Cecily Smythe

August 13, 2010 10:26 AM

Social event of the year by Cecily Smythe

As I will post on WtS soon, Cecily held a birthday party over the summer, inviting all purebloods who are rich and proper, between the approximate ages of fifteen to twenty-five, particularly attractive young men, and mostly avoiding attractive young ladies (except for the Sonora Ladies, who were, of course, all invited. Even Holly. But not Alexis. Ew.)

So if you think Cecily would have invited you, feel free to assume you were there to celebrate her turning seventeen... or merely a good excuse for a party and to purchase a new set of dress robes. That is all.
0 Cecily Smythe Social event of the year 122 Cecily Smythe 1 5

Alexis Ashwood

August 17, 2010 8:26 PM

Same here...erm, sort of. by Alexis Ashwood

Instead of a seventeenth birthday party type thing, Alexis was married to the guy she was betrothed to. And she didn't really get a choice in who came to the wedding, either. A bunch of purebloods were invited.

The Ladies were probably invited, to Alexis' dismay. Alexis invited Holly to come, but her parents didn't send her the invitation. Her parents wanted plenty of pureblood families to recognize Alexis' contributions to bringing their family back into power.

So, if you think your character was invited, just assume that they were. And you can decide if they came or not.

By the way, Cecily, Alexis didn't want to go to your party anyway :P
0 Alexis Ashwood Same here...erm, sort of. 117 Alexis Ashwood 0 5