Headmistress Powell

January 18, 2010 4:53 AM

A note about midterm by Headmistress Powell

We are now into our second week of midterm, which is the winter holiday period at Sonora. Students can either stay at school and join in the assorted activities offerred each year, or can go home to see their families. It's up to you whether your student(s) decide to stay at school or go home for the holiday.

If your character decides to go home (or anywhere else that is not Sonora) you can still keep us posted on their activities at Wedded To Sonora. Make a live journal account for your character, request to joing the community, and off you go.

Anything posted between the 'midterm' lines on the boards will be assumed to occur during the midterm holiday. Therefore if your student is leaving school for the duration, please do not post on the site boards (except the OOC board) until the 'end of midterm' line has appeared.

All classes held before midterm are now closed, which means that although your character is welcome to continue posting in these classes, they will no longer be earning House points for their post. After midterm, classes will resume, meaning your character will have a new set of lessons to attend, as well as extracurricular activites.

If anyone has any questions about midterm, Wedded to Sonora, or anything else, feel free to drop them here!
0 Headmistress Powell A note about midterm 0 Headmistress Powell 1 5

Moderator at WtS

January 18, 2010 11:28 AM

WtS note by Moderator at WtS

I just have a request for everyone who plans on posting at WtS, please put all of your posts on WtS in an lj-cut. This will keep the site looking clean. I will start noting everyone's entries who don't have the lj-cut advising them to edit their entry and enter the cut. After 3 requests, I will warn the author that their entry will be deleted. It's not to be mean or anything like that and the author's post will be saved with me so that they aren't lost and can be reposted with the cut.

The cut is simple to put:

< lj-cut text="put your text here" >

You end the cut like so:

< / lj-cut >

There aren't any spaces between < > and lj-cut but I wasn't sure if the code would be read on here and cause a problem for people viewing it.

Any questions, you can post them here, or my email address is listed on WtS.
0 Moderator at WtS WtS note 0 Moderator at WtS 0 5