do for a laugh, isn't it?" she asked bemusedly. The boy, Stephen, she thought, was certainly amusing. Foolhardy, but amusing.

"Five bucks says that he gets clawed before the end of the lesson," she continued. She might not know magic very well, but she knew animals, and she knew cats were always very outspoken with their feelings.\n\n
0 Sally Re: Oh jeez! 0 Sally 0 5

Tally and Jake

December 14, 2004 5:23 PM
Tally sat laughing beside Jake Santoro. She had partnered up with him during DADA and he was actually a pretty nice guy. It helped, of course, that they were in the same house.

So much for sticking to the same Gender, Tally thought with amusement.

"This guy definitely needs to be friends with me." Jake whispered to her as he laughed.

"Why? Does ickle-Jakie need more fwiends?" She looked over at him, so that he knew she was only joking, "What, afraid being friends with a girl, your masculinity might slip away?" She quirked an eyebrow, though her eyes were filled with humor.

"Yup, sure am." Came his reply. Tally rolled her eyes and glanced around the room. She noticed some of the girls she had befriended during their short days here. She probably should be sitting with them, she thought as she watched them.

Jake turned to look at Tally, she was watching everyone else, only a small smile remained on her face,

"What's up?" He whispered to her,

"Just thinking." Jake punched her lightly in the shoulder causing a glare in his direction from her, "What?"

"You need to elaborate please." She groaned and turned to face him,

"Just thinking of whether or not I should start kissing you mercilessly for the rest of the class." She stated, her face completely straight.

Jake only blushed slightly. Luckily his tanned skin hardly ever allowed a blush to show. He stuttered for a moment,

"Yuck! You better not! I'll knock you down, girl or not!" Tally started laughing until tears rolled down her face,

"You're such a doof, Jake!" She said through her laughter. Jake remained silent.

They sat and watched the boy in front with the cat on his head with amusement, waiting to see what their professor would do.\n\n
6 Tally and Jake Oh joy to this classact 42 Tally and Jake 0 5


December 14, 2004 6:28 PM
Mia laughed even more at Sally's little bet.

"Oh yeah? Well, ten bucks says he gets clawed before five minutes." Mia joked.

Mia knew she was going to like this class and this confirmed it. Oh yes, this was defintely a promising class. \n\n
0 Mia Re: Oh jeez! 0 Mia 0 5


December 14, 2004 7:01 PM
Sally looked slightly confused, and slightly skeptical. "But you can't make that bet, because then it would be infringing on my bet, and if he did we would both be right."\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Sally Wait a sec.. 0 Sally 0 5


December 14, 2004 7:30 PM
Mia just shook her head and laughed more. She didn't think that Sally would take her seriously. Mia was just kidding.

"Oh Sal, I was only joking." Mia smiled brightly to her friend.

"I'm merely emphasizing the fact that it is incredibly dumb to pick up a cat-" Mia paused and thought "-like creature and then throw it on your head while doing an odd sort of jig. I own a cat. I have to know these kind of things." Mia said with mock seriousness.

She couldn't hold a serious tone at the moment if her life depended on it and started laughing again. \n\n
0 Mia =P lol 0 Mia 0 5


December 15, 2004 10:53 AM
"I was joking too." Sally assured Mia. "Although, this year could be interesting with that guy in our year. Do you know him? I'm tempted to go over and introduce myself. There is no such thing as too much insanity."\n\n
0 Sally BLAH 0 Sally 0 5


December 15, 2004 3:40 PM
Mia smiled brightly. No such thing as too much insanity? Wow.

"Yeah, I think I know him. I believe his name is Stephen and I think he's in my house. That's probably why I heard his name before. If you want to, why don't you go introduce yourself?" Mia asked. Then she was forcefully reminded of what happened the last time she wanted to go "invade" a boy's territory.

Mia shook her head and smiled at Sally.

"Go on, introduce yourself if you want. You guys can start your own insanity club. Then again, he seems a tad busy with that creature on his head and it doesn't look too happy to be there." Mia joked and giggled.\n\n
0 Anonymous Re: BLAH 0 Anonymous 0 5


December 15, 2004 7:05 PM
"Stephen?" Sally asked. "You might want to put down the kneazle, or whatever it was. I think you're upsetting the sane people in this class. Not that there's anything wrong with that."

She grinned slyly, and added. "I'm Sally Porter."\n\n
0 Sally Re: No, no, no... that's your job. 0 Sally 0 5


December 15, 2004 11:18 PM
OOC: I'm not sure. I think I read about it once... Or maybe one of my characters mentioned something about it...

BIC: Ty couldn't help but crack up at the ridiculous sight of the boy dancing around, the kneazle on his head. While she prefered formal portraits of a more serious nature, she figured the boy would want a picture of this memorable event, so she quickly pulled out her camera and snapped a few pictures with relish, and gave him a thumbs up.

OOC: You ought to know the story by now... stupid time limit... sorry about the short post.\n\n
0 Ty Darn right it is 0 Ty 0 5


December 16, 2004 12:17 AM
Catching sight of the girl giving him the thumbs up, Stephen bowed extravagently. He managed to get only a couple of minor scratches as the cat-creature fell off his head and yowled at him, complete with a reproachful look. Not in the least worried, he jumped lightly towards it once - to scare it, and rather effectively too - and headed back through the crowd of students to his own spot.

He caught the tail end of some conversation between a couple of girls about a bet, but not being particularly interested, he shifted further back until he was next to the camera-wielding girl again.

Without needing to say anything, he sent his most contagious grin her way, then settled back to see if there was anything interesting to be learnt. \n\n
39 Stephen All hail the photographer 0 Stephen 0 5


December 16, 2004 10:14 PM
Ty grinned back at him, but soon sank back into the stupor of boredom. This idiot professor kept asking them what everything was. She was supposed to be telling them! Ty also recalled something about her commenting that Ty could have asked for a picture. What if she didn't bloody want to?

Ty could feel her irritation rising, and her hands itching to hold her camera. Easing it out, she idily pointed it at the ceiling and snapped a picture. Ok, this was sad. She was taking a picture of the ceiling. Suddenly, an idea came to her. She rustled through her back until she found the straw she knew was there, then quietly made a spitwad.

With precise aim only achieved from years of perfectly centering a camera, she blew it through the straw, hitting the professor directly on the forehead. She dropped the straw out of sight, adapting a completely straight face (which she was rather good at). She wasn't naturally a trouble maker, not being into pranks or those kind of things, but she didn't mid when she was bored, and didn't like the person that they were aimed at. She slipped the straw to the boy. "Dare you to hit her on the nose", she muttered to him. \n\n
0 Ty *bows* Thank you very much 0 Ty 0 5

Jenna H

December 28, 2004 9:51 PM
Jenna narrowed her eyes. If she wasn't mistaken (and when it came to potions and animals, she usually was not) that Jen girl hadn't described a kneazle.

Jenna raised her own hand, "I think you might have been talking about a Crup, which is similar to a dog (a breed whose name I can't remember) with the exception of its forkedtail. They are quite loyal towards wizards, but dangerous to muggles," she explained, then realized she was rambling, and that it wasn't even what the teacher was asking for, "I'm sorry, I was rambling. But I think you asked for the differences between a cat and kneazle. A kneazle has larger ears than a cat, and the tails differ between a cat and a kneazle in that the tail of a kneazle is similar to a lion's."\n\n
0 Jenna H I'm not so sure 46 Jenna H 0 5


January 04, 2005 7:38 PM
Chrissy sat there with her hand in her hand. She was bored. Animals were not her thing and Tally was off sitting with some boy, traitor. Though Chrissy didn't really think that. Still, she was bored.

She only half listened to the people's comments around her. How can no one know what a kneazle is? Not that Chrissy would say anything, but still. She even snorted when a girl described a Crup and not a Kneazle, although, Jenna corrected her on it.

Chrissy's parents have a Crup and Chrissy hates the little bugger. It constantly ate her favorite shoes. She now keeps them in a box high in her closet. With heavy sigh, she switched her hands to rest her head and stared blankly out at the Professor and the kneazle, what was it's name? Magarete or something...Oh well, not that it really matters.

Chrissy silently wished that the boy would go back up and put the kneazle back on his head. That was certainly the most entertaining thing she'd had seen all class.\n\n
6 Chrissy Well, I guess it's good to be book smart... 47 Chrissy 0 5


January 05, 2005 2:21 PM
Mia blinked stupidly at the creature before her. Everyone seemed to know what the cute creature was but her. At least they seemed to have some answer. Then the teacher asked what the difference between a kneazle and a cat was. A kneazle? When did a kneazle come into the conversation. It must have happened while Mia's mind floated off somewhere like it did every so often.

Well, Jen said it was one thing while another girl that Mia didn't remember meeting said it was another. Mia was so confused and different names were spinning in her head.

'Crup? Kneazle? What the hey?!' Mia asked herself. She tilted her head in wonder as she continued to stare at the kneazle...or crup...or whatever it was. She'd have to keep a closer ear on the conversation and maybe it would make more sense to her.

She may not know what the creature was or the difference between a kneazle and a cat, but she did know that one thing,

'It's still really adorable.' Mia thought and smiled.\n\n
0 Mia Lost and have yet to be found 0 Mia 0 5