Headmistress Powell

September 14, 2009 10:18 AM
The following activities will be organised by the corresponding prefects for the day before the Midsummer bonfire. Those who didn't reply to the thread have been allocated a group.

Team broom race/event: Josiah Aswood, Geoffrey Layne, Lutece Anthony, Irene Liddowe

Academic competition (potions): Paul Tarwater, Jose Santoro, Lila St Martin, Eavan Valentine

Obstacle Course: Saul Pierce, Elly Eriksson, Briony O'Leary, Pepper Jones

Guenther and Lucas - you haven't been drafted in because I'm fairly sure you're not active anymore... however, if you're reading this and want to join in, let me know.

Authors, the events will be posted at the end of September, so please start working on them ASAP. Any questions, you know where to send them.
0 Headmistress Powell Prefects: Roles for bonfire activities 0 Headmistress Powell 1 5

Jose Santoro

September 14, 2009 12:36 PM
Hey Guys,

The best way to reach me is through the email address above. I know that Eavan and Lila already have it, but I wasn't sure about Paul. I'll try to respond as quickly as possible to the emails so that the event gets posted on time!
6 Jose Santoro Academic Competition 90 Jose Santoro 0 5

Geoff and Lila

September 20, 2009 10:48 PM
Jose and Eavan already have it, but for everyone else in my groups, I can be reached at the e-mail above and plan to be back on full site duty as of tomorrow afternoon.
16 Geoff and Lila Broom/Academic Groups 72 Geoff and Lila 0 5


September 28, 2009 1:35 PM
I e-mailed you the other day about the competition and all. If you didn't get my message, my own e-mail is up above, so just tell me what Paul needs to do and all. Thankyouuu.
0 Paul La di da 0 Paul 0 5